Wednesday, June 11, 2008

If You Are Praying...and Update

So many are taking some time this morning to stop and pray for Tricia and Nathan as she undergoes tests today.

If you are and would like to post a comment of encouragement to them, here's the place to do it. You might include your location as well.

Thanks so much.

Rick Lawrenson

Tricia's PET scan was delayed until 2PM this afternoon, which will bump her biopsy until Thursday. She will still be admitted into the hospital today.

I also thought the "map" idea of where the prayers are originating was great. So I started it. But it's too huge a job! If anyone else has the time and wants to take a stab at it, please go for it. Here's a site that you could use:


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Although I'll be at work this morning we'll be praying for you both. Winston-Salem - NC.

Andrea said...

I can surely pray for your family!!! Winthrop Harbor, IL.

Judy said...

Praying God's clear direction for the doctor's and good diagnosis for Tricia's test. Also, that God's grace & peace would be evident to all. Praying in TX.

jamarson1 said...

I just said a prayer for Tricia. I am at home, getting ready to get ready for work, in Minneapolis, MN. I asked God for strength for Tricia and her family. I will continue to pray this morning as I go about my day.

Sylvie said...

Praying in french! :-)

Unknown said...

Praying for you this morning, Tricia and Nate.

Warren, MI

Coffespaz said...

I'll definitely take some time to pray...also have called up my group of prayer warriors.

Hugs to all.

Boston/Raynham, MA

JuJu - said...

Our family and friends are praying for you today and every day.

The same faithful God that brought that precious baby into this world and brought Tricia through the lung transplant - he is going to bring you guys through this.

We are praying for another miracle and believing for it as well.

God will finish this amazing miracle that he started in your family:)

We send hugs and love to you and your family today:)


Lisa and family said...

We're praying here in Maryland.

CFHusband said...

Nathan,I'm so blown away by what God has done so far through all this, and I know he will continue to show his mercy and grace. Stay close to him. You and your family are in my prayers.Mike beazley

Christina said...

I am praying for your family. Praying for good test results and for God to continue to pour blessings on your all.

Allie said...

Praying here in Florida, for God to heal both girls and for your lives to continue to be a testimony to His glory. Also for His grace and peace. Truly "the peace of God which surpasses all understanding will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus."

ugagirl30 said...

Praying in Alabama. God bless!

Classy Fab Sarah said...

Praying this morning in Indiana.
May God and his angels watch over the whole family...

Shannon (Philadelphia) said...

Always in my thoughts and a mother and as a "blog-friend".

My fingers are crossed...


ditarae said...

Praying in PA that you will sense the loving and compassionate arms of Jesus embracing you through this day and anything it may bring. Praying the He will, once again, be gracious to you and touch you with His healing power. Praying that Tricia and Gwyneth will be found healthy and strong! Blessings on you all...

Unknown said...

Praying in Florida for God to hold you close to His heart and give you strength for the moment.

Rebecca (Ramblings by Reba) said...

I am praying for you all from my desk in the Atlanta area...

Coach Prentice said...

Started praying this morning when the Holy Spirit (Jack) woke me up at 5am. Love you guys!

Unknown said...

Praying in East TN.

Julie said...

Praying in Plymouth, Michigan

All 8 of Us said...

Tricia and Nate,
Thanks so much for sharing so openly about this path the Lord has you on. We have been praying for you for quite a while and will continue to do so. We are in South Jersey near where Tricia grew up...
Lifting you up before the throne of grace!!

Julie Nickerson said...

Praying in Woodbridge, VA.

Elbee said...

Praying for you all in Albany, NY.

Christine F. said...

Praying for you in Boston, MA.

natalie said...

I've been following your story since before the transplant--when pastor matt told us about you guys. You've been in my daily prayers and will continue to be. This is my first time posting, although I visit your blog everyday. We're praying for your whole family today--especially Tricia. Love from Clayton,NC and C3 Church!

kekkey said...

praying for you all from marine corps air station cherry point, nc


kbs said...

I will quote words from jon foreman as I pray: Tricia, may you "rest in fields of green,like quiet streams", with your Shepherd who is always with you.
from "The House of God Forever"
I hope that his words(taken from God's word)and music will calm you and give you perfect peace as you go through this difficult time. Sterling, VA

Tricia said...

