Friday, September 5, 2008

Weighing In

Gwyneth is being weighed again this morning. It's been three weeks since her last weight check, when she just over 8.5 lbs.

Any guesses on her weight today?



Jodie said...

I'm guessing 10 Lbs, 1 oz

Bobbie said...

9lbs 2oz.

I am so not good at this. lol

*Lissa* said...

9 lb 12 oz.

Paulette said...

awww my daughter was a 2 pounder and I remember these visits, it took her a long time to grow.
My guess will be 11 pounds 7 ounces

careysue said...

I think 10lbs even!

Farrah said...

I'm going to guess 9 lbs 10 oz

Katie@ThisCrazyLife said...

I'll say 10 lbs. 6 oz.

Carol said...

10# 3 oz.

The Liebers said...

I am going with 9 lbs., 6 oz.

Kristi said...

9 lbs. 1 oz

Tracy said...

9 ilbs. 8oz. is my quess

Carrie said...

9Lbs 3oz is my guess!

Jessica said...

10lbs, 5oz. (my son's birth weight)

Marty said...

I'll guess 9 lbs, 9 oz

Love Being A Nonny said...


~j~ said...

oh wow... little Gwyneth possibly at 9lbs 5 oz!? Praise God!

Anonymous said...

10 lb. 2 oz

Tori said...


Jane said...

11 pounds, 9 oz.

(I like to dream BIG!)

missmel78 said...

10 lbs

melanie said...


Liz {Learning To Juggle} said...

9lbs 7oz maybe?

Classy Fab Sarah said...

9 pounds, 2 ounces

Cara said...

9lb 5 oz, since it's 9-5 and she her weight was the same as the date last time. :)

Svetlana said...

I will say 9lbs and 11oz

Anonymous said...

My guess is 9 lbs 8 oz. ;)

Tweet Tweet!

The Barnes Crew said...

10lbs 3oz is my guess!

em said...

i guess 12 lbs. i'm an optimist! ;o)

jlmishler said...

I think 9 lb 13 oz

Tammy C said...

In not reading what is already down,I say 10lbs,7oz.

Kathryn said...

10 pounds, 2 ounces.

Will you be taking anymore pictures of her with her pug? I am sure I would be floored to see her so big now! God's Peace!

Melissa Dovel said...

9lb 4oz just because....:)

although I like the big dreamer!

Pamela said...

nine six.

Ashley said...

U, I'll say 9lbs.

KELLY said...


KELLY said...

9 lbs 8 oz

Beth said...

10.57oz, because it's 10:57am right now :)

Kim said...

I'm going to say just over 10 lbs.

Melissa said...

9 lbs 3 oz

Dawn McKinstry said...

a confident "guess" of 9lbs 8 oz!

ditarae said...

I'm sticking with of these days I'll be right!

Sarah said...

11 pounds.

Wilson Ramblings said...

8 pounds 15 ounces

sara said...

my guess is 9.4 lbs.

Helene Eichenwald Slutsky said...

My anniversary is 9-20 and 9 pounds 20 ounces, is 10 pounds 4 ounces.... so go white rose blooming!

10 pounds 4 ounces

Blessings From Above said...

I love that you Twitter now...since I already know the answer! :)

Amy E. said...

10 lbs. 0.5 oz

Jenna said...

9lbs 2 oz

Tracy said...

Ummmm, I'm gonna say 9lbs 6 ozs


Melissa said...

I am gonna guess 9lbs 3oz

Anonymous said...

9 lb 2.7 oz (in honor of my anniversary 9/27)

kjames106 said...

Lets see...

9lbs 14.4oz

Mom2Da'Gorgeouses said...

I'm going to guess 9 lbs 1 oz. It won't be long & she'll be growing faster than you can take pictures of her! Da'Gorgeouses grew fast once they came home. They arrived at 4+ lbs and before I knew it they were 8+ lbs. Now that they've hit the active walking stage we're back to slow gains, it's okay with me, as long as they stay healthy!

Hugs & Blessings!

Megan @ SimplyThrifty said...

9 lbs 14 oz.

Marsmile said...

10 lbs-- glad she's continuing to grow well! :-)

Andy Lawrenson said...

9 lb 2oz

FriedrichFamily said...

9 pounds 6 ounces!

Catherine said...

Another vote for 9lb 2oz

Kathy said...

9 lbs 4 oz.

asplashofsunshine said...

