Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Back on the OBX!!!


~j~ said...

Thank YOU LORD!!!

The Outlaw Family said...

how beautiful! God is so good :)

The Rosetto's said...

welcome home

My2Girls said...

Don't think I could be any happier for you!

Praise GOD!

Kimberly said...

I know that the doctors, nurses, and staff are great at Duke, but there is no place like home! Praise God!!

Jane said...


Marty said...

So happy for you guys. Welcome home!

What an awesome God we have!!

Amy said...

Welcome Home!! Have a fantastic time. Nate, I'm sure your parents are going to love spending with their baby granddaughter!

Sarah said...

A very happy homecoming indeed!!

Sarah in Gastonia, NC

Heidi said...

Wonderful news!!!!!!!!!!!!

Heartmommy said...

Praise God!

Unknown said...

FABULOUS NEWS!! Get a good night's rest!!

L said...

Someone needs to get you a flag with a *white* rose :) In all seriousness, I'm sure the sight of your entire family at home is one you prayed long and hard that you would see, and I am so happy that this has come to pass.

Rachael Schirano \\ Rachael Schirano Photography said...

welcome home!

Dirkey said...

How awesome!
I'm so happy for you all!

mamav said...

Woohooo!!! Congratulations!!!!

Erin said...

I am so happy for you! Praise God! :)

Blessings From Above said...


I am so happy for you all! There's no place like home.

bome62 said...

What an Awesome GOD we serve. I bet your whole family is rejoicing.
Thanks for sharing your journey with all of us.
Washington, Mo.

Andria said...

Welcome home!! Now you can start a new chapter in your great adventure. To God be all the Glory for answering prayer in such a miraculous manner:)

Kim said...

Whoo Hooo!

MamaBear said...

This post brought tears to my eyes.
What a journey you've been on!
What a privilege it is to say welcome home.

Thanks for the reminder not to take anything for granted - even the little things like walking in the front door of our house as a family.

blessing to you all!

Stacemoe said...

Yeah!!! God is so good and faithfull!!!! Glad ya'll made it safely and I pray for a smooth transition!!!!

asplashofsunshine said...

WHOOO HOOOO! SO happy for you, Tricia, and of course, little Gwyneth too! Sleep tight...

s is for sarah said...

Yay! Welcome home!

Mrs. Dan said...



Jenn said...

Yeaaa....this is what we have all prayed for you three!!

So happy for you!

marcia said...

Now THAT is my all-time favorite picture! And look at those tiny toes peeking out! Gwyneth can't wait to get her toes in the sand!
Have a wonderful evening of celebration...and the best night's sleep in about six months!

Princess Talana said...

So many praises!

Just little ole me said...

Welcome Home Lawrensons! All 3 of you!!!!

Steph said...

God answered another prayer! He is so awesome!! Congratulations and enjoy being home...finally!

Joy H said...

Home again, home again, jiggety jig!

(and I bet you guys feel like jigging from excitement. Nothing like the first night at home!)

Anonymous said...

Yahoo!!! Congratulations, you three!!! Praise God you are finally home!

Shari said...

Thank you Lord for a safe return home! The pic is beautiful! I can Gwyneth's little feet! Too cute!

Marsmile said...

Ah, how nice is it to be home sweet home at last?! Y'all look wonderful!

Welcome home, the Lawrenson trio!

Marissa :-)

Jill in Raleigh said...

What beautiful evidence of God's love and care! I am thrilled for you and wish you all the very best.

Catherine said...

YEAH!!! You're home :) I am so happy for you!!!!!

sillyhappymom said...

Thank you God !!
Welcome home
i love the smiles on your face you couldnt look happier

Ed and Jamie said...

Wow! I am sure there is no place like home!! I am sure that you are so excited to be home as a family of 3!! Congratulations~ We will continue to pray for you as you adjust to being home. Praying also that God is preparing the perfect house for all your needs as well!! :)

Elizabeth said...

What a glorious day! After a long illness myself, I decided that the most mundane details of life are the most precious. Thanks be to God for his indescribable gift!

NCBeachMom said...

Welcome Home!!!!!!

Bryan and Chelsey said...

Woooo hooo!! Welcome Home!

gwsas4 said...

Yea! Thank You Jesus! Welcome to your home! I think I missed something somewhere - what exactly is OBX?

Daily praying for you guys,
Steph S.

Tammy said...

Welcome home!!! Praise the Lord for safe travel. I am sure it is an amazing feeling to be back home after such a long journey!! The pictures of Gwenyth you posted are beautiful. Also I recieve the necklace I ordered on Memorial day today!! It is beautiful, I have my childrens names on it but it will help remind me to pray for you all and thank God everyday for our many blessings. Have a wonderful first night home and may the adjustment for all of you go well!!


Lauren said...