We are praying and will be all morning.
With love, hope and prayers,
Tricia and Clan xoxox
N. Virginia

Lisa said...

Praying for you in Ontario, Canada.

Rick Lawrenson said...

Sitting up here on the balcony at church overlooking the peaceful Atlantic I'm specifically asking God to overwhelm you all with His peace that surpasses our understanding today.

(I've also got some Doyle Dykes playing softly in the background.)

Chuck & Jenny Thompson said...

We are praying for you! You are a part of the reason I believe God is still listening.
Jennifer, Chuck, Tommy, & Mya

The Townleys said...

Praying for you both in Annapolis, MD!

Brooks Family said...

Brooks family is praying in Western NY!

Laura said...

Praying for you in Maryland this morning...

Marc and Charity said...

Still Wales, UK

ebarba said...

Praying for you all this morning, Nate, Tricia, Gwyneth, your parents and family. Praying that God will give you peace and calm your fears.

Praying in Memphis, Tn

marcia said... has this verse for timely!

“Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth.”- Psalm 46:10

Am praying constantly from West Michigan!

Marsmile said...

This MD gal is prayin' for you 3 and that all ends well so you 3 can go home to the OBX and continue with your lives.

Comfy hugs,

s is for sarah said...

I'll be dedicating my time during my run this AM to praying for you guys...lifting y'all up in Atlanta, GA.

Jill said...

Praying from work in Albany, GA. Praying for strength, wisdom and knowledge for the doctors - strength, peace of mind, faith for the family and for complete healing from God.

Sarah said...

My family is thinking of you today...I hope all goes well, and we will be praying that the test results are better than you expect!

Sarah in Gastonia, NC

Anonymous said...

Praying for Trisha's tests and results, for Gwyneth's breathing and for peace for all and glory to God. Patty in Massachusetts

Cretia said...

My thoughts and prayers are with you this morning.
Montgomery, AL

Dawn said...

You are all in my prayers. I pray God will guide all the doctors and technicians etc..and that He will give you an extra hug today and comfort you in your uncertainties. I pray you continue to have faith that you will all come through this according to His will.
God Bless You All

Dawn in AR

Unknown said...

Praying in Greenville, SC!

Cathy N said...

We are praying for you all today in Coldwater, MI

K Hutchinson said...

My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.

Janesville, WI

Heidi Reed said...

Praying for strength, comfort, and peace as you face the day. Praying God's healing touch on your body, Tricia. Praying God's will in your lives. Praying for guidence for the medical staff. May God continue to bless you all.

Heidi Reed
Southeast Florida

Sallie said...

Praying in Gates County, NC.

Kelley said...

I pray that you will find the comfort and peace that is in these verses:

Lamentations 3:28-33 (The Message)

When life is heavy and hard to take, go off by yourself. Enter the silence.

Bow in prayer. Don't ask questions:
Wait for hope to appear. Don't run from trouble. Take it full-face.
The "worst" is never the worst.

Why? Because the Master won't ever
walk out and fail to return. If he works severely, he also works tenderly.

His stockpiles of loyal love are immense.He takes no pleasure in making life hard,in throwing roadblocks in the way.

Just Me - MJ said...

Thinking of you & praying that all goes well, as always. Words of comfort & strength & only good thoughts headed your way from Long Island.

Anonymous said...

Praying in Raleigh...

Jane said...

having my quiet time, then riding the stationary bike for 40 minutes...I will be praying like crazy (I know that God hears our multi-tasking prayers too!) Woke up thinking about you at before 10 am!

a change of heart said...

I am praying for you right now in the quiet of the early morning while my children sleep. Florence, SC

Karen D. said...

I am praying for all of you!

Karen- Wilson, NC

becca said...

Praying for you - my location: Duke Medical Center

gmomof7 said...

Praying in Platteville, WI


Mrs Redboots (Annabel Smyth) said...

Have been without Internet access for a few days and am so sad that all is not just quite as well as it was last time I checked in.

Praying for you all this morning.

Annabel in London, UK.

a change of heart said...

I am praying for you right now in the quiet of the early morning while my children sleep. Florence, SC

The Curtis Crew said...

