Wednesday, March 26, 2008

The Anatomy Of A Haircut

I gave myself the annual haircut yesterday. I was hot. I thought I'd share the experience with you...



Anonymous said...


The Rosetto's said...

i don't think you will be so easily recognized now!!

nice do!

Florida_Mom said...

Very nice. Does Tricia approve?


KYnurse said...

Oh my--that was A LOT of hair. I don't think anyone will notice you in Target now. Continuing to pray in KY

Jane said...

good thing Gwyneth doesn't see to well yet...she would not recognize you! Looks cool and comfy for the warm spring air.

Lynne said...
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Andy Lawrenson said...

the video doesn't compare to the live internet video feed. to watch my little nephew give himself a haircut halfway across the state was quite a moving moment. if Nate would do a chest waxing he would probably get to 3 million hits pretty quick.

Gwyneth's Great Uncle Andy

Auntie Ronnie said...

Happy "Haircut", the slide show was too funny. Your dad will be so happy. The music was a great choice. Keep cool!

Anonymous said...

LOVE the new 'do! You should keep it that short all the time!!

Lynne said...

That is the funniest and most entertaining thing I have seen all day! Love the music......

Unknown said...

I vote for the chest wax - Pay Per View for the Great Strides goal!!!!

Game on :>)

ttulizzy said...

Very nice. That was an impressive amount of hair!

Football and Fried Rice said...

I've never commented before (but I do pray intentionally & fervently for you & your girls) my first thought, "DUDE, you're so weird......" my second thought was..."OH, that's why a hottie like Tricia married him - he's not really a Yeti!" Ahhh I'm just funning with you - like the hair cut!

grateful harpe said...

You look more like Gwyneth now.
If you waited awhile, you'd be
eligible for Locks of Love (just
joking--I think hair has to be
10" to make a hairpiece for kids).

Prayers and hope for the breath of
life to come soon.


Our beautiful mess... said...

Love the mullet you were sporting there for a minute! LOL

Anonymous said...

i think maybe you have too much time on your hands :)
(I invisioned you on your hands and knees for a few of those shot)

Big Hearts NJ said...

I want to start off by saying I have been reading your blog for months now, but this is the first time I will actually comment...

...& on that note, I want to say that being able to cut your hair all by your self is such a skill, and to cut it perfectly at that, wow!

Praying in NJ :)

Heather's Haven said...

Nate, first of all, I don't know which was funnier, the faces you were making or the "groovy" music. Secondly, my poor hubby only WISHES he had that much hair for me to cut. :) In fact, my 5 year old boy told daddy that they have the same haircut now, except Spencer doesn't have a bald spot like Daddy. :)

Ya'll continue to be in my heart and in my prayers! Take care!

Gram said...

have been reading but i've never commented either. you look younger. and skinnier. rock on.

sandra said...

That video is priceless. The new cut looks great!

The Beaver Bunch said...

Love that you can cut your own hair, but hasn't anyone told you that cutting your hair in the kitchen is grody pachody? Talk about finding hair in your food....YUM!

Still praying...

Donna said...

I love your big boy haircut. I wish my 2 year old would be as enthusiastic as you are about it.

Unknown said...

bwahahahaha! :)

The Mom Jen said...

Looks cool!! Love the music!

Love and strength to your girls!!

tchriam said...

if i didn't feel like such a stalker I really do

Chelley said...

You are a dag! Really!!


Jenna said...


Melony said...

You are too funny!! It's safe to say you NEVER know what you are going to find when when checking this blog!! Thanks for being so real with all of the world.. The haircut looks great!!

Sue said...

I'm with melissa2m. I love the hair cut, but love, love, love the idea of a pay per view chest waxing for great strides. Only you could pull it off... no pun intended. XO's Sue

Sue said...

I'm with melissa2m. I love the hair cut, but love, love, love the idea of a pay per view chest waxing for great strides. Only you could pull it off... no pun intended. XO's Sue

Becky said...

Too funny! Seriously, do you only cut your hair once a year? :) And do you always do it yourself?

Looks good. All you need is a ball cap and sunglasses and no one will recognize you now!

Anonymous said...

When I first read, "I gave myself..." I thought, "Oh, no." But, it looks good. You can't go wrong with that kind of cut.
Now, I think Gwyneth might have more hair than you do. :)

Judy said...

