Monday, July 7, 2008

7 7

Gwyneth is officially 7lbs 7oz today (which is fitting if you'll notice the date)! She is now bigger than my own birth weight. She is also 19.25 inches long.

Congrats to Krystal for being the first to guess the correct weight!

And, even better, Gwyneth has officially hit her first big developmental milestone! Over the past several weeks she has becoming more and more social, and just within the past few days, she is finally smiling on purpose for us when we talk to her!

Here's some quick video I took this afternoon...listen as she says "hey" back to me at the beginning! Baby Genius!

("People Watching" by Jack Johnson)



Kira =] said...

Yay! what a big girl!! =]

Heather Marie said...

Praise the Lord! He has answered the prayers of His people! Blessings to you...

Florida_Mom said...

Awesome! Way to go Gwyneth! Yeah 2nd to post :)


Kira =] said...

Just had to add I love the big smile she gave when you said to give you a kiss. Obviously she also already knows kisses from Daddy.=]

Love my boys! said...

Oh, I was close!

Way to go Gwyneth!!!

She is so precious in that video...smiling for her daddy!

Thank you for sharing...

Anonymous said...

Gooo Gwyneth!! I love how she said "Hey!" -- sooo cute!

KimA said...

She is a beauty!

Danielle in MO said...

So stinkin cute... love those smiles!!!

Rachel said...

I love the video! She's very cute!

Kari said...

AWWWW! I think she waved too!

Andrea said...

She is getting so big!!! I just love that gorgeous smile!! She is an angel!!!

Blessedw5mom said...

oh ... my ... if that is not about the most gorgeous thing!!!! You are such great parents!

God Bless!

MamaBear said...

Passing gas?? You are too funny! And Gwyneth? She's absolutely precious!

Angela said...

Very Sweet!

I Speak Refugee, Let's Chat! said...

I love how when you said "Give me a kiss" and she got a big grin! Daddy's girl alright, and I love the pics of her and Tricia just lounging you can see the two of them just savoring eeevverryyyy second of it.

lislynn said...

Oh man... she's sooooooooo cute! And I have to warn you, as the wife of another bearded man, you're gonna wanna keep it pretty short as she gets better with her grip :)

Sonia said...

That's really great she is cooing so much. Our surviving twin Isaac was born at 23w0d and on the vent for 3 months and didn't start making any sound (except when he cried which wasn't that often) till he was 11 mos adjusted. He is quite speech delayed now (but generally doing quite good for a 23 weeker) so hopefully because your Gwenyth is cooing so well, she won't have to face the same challenge!

Continuing to pray for your family.


hlsst7 said...

Thank you for sharing that precious video. I love seeing her because she reminds me of my oldest when she was a baby.

JHE said...

Oh my! Gwyneth is trying so hard to "talk" to you..... and doing a great job at it. She just has a lot to say!! And her smiles are just too beautiful for words! I sure did have a good cry watching that video.

Agnes's old friend Judy

Deb said...

Too cute! my son wants to keep watching it over and over :) And so big- yay!

Liz Ferguson said...

Oh my goodness! That is the most precious thing ever! Such a smart and beautiful girl!

I don't comment very often, but I read and pray for you guys often.

Thanks for sharing Gwyneth's sweet smile with us.


Amy said...

YIPPEE! How adorable!

Ann said...

Gummy baby smiles are the best! Thanks for sharing with us!

applesofgold said...

Drat...all she had to do was doodle in her diaper and my guess would have been perfect. Ah well, no mint for me!

oh my gosh....soooo cute!

Gym Mama said...

PRECIOUS!! =) Thanks for sharing!

Kristen said...

Ohh, that is so sweet! I love it!

Anonymous said...

Oh, how absolutely precious! I love seeing the pictures of her growing and thriving. How awesome is our God!

Missy said...

love the tongue action! she's really too cute for words!

Brian, Beth, Garrett, Lucy, Brooks and Deacon White said...

there is nothing better than seeing your baby smile at you...blessings to you guys. you remain in our thoughts & prayers - thank you for sharing the video! love seeing miss gwyneth grow & change!

