Thursday, September 18, 2008

Waking Up Is Hard To Do

Further proof that she is indeed her mother's daughter...



sarah said...

love that last pic in particular. i feel like that some mornings! (okay, most mornings)

Just Courtney said...

I make some of those same faces while waking up! It's much cuter coming from an 8 month old though!

BloggyMom said...

Those pictures are super cute. I 'specially love the last one.

Aunt Donna said...

Hopefully when she gets a head full of hair, she won't look like her daddy in the morning!!!! Scarry.

Coffespaz said...

I love the 5th picture in the series....looks like she is asking very pointedly why you are still taking pictures when she is trying to wake up.

pam said...

Oh my, those are hysterical. Good laugh for the start of a new day.

Emily said...

How CUTE!! My little fellas have to stretch just like that when they wake up....

Farrah said...

SHe is so precious....And getting so BIG, OMG she is a cutie!!!!!

Amy E. said...

Gwyneth is my kind of girl!!!
Mornings are NOT fun!!

Even waking up she is adorable!!
I love the stretch!!

Aspiemom said...

Oh, I love that last picture! lol

Now let's see Tricia making those same faces.

purejoy said...

love the super turbo back arch!! i remember those days. and when i wake up my 17 year old daughter, i get a trip back in time as she makes the EXACT same faces! loved the pix.

Sabrina said...

ha ha i feel the same way when i have to wake up. maybe even make the same faces!!

Kim said...

Pic #6 is HILARIOUS!

Angela R. said...

Aww.. Good Morning little sunshine, rise and shine. Everyone likes their sleep, I feel the same way waking up, there is nothing wrong with that! :)

Too cute!!!


ShEiLa said...

not so sure she wants to wake-up... i feel like that alot.


Aggiema (Michelle) said...

Are you sure she was just waking up? That looked like a major poop job going on to me! Hope you all have a great day!

Anxious AF said...

What a sweet thing!
Love her honesty:)

Kim said...

That last one was awesome!

Growing Up Rutledge said...

I feel the same way Gwyneth!

Blessings From Above said...

Too adorable!!! She has the best eyes EVER.

Waking up is hard to do. She looks like I feel in that last picture!

Sonia said...

So cute!! I remember when my girls did that. They still don't wake up very quickly. Hmmm they must get that from me.

MamatoOne said...

OMG! Those are great photos!

Karis said...

Greatest faces... EVER!

Marsmile said...

aww, Gwyn's a cute sleepy head! Her expressions are adorable!

Thanks for sharing. Hope you and Tricia are well as is the rest of the family.

Take care,

FriedrichFamily said...

She sure looks a lot like you in a couple of those pictures!

Meredith K Beaupre said...

oh, when she's old enough she's going to yell at you for that last pic! :)

Jennifer said...

Ther eis a family in your smi-neck of the woods who delivered a very preemie (26 wks) and could use some advise and prayers.

Carrie said...

Too Funny...I feel the same way some mornings!!

Heather's Haven said...

I LOVE LOVE LOVE all her little rolls! She's growing SO much! Isn't it incredible how much they change and how quickly? God is good!

Derek said...

I just wanted to finally comment and say that I have been reading your blog for awhile now, since just before Gwyneth was born. As I've been following your blog lately, I just never cease to be amazed at how God has blessed your little girl: how she was born, survived, and is growing and looking so healthy and strong now! Your story has been so inspiring and interesting to follow. Thanks for sharing your lives!

(This is Nicole, commenting using my husbands Google account!)

Julie said...

She is so cute!

Ang said...

lol..I love it!! Reminds me of my little girl waking up!! :)

Annette said...

Those are too funny! Looks like a rough morning :)

marcia said...

Well, she may have her Mom's sleep cycles, but she sure gets her ability to contort her face into all sorts of expressions from her Dad! :):) Too cute!

April said...

lol! TOO CUTE!

Anonymous said...

These pics are way too cute! Thanks for sharing. God's love and peace...

Carie said...

lol. those are the funniest pictures, yet! too adorable!

