Monday, June 23, 2008

On The Beach!

The smoke from the nearby forest fire finally dissipated enough to allow Tricia and I to go out to the beach (which is like a mile from my parents' house) for a few minutes a few evenings ago...

Meka loves the beach almost as much as we do...she enjoys eating sand more than we do...

Hopefully Gwyneth can come with us next time!



Becky in VA said...

May I be the first one to wish you all a wonderful day?

Love to all.

Julie said...

What fun!! Looking forward to many more pictures of your family at the beach in the future!

Michelle Jamie said...

You mentioned the distance...did you guys walk there?

My son is saying "bye dog", do you think that is a hint to say "enough blogging mommy!!"

mrsrubly said...

aww!! this is great Tricia! i bet it feels very good to just get out and be aware from all the alarms beeping, nurses checking you every 1-2 hours waking you up. i am so happy for your family of 3 to be finally be outa duke 24-7. God is really shining threw your family. take care. til next update.have a blessed day. bonny in TX

Faux Sweets said...

WOW so great that you could finally get the sand between your toes!!!!


Jane said...

okay, if you are going to post pictures of the BEACH...I'm gonna stop praying for you. Okay not really, just got a bunch of (godly) jealousy going on. I LOVE the sand and water! You are very blessed to live so close....God sure does paint some beautiful pictures on beaches.

always praying

danabrown said...

Yay! Brokaw eats sand too!

Jenny said...

Sooo sweet:)

RoseGirl said...

How awesome to have some "normal" time...what a gift!

Blessings & strength,

Southern CA

Blessings From Above said...

The bottom picture of Meka looks like it belongs on a card or poster. Too cute!

Amy E. said...

Oh the Beach!!! I have to say I am a little green with envy!! Enjoy it as much as you can!!

Kellee Flatt said...

Love it!! Congrats on getting to the beach!!

NCBeachMom said...

oh, I just love the beach! Just got back from a few days at Topsail. Enjoy those moments!

Anonymous said...

Well, up here dogs eat snow - so why am I suprised that dogs living near a beach would eat sand??

Great pictures!
Happy Monday!

Karen said...

Still praying for you and your beautiful family here from L'burg.
The guitar is fantastic, you both look beautiful and Meka is still puggylicious. I hope you post a vid of you playing soon. My prayer is still to see you all here at Gwyneth's grad. I will be 70 then, and hopefully less tiresome. Your faith inspires me, and your family is very cool. I'm a fan.

Ann said...
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~j~ said...

Nothing better for the soul than time at the beach! (well unless you get to catch a surf).Knowing how theraputic it is for my family I can only imagine what a blessing it is for the two of you to do the same. Awesome!
Have a great Monday!

Ann said...

"Meka enjoys eating sand more than we do"... do you eat sand? Perhaps you should reconsider that addition to your diet :)

Glad you were able to get to the beach. It looks wonderful. I'm assuming the Atlantic water over there is a bit warmer than the cold Pacific water over here on the west coast.

Angela R. said...

That is Great!! You both have been waiting to hit the beach and you finally did. I hope you guys had a good time and enjoyed every second!!! Love the pictures, cant wait to see when you bring Gwyneth.

By the way I don't know how healthy that is for Meka to be eating sand! :)

Have a great week!!!

00 said...

The pic of Tricia is awesome :-)

And I can't believe that you don't like eating sand!!

marcia said...

Been waiting a long time for beach pics! :):):) May you have many, many more!

Carol said...

Yea for the beach! I'm glad you got to go and that Meka got to go with you!

Melissa said...

Glad you got to enjoy the beach! We love being able to go here, though it is more like a 10 min drive rather than 1 mile away!

The smoke has been quite bad lately, hasn't it? It was really horrible yesterday, but thankfully the thunderstorm cleared it for the night. My husband says it is quite bad over in Chesapeake today though. :-(

Satan said...

yays you are all home!
No place like the serenity of the ocean.


Jen in Al said...

looks like fun is being had by all! love the pictures! Praying, jen in al

michelle said...

So great to see you both outside and hanging with Meka!

Scott said...

Enjoy the beach! I love the OBX or any beach for that matter. You are all in our prayers daily!

Unknown said...

Yay for the beach!! :) said...

What's wrong with you guys... you haven't acquired the taste for sand yet? My 11 month old tells me it's good stuff!!