Sunday, June 15, 2008


I believe that, perhaps, the most influential factor of being a great dad is having a great dad. Fortunately, I have had 27 years of that kind of influence.

I'm pretty sure that Tricia has been just as fortunate.

Thanks to everyone who has/is wishing me a happy first father's day! I really appreciate it! Make sure you check out Tricia's Blog Post from early this morning.




The Lockwood Family ♥ said...

Happy Father's Day to Gwyneth's Grandpas! :) Proverbs 17:6

Kay said...


Happy Father's Day!! Your amazing, giving, sacrificial love for your girls has been beautiful to watch (through your blog!:)) I hope you are having a wonderful deserve it!!


~j~ said...

Yes you have and it is evident.
Happy Fathers day to all you wonderful Dads!

bome62 said...

Nate, i hope you are having a GREAT Father's Day & that Gwyneth's grandpa's are too.
Washington, Missouri

Eliza said...

You are ROCKIN' the Daddy gig, Nate! The first picture of you doing Kangaroo Care with Gwyneth made me cry like a baby; it's one of the most tender moments I think I've ever seen captured on film. My world is a better place for getting to watch you turn into SUPERDAD, and you have some good footsteps to follow in, fo sho.

Rebecca (Ramblings by Reba) said...

Awwwww... sweet pictures. :)

jamie said...

I think you're right Nate. Gwyneth Rose is a lucky little lady. Again, Happy Fathr's Day.
Tricia, your post choked me up. It is 10 years since my Dad's accident and I miss him every day. Your Dad sounds alot like mine..
Hope y'all have a wonderful day and that soon you'll be able to go home again. Continuing to pray for y'all.
God Bless
Jamie in Texas

Faux Sweets said...

Happy Fathers Day to the BIG dads too!!!!

Goping to check tricia's blog now!!!!

Have a great dad's day!


Anonymous said...

Missed the last post so I'm catching up... glad to hear the biopsy is at least over - I will turn my prayers to good results.

Our small group at church this morning was talking about how WE (as parents) are the biggest influcence in our children's lives... be it their spiritual lives, their physical mannerisms, their emotional needs - we're it! I am happy that you and Tricia both had such great role models.

Happy father's day, Nate and both grandfathers! I hope you were able to celebrate.

Take care,

Sunshine said...

Nate - Happy Father's Day -

To both Grandpa's - Happy Father's Day!

You men set forth such an example both through your words on the blogs and how your children carry forth your legacy! Sunshine

Kristin said...

Happy Fathers Day! You guys were on my heart today and I just wanted to say I'm praying for you all.

tyra and matt said...

Happy first father's day!! You are such a lucky guy.

Anonymous said...

Loved reading both (yours and Tricia's) blog posts. They are such beautiful tributes to some awesome daddies. Enjoy your special day, Nathan. And...Happy Father's Day, God!!!

Lisa C Photography said...

Happy First Father's Day Nate! And Happy Father's Day to Gwyneth's Grandfather's as well!!! You have already proved yourself to be an amazing husband and caretaker of Tricia...and now you are proving yourself to be an amazing father! I pray God's continued blessings upon all of you!!!



KaraP said...

Happy Father's Day Nate.

Blessings From Above said...

Happy Father's Day!!! Have a wonderful certainly deserve it!

marcia said...

Hope you have had a good day today, and Tricia is doing well! Praying that tomorrow will bring you some definitive news from the biopsy...and that it will be the best possible news! :) Trusting God with you, for His continuing faithfulness in every single thing!

JM said...

Happy Father's Day!!

Donna said...

Happy Father's day! You and Gwyneth should plant a tree or something special:)

elizabeth engelhardt creations said...

Happy Father's Day!!

Unknown said...

That's the most beautiful video! Happy Daddy Day.

Scott said...

Two great families now makes three! Lord bless all of you.

mom nana nelson said...

hey that looks like qwyneth in the picture with grandpa,i had to ck it a few times... i think the resemblance is tremendous
Hope all had a great fathers day
patricia nelson

Cheryl said...

I loved these pics of the two grandfathers with baby Gwyneth. What beautiful expressions on their faces as the gaze at her. Nate, this was a great idea to post about your own dads. These are the men who have molded you and Tricia into the people you have become and are today. I am still praying for Tricia, now even more after this last setback.

Cheryl from Fairfax