The Gang's Momma! said...

Okay. I am addicted. I admit it. I check this blog frequently. Daily or more if there's an indication that you'll be posting again later.

But at this point, for the sake of my sinuses, I really must ask that you only post once a day. That's all the tears my sinuses can take - once a day of streaming and snotting. Really!

;) Seriously, what a miracle. Every time I see her little face, that's the thought of thankfulness I have. Every. time.

Aspiemom said...

She's adorable! And getting so big!

Anonymous said...

How wonderful! Sounds like she's getting "bigger and stronger." :)

Take care,

Princess Talana said...

:) what a big grin! Amazing and beautiful!

Carol said...

Oh my goodness- this has me grinning and grinning from ear to ear - almost as if I am right there too, trying to coax that smile. Ah the joys of parenthood! Really - this is too cute!

Blessings From Above said...

Way to go Gwyneth - such a big girl!!!

Seeing her smile melts my heart.

Blessings from Ohio

The Mom Jen said...

Yay Gwyneth!! What a big girl and those smiles are precious, had me smiling the whole video!!

Beverly said...

she is so lucky to have you for a daddy...Your verbal skills will rub off on her. LOL

Caroline said...

How precious! She is so adorable. There's nothing like those smiles.

Carmen said...

Nate she is so sweet and beautiful, I love that big smile.

Holly C. said...

Watching her smile-made me smile.

Keep up the good work Gwyneth!

Tote, Debby, Sammy and Caleb Jimenez said...

That's awesome! God is so good!! She's so beautiful (but you obviously know that!!) We continue to pray for your amazing family!!

Stacemoe said...

Thanks for totally making my night!!!! She is so precious!!! You are so blessed and it is so wonderful to see her thriving!!! How is Tricia? I think she went today for another treatment....Hope all is well.

Dawn said...

What a sweet pea:)
I have heard that after awhile some preemie's really thrive, it looks as though she just may be one of those, I just feel God has blessed you so and even better, it seems with not only a beautiful girl (you'll have your hands full in about 16 years) but a very smart one too!
God bless you all, in His love.

Anonymous said...

She is so cute!!!!! Love that smile and what a little wiggle worm!! My guess was only .5 oz off her actual weight--without going over! She is such a lovely little peanut!

~j~ said...

Thank you Lord for Gwyneth...
and thank you for providing us with a very beautiful "conversation" between Gwyneth and her Daddy!
A good day indeed.

Emelie said...

What a big girl!!!! She is one happy baby!!!

((((( HUGS )))))


Rebecca (Ramblings by Reba) said...

She is too cute... thank you for sharing with us...

shelby1232 said...

WOOOOHOOO!!!! She is getting so big. That video was so precious. I can hear it in your voice that you are one proud Daddy.


GinnyBerry said...

This video made me smile. I think that Gwyneth is going to be a daddy's girl, and love to play. She knew that last kiss was coming and turned her head!

Meg said...

I guessed 7-7 because of the date:) How fitting!

Sarah said...


Sarah in Gastonia, NC

Unknown said...

So precious and so beautiful! Answered prayers.

Renee said...

she is very cute! wow what a little miracle she is! Praise God for all that answered prayer!Blessed be the Name of the Lord! He is Faithful!

Jennifer A. said...

Testimony baby!!! Awww!

inthepottershand said...

What a beautiful, miracle baby! Praise the Lord for His goodness!!!

Catherine said...

It's always wonderful to see pics of your sweetie but oh how special to see her moving, cooing, passing gas ;o) (daddy's girl?) and even talking! lol! 'Hey' right back at ya Gwyneth!

Mary said...

Hey, the number 7 = perfection! That is the cutest video. I am so thrilled for you guys. God is good.


candicesalazar said...

Hi Guys!
What a peanut!!! GOOOO Gwyneth!!
Happy Day!
Nurse Candice & Co in Nebraska

Sabrina said...

ok i loved the pictures but i love love the video!!! plus i so heaard her say hey at the begining. i cant believe how much she is growing!!! she is definately a blessing.

