Monday, July 7, 2008

CFHusband Contest 03

It's been nearly a month since we had Gwyneth weighed, and she was just over 6lbs then. She's being weighed this afternoon.

Leave a comment guessing her current weight in pounds and ounces. Only ONE guess per person!

The first person to guess correctly wins a free after-dinner mint from Olive Garden!!!

The contest ends at 6pm EST today! I'll let you know what the correct answer is later this evening.



Unknown said...

6 lbs 12 ounces

Brad, Carmen, Braylen and Alea Fleck said...

7 lbs 1 oz.

Rizel said...

7 lbs 13 oz

Andy Lawrenson said...

crud! I thought I would be first post!
7 lbs 1.5 ounces. with empty diaper and 7lbs 5 ounces with poopy diaper

Ronnica said...

8 pounds 1 ounce

Krystal said...

7 lbs 7 oz

raindropstop said...

7lbs 6oz :)

Unknown said...

I'm going to go with "closest without going over" - 6 lbs, 8 oz.

Can't wait to hear. :)

Take care,

Lissa said...

8 lbs 4.75 oz

laurie said...

7 lbs 2 oz. She looks about the size of my newborn grandson (6/26) who weighed in at that weight despite being three weeks early!

A question. How do the drs. measure her development? According to her actual age or with prematurity factored in?

Mrs. Dan said...

7 pounds 3 oz

If I win, you and Tricia can split the mint. You deserve it!

Bev J. said...

7 lbs 7 oz

Unknown said...

6 lbs 12.5 oz

(That's what my girls were both born at, although with one, they told me she weighed 6.12, and the other they told me she weighed 6.13!)

Matt Millard said...

7lbs 5ozs!

Matt Millard said...

7lbs 5ozs!

Anonymous said...

7 lb. 8 oz.

Amy said...

9lbs. 4 ounces

Stacemoe said...

I LOVE those Mints!!!! But I am in HOT HOT Dallas and am afraid it will melt by the time it gets here....but here is my guess...
6lb 8oz
We all love a good contest!

Beth Anne said...

8 lbs, 6 ounces.

Shawna Barlette said...

8 pounds, 2 ounces.

Emily said...

7 lbs. 14 oz! :)

MommyGirl said...

7 lbs 4 oz

Kori said...

7 pounds 4 ounces.

Man I want that mint!

TheRagan3 said...

6 lbs 14.5 ounces

Sue from Oregon said...

What I won't do for a mint!

7lbs even!

jamarson1 said...

9 lbs 5 oz

Ashley said...

7 pounds 9 ounces

Knick Knack Paddy Whack, Throw This Mom a Bone said...

I'm going big with 10lbs, 2oz!!!

Nancy Peacock said...

6 lbs. 10 ozs.

Teresa C said...

7lbs 10oz

asplashofsunshine said...

10 lbs 1 oz...ohhhh wait, maybe it is just all the love that is weighing her down. Ok ok, maybe she is more like 7 lbs 3 oz.

Jan Scholl said...

6 pounds 9.4 ounces-and keep the mint-yuck. How about a bread stick?

Crystal said...

8pounds 13 ounces!!

Courtney Gonzales said...

7 lbs 9 oz

D said...

7 pounds 9.5 ounces


kelly w said...

8 lbs 11 oz.

jessicagv said...

6lbs 11 ounces

The Brown family said...

7 lbs 4 oz

Heyy said...

8lbs 9 oz...

she is adorable

Tricia said...

Drat, someone beat me to 8'1" so I'll go with 8 lbs 0 oz (going with 1 oz/day goal...)

[long time reader, first time poster :^]

jackie said...

7 lb. 15 oz.

Unknown said...

7lb 2.8 oz

Just a guess....

Nicole said...

7 11!

SaraG said...

7 lbs. 7 ozs....a good weight for the 7th of July!!

Jenna said...

7 lbs, 3 oz

mama2drama said...

8 lbs 11 oz

Nicole said...

oh, and if 7/11 is correct, could you send me a slurpee instead?

leiGh said...

i'm going with 8 lbs. 3 oz

The Beaver Bunch said...

7lbs 11.8oz

Jennifer Burgett said...

8lbs 4oz

We need another picture with Gwyneth and the stuffed pug!

Unknown said...

6 pounds 9 ounces

Becca Sports said...

7 pounds 15.5 ounces

The Cook said...

6 pounds 7 ounces

Growing Up Rutledge said...

8lbs 1 oz

Rose Casell said...

6 lbs. 10 oz.

Momof2bz said...

7lb 4 oz.
She is just so darn cute!

Destini said...

I'm going to say 7 lbs 1/2 oz...just to be different :)

Sonja said...

7 lbs 3.5 ounces

The Pelhams said...

8 lbs. 7 oz

Connie Hughey said...

7 lbs 3 oz

KimA said...

19 lbs......Just Kidding.

