Thursday, June 12, 2008


The PET Scan came back positive. This could mean that either she does have the PTLD or that she has a fungus that is causing inflamation.

She getting her bronch right now. Please, if you read this in the next several minutes, pray that the doctor is able to get a few good samples of her lungs from the areas showing the growths. If not, she'll need to be scheduled for a biopsy surgery, which will mean another trip to the OR, general anesthesia and a chest tube, all of which Tricia really wants to avoid.

I'll let you know more later.



Faux Sweets said...

I am praying !!

Sara said...

Lots of prayers.

Jo said...

Just checked in at 3:17pm, my how much more perfect could God's timing be?! Will be in prayer for her...and you, too.

Mary said...

Praying right now!


SaraG said...

Praying for you and your lovely family.

IB said...

I'm praying non-stop! Goodluck!

Beverly said...

Praying for you all.

Heidi said...

Prayers are headed your way

Lee said...

we are praying praying praying!!!!

Mommalotamus said...

praying here!

Julie Nickerson said...


jamie said...


kathy said...

Here too.
Kathy, Nashville

Goodzik said...

And here too!

Saskatoon, SK

Carol Jackson. said...


Andria said...

Thoughts and prayers coming your way from

Kerry said...

Prayers are flowing from here! Kerry in Guilford, CT

Sarah said...

Lots of prayers.

Anonymous said...

Praying and great pictures of you guys!!

Brooke said...


The Lunoff Adventures said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Rachael said...

Praying and hoping for you both xx

Alison said...

Thoughts coming your way from Surrey, England

Lisa said...

Prayer for restoration of the lungs.

The Lunoff Adventures said...


Jill said...

Praying for you from Albany, GA

Matt and Cristin said...

Praying for wisdom, direction of surgeon's hands, and God's peace for you guys! You are so loved by Him!!!

Jen said...

Praying for you!

Alaina @ Three Ladies and a Dad said...

Praying from Missouri....

Lindsay said...

Praying and hoping for the best.

Marjolein said...

Thinking of you!

Trish said...

praying here in Washington State.


Laura said...

Many, many prayers being sent your way.

For Prayer Support:

My two little miracle nephews:

sandra said...


Kori said...

Been lots of prayers for you guys all day.

andiewade said...

wow, i just got to this site a couple minutes ago and from the time it took me to read the last couple posts and hit "post a comment" the comment counter went from one to 13. how great to have so many people there to pray for you and your family.

grandmato3girls said...

Praying for good results right now....

Kerry said...

Still praying!!

Megan @ SimplyThrifty said...

Praying for you, Tricia and the surgeons.

Unknown said...

I am praying for God's peace to be with you all!

Jesse said...


Rebecca (Ramblings by Reba) said...

It's 3:41. I'm praying now. She may already be done with the bronch, but God does wonderous things with prayer.

Rita Andrews said...

WE are praying for you Tricia and Nate here in Millbrook, ALabma. Know that you are STILL and always Will be in HIS hands. He isnt through with this miracle story yet!


Sharon said...


Jane said...


Lyric said...

Continuing to pray.

Princess Talana said...


Erin said...

I am praying!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Lincolnton, N.C.

CulyQFun said...

Thanks for giving an update. Now we know exactly how to pray today.

Jenny said...

Praying right now...

The Mom Jen said...

Praying for you Tricia! Hang in there sweetie!

bethany said...

Continuing to pray for all of you...

houseofeling said...

praying here in Indianapolis.....

Marsmile said...



Roni said...

I am sending lots of good thoughts and prayers your way.

Beth said...

Praying in IL!

Marla Taviano said...

Praying, friend!

Florida_Mom said...


Li'l Foot's Mommy said...

I'm praying for you all!!

Jessi said...

Praying!! I don't comment much, but I always read and pray for you and your girls every night.

Stephanie said...

Many prayers, thoughts and hopes coming your way and to God ears from Pikeville, Ky! I truly wish the best for your entire family as far as it may extend. Fingers crossed!

Amanda said...

praying for you all!!

Chantal said...

Lots of prayers for Tricia.

Unknown said...

We've been praying since we got word!

Tricia said...

Praying hard here in N.Virginia. Sending love and support to all three of you. Hang in there Nate!
Love, prayers and hope,
Tricia and Clan

Unknown said...

Praying without ceasing.

Unknown said...

It's never too late to pray.... even at 4:07!

Mobachs said...

praying for peace.... for you and tricia.

Michelle said...


Sandra said...


Recovering said...

Praying for Tricia and for peace for all of you during this time.

Unknown said...