Congratulations! I'm so glad to have been allowed to peek into your adventure.

Anonymous said...

Praise God from Whom all blessings flow!!!

Mom To Jacob & Allison said...

Yeah! What a wonderful day for you guys! We are so excited for you! We will continue to pray for a quick and smooth transition!

cheryl said...

Wow! Yay God!

Destini said...

Tricia looks great!! You all look great! Congrats on the homecoming!

Emelie said...



JUST A MOM said...

WOO HOO GO SIND SOME NORMAL good luck and keep us informed on how life is....

Anonymous said...

Congratuations! :-)

Heidi Reed said...

So incredible. So awesome. Wow! Congratulations.

Heidi Reed

mjdav said...

What a day of rejoicing this is!

Rebecca (Ramblings by Reba) said...

Yay! Congrats. Welcome home. :)

Unknown said...

I am so happy for you!!!

Andy Lawrenson said...

What a great picture!

Not to make everyone jealous but I got to hold Gwyneth tonight and get a hug from Tricia. I think Gwyneth likes my goatee.

Haley & Dustin said...


elizabeth engelhardt creations said...


Susannah said...

yay!!! soooooo excited for you guys...what a long road you have been down and now you are back home. I miss seeing ya'll but am praising the Lord for/with ya!!! keep the pictures coming and don't forget to come by the ICN and say Hi when you come back for clinic :-)

Hannah Banana said...

PTL! Glad you guys got back to OBX safe!! :) Welcome back!

The pics of Gwyneth are so cute!! :D

Stefanie said...

Welcome home!!!
God Bless


Mandy said...

So glad that you all made it home safely. Congrats to you both. What a great God we have.Take good care of yourselves.

kpalm said...

YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We'll miss you here but I hope to NEVER see you on my unit again ;-) Keep healthy and strong. I am so happy for you all!


Becky in VA said...

Love to All!!!

Carmen said...

I'm so happy that you are home :) This is one of your best post ever!

Fire Hunt said...

I'm so happy for you all!

Katelyn said...

I am so excited for you!!! If I wasn't doing my treatment and nebulizers I would be jumping up and down yelping for joy! Praise the Lord!

HisBeloved said...

PTL!!! I'm so glad you are finally there! :D

Twinkletoes said...

Wooo whoo! Welcome home-home!!! You guys look great and I love, love, love Gwyneth's little toes sticking out!!!!

Christina said...

AWESOME, welcome home to the three of you.

Faux Sweets said...

Welcome home! (as a family at last!)

Angela R. said...

Look at you three, home at last!! I am so happy for you guys! There is no place like home. Get a good night rest and enjoy!

God Bless!!

Patty said...

Praise God from whom ALL blessings flow! This just makes me want to weep for the beauty.

Holly C. said...

So happy for you all!

Megan said...

How very sweet :-) I am so HAPPY for all of you!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! What an exciting, long anticipated day! God is good!

Missy said...

Double WOO HOO!

Connie Mae said...

PRAISE GOD FROM WHO ALL BLESSING FLOW!!! I am so excited that you all get to start a normal routine as a FAMILY at your own home. May GOD continue to watch over you and protect you from all sickness! WOW! The journey has been long but worth EVERY SINGLE MINUTE!! Boy does Gwenyth look as healthy as can be. It is so hard to believe that just a few months ago she looked so fragile and now look at her thriving. ENJOY every minute.

Beebe said...

So HAPPY for you :)

Sheryl said...

Now THAT is the best picture yet. What a journey. Thank you for letting us be a part of it with you. Looking forward to seeing God's continued faithfulness in each of your lives.


deb8able said...

Congratulations on being back home!!

Unknown said...

Welcome Home! Thanks for such great news this week... I really needed it. God knows what He's doing!

Unknown said...

So happy for you all:)

Momof2bz said...

What a beautiful family picture! You actually had someone else available to hold the camera. It must have been a nice feeling. I am sure it's a comfort to be home. Good luck and many prayers for your search of your new home.

Jennifer Burgett said...

I bet that was the longest drive ever!

So glad you are back home safely!

nicole said...

yay yay yay! i'm so happy for you! just in time for summer! and what a beautiful one it will be!

Caroline said...

What a privilege to see (from a distance)God's goodness lived out in your lives. How exciting that you all are truly home again. The adventure continues!

Carolyn said...


MahoneyMusings said...

The. Best. Picture. EVER!!

carolyn said...

Glad to see you guys are home. We pray for all of you daily, and in fact there is some squabbling at times about who gets to pray for you specifically at our morning devotions. My husband will say, "ok what do we need to pray about today and usually my littlest one will say "I have trishanateandgwyneth" (like you guys are a single unit). We wish you all the best!

00 said...


Hilary said...

Yay!!! Welcome home!

Autumn Haven said...