You do work hard to entertain all of us out here in blogland. Thanks for the laugh!

Tina said...

Only're so crazy.

Looks great...and yes, I'm sure it IS cooler!!

Christy said...

Congratulations Tricia on getting a new man. LOL My hubby has long hair right now too. He wanted it cut before he left yesterday for work and we just didn't have time. I will try to take pics. I always feel like I have a new guy when we cut his hair. Looks good Nathan. You did well.
Christy in KY

marcia said...

Nice :) My first reaction was "nuts, there goes my idea for a fund raiser!" :):) However, in just reading some comments, I see that others have come up with a very creative idea :) Hey, arms, legs, back...whatever would bring in cash for the CF cause :) Just convince yourself that you are a high school swimmer shaving for the state meet or something.... you gotta just LOVE how the whole world has ideas for you!

TheRagan3 said...

my first thought was "No he's not... is he??" And then as it went on the amount of hair that came off of your head is more than I get cut off of mine in a YEAR!! You are SO brave to be cutting your own hair... and Oh my gosh, does it look better! Yahoo! No wonder Tricia married you :)

I'm TOTALLY in on the chest wax for Great Strides... wadda think, huh? huh? :)

Aggiema (Michelle) said...

I am glad you explained it rather than just put the picture of the pile of hair on the blog. I would have thought you bought another dog or maybe had a major rodent problem at your hotel. Seriously, I like the short hair. You can be incognito for awhile because I doubt people will be recognizing you quite as easily as in the past. Still praying for Tricia's transplant and for Gwyneth to gain some weight. A little rest for Dad too! Hang in there!

AlaneM said...

I can honestly say I've never seen a funnier haircut!
Very nice, you clean up good :)
And the music....oh yeah.

My hubby has me shave his head about once a month. I like to give him a reverse mohawk for the kids enjoyment. He never keeps it that way though...

Leanne said...

look at you looking all respectable! :)
I bust out laughing at the music - totally expected a little Barry White voice over to go with it!
Excellent choice.

(I can't believe this is the post that prompted me to post my first comment.)

Aimee said...

Now that is ALOT of hair...:)

Shari said...

You did it yourself? That was a lot of hair! You never cease to amaze me and make me laugh! Toodle-loo now!

Rick Lawrenson said...

I'm moved to tears.

Catherine said...

Looks great! Gwenyth's gonna wonder who the new man in her life is!

Unknown said...
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JennyWho said...

Groovy music = groovy haircut! Rock on!

J. in OH

Barbara Metcalf Bella Vista, Arkansas said...

cool…er. your dad will be so proud. ::wipes tear from eye::

megasam said...

I laughed so hard watching that video. As that pile of hair got bigger I laughed even harder. You are so funny!! And now you are so super cute!!! Not that you weren't cute before ;0).

Amy Lynn said...

My family is still cracking up over here. :) We watched it twice. I am with the person who commented that she didn't know which was funnier, your facial expressions, or the groovy music. :)

Thanks for sharing this annual experience with all of us. :)

Continuing to pray for your family
Amy in Oregon

D.O. said...

OMG, that music was excrutiating ;[
A clean shave would go nicely with that beau-ti-ful hair cut! Lots and lots of prayers from CA.

Alicia said...

You're hilarious, Nate! You look great - maybe you should think weekly? Annual is probably more fun, though.

Katy said...

Well...I am almost speechless. I didn't think you ever got haircuts....Your dad must be ecstatic..

mel said...

You did a good job! I've cut my hair before, and it's not easy! I'm sure Tricia loves it.

Joshua & Jacob said...

What is that reflection in the dishwasher??????? (1:27 - 1:29 on the video)

OH MY !!!!!!!!
Many a funny Christmas Cards were made this way!!!!!!!!!

On a serious note, your spirit is so uplifting to all of us. In the middle of the all of this - YOU - make US - laugh! You are awesome.

take care

Joyful Mom ~ Karla said...

Hey, nice look! I was getting scared there for a minute and thought the hairy "creature" on your floor was going to start moving!!!! :0) Just kidding...

I just never know what I'll read or SEE when I check your blog. :0)

Hugs and prayers to you and your sweet girls,
Karla and family in El Paso

Megan @ SimplyThrifty said...