Kate, Alek, Hank, and Cash (RIP RED) said...

Beautiful smiles....Today is a lucky day for Miss Gwyneth. One year ago today 07/07/07 we were blessed with our little man Alek, boy does time fly. Great to see she got the lucky "7" thing going too.
Keep smiling Trish

Kerry said...

Nate- thank you for the biggest smile from deep in my heart! She is a precious miracle :-)

Prayer continue as always for you and your girls.

Kerry in Guilford, CT

meredith said...

oh my gosh, That has to be one of the cutest things I have ever seen!!!

Lynsey said...

oh gosh stop it! That was way tooooooo cute! Every time I see her I become more and more amazed. How precious!!!

North Carolina Mom said...

What a gorgeous girl! I love all the tongue action! She is all wiggly and smiley and happy, thank you for sharing!!

Apryl in NC

Megan and Adam Pfanmiller said...

Watch out! Big girl coming through! I'm so happy for you both. What a sweet little miracle!

Joyful Mom ~ Karla said...

Wow! She's so cute and amazing! What a big girl!

Hugs from El Paso,
Karla and family

Jane said...

YEAH!!!! way to grow Gwyneth!

Fire Hunt said...

So cute!

Wilson Ramblings said...

That video was absolutely adorable!!!! Thanks for posting it! It's fun to see video of her and see her little personality! :)

Catherine said...

How wonderful!!! I LOVE the tongue action :)

debbale said...

What a cutie! I love that big smile and that cute little tongue that seems to have a mind of it's own. Thanks for sharing.

ditarae said...

Beautiful, big baby girl! you're doing a great job loving on her and caring for her, and it shows! Our youngest was small and weak at birth and struggled to eat... I well recall the excitement of seeing him grow and grow and grow... you'd NEVER KNOW now that he was such a little duff ;-)

Molly said...

What a happy baby!!

Anonymous said...

Sweet angel of a girl! What a living doll!!!

Stephanie said...

What a cute video!!!! I am so glad everything continues to go good for you and your sweet girls! I pray each day that everything continues to go the right direction. What an amazing road you and your girls have been on what a great example you guys are to all. Thanks so much for sharing your story, it has changed my mind on being a donor. Thanks.

Cindy said...

Precious Nathan & Tricia!!!! I am praising God for all of your blessings, especially Gwyneth!!

the Percifuls said...

Gwyneth really looks like Tricia in this video. They have the same beautiful smile!

ArmyWife4Life said...

That is super sweet. She is just too cute! That really kindled my baby fever even more.

Kimberly said...

Someone else commented about what a sweet baby she was going to be.. Fair warning, no preemie fights this hard to live and thrive without becoming 1 determined individual in the 2's, 3's and on -Heaven help you :o)

Anonymous said...

Oh Sure Nate, MAKE US CRY!!!! Thank you Thank you, I have so waited for a video or photo;s of this!!!!!!!

Paulette said...

that is what my son weighed at birth!! How cool.

Jan Scholl said...

I am off to buy a kiddie soundtrack and I don't even have little ones anymore. Loved the song and the video. Perfect.

Megan @ SimplyThrifty said...

What a cute girl she is! I love the smiles and that was a really great "hey!" I love the tongue daughter when through it a little while ago and I love watching as they discover what they can do with their tongue. :) Way to reach 7.7!

Susan from Barrie said...

Absolutely Beautiful!!!! Thanks for the smiles. Tricia looks absolutely stunning. Praying for peace and healing.

Tracy said...

LOL my daughterdid the constant sticking out of the tounge around that age! We called her a little lizard. Such a cute video!!!

Violet said...

she is the sweetest. you are all blessed.

Lisa said...

Who in their right mind can not smile at that beatuiful baby smile.. way to go baby G!!!!! I loved it.

terri c said...

Good growing, Gwyneth! Try saying THAT three times in a row! Hope that Tricia's treatment went well also.