Praise the Lord!

Anonymous said...

Yippee! Congratulations! So glad you are home!

michelle said...

I will keep prayers coming for you all but this is such wonderful news...have I mentioned that your family insprires me God bless you all.

Unknown said...


i'm sure you'll have the best sleep you've had since jan. that is, if miss little someone allows it! :) enjoy every minute of it!

(when i was up all hours of the night when each of my 3 girls were infants, i used to just think of all the other moms/dads out there who were doing the same thing and it kinda helped knowing i wasn't alone! :)

prayers and congrats from Maine!

Lauren said...

That is SOOOOO exciting!!

Devin said...

Welcome home guys!

Bet it feels GREAT!

sami2009 said...

Congrats on making the trip back home! I'm SO happy for you guys!
Praying, as always.

Amy said...


mom2LEAA said...

To God be all the praise. What a wonderful picture. Welcome home.


Laurie in Ca. said...

Home Sweet Home and now a family of THREE!!! Another chapter in your miracle lives begins. I just love your story of LIFE. I have seen so many miracles along your journey that has just begun, and I am blessed that my faith has been stretched. Thank you for sharing your lives so openly with us. God is so perfectly amazing. Welcome Home!!!

Love, Laurie in Ca.

Lisa_in_AR said...

It's been a long journey home, but y'all made it! God bless.

Mary said...

So glad you made it safely.

God Bless!


Erik said...

Look how far the Lord has brought you since your departure from the OBX! Glory be His name!

Jen Wilson said...

Congrats you three!

shoutingforha said...

So glad you are HOME!

Suzie said...


Cindy said...

Wonderful, wonderful, WONDERFUL!!! Welcome home!!!

Em said...

What a Joyful moment! Rejoicing with you!

Kristen said...

Welcome Home!

jesse and whit... said...

welcome home y'all! i bet those ocean breezes never smelled so good. we're glad you're back. can't wait to see you. praise God! nate... your girls are so beautiful! we are so happy for you.

G Unit Momma said...

Yay! Praise God! I'm so excited for you guys!

Anonymous said...

So happy you made it safely - what a beautiful family!

Take care,

Joyful Mom ~ Karla said...

What a blessing! I'll bet both of you are going to be so glad to be in your own bed. Prayers for a good night's sleep. God bless you guys! And Praise You God for this mighty miracle(s)!

Hugs from El Paso,
Karla and family

Carey said...

GOD IS GOOD!!! Bless you and your family, I completely and totally understand how wonderful it is! After 157 days in the hospital (non-consecutively since September) we were released for the last time Thursday. I LOVE HOME!

Anxious AF said...

The beginning of a new chapter!

Matt and Lindsey said...

Welcome home! I've been following your blog for sometime and been praying for your family. I am so thrilled that you all are home and can get back to a new normal for your lives! I'm praising God with you for all He has done in your lives and all He will continue to do!


Unknown said...


Becky said...

Yes! Welcome home! God is good!

Lisa said...

Welcome home. I've been following your blog for awhile now and am totally amazed at how strong you guys are. Your faith, love and commitment to each other is very inspiring to see in a world that doesn't celebrate that.
You've been in my prayers and tonights prayer will be of thanks and celebration.
God bless you all.
Lisa in Canada

Debbie said...

Glad to hear you made it home.

Anonymous said...

Yay! Rejoicing and praising God with you. How at peace you must be!

Allison Walton said...

Makes you feel like Ty Pennington: "Welcome home, Lawrenson family. Welcome home."

Paige Hinrichs said...

Congratulations! God is great and I'm thrilled for you.

Unknown said...

Praise God! I am SO thrilled for you guys! God is good. ALL the time!

Unknown said...

Welcome home!

amy smith said...

God is good. And can you believe that as good as it feels now to be home, that is nothing like the welcome we will receive in our eternal home!

Unknown said...

Welcome home! We continue to pray for your girls every day and night. I am thrilled, beyond belief, that you're all back home. Praise God!
Stacy :-)

Jen in Al said...

WELCOME HOME!!!!! rejoicing with you, jen in al

megasam said...

Welcome Home!!!!! Praise God!!!

Jan Scholl said...

You both have the same easy smile. Musthave been fate. Warm wishes and sunshine always.

Somer Love said...

Welcome home!!!! Enjoy your weekend!!

sarah said...


Froggymama said...

What a beautiful family you have.

Sometimes CF, as hard as it is, is actually a blessing, because you look at the person you love and think, "I will enjoy you everyday, every minute, every second."

I hope you enjoy every minute of your darling girl. She gets cuter everyday.

Momofgirls said...

Yippee! Congratulations, ther is no place like HOME!!

Scott said...

Nate, Trisha and Gwyneth,

We are so excited for you, your family, your church and community! What a journey you guys have been on. I know it isn't over just because you are in the OBX but this is such a monumental day! Enjoy!

turtlemama said...