I really don't like Olive Garden mints anyway.

grandmato3girls said...

My guess is 8 lbs 2 oz....

Hope all went well with Trica's treatment today.

Unknown said...

I'm going to go with 8.8lbs :)

emeraldsue1 said...

7 lbs 7.5 oz

emeraldsue1 said...

7 lbs, 7.5 oz

indianmoonchyld said...

I'm going with 4lbs 39oz....just trying to keep you on your toes!

Carol said...

7# 14 oz.

Fire Hunt said...

7 lbs and 2 oz.

Sabrina said...

7lbs 4 oz!!!

Lauren said...

8 lbs 0 oz

Cheryl said...

I'm going to guess 7 oz. 7 oz. because it's the 7th of July!

I live in Canada, so if I'm the grand winner of the mint, please feel free to keep it and indulge in the yumminess yourself!

Meredith said...

7 lbs, 2 1/2 ounces.

No one's said that yet!

Shari said...



agmwilliams said...

7 lb. 10 oz.

Kathy said...

6 lbs 9 ounces

Smokin' Hot Mama! said...

7 lbs 12 oz!

the VanKoevering's said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Paulette said...

I will wager 8 pounds and 8 ounces. I had a 2 pound preemie and she gained fast.

Arwen said...

8 lbs 5 oz

Lyndsay said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

8 lbs 3.5 oz.

Lyndsay said...

8 lbs 10 oz

(sorry I had to delete the comment above - by the time I posted, somebody beat me to my number... I thought I was the only one scrolling thru and recording all the guesses... guess not!!)

Scarlet and Gray said...

7 lbs. 6 oz.

applesofgold said...

7 lbs 5 oz The size my newborn was. They look about the same size. Your sweet baby sure is growing like a weed!

Amanda T said...

9lbs 8oz

The Petersons said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Krista Lucas said...

7 lbs 8 oz

Marty said...

7 Ibls 2 ounces

Sallie said...

8 pounds 0.5 ounces

Crafty Mama said...

I'll guess...........7 lbs 7 oz. And if I'm right....will you REALLY mail my mint to Massachusetts? No need....I can just bask in the glory of being right! :)

The Petersons said...

Let's try this again...6lbs 12.5oz

AHSATAN said...

I think she is 7.1oz

Unknown said...

7 lbs. 13.5 oz

Pam O'Brien said...

I'll say 7 lbs 2.8 oz.

Malena said...

6lbs10oz :)

Sara Littlejohn said...

7 lbs 11oz

i didn't have time to read all 94 comments before i posted so sorry if this is doubled

*long time reader first time poster*

April said...

8 pounds 2 ounces...

Julie Nickerson said...

I'm going with 8lbs 4oz.

Love Being A Nonny said...

7 lbs. 3 oz

Angela Conklin

Jen in Al said...

7lbs fun fun!!! :)jen in al

Rebecca (Ramblings by Reba) said...

A free after-dinner mint? Very way cool! ;)

I'll say 8 lb, 0 oz.

Joyful Heart said...

7 lbs 1 oz sounds wonderful.....we'll praise the Lord with you at whatever the number may be!

hsturner said...

7lb 11.5oz

Anonymous said...

7 lbs. 8.5 oz.

Florida_Mom said...

8lb 5.5oz

somebody,somewhere said...

7 lbs 12 oz - this was probably guessed already, but was my 1st daughters birth weight! :)

Anonymous said...

7 lbs. 4 1/2 oz.

Patti said...

8lbs 3.5oz

Cara said...

I'm going to guess 7 lbs 7 oz, since it's 7-7-08 and Gwyneth is cool like that. :)

Valerie said...

7 lbs 7oz - it's already been guessed so don't split the mint - enjoy!

Amanda said...

8lbs, 8ozs

My2Girls said...

7 lbs 4.5 oz

Sadie said...

8lbs 0.25 oz
(the birth weight of my now 4 y/o!)

turtlemama said...

7lbs 8oz

Ben said...

6lbs 15 oz.

Living And Learning said...

Well, with that kind of prize on the line I just can't help myself but to join in. HE!HE!. Anyway, my guess, if she hasn't been weighed in a month would be...9lbs. 2oz.

If I win the mint, I want it sent on dry ice to keep it nice and fresh. HA!HA!...

Hope all goes well. God Bless. Leigh Ann

By God's Design said...

7 lbs, 3 oz.

bkmanary said...

Okay, I think Miss G is weighing in today at an even 7lbs 0ozs
Vancouver, BC

Anonymous said...

7 lb 6.5 oz

Jenkins Family said...

8lbs even

Jenkins Family said...

8lbs even

Mamato2girls said...

8 lbs 10 oz

Alice said...

7lbs 4oz

Pip said...

7lbs 3.5oz and absolutely beautiful!

Just Me - MJ said...

8 lbs, 4 oz.