Mrs.Naz@BecomingMe said...

Very, very cute

Ang said...

She is just adorable!!

danabrown said...

What cute funny faces! Silly girl!

Lyndsay said...

Hilarious! When I saw the last picture, I wondered if maybe she was working on something for her diaper?...

Faithe said...

I was also thinking that she has her Daddy's ability at face-making. BUT SHE'S MUCH CUTER!! HA These pictures remind me of my kiddos when they were little; indeed, waking up is hard to do! Thanks for sharing your lives with us. You guys are a great family and it's so neat you have these pictures to show Gwenyth as she grows up. Some of htem will embarrass her, I'm sure. Enjoy the moment!! SMILE

Jarboetwingles said...

You may want to remember as you choose those photos that she will be the one selecting your nursing home someday :) But I say take the risk cause it keeps all of us so happy :) seeing her sweet face!
(ps.. sorry that I always spell her name wrong! I always reverse the y and e. GRRRR!!)

Jennifer said...

Oh my goodness that last picture made me laugh so hard! This picture has to be shared with anyone in need of a good laugh!

MamaMia said...

Can you blame her for enjoying her beauty sleep? Maybe it's a girl thing!!

Carol said...

That is unbelievable--the only picture you don't have is one of her hitting the snooze button!

Stefanie said...

She is to cute:) Love all of the pics.

Kerry said...

She is a cutie. I am not a morning person at all. So I understand. Takes me till lunch to adjust for the day.

Christina Miller said...

Her faces are super cute!!!

Kathy said...

Love those faces especially the last one! I wouldn't be surprised if she becomes the class clown with all those funny expressions.

mom2LEAA said...

what great faces, and with that arching, she could become a gymnist. To think how big she is getting.


raw said...

Oh my word... THAT IS WHAT *i* DO IN THE MORNING!! Once again, she is too cute for words.

Renee said...

LOL how sweet!! I think she looks like you in those pics though Nate! HAHA! She is so precious! Got to love those faces...even though I make some of those myself in the morning...I'm quite sure she is much cuter when she makes them than I am! HAHA!

Thank you for sharing and God Bless you all!

Unknown said...

LAUGH OUT LOUD!! still laughing...

Farm Girl in MD said...

That last picture is priceless! That's one to save for when the boys start knocking on your door!!

Candi said...

Oh my word, those literally had me laughing out loud. That's exactly how my boys were when they first woke up!!

Gin said...

Love the stretching pictures!

Julie said...

Awesome! So classy!

Scott said...

So precious! They say that waking up is hard to do ooh, oh that is breaking up.

Tammy C said...

Those pictures are hysterical!Are you sure she wasn't doing something else as she woke up?

Rachel said...

Very funny pics! She is adorable! She looks sorta like she has a little mohawk!

~Seth and Nancy~ said...

those are hysterical! i'm sure a lot of use look the same way in the morning :-)

Bren said...

She is so cute. Doesn't look like a morning baby to me!!! (smile)
Love the cute faces she is making!

Tina said...

that's the "she's-gonna-blow" face. I hope you were prepared -- and will be for the umty-million times of this you've got ahead of you.

Tina said...

that's the "she's-gonna-blow" face. I hope you were prepared -- and will be for the umty-million times of this you've got ahead of you.

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness, I was laughing out loud at the last picture of her. The faces, my goodness, so funny. I feel the same way as she does. ;)

Lifes.So.Sweet said...

I love her shirt!!!

(My middle name is Gweneath, pronouced either Gwyneth or Gwen-neath)

Gena Susan said...

Gwyneth is such an adorable little girl! I am due in 2 weeks with a baby girl...and I'm planning on naming her Gweneth. Such a pretty name!

I am a huge fan of your blog as are the rest of the girls on staff here at

We love catching a glimpse of your sweet family!

Take care.

Much Love,
The girls on staff at

Debs said...

hysterical, you couldnt 'facewarp' that last one better! Im in fits of laughter bless her! x