Jen in Al said...

too precious!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! love it love it! she is getting so big! way to go! :)jen in al

Sonja said...

Oh Gwenyth you are soooooo smart.... Ok mom and dad Yes, I heard her say "Hey" and also when daddy was bragging on his sweet girl you "waved" almost as if to say.... "Oh Daddy.... go on.... tell me again." LOLOL And nothing like her little.... Yeah! at the last there.... You have all bragging rights.... God is good isn't He......

Trisha, I pray your day went well.

God Bless each of you. Goodnight.

Amy said...

My Preemie was cracking up at your Preemie-Now that is special!!!

My daughter Grace is 11 months old and she was born 10 wks early, we have been following your story since the day Gewnyth was born!

So watching my baby crack up at your baby was awesome! TWO MIRACLES!!!

(My husband's 2nd cousin Roxy & her husband are good friends of y'alls and members of your church! That is so cool!)

Praying for you in Ches.,VA!!

Amy said...

My Preemie was cracking up at your Preemie-Now that is special!!!

My daughter Grace is 11 months old and she was born 10 wks early, we have been following your story since the day Gewnyth was born!

So watching my baby crack up at your baby was awesome! TWO MIRACLES!!!

(My husband's 2nd cousin Roxy & her husband are good friends of y'alls and members of your church! That is so cool!)

Praying for you in Ches.,VA!!

Amy said...

My Preemie was cracking up at your Preemie-Now that is special!!!

My daughter Grace is 11 months old and she was born 10 wks early, we have been following your story since the day Gewnyth was born!

So watching my baby crack up at your baby was awesome! TWO MIRACLES!!!

(My husband's 2nd cousin Roxy & her husband are good friends of y'alls and members of your church! That is so cool!)

Praying for you in Ches.,VA!!

Amy said...

My Preemie was cracking up at your Preemie-Now that is special!!!

My daughter Grace is 11 months old and she was born 10 wks early, we have been following your story since the day Gewnyth was born!

So watching my baby crack up at your baby was awesome! TWO MIRACLES!!!

(My husband's 2nd cousin Roxy & her husband are good friends of y'alls and members of your church! That is so cool!)

Praying for you in Ches.,VA!!

Amy said...

My Preemie was cracking up at your Preemie-Now that is special!!!

My daughter Grace is 11 months old and she was born 10 wks early, we have been following your story since the day Gewnyth was born!

So watching my baby crack up at your baby was awesome! TWO MIRACLES!!!

(My husband's 2nd cousin Roxy & her husband are good friends of y'alls and members of your church! That is so cool!)

Praying for you in Ches.,VA!!

TheOilHippie said...

Oh my!!12 She is just precious. I love her sweet smile and I definitely heard her say "hey" :)

Rene said...

Oh my goodness! What a big girl! The video of her smiling is just adorable.

Stephanie said...

I particularly enjoyed the tongue she kept sticking out at you. :) what a cutie!

Rachael and Travis said...

Oh, my GOODNESS that is adorable!!! Nothing like a baby's smile. There's one of the things that a mom put on her blog as one of the things she hopes for Tricia. Remember that blog you posted? Almost makes me want another. (No, not going to be mother of 4!)

Anonymous said...

OK, how many of us watching that caught ourselves smiling and cooing right back at her?? Be honest! :)

Dutch Momma of 4 said...

My 3 year old was cracking up in front of the laptop and calling 'again again again'! He was giving Gwyneth kisses and pets on the screen, so after leaving this comment (to say how CUTE that was- I love it when them little ones discover the gift of communicating ;o)) I am off cleaning spit and drool off my screen. But you sure were a happy start of our day!

Eliza said...

OMG that is seriously the cutest baby I have seen since my youngest was small! Don't you love how they smile with their whole face and body? Precious!

Only Servants Ministries said...

okay- i totally just now felt like I was watching my own child smile for the first time. I'm sitting here at a coffee shop in Kenya and people were watching me get right up close to the screen - smiling and laughing at that lil' girl. I love it!! Thank YOU!

Scott said...