Will be praying for you this morning that your faith will be strong and you will feel God's presence.

Chagrin Falls, OH

Elaine said...

Prayers for Nathan and Tricia all the way from MT.

beanhead said...

Praying for you and your family in Auburn, NY

Unknown said...

Good Morning! I am praying that the tests go easy for Tricia and that the results are in God's plan and that he gives your family the strength to overcome all that he places in your path!


Jill in Ohio said...

Praying for you all today.

Tonia said...

Tricia and Nate, I am praying for you today that God will give you peace and calm and let his presence be felt. I pray that Tricia's tests will come out showing she is completely healed from the mono virus and the growths in her lungs so that others around you will see what a might God we serve! All glory to our King. Love from Staples, MN

Shana said...

Praying for you in Greensboro, NC!

Destini said...

I've been praying this morning for all of you...especially for a calmness and peace in the situation.
Flint, MI

Anonymous said...

Praying for you in Westminster, MD.

Gail said...

Praying in Kansas!

Kathryn said...

God's Peace from Columbia, Illinois.

Linda Bevan said...

May you sense the presence of God and know how often you're lifted in prayer.

Praying His healing touch will be upon you today and in the days to come.

Winchendon, MA

Shari said...

I continue to pray for you on a regular basis. I have sent this to my prayer buddies too. Also, my family prays for you!! Praying for you and with you.

Love and Blessings,
Shari, FV, NC

Peta-maree said...

Praying and sending all my love to you all from Sydney Australia.

gracie :) said...

I've been following your story for months and am amazed at the goodness of God and all that He has performed on your behalf. He has brought you all so far. May He continue to bring you through these trials and pour out His grace, strength and mercy on your lives! Praying in the South.

Tonia said...

Tricia and Nate, I am praying for you today that God will give you a peace and calmness that can only come from him. I pray that Tricia's tests come out showing she is completely healed from the mono virus and the growths in her lungs - so that others around you will see what a mighty God we serve (not that they haven't seen this already with Gwyneth's health and Tricia's lung transplant). You two (three) are so special!! Love from Staples, MN

Emelie said...

As I am helping my children today at the Catholic School they attend, What a perfect place to be able to have them in my prayers.

Em (Massachusetts)

Mrs. McDevitt said...

praying in Alabama

Joy said...

Praying for you and your family in Columbus, Ohio

Mandy said...

Praying for you in N.C.

Steph said...

I am praying for Tricia, Nate and Gwyneth today.

From Exeter, NH

Beth and Luke said...

Praying in Richmond, VA

Marla Taviano said...

Praying in Columbus, Ohio!

dragonfly424 said...

praying for you and your family, here in Rhode Island.

Momand2kidz said...

Keeping you all close in thought..especially today!Thank you for sharing your journey with us!

Windsor, Ontario

Cindi said...

Nathan Tricia, and Gwyneth

We are praying in OK. We all know God has His wonderful hand on you both this morning. We are praying for quick test results, an established treatment plan and a short stay in Durham.

May you be covered in God's peace today.


Thanks Rick for the updates.

Tim said...

We are praying at Liberty University.

Anxious AF said...

praying....central Il

Brittany said...

I'm praying this morning from East Central Illinois.

Avery & Hailey said...

Praying for your family. Your faith continues to inspire me.

Winston Salem, NC

Amy E. said...

Nathan and Tricia,
You will be in my prayers throughout the morning. I pray for God's peace be upon you and that all of the testing will go smoothly. Praying that all tests come back with good news.
Lewisville, Tx

mensumm said...

I will be praying for your family. Grand Rapids, Michigan

Patti said...

Praying for all of you.Mechanic Falls ME

Our Family! said...

Nate and Tricia, we are praying without ceasing this morning.

Rob, Amy, Emily, and Ryan Farrell

Kateri said...

Praying for you always, in Seaford, Delaware! You have touched us all. God will surely continue to bless His girls with His love and protection.

Meranda said...

I will be praying for Tricia and your family. May God give you the strength to endure what ever comes your way. This helps me when I'm in need I hope it does the same for you:
The Serenity Prayer
God grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference.

