Thursday, September 11, 2008

Like Anything

This has always been one of Tricia's favorite poems...

My name is Rose.
My eyes are blue.
My name is Rose,
and who are you?
My name is Rose,
and when I sing,
I am Rose
like anything.
- Gertrude Stein -



~j~ said...

Written just for her, sweet little baby Gwyneth...

~Bev~ said...

Oh how I love that and the pictures, man oh man!
You are blessed!

Sonia said...

What beautiful pictures of Gwyneth!! The poem was great as well.

Kristen said...

Very cute and adorable.
Thank you for sharing that and all that you share with us.

Meredith said...

Precious poem for a sweet Gwyneth Rose.

Anothermadhousewife said...

So cute. The rose is great for perspective. She's so big (relatively) and healthy now, that I forget how tiny she still is. ERika :)

LisserB said...

You should frame that serious with the poem scripted on the frame under each picture. Beautiful.

The third "My name is Rose" picture is all you!

LisserB said...

that should say "series" not serious...

Tracy P. said...

Fabulous! And how ironic is this--she's getting hair!! Look at her show off... ;-)

Beth Anne said...

Wow, new most precious photos ever. :-) Thanks for letting us see your beautiful baby.

Tracie said...

Ok, that has to be one of my favorite post of all time- on a sweetness scale that is!

Lovely photos!

Coach Prentice said...

Ah, I remember that beaten up old book Tricia used to lug around with her and read. Love the pics, Nate.

Rose said...

what a beautiful babe!

Kristal Sawyer said...

What a precious girl!

marcia said...

You keep out-doing yourself, Nate!
Gorgeous baby, wonderful pics!

Kathy said...

That 4th pic is priceless, and look at all that hair! Beautiful girl!

jessicagv said...

Totally adorable!

Cindi M said...

Oh my! That is so sweet.

Christina said...

the 2nd picture made me laugh, she looks like "DUDE DO YOU SEE THIS GIANT ROSE I'M HOLDING"
So very cute.

Oksana said...

Absolutely beautiful! :) Thank you for sharing! I needed a smile during this very hectic day.

Marty said...

Nate - Those pictures are absolutly priceless. Thanks for sharing them with us.

Natalie said...

Those picture are so cute. She has come so far and God is so faithful.

Our life is a bowl of Barry's said...

My favorite picture is the one under 'my eyes are blue'...looks like she's playin' peek a boo! That rose makes her look so itty bitty! Hope Tricia is OK-

Beth said...

Wow she's a cutie! I love the pictures, they're all beautiful : )

Jackie said...

How sweet!

Paulette said...

precious precious baby, oh the sweetness of this baby... how loved is she.
What a precious idea this was.

Jennifer said...

*aww* :) Beautiful pink rose with your beautiful white rose. :)

Beverly said...


Cassie12 said...

That is beautiful and beautiful pictures of a beautiful little girl. Nice work Nate...

Jennifer said...

This is too cool! Just for Gwyneth, I bet that's where the middle name came from :)

Julie said...

Just when you think she can't possibly get ANY CUTER!!

What a great post!

Amy said...

Oh my precious!


Kate said...

Beautiful pictures! I can't believe how much hair she's getting!

mommy2twindaughters said...

Absolutely beautiful pictures!

Andrea said...

Oh, that was the sweetest thing. I love the pictures.

TheRagan3 said...

I love the wonder in her eyes as she looks at that rose... wonder if she knows that is what her name means?

Kerry said...

Nate, what an adorable sequence of Little Miss G -- it brought tears to my eyes. I hope Tricia is feeling better with her back pain today.

As always,
Prayers from Kerry in CT

Becky said...

I love it! The pictures are adorable and the poem fits so perfectly.

Lee said...

She is just to precious.

Randi said...

that is the most beautiful post ever!

~*~Bre~*~ said...

It's like it was written just for Gwyneth ROSE!! She's such a sweet girl. Pictures of her always melt my heart <3

Mom To Jacob & Allison said...

Love it! We're still praying for you guys!

MamatoOne said...

Beautiful pictures of your Rose!

Angela R. said...


Agnes said...

ah such sweet memories... ask Tricia about the " whee dress " she liked to wear as she danced around the room singing this poem.

Emelie said...


BIG, BIG,((((((((((((( HUGS))))))))))))))))))


Rick Lawrenson said...

Definitely in the top 5 posts.

The Barnes Crew said...

Precious pics!!!

Suzie said...

you have been blessed with one of the most precious baby girl. I have enjoyed watching her grow. Gwyneth was born the day after my Cooper. He passed away two days later. Your family are a true inspiration to many, including myself. thank you for being so open and honest with all of your postings. God bless all of you!

Cooper's Momma

Julie said...

Oh my gosh! Those pictures are PRECIOUS and that poem is like it was written for her! I just love it! I'm assuming you took the beautiful pics, as always?

Tracy said...

This is officially my most favorite post yet! precious! Talk about tugging at the heart strings....amazing!

Unknown said...

What a lovely Rose you have in your precious Gwyneth Rose. You, Tricia and God made a lovely baby girl. :)

Hugs from El Paso,
Karla and family

silver68 said...

Nate, Gwyneth is so prety and has beautiful eyes, Hope Tricia is feeling better

Kelly Brown said...

Absolutely beautiful pictures (and poem). Still keeping you all in our thoughts and prayers!! I love reading your blog and watching your little miracle grow.

amanda said...

best post ever :)

she is beyond adorable!!

Ann said...

Absolutely A-D-O-R-A-B-L-E!

Andria said...

This was a GREAT post. It made me tear up a little.

My little boy was born exactly 1 months after your Gwyneth. It's been fun following her progress. We pray for you all every night.

