Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Nominated For A Blog Award

I received an email tonight that says I've been nominated for a blog award at DivineCaroline.com. The winners (18 blogs will win) will each receive a $250 Visa Gift Card.

If I win (winners are announced in early December), I'll donate the gift card by buying and delivering $250 worth of toys to the local Toys for Tots (Mrs. Sandy Ferguson in Manteo, NC). Tricia and I have both donated and helped to deliver (to the homes of the families/children) toys through this great organization in the past, and it would be a blessing for us to participate again, especially with your help (and you can check with Sandy to make sure I've followed through)!

Click Here (or the badge below) to view the page where you can vote for CFHusband. To vote, you'll need to spend 30 seconds to sign up.




Fire Hunt said...

Cool I will go do that.

rf_rn said...


And have you heard any more from the Stanfield family?!? Its driving me crazy not being updated on their situation!! I pray Faith is still in her cozy womb!!

Stacemoe said...

You have my vote!!!! I tried to vote twice, but it won't let us, unless you sign up with different email address'.....hope Tricia is feeling better. Can't get over the pics of sweet Gwyneth with the pug. Amazing to see how far she hs come!!! Such a miracle!!!!! Have a wonderful rest of the week!

Unknown said...

Love Toys for Tots!!!!!! As the DIL of a WW2 Marine, we are very involved!

Great idea... we voted!

Florida_Mom said...

I voted - you are in second place already.


Christy said...


Cassie12 said...


Just voted!!!


rf_rn said...


And have you heard any more from the Stanfield family?!? Its driving me crazy not being updated on their situation!! I pray Faith is still in her cozy womb!!

Rick Lawrenson said...
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Rick Lawrenson said...

Last night I attended the local Marine Corps League detachment meeting, and on their agenda was a discussion of the upcoming Toys for Tots campaign.

I'll let them know about this.

Scott said...

Well I voted for you! Hope you win the big buck:)

ladybug said...


Carrie said...

Wow...I just read this and you already have 198 votes...after less than 12 hours of posting! How cool is that!

Angela R. said...

Done!! Just voted.. you have ALOT of votes already, Im sure you will be a winner!!! :)


Angela R. said...

215 votes to be exact!

Angela R. said...

And you are in FIRST PLACE, now that I read down further!! Way ahead of the others!!!! :)

Anonymous said...

Voted, sure hope you guys win because if you do it'll be a blessing to lots of children. I'll be praying!

Crafty Mama said...

Absolutely, and what a great idea!

Magoon Family said...

You guys are so sweet. I am in awe of you both. I voted!! Looks like you are WAY ahead of the competition already!!

Magoon Family said...

By the way.....249 votes!!

Manda said...

Just Voted :)

Manda said...

268 votes :)

Andy Lawrenson said...

I voted!

Anonymous said...

I voted. Good luck!!

Tricia said...

We voted! Hope you win this. Excellent cause! Tricia and Family

Stephanie said...

I voted!!!

heatherlm said...

I hope you win. Your blog rocks! You've got my vote!

Oksana said...

I've voted! :)

Irma said...

Holy snap, your generosity is just killing me. Your family inspires me daily.

Gotta go, off to vote...

My2Girls said...

I voted.

Going strong, Nate! In the lead with 495 votes.


Go Nate! Go Nate!

Va Beach

Estelle said...


Lori said...

I put my vote in today. Thanks for keeping us updated.

Mrs Redboots (Annabel Smyth) said...

Voted for you today.