Living one day at a time;
Enjoying one moment at a time;
Accepting hardships as the pathway to peace;
Taking, as He did, this sinful world
as it is, not as I would have it;
Trusting that He will make all things right
if I surrender to His Will;
That I may be reasonably happy in this life
and supremely happy with Him
Forever in the next.

Billie said...

God WILL be glorified again!

Conway, AR

Suzanne said...

Prayers going up from Hampton VA!!

Our Family! said...

We forgot to post our location --- we are praying, without ceasing, in Hampton, Virginia!

Rob, Amy, Emily, and Ryan Farrell

Florida_Mom said...

Praying in Navarre, Florida.

Myra <><

Unknown said...

Praying in FL on my morning drive into work...

Amy said...

I can't figure out time differences, so it may not be the right time but I am praying here in the UK.
God bless you all.

Andy Lawrenson said...

I've been praying this morning. You have been the example of trust and faith in God's sovereignty. Keep holding on to that truth, God is in control.

Heidi said...

Praying in Bismarck, ND.

Unknown said...

Praying in Central Ohio

justdawn said...

I have been following your story, quietly, since before Gwyneth's birth. You and your family are truly an inspiration and I am praying for a good outcome for you.

Dawn in Kindsbach, Germany

Chris said...

Nate, Tricia, Gwynnie, praying for you this morning in MD...

I always find comfort in Job 38 when I face trials...It reminds me so much of the greatness and power of our Lord - Just that gentle remonstrance to Job, reminding him of who He (God) really is, and what He controls, is so uplifting for me.

I pray that those words give you and Tricia comfort this morning...that the peace of God, which passeth ALL understanding, surrounds and envelops you in a protective coccoon, one that the enemy with doubt, fear, and anxiety cannot penetrate.

I pray that God's healing power wash over Tricia, that the tests have a positive outcome, and that Gwynneth passes her exam with flying colors.

Hang in there guys! :-)


Emily Grimm said...

Praying for you both. Dubai UAE

Nikki said...

I frequent your blog often, and always keep you in thoughts and prayers. Praying for you this morning in Georgia

Jamie and Angela said...

Praying in New Brunswick, Canada.

Erin said...

Sending many prayers from Groton, CT.....:::::::prayers going out::::::::

Kerri said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Randee said...

Praying in St Paul, Minnesota.

Leanna said...

Praying for your family in Coppell, TX...

Christina said...

praying for you at the Scott house in Northern Virginia

Lisa said...

I have been a long time reader, but this is my first post. Tricia is in my prayers this morning as she undergoes these tests. I truly believe God is almighty and will see your family through this tough time as He has done in the past. May Tricia (and you) feel His loving, healing arms wrapped around you more than ever today! GOD IS GOOD! :) Prayers are being sent heavenward today in Elizabeth City/Camden for you all!

Mr.+ Mrs. C said...

praying for you all, Gloria in Las Cruces, New Mexico USA

Jenny, John, Jennah, Abby said...

Extra prayers said for you and your girls this morning, Nate.

With Much Love from Edina, MN.
The Vande Castles.

Paul & Angela Jenkins said...

I'll be praying for you guys. Clayton NC

Krista Lucas said...

praying for you this morning.

durham, nc.

Mayes Capitol Courage said...

I am honored to be able to pray for you all today, Nathan and Tricia. There are so many people uniting in prayer...bringing you both before the Throne and believing, as Abraham did in Romans, that God has the "power to do what he had promised."
Lanier in Washington, DC

The Barrick Times said...

Prayers from MD... your lives are a blessing and encouragement to many around the world. Peace be with you and your family!

Steph said...

Praying for you in Pennsylvania this morning and always.

Mommy Pastor said...

Praying for you all in Michigan.

ms. gail said...

Nate and Tricia's story is very close to my heart because I have grandchildren with CF. Our son's first child, a boy, died when he was 7 months old from complications connected with CF and he now has 2 little girls with it as well. The girls doctors are at Duke and I have wondered how close our families may have been to each other at times.
I live in SC and have read Nate's blog for a long time but have never commented before but wanted you to know prayers are going heavenward from here this morning.

bdodge said...

8:30 am - Michigan

Stacy said...

I prayed for your family before I went to bed last night, and I will be praying this morning, too!. God bless you all! R.River, Ohio

Foster mama K said...