I was reading the comments about your haircut and came across the one that said it's grody to cut your hair in the kitchen. I find it funny because right before I read your blog, I just cut my husband's the kitchen. :) It cleans up just like anywhere else (easier which is why I do it there). Nice haircut by the way. It looks good.

Paige Hinrichs said...

I have to say I gasped when it looked like you were going to have a mullet. Seriously. I was scared. Like the new haircut. Very fresh. The music was perfect.

Jess said...
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Jess said...

Love it...very handsome! I say keep it short (it won't be long before that baby girl is yanking on it anyway) :)

K said...

You look soooo good!

Catherine said...

that is the most interesting haircut video I have ever watched (and maybe the only one)

Terry Gray Sr. said...'re crazy. :)

The only thing i can encourage you to do is convince your uncle to watch the video again, and again, and again. I think you will be the right person for the "shearing".

Prayers for you three for continued improvemnets and health. Just think how crazy Gwyneth will think you guys are once her eyes are done and she can really focus.

Thanks again Nate, you three have really opened my eyes.

Anonymous said...

Elevator music at it's finest. :) Insert deep voice that says "Oh yeah." I am sure Tricia thinks it's just fine ... the question is what does Gwyneth think of the new man with no hair.?

No longer need to go into stealth mode at the Target or at the Photo Store at South Gate for strange women to stare at you and say "are you by chance Nathan?"

You can let go of the security guys you hired to stand by at all times. :) You WERE hot .. are you trying to say AREN'T hot now? I know I know.

The Hansma Happenings said...

That pile of hair must weigh more than Gwyneth!!!!

Tammy C said...

Looking good!!

Mary said...

Okay, first off...LOVED the groovy music. And secondly, man you look good with short hair. I'm totally impressed with your hair cutting skills and sense of humor in "recording" it all. That will make a great scrapbook layout ya know.


JuJu - said...


you aint right boy!

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Oh no! Is that you in the buff in the shower on the video?

Em said...

What a nice job!!!! Love the faces that went along with it. For a moment I thought that the pile of hair was going to get up and dance. :)

joy said...

thanks for the laugh this morning. i like the new "do" :o)

praying in NJ!

Missy said...

I really like it!!!!!!!! You might not get recognized in public for a few days now! That might be nice!!!!!! Good job, by the way!!!!!!!

Melody said...

Your Dad's post is so funny!

I bet you're at least 15 pounds lighter now. For what it's worth I like your hair short.

Megan and Company said...

First, Hallelujah!

Second, Josh just said, "Look it's Uncle Nate!" for the first time in months. ;)

Anonymous said...

Hey! The clean-cut look works for you! :-)

René S said...

I'm impressed, and that is one big pile of hair. You look great, and I'm sure it feels great. Plus, it was a very funny video. I'm shocked that even on a post like that one there were comments that needed to be deleted! Thanks for continuing to share despite some ugly comments.

♥Lisa and The Pug Posse ♥ said...

Ha! Thats a great montage....You did a great job. ( coming from a hairdresser...) Job well done. Have you done this before? have you ever cut Tricia's hair?
You look great and refreshed. I bet is is so much more comfortable now that our weather is getting warmer.

Anonymous said...

You are hilarious! It looks great!

Your sense of humour is what will continue to get you through!


Laurie in Ca. said...


You just crack me up!!! To be totally honest with you here, I kept looking for your Dads comment, I just knew there had to be a good one, and there is!! Gwyneth will not be at a loss for entertainment when you get to take her home. Oh, and by the way, is Meka still sporting her full coat?:)

Laurie in Ca.

La Familia Garcia said...

It looks great. You look like a different person! I'm impressed how straight it turned out. I tried it once with my own son, but someone had to "fix" it. I'll never try that again. Great job!

Ellen said...

As always, thanks for sharing! Your blog continues to challenge my faith with your faithfulness, amaze me with the cuteness of your daughter, inspire me with the courage of your wife and make me smile! Praying.

Anonymous said...

You're a daddy to a little girl least one toe should be painted pink! Get with the game here!! LOL You look much tamer with the new do.

Candy said...

You are so funny, Nate! Love the facial expressions in every shot. LOL You look great and I agree, maybe not as recognizable now. I have a soft spot in my heart for men with shaved heads, as my husband is one of them!

The Finn Family said...


The cut looks great, BTW. :-)

Unknown said...