Emily said...

Precious pictures of a precious gift!

Marge Sexton said...

How precious!!! That rose makes her look so tiny.

SaraG said...

Beautiful poem for a Beautiful baby girl.

Rebecca said...

i love love love the second one :-) too cute

Deb said...


Barbara Kay said...

Honestly! Could it get any sweeter than this? The pictures took my breath away.

Amber said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Amber said...

AWWWW! "and who are you?" is my favorite picture in this set....although they all are really really cute. :) continuing to pray for your family!

Unknown said...

I cannot get over how much she has your Dad's facial expressions!!! You have to post some side by sides of the two of them making those great faces!!

Too precious!!

Katie said...

That is so sweet!! She is beautiful :)

Trish said...


Violet said...

she is a precious little thing!

Sonja said...

Little Gwenyth Rose... Such adorable pictures.... The rose is bigger than she is . LOLOL Hope all is going well. Take Care.

Debbie said...

How cute! You did a great job putting that together. Thanks for sharing.

Megan and Company said...

Keep her We'll be there in about 12 hours...

The Lockwood Family ♥ said...

That was just toooooo sweet! That is definately one of my favorite posts you've done!
We just found out we're expecting another little one! :) The children are all hoping for a girl. Daniel just wants to know if they are really cheaper by the dozen :)
love and prayers,

Scott said...

Wow, that was beautiful not only little Gwyneth and the poem but your photography too. Still praying for all of you daily!

A said...

So sweet!

Kristin said...


MelB said...

Just beautiful! The pics of Gwyneth are wonderful.

Kathy said...

What a beautiful way to start my day when I checked your very sweet and precious.

Andrea said...

Gwyneth is looking so much like her daddy these days! She's beautiful!

Wendy Glosser said...

Thank you for sharing your little one with us! What a great start to my morning! I wish she was nearby so I could cuddle with her and see her smile in real life. Your videos and pictures will just have to do. :-)

D.M. said...

Simply b-e-a-u-t-i-f-u-l....thank you for sharing!

Missy said...

awwww! how cute! love the expressions. such a big girl she is getting to be! thanks for still sharing nate.

Bobbie said...

Those are great pics. And the way they fit the poem. Just a too cool. I love the and who are you one. lol

Stephanie said...

She is so adorable and I love the pics!!!!!!!

The VW's said...

Adorable! Great pictures!

Jennifer said...

The pictures of Gwyneth are adorable. I cannot believe how big she is getting. I enjoyed reading the poem too. Thinking of you guys!

Lisa C Photography said...

THAT IS SO PRECIOUS!!! Oh Nate! She's SO CUTE!!!! Really! She is one Beautiful little girl!

Carey said...

Very pretty. Your little Rose is so cute!

Manda Brooke said...

such a gorgeous girl you've got on your hands.

Jen said...

This is one of the cutest, sweetest blog posts I've read in a long time! Gwyneth is absolutely adorable.

Wherever HE Leads We'll Go said...

Absolutely adorable! You take such great photos. I love that she is getting a little "chunk" on her thighs. : )

Julie D said...

I'm speechless. Beautiful!!

Elizabeth said...

Oh my word!
That was absolutely beautiful.
I love the pics!

Di said...


Karen said...

I bet the rose felt outdone

Mamma_of _five said...

beautiful Gweneth Rose!

Tracy said...

The pictures along with the poem-so precious! How cute is Gwyneth?

Carol said...

Stunning pictures! Glad Tricia is feeling better.

Elizabeth said...

Beautiful poem and pictures. I can only imagine what Gwyneth is saying in a few of those!! She seems LOVE that rose!!

Brittany said...

I just started following this blog, and wow! amazing. Gwyneth is beautiful!

Heather M. said...

Been following your blog & praying for you guys for many months...never comment, but I just have to on this one! The cutest thing EVER!!! What a sweetie & proof of God's Miracles on Earth!

Heather M.

Sarah said...

That's so cute! That rose looks huge compared to your little one!!! It's so precious. Especially in that last picture.

Sheryl said...

I'm pregnant with my first and if it's a girl her name will be Samantha Rose. My Grandmother's name is Rose and I always thought it was pretty.

Christy said...

Her little legs in the 3rd pic.. awwwwwww!!

Mom of 2 Cuties said...

She is gorgeous!

Rick Lawrenson said...

My gosh she looks like her grandfather.

kjames106 said...

Absolutely beautiful. God is so good!

Kerry said...

She is adorable.
I am partial to the name Rose, it was my mom's aunts name. I always thought it was such a pretty name for a girl. First or middle name it didn't matter.
Nate you keep taking photo's like this you will never have to pay someone to take them.

Undomestic said...

I think these pics are my favorite!

GreerPowers said...

This is my FAVORITE!! Oh, she is so precious!

Anonymous said...

I'm in love with that. She is absolutely beautiful.

amanda said...

Creative connections in your awesome montage LOVE the photos!

K Storm said...

That was too precious

Summer Braxton said...

BREATHTAKING! And the pic below "and who are you?" is such a perfect fit. Her expression seems to ask that question.

Froggymama said...

Just when you think she couldn't be any cuter....

Sarah - Roots and Wings said...


Janice said...

I love the pictures so much!

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh!! Those are such beautiful pictures and the poem, wow, it represents her. So beautiful. I agree with the poster that mentioned you should have each picture frames along with the words written on the picture.

Great Job Nate. And trisha for the pictures I have seen of you, wow... you look awesome.

Katy said...

I couldn't NOT comment on these photos!!! How simply precious...and so frameable!

La Familia Garcia said...

This is beautiful..the pictures..the words...her cooing to the rose! WOW