Prayers coming your way from Thomasville, GA

Bluebear said...

God be with you and his healing hand apon you.
Have been praying throughout the day (down under)
Vic Australia

danabrown said...

Praying for you in between live shots in Washington, DC.

JenniC said...

Praying for you in Wilson NC

Queen Mommy said...

I fell asleep praying for your family last night, and I woke up praying for you all as well. Whatever the outcome, I know God is in ultimate control. Sometimes it's hard to give up the burdens though. Will continue keeping you all in my prayers....Twin Cities, MN.

jesse and whit... said...

Praying the Lord gives you strength and good results Tricia, and that He would give the doctors wisdom. We'll also continue praying for Gwyneth's health and peace for Nate. We love y'all... the Hines~ Kitty Hawk, NC

Emily said...

Dear Tricia & Nate,
I am praying for you this morning & I will continue. Our God knows what we all need & I know that He has not deserted you! I will watch for an update! I have fallen in love with your precious family & I am so thankful for the opportunity to get to watch your story as it unfolds!
Olive Branch, MS

Kerri said...

Prayers coming your way today & every day. Lake in the Hills, IL

Katie said...

Praying for you in Charlottesville, VA. God has used you all in such mighty ways and I know He will continue to!

Gym Mama said...

I'm here in PA praying for all three of you!

Caroline, Eric, Eliza and Suzy said...

Praying in Wilmington,NC

mini and brother said...

Praying for health and peace for your family.
Love from Phoenix!

Becky said...

Praying for you and trusting that the Author of your story has it in His hands. Praying for more miracles...and for peace.

Lynchburg, VA

Mama Bear said...

Praying in Northeast Ohio.

Alice said...

Praying in Maryland.

MamaBear said...

Praying in Arkansas that God's goodness and mercy would flood your lives in an amazing way today and that your hearts would be filled with His peace.

valn said...

I have been thinkink and praying for you all day!
hang in there!

Milano, Italy

Kristen said...

Praying for you in South Alabama!

Jen in Al said...

Praying in AL...jen in al

Love my boys! said...

Always praying for you and your family here on LI, NY.

Tricia, you are in my special intentions this morning. You'll make it through this obstacle just as you did all the others before. You are a strong woman that God is watching over.


pam said...

Praying that the spoken words of man will hold no power over your spirits, that God's hope and joy will rise above mans words to remind you that in the midst of ALL circumstances God is mighty, God is hope, God is joy, God is peace and HE IS ABLE! Praying in Missouri.

andytokim said...

Praying for y'all today in Madison, AL.


Aspiemom said...

God is still in control. I am praying this morning in Chickamauga, GA!!

Jen, Dave, Leah and Daniel said...

Praying and thinking about you at this time.
Warminster, PA

Terri said...

You are in my thoughts and prayers today. Cape Cod, Mass

Meredith K Beaupre said...

God does truly amazing work and it is so often in a sequence that only He can understand. Today I pray that the entire Lawrenson family is surrounded by God's grace and that his angels of love and protection wrap you all in their wings.

Your faith is an amazing testiment and it encourages so many. God is still using Tricia's CF to bless people, even through this latest challenge. How proud He must be to look down from Heaven and see his children following the path He has laid out for them and relying fully on Him to guide them each step of the way.

May you all be lifted up to Him today in an overwhelming show of support and love. May the incredible power of prayer work to it's fullest potential for your family.

Blessings and love from Gainesville, FL

Anonymous said...

Praying for y'all in Austin, TX!

Lee said...

Praying in the Chicagoland area, Illinois.
I am overwhelmed as I read where all the prayers are coming from. WOW!
Our mighty God is THE great physician and He is still in control....

Sara said...

Praying for a clear PET this morning and smooth biopsy and that the Lord may be glorified through your circumstances today, no matter what the outcome...
in NY state...

CT Soap Lady said...

Praying and sending positive energy your way from Connecticut. You are such an inspirational family.

Amy said...

Praying In Winston Salem.

Stephanie said...

I am praying for you! I have been praying for you since I came upon your blog right before Tricia received her transplant and I know you have been through a lot. I pray God will watch over you and grant you peace and health. Praying in Omaha.