Praying from the Holy City of Jerusalem!

Catherine said...

I am praying!

Joyful said...


Lesley said...

It's 3:25 here (Louisiana)... stopped what I was doing to pray for Tricia and your sweet little family. God is faithful...

payme said...

I am praying for you.

Irene said...

Praying that the bronchoscopy and biopsy are all that is needed, with no further surgery.
Irene in EC

KaraP said...

In Prayer for you all right now.

Angela R. said...

Praying hard for you guys right now. Hope the bronch works out and even more that they don't find anything!



Heather said...

Continued prayers for the best possible outcome.

Carol said...

I'm praying for them to find something that is easily treatable on the bronch and that she needs no open biopsy.

LouMS said...

Best wishes Nate.

Living And Learning said...

Just checking in...have done so several times today and just wanted to let you know that I am praying for you all. God Bless!!!

Amy said...

Thank you for giving us the details of what is going on. I beleive that if you pray in detail, God answers in detail. Our family continues to pray for all of you.

Christina said...

Praying right now...

Jenny, John, Jennah, Abby said...


Much Love,
The VandeCastles

Anonymous said...

Praying for you here in Pennsylvania.

I have to tell you - as I was making the decision to leave a comment here on your blog, a thought hit me in that way that certain thoughts *hit*.

God would not have brought you, Tricia and Gwyneth this far and through this much to let a few little letters (PTLD) stand in the way of many happy years together. This is just a bump in the road... a pothole, if you will (we know all about those up here in PA!). You will come through this, like you have so many other things.

Love and prayers.

Sheri said...

I am praying for you right now!

The Adoption Of William said...


William's Mom

val said...


Tim and Kristy Crowl said...

Praying for you all!!!!

Classy Fab Sarah said...

Praying so hard!! May God's Angels watch over all of you...

Momof2bz said...

Just checking in. I hope that they were able to do the test w/o surgery. Praying for you all! So happy to hear that Gwyneth is feeling better and I'm amazed at how much she has grown.

Blessings From Above said...

Sending love and prayers from Ohio...

Jennifer said...

Praying all day in Michigan.

Unknown said...

Aw, dear ones, please know that I am praying for you and will continue to do so! God knows your each and every step...Praise Him! Storming Heaven...

balancingact said...


Tracy said...

Praying for you all ...
Tracy in Alabama

Vicki said...


ditarae said...

Amen to Laurel's 'pothole' comment... a bump in the road. God WILL be glorified! He has been, all along your journey. Still praying and believing in His power, here in NW PA.

mjdav said...

Praying for a clear result and peace for each of you.

Maybe Tomorrow said...

I've read for a while but this is my first post - I am PRAYING for you all.

Carol said...

You/Tricia have my fervent prayers.

Leanne B. said...

You all are certainly in our prayers!

The Blair's
Cincinnati, OH

jheinig2004 said...

You are all in my prayers!!!

Anonymous said...

praying for all of you!!

Renee said...

Bless your hearts!!! I am praying!!!

Anonymous said...

Hi -- I've never commented on something like this before, but I want you to know that my husband had a double-lung transplant in 2001 for CF, he had EBV related PTLD in 2005 and was successfully treated with Rituximab, a treatment that he tolerated really well, that worked great, and that worked right away. He's still going strong (after a bout with Hodgkin's lymphoma that required traditional chemo, which was really, really hard on him) and our son will be 1 year old this month. Reading your posts brings back to me the intensity of these types of times -- I'm holding you in my thoughts and hoping for quick, clear answers and good treatment options.

Leslie said...

Praying for you guys and wisdom for the doctors!
“Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance.” James 1:2-3

Faux Sweets said...

Thank you for sharing "Mandy" glad to have someone who has gone thorugh this successfully!!!


Sarah said...

Prayers from Winnipeg, Manitoba!

Bree at Clarity Defined said...

Just saw the update... I hope they got good enough samples in the bronch and that the PET scan turns out to just be a fungus. Many prayers from California...

Bree at Clarity Defined said...

Just saw the update... I hope they got good enough samples in the bronch and that the PET scan turns out to just be a fungus. Many prayers from California...

Ramblings of an Army Wife said...

Praying in Ohio. God bless you all!

meredith said...

prayers from colorado

meredith said...

prayers from colorado

Christine M. Claar said...

Still praying in Tyrone, PA

Florida_Mom said...

Praying for fungus and no cancer. We prayed for poop a few months ago now we can pray for fungus!

God is with you!

Many prayers


terri c said...

Eh. Not what we were hoping for. Prayers continuing.