Since today is 9/5, I'll go with 9 lbs 5 oz.

Manda Brooke said...

I'm guessing 9lbs 6oz.

Maybe even 10?! You're well on your way to having a double digit baby (pound wise that is)

Christina said...


Angela said...

9 lbs. 3 oz.

Marci @Finding Joy in the Journey said...

11.2 lbs

Kelly said...

10.2 because that's my bday and it sounds like a great weight for her right now :O)

Kelly in Cary NC

amanda said...

9 pounds 13 ounces

The Ham Family said...

My guess is 10 pounds 2 ounces.

Meredith K Beaupre said...


Gretchen said...

9 lbs. 14 oz.

SaraG said...

9 lbs. 9.5 ozs...

Sherri Thacker said...

I say 10 lbs. 2 oz.

Unknown said...

I'm guessing 9 lbs 14 oz. She's growing so fast!

Be Thou Exalted said...

How about 8lbs 14oz!

Lisa said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Lil Mama said...

10 lbs 2 ozs!!!!

Rebecca (Ramblings by Reba) said...

I say 9 lb

Angela R. said...

From look at the pictures and seeing how much and fast she is growing, Im going to guess... 10lbs8oz!


K Storm said...

I am going out on a limb and saying 11-1/2 pounds. She just looks like she is growing so fast. I remember my kids started packing on the pounds quickly at some point of infancy too.

Ed and Jamie said...

probably already been guessed but I am going with 9lbs2oz

Rose said...

10 pounds even

indianmoonchyld said...

i guess 9lbs 3 oz.

Erin said...

9lb, 6oz

Dana said...

9lbs 6oz

Momof2bz said...

9lbs 3 oz.

Others probably guessed it already but that's my guess. Praying that you are all safe thru the bad weather and that Tricia is feeling good today.

Phil and Pam said...

10 lbs 11 oz

Amanda said...

I'm gonna guess 9lbs 7oz

Tracy said...

My guess is 9 lb. 12 oz. Whatever her new weight is, she'd be a nice, hefty baby if she were born right now! Congrats little princess!! :)


Pam O'Brien said...

10 lbs. 2 oz.

Our beautiful mess... said...

8lbs 14oz

Becky in VA said...

Her weight will be perfect - whatever it is!

Are ya'll leaving OBX?

Love to all.

The Beaver Bunch said...

I'm too lazy to look at everyone's comments so if someone already guessed this, sorry!

I say 9lbs 5oz (b/c it's today's date).

Kristina said...

9 lbs 3 oz

La Familia Garcia said...


jessicagv said...

10 pounds even

Bev J. said...

9 lbs. 5 oz.

Jennifer Burgett said...

Several people have already guessed it but I am going to as well. . . .
9lb 5oz. . . add 1/2 an oz for good measure!

9lbs 5.5oz

Jamey said...

9 lb 3 oz. I didn't read through the comments so this might be a duplicate, but that's my guess!

Staci said...

9 lbs 11 oz

Sarah said...

9 lbs. 4.5 oz.

Stay safe from the storms (especially Ike)!!

Roni said...

my guess..... 9 lbs 8 ounces...I am still thinking and praying for you all.

kandykane said...

My guess is 9 lbs, 4oz! Go gwyneth! I see her oxygen is off now! Yay!!!!

Shari said...

9 lb 14 oz

Shari nc

Shari said...

Shari sez--now that I looked at the comments, I will guess 9-15

Shari NC

Rose_J said...

given the date on 9/5/08....

9 lbs 5 oz.

Tonya Doman said...

9.9 sounds like a great number!

Kellee Flatt said...


Kristin said...

I'll guess my son's birth weight
9lbs, 10oz. :)

fuzzandfuzzlet said...

9lbs 8oz

Quiver of Seven said...

9lbs 8oz


Cristi said...

My guess is 9.7 Our little one is slow at gaining. She is 7 1/2 months and only weighs 14.5. Pray for Avery to grow!

Emily said...

9lbs 10oz?

♥Lisa♥ @ FinalScore:Boys3Girls2 said...

im going with 9#8oz. the birth weight of my last child.

Misty Rice said...

Found you off of Angies blog "Audrey Caroline"..... I am so thrilled to see such amazing turn outs for your entire family. What a beautiful family. I will continue to follow you guys from here....

You are all in my prayers.

God Bless.