Sarah said...

Praying in central Texas...

Megan said...

Praying continually in TN.

Liz Ferguson said...

Praying this morning in WI. Praying for peace, strength and wisdom.


Stephanie said...

Praying for you here in Minnesota.

Carol Jackson. said...

I am praying fervantly here in Virginia Beach today. Praying wisdom for the doctors and peace for Tricia and family. May God bring His healing power upon her this day.

Jenn said...

Praying for Tricia in Jacksonville, FL

Anne said...

Praying at work in Montreal, QC, Canada...

Shelly said...

Praying here in Mississippi.

Allison said...

Praying in Florida!

M :-) said...

Praying for you in Minnesota.

Mary said...

Praying in Chicago, Il

Jenne said...

Praying for you here in Marquette, MI


GreerPowers said...

As I was thinking about you guys this morning, these verses came to mind. (This passage always brings me comfort when I feel like I'm up against something impossible.)

"The LORD is the everlasting God, the Creator of all the earth. He never grows weak or weary. No one can measure the depths of his understanding. He gives power to the weak and strength to the powerless. Even youths will become weak and tired, and young men will fall in exhaustion. But those who trust in the LORD will find new strength. They will soar high on wings like eagles. They will run and not grow weary. They will walk and not faint." Isaiah 40:28-31 (NLT)

Praying for God's will for your precious family in Lynchburg, VA.

The Kirkland's said...

I have been praying for Tricia and Gweneth and will continue to pray for them this morning.
Jacksonville, FL

clara said...

We are praying for you all right outside of Wshington D.C.

somebody,somewhere said...

praying in wallace, mi

Becky said...

My 4 boys and I are praying here in small town PA! Praying that the tests go well and the results are great news!

Nicole Collins said...

Praying in Raleigh NC

Meg said...

I am praying for all of you this morning as I do everyday.
Nepean, Ontario-Canada

Patti said...

Continued Prayers from Minnesota!

Jaime said...

I've been praying for your family every time the Lord brings you to mind this morning.
May the peace of God be with you at this time, and may He get the glory whatever the outcome.
Thank you for your testimony and example of faith & trust in God. Your family is a true inspiration.

~Jaime (Terre Haute, IN)

Briana said...

Praying in New Hampshire.

Unknown said...

Praying from Atlanta, GA

Chaeli said...

Praying that you have peace that passes all understanding.
Lansing, MI

Leigh Ann said...

Praying for you all in Ohio this morning (and last night & in the days to come).

Angie said...

You guys were first on my prayer list this morning! Will continue to pray & think about you all throughout the day in SW Virginia.

Brenda said...

I was up before 6:30, praying for you, that you would "trust in the Lord with all of your heart, and not lean on your own understanding..." I prayed for peace, and for wisdom for the specialists who will be deciding the diagnosis and treatment. See you soon. Sending love to you three from Southern Shores.

littlelu said...

Praying for you from Plymouth NC
God is in control.

Beth Johnson said...

My family is praying for your family today.

Believing that God is good all the time and His ways are always good.

Praying in faith that this is nothing.

Beth Johnson
Montgomery, Al

The Rogers Family said...

Praying in Louisiana

Michelle said...

Praying for your family!

Houston, Tx

Kyle, Laurel, Elle and Brett said...

Praying for you all in Round Rock, Texas.

amanda said...

praying for you in waynesville, nc. God speed, God speed my friends

Bobbi said...

Praying for healing in Holly Springs, NC.

The Burgess Family said...

Praying that God gives you and your family strength to get through this new hurtle as He has done in the past... that the doctors have the knowledge and means to get you through this and back to the coast... and that health is something that you continue to have.
Willow Springs, NC

Jowers Family said...

More prayers from Alabama!

Christina said...

Lifting you up in prayer. Indiana

betty said...

I'll be at work this morning, but will be silently praying at my computer. Chicago, Il

Lori said...

I have been thinking of all of you, especially Tricia and sweet Gwyneth, since I read this post last night. I will say prayers for you now and throughout today for health, strength, healing and peace. Please keep us updated. Blessings to all of you from central Ohio.

DeLynn said...

Praying for you in north Georgia.

tea4two321 said...

praying here in Baltimore, MD!!

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