Jodi said...

7lbs 14oz

Anonymous said...

7 lbs. 7 oz.

Anonymous said...

9 lbs 2 oz

Babyswiss said...

7 lbs 4 oz

Unknown said...

8 lbs 1 oz

Stephanie said...

I am a first time commenter and my guess is 6# 15oz


~*~Bre~*~ said...

I'm going with 9 lbs. 9 oz. It looks like cutie Gwyneth Rose has been getting a lot of good stuff in her tummy lately :o)

The Petro Family said...

7 lbs 7.8 oz.

Erica said...

7lbs 15 oz...and 21 inches long

Sarah said...

6 lbs. 9.5 oz.

WannaseeJesus said...

7 pounds 13 oz

Love my boys! said...

I say 7 lbs. 11 oz.

Crossing my fingers to win the contest!

E. said...

7lbs 8oz

Emily said...

I'm going to go with 7lbs 10oz even though I did see it was already taken.

Lori said...

I think 7 lbs 3 oz

Blessings From Above said...

Awww, I'm so late on this all the good weights are already taken!

My guess is 8 pounds 1.3 ounces...

Catherine said...

8lbs. 6oz...and as cute as can be!!

Unknown said...

7 lbs and 20 oz

Amy E. said...

Here is my guess.
7 lbs 13.5 oz.

Whatever she weighs she is beautiful and amazing!

The Nanny said...

8 lbs 6.75 oz!

veronica said...

7lbs 4oz. She'll be bigger and beautiful!

Tammy said...

8lb 4oz is my guess. She looks like she growing quite a bit!

Beverly said...

I say 7lbs 10oz

Julie said...

7lbs 5 oz

Whatever she weighs, she sure is sweet!

Kelly said...

6 lbs 13 ounces

Jennifer said...

6 lbs 11 1/2 oz.

Shan said...

7 pounds 1.2 ounces

Twinkletoes said...

A healthy 6 pounds, 14 ounces. I am hoping no one else guessed that already! I wanted to go higher - but it seemed like others already picked higher!
Regardless - I hope Gwyneth AND Trica's appts go well today!

I'd Rather Be Quilting said...

7lbs 6.5oz

Tammy C said...

8lbs 15 oz

Emily said...

7 lbs. 9 oz.

Kathryn said...

7 pounds 8 ounces!!!!!!

blessed said...

7 pounds 2.5 ounces

Anonymous said...

7 lbs 4ozs.

Kathy said...

7lbs. 6.75 oz.

Stacy said...

7 lbs 1 oz

Christina said...

I didn't look at the replies but I would guess maybe 8lbs 15 oz...Keep the mint LOL

Shelly said...

6 lbs, 15 oz.

The Mom Jen said...

7 lbs 4.5 oz


Grandma's Notebook said...

7 lbs .5 oz.

Cindy said...

7 pounds even!!

ditarae said...

7 lb, 12.5 oz

Dawn said...

Ok, how about 7lbs 14.5 ozs. :) And if I'm right, keep the mint. It would melt in this midwest sauna..haha!

missmel78 said...

8 lbs 5 oz

kjames106 said...

Ohh my, Andes mints are my favorite! I MUST WIN!

I'm guessing 8lbs 1.5oz

Audrey said...

I'll go with the gain an ounce a day theory and say 8 lbs, 3 oz.

MamaBear said...

7 pounds 3 ounces of sweetness

Kellita said...

9 lbs 6 oz

Caroline said...

My guess is 7lbs 3oz, that's how much my little guys weighed when he was born.

Marcia said...

I'm guessing that she weighs 9 lbs. 11 oz.


Lee said...

7 pounds 3 oz.

Tricia said...

I'll weigh in at 7 and a half lbs.
Tricia (N.VA)

Kristi said...

9lbs 5oz

I had 3 preemies so I know they gain pretty quickly. ;o)

LF said...

8lbs 2 oz

Brandi said...

6 lbs 14 oz

Alison said...

7 lbs 12 oz

Marianne said...

7 pounds 1 ounce

Little sweet heart that she is...

Bren said...

7 lbs 2.5 oz

Irma said...

8 lbs 2 oz

Rebecca said...

9 pounds even!

beanhead said...

7lbs. 3oz.

mythreesons said...

im gonna guess 7lbs 0.5 ounces!

linda said...

7lbs. 1 1/2 oz.

Julie D said...

7 lbs 7 oz.

G Unit Momma said...

8lbs. 1 oz.

Julie said...

9 lbs. - I'm going big!
Julie (FL)

Meg said...

I guess 7 pounds 7 ozs.

Kellee Flatt said...

7 lbs. 2.5 oz

That's my guess!

Bethany said...

7 lbs. 5 oz

~j~ said...

hmmm i am thinking her weight will be..... perfect!! :)
and if i am the winner please donate my mint to your church's trunk or treat festival!!