Welcome Home!

kidsworld said...

Prayin' for a long time!!! Welcome home!!!

refreshing in ohio, less

Julie Nickerson said...

Gives me chills!

So cool!


Lost in Lake St Peter said...

That is awsome and such a sweet picture. Congrats you guys.

Full of Grace said...

Welcome, Welcome HOME!!! :)

Jo said...

What an answer to so many prayers! The Lord is so good!!! I'm so happy for you all. I KNOW your families are very excited to have you so close now. We'll continue to pray for your protection & will say a special prayer for you Sunday Nathan, that God will speak through you & touch the hearts of unsaved souls with your family's miraculous story.
Love & prayers,
Jo & the fellas
Ayden, NC

Michelle said...

God's power is an amazing thing. Thank you for sharing His mercy, grace and love through you to us. Welcome home...

Thia said...

You've had a lot of pictures that have been "the best picture yet." I think this one tops them all.

Anne said...

What a miracle I'm witnessing through your family every day! It's just amazing how God is strong, and how you are strong!

Enjoy your time at home!

HollyMarie said...

Welcome HOME! Wow.. what a trip...

Karen said...

Praise the Lord!!!!

Judy said...

I just marvel at God's goodness and the miracle that has taken place in your lives. Thank for proclaiming God's faithfulness in your blog. It's my prayer that many will be saved "by the word of your testimony."

Marc and Charity said...

How great! What an awesome picture! God is good!

Me on Metatrophin said...

Congratulations to all! What an awesome and amazing story of survival and faith! You will continue to be blessed!

Melissa said...

Welcome Home!!

Punchbugpug said...

Very, very, wonderful!

ITooWasAbused said...

A happy family.

Jeanie said...

What a sweet Family picture! So precious :)

Lyndsay said...

Welcome home Lawrenson family. How wonderful!!

Sheri said...

WOW What an answer to soooooo many prayers!!!:)

Candy said...

I'm sure you are so excited! Enjoy the sun and the surf. Praise God for all his blessings!

Tia said...

So glad you are all home, safe and sound! Wonderful!

My Busy Boys said...

Welcome Home! God is GREAT!

ttulizzy said...


Welcome Home!

Danielle in MO said...


Christy said...

What an awesome day!!! God is so good!

Anonymous said...

God is good! So happy you are home in the OBX!

Queen Mommy said...

It must be such a "full-circle" feeling for you! Praise God! I couldn't be any happier!!

The VW's said...

Praise the Lord! May God bless the next chapter in your lives together! Welcome Home!!!

Brenda Boitson said...

That's just awesome...:)

Unknown said...

What another amazing blessing! Seeing where you were just 3 months ago, it's amazing the work that the Lord can do in such a short span of time. I'm sure it seemed more longer than short. Enjoy being home and introducing Gwyneth to what "home" is. I wish I were with you at the OBX. I love that place!

weavermom said...

Congratulations!!! That is just awesome.

*Lissa* said...

That is wonderful!

Lynsey said...

Yay! Yay! Yay!

Elaine said...

Such wonderful news. God is beautiful.

Anonymous said...

I am so happy for you!!

Secret Agent Mama said...

May God continue to bless you all!

Tam said...

What a moment! Thanks for sharing this journey with us. You have opened my eyes to so much! Thank you! Enjoy getting back to normal!

I'm Jen. said...

Welcome Home! God is great!

Wish we were vacationing in OBX this year so we could celebrate with you all. Enjoy settling into parenthood.

Carissa said...

So excited for ya'll!

Jennifer said...

Oh how I have prayed for this day! Thank you God for answering our prayers. May He continue to bless the three of you!!!

TressaMOMof3 said...

I am sooo happy for you!! Congrats on being home!

Pauline said...

What a ride ... and you all look so good!

John & Michelle said...

Praise God! That is the picture I've been waiting to see!!! Finally tears of joy!

Michelle said...

It just warms my heart to see you all home !! Enjoy your lovely little family.

Best wishes for many years of happiness have definitely earned it.

candicesalazar said...

Aww. Nate, Tricia, & Baby Rose,

Words can not absoultely thrilled I am for you and your families!!
We do serve a God with amazing grace!!
I am just awestruck.
Nurse Candice & Co. in Nebraska

North Carolina Mom said...

You made it! Did you ever in your lives ever guess what a miracle you'd be part of! Wow!!!!

Annette said...

What an amazing site, Praise the almighty God.

Tracey said...

What a fabulous picture! I can't be there but hugs to all 3 of you from Virgina!!

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

Oh she is SO TINY (and by tiny I mean growing so big, but staying so cute, of course)! What a great pic of mom, dad and baby!

BH said...

Yay!!! Welcome Home!