Much better! Now your sweet little one's eyes have something to see! I'm sure her appointment will go just fine this morning... always in my prayers! I'm sure that Tricia will love the new man in her life, too!

laura said...

MUCH BETTER! i can see you- and i'm sure that Tricia and Gwyneth are enjoying the less-fuzzy Nate. praying in southeast texas for your beautiful family.

higgie08 said...

Wow...those Flobees really do work! :)

Kerry said...

Hi Nate- I am an avid reader of your amazing inspirational blog and this is my first comment... The haircut looks great! Too bad "Locks of Love" doesn't take short hair!

I hope the eye exam goes well this morning, Gwenyth looks like she is doing great!

My2Girls said...

DUDE! You're killing me, Nate! You crack me up! Okay, so the "progressive" video on the haircut was funny, but you know what was even funnier? The corny music! Ha. Where did you find that music?

Can't tell you how much I LOVED the whole thing!

And, yes. Love the buzz cut! Looks good, but I bet it "feels" even better! Now, I need to talk my husband into doing the same thing. Your "before" hair was much better than his current do. He is a die hard surfer dude. Age 38. Thinks he has the "cool" shaggy, unkept "surfer" hairdo right now. But what I DON'T have the heart to tell him is that he looks like a cross between Richard Simmons and a Chia Pet on steroids. Ha! God love him!

Good news is that he annually gives himself a buzz cut each year around Spring and he generally keeps it short all Spring and Summer.


My2Girls said...

P.S. - I'll be thinking of Miss Gwyneth at 10:00 AM today!

mrs seehund said...

Sweet mullet there for a second!
You and your girls are always in my prayers.

anita said...

"Well, when I came home from school,
my head started to get really hot.

So I drank some cold water, but it didn't do nothing.


So I laid in the bathtub for a while...

but then I realized that it was my hair that was making my head so hot.

So I went into my kitchen,
and I shaved it all off."

Caroline Cordle said...

Hilarious, talented, amazing.....what a watch!! And who's the great-looking guy with the short haircut you got for the last shot???/

Love and prayers.

careysue said...

Who would of thought, that something so mundane, as cutting your own hair could be so darn funny!!! I am laughing out loud right now. You crack me up!

Carey from MI

Lee said...

I bet you lost 20 pounds! Did you weigh yourself before and after?
Looks great...I was skeered at first but you did alright!

Aspiemom said...

I thought you'd end the video with a wolf whistle! Looks great - I'd keep it that way!

Anna Marie said...

Love the haircut Nate. When my husband gets a buzzcut he looks like an definitely manage to pull it off though.

Nicole said...

I smell an Oscar! A stellar performance by "Pile of Hair" as supporting actor (actress?)...

Karen said...

You got enough hair in that pile to make a small puppy!
The new haircut looks great! And it'll be so much easier to care for! :) Well, not like you were spending hours on your hair before. ;)

Anonymous said...

You look awesome... love the new hair do :D

North Carolina Mom said...

Ya know, if you coulda held out for just a few more inches you coulda donated to Locks of Love!

*ha ha ha ha ha*

Apryl in NC

Lisa said...

Huge difference, very nice...
Praying for healing of the eyes and continual weight gain for Gwyneth, healing lungs for Trisha and that her lungs come soon. praying for you as you continue to stand strong for both of you girls.

Great is his faithfulness; his mercies begin afresh each morning.

Lamentations 3:23, NLT

Angie Hatcher said...

Great job Nate! You scared me there for a minute!

Kathy's Korner said...

Seriously...waxing? Can we say painful? And just what kind of music would you play for that?

OK..done cringing. Do you have a shirt that says "yes I AM Nate!" Your going to get some serious looks today. LOL

My 15 month old sends her hearty thumbs up to the music selecetion for the video. She was jamming all over the kitchen

Beebe said...

That was sooooooooo funny :)

Meredith said...

Dude..... you have so much hair!! Too bad you cannot dontate it for a cause. What do the "women" in you life think?

purejoy said...

as i was waiting for the picture part of the video, i noticed over 100 comments. . . for a haircut? egads. what's the big deal? then the video was finished. THAT was a big deal! you nathan lawrenson, are hot under all that hair!! (and that's not a come on. . .i'm happily married, but think that now the world -- and your daughter -- can see what's been under all that hair!!)
enjoy hearing all that's going on with your family and rejoice with you over the not-so-critical moments in your day. love laughing with you!