I could see everyone who watches the video smiling with Gwyneth! Oh yeah, and Jack Johnson is one of my favorite muscians! Still praying!

Destini said...

Very sweet! She looks like she is very busy!

Classy Fab Sarah said...

Yay for the BIG GIRL! You'd never guess she used to be SOOO tiny!!

Those smiles pretty much gave me tears in my eyes - she looks amazing. So healthy and happy!!

Hope Tricia is tolerating chemo well and isn't too uncomfortable.

Prayers as always!!

Paul said...

Happy Half Birthday Gwyneth!!!!
What a precious smile and wonderful wiggles!

Twinkletoes said...

She's so happy! I love her little sounds!!!!

Kristine McKowen said...

Way to grow!

Love the video!

Youth Leaders said...

I do believe having you child smile at Mommy & Daddy for the first time is the greatest moment in being a parent. I was going to ask what "milestones" has she hit, so I am glad you were able to experience this great joy.

If you don't mind me tooting horns, my baby smiled a few weeks ago, and it still brings tears to my eyes.

Alice said...

What a blessing to see her interact like that. Thanks for sharing her with all your blog readers.

Ellen said...

She is just beautiful! It has been a blessing to watch her grow and share in your journey!

Dori's Mommy (Diana) said...

Beautiful! Doesn't it just melt your heart?

Tracy said...

What a precious smile!

Emily said...

What a doll:) I love her precious little smile! I love when she said heyyyy... I so heard it! She is such a little micrale! so adorable!

DJones said...

How sweet she is!

Matt Millard said...

To cute!
Beautiful smile!


Secret Agent Mama said...


Tracy said...

Ohhh this video just made my day, what a precious Angel with such a beautiful smile!


thesixburghmom said...

Oh, I wanted to reach through the screen and love on that sweet little girl! She's so precious!! We have five kids and I can tell you the sweet reward of that first smile never looses it's luster. I still tear up when I think about it. Makes me want another one ;)

Cristi said...

Isnt it funny how we take things for granted, even smiles. With a preemie you just wait and wait for those first real smiles. Ohhh how good it feels when they come. Congratulations.

Candy said...

Oh my goodness, I had such a HUGE smile on my own face watching that video! Thanks so much for sharing her and your life with us all. God bless.

Mrs4444 said...

Your life will never be the same; I'm so happy for you and your wife...

CeaseO said...

Wow--what a cutie! And chatty too!

Watching this brings back memories of our middle kiddo as a baby--she has a craniofacial condition and was on O2 until she got her trach when she was 1. Some day Gwyneth can look back and pics and say, "remember when I had that silly tube in my nose". What a sweet day that will be! =)

Jennifer Merkel said...

We are so proud of you Gwyneth!
You are just the most precious little Girl!
Nate, you can take Gwyneth to the Wright Memorial, walk up to the monument and stand under the word "Genius"! That would be a great picture!

Emmie said...

WOW Nate and Tricia, that made ME smile so much!!! Your baby girl is just BEAUTIFUL and she is so lucky to have a Mummy and Daddy who love her sooooooo much! HAPPY BIRTHDAY GWYNETH!!! xxxxxxx

Jennifer said...

This one has me grinning from ear to ear! Such a cutie pie!

anita said...

Thanks for posting this - don't get me wrong, your pictures are AMAZING - but NOTHING captures personality like a video!!

Love y'all!!

Mikesgal2009 said...

aww that brought tears to my eyes! keep smiling Gwyneth!

MyAwesomeOliveShoots said...

Simply precious! What a great family you are! We praise the Lord for His goodness!

Full of Grace said...

I LOVED this video- Baby Smiles are the BEST :) She is such an example of God's Gifts and Miracles :)

Norwood Mama said...

She is so wonderfully active! What a darling girl!

Rose Casell said...

What a cutie!

Jill Pagels said...

Awesome! She's getting big! 7/7 just happens to be my baby's 2nd birthday. Way to go Gwenyth!!!

BeckeyZ said...

What a sweetie!!! Makes me smile too!