~j~ said...

I'm speechless... but only because I can't breathe from laughing so hard, was it the music, the facial expressions or the fact that you attempted that at all? pretty much it was everything! thx for the laughter!

Marsmile said...

Lol, agreeing with what everybody has said already! ;-) Def like your new hairdo! Hmm, might be a clue to keep doing this more often-- your dad would definitely be pleased and I'm sure he already is!

Marissa :-)

mom2aboyngirl said...

Quick! Put some more money in the fund so this guy can get a real haircut! Naaa, just kidding!

Really Nate you should get a Flowbee, it is the coolest thing. It has an attachment that you hook up to the vacuum cleaner to cut your hair. My hubby has been using it for 15 years, and it really does a great job on his hair.

I think it is about $40 on Ebay, and pays for itself in no time!

We are praying for you, Tricia, and baby.
Sincerely, Kathy from Delaware

Matt Millard said...

Love the new haircut!

Christy_jebsgirl said...

I love the new cut! :-)

Jen Wilson said...

that is the most disgusting thing I've ever seen ... hahah ... the pile of hair on the floor close up picture ... you look great with short hair!

Anonymous said...

Thank goodness!! LOL! Just kidding! Did you do that by yourself? Impressive...very impressive. Did you use a flowbie for that?

Unknown said...

You are hilarious, Nate! Your choice of music almost made me spit my coffee on the computer screen!

What a lucky wife you have. I've always appreciated that my husband could make me laugh. I'm sure Tricia loves that about you too.

Enjoy the new 'do!

Jill in WA

Audrey said...

So let me be like the 120th person to say...
-I've never commented.
-I pray all the time for you and your girls.
-You look WAAAAAYYYYYYY better with shorter hair. Younger and about 20 lbs lighter. (If you were a girl I'd have to preface that by saying I wasn't trying to imply you looked heavy before, just that the shorter hair does you good! But you're a boy, so I don't....)
-I can see why Tricia had a change of heart and fell in love with you. You're amazing!!!

The VW's said...

You are TOO funny! Love the music! The haircut looks great! All the hair you cut off could be your new pet! Maybe your next contest could be naming that pet?! :) My vote would be "Hairy"

twin power mommy ♥ said...

much nicer! i like the "clean-cut" look.
how does wifey like it?

debangel said...

Don't show that pile of hair to Meka, she might think you've brought home another puppy and get jealous!

With Gwyneth's surgery, she'll be able to see you better, and with your haircut, you'll be able to see her, too ;)

Still praying for you and your girls here in Escondido, CA!

Unknown said...

Impressive and quite funny!!!

JHD said...

WOW! I am impressed! Now no one will notice you while your out and about around town!

Nice job!

Jen P said...

With your hair shorn, you look like a relative of mine. One who is not a Christian and who could probably use your prayers. I'd never seen the resemblance before (too much hair!), but it's really striking. So if you happen to think about it, offer up a prayer for the guy who looks like you but doesn't have your faith. Thanks!

Lara said...

That video was and so creative!
Praying for you guys!

Blessings from Arizona

Lisa said...

Bomb...chicka...wah...wah..!! Seriously Nate - you look fab! I bet you are saving TONS on shampoo now! :) Loved the music!

Kim said...


Rose Casell said...


Stacey said...

Well, praise the Lord!

You know Paul said to shake off everything that hinders...! FINALLY! lol

Scott Lawrenson said...
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Scott Lawrenson said...

Where's spellcheck when I need it?
If you can see your stovetop in your annual haircut pictures, you might be a redneck!

Carey said...

Looks good Nate! Good laugh!

pmj said...

You crack me up. You have great hair and you did a great job.

beth said...

As a the professional barber who gave your nephew Jacky his 1st cut I say to you well done:)
If you are on a visit to NJ maybe you can get a real haircut..hahahaha!!!! I am impressed!
(from hh)

Twinkletoes said...

I am impressed!

pudding pie said...

u look great nate

SamuelnKari said...

even at 1:00 in the morning im laughing... that was great. prayed for you all today
Kari and 11 month old Meg

Cherlyn said...

Oh my goodness!

No more hair!

Looks great!

I am Heather...creator of all things crafty! said...

Ok, that has the be the funniest thing I've seen in a long time.