Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Cancer Treatment

Tricia will (hopefully) begin her chemo within the next hour or so. If they wait too late today, they're going to want to keep her until Friday, which wouldn't be cool. They'll give the rituximab (the drug she has already been receiving the past few weeks) first, and then three other drugs.

The rituximab should take about 2-3 hours, and we already know that Tricia should not have any adverse reaction to that. The other three drugs may leave her nausiated, with headaches, and with way to know until tonight. If she does feel fatigued, it may be, at least, a few days before she'll be feeling better.

More than likely, she'll start to lose most of her hair within the first two weeks (more on this later).

We're both feeling much better today. Tricia would have slept well, except a few of her neighbors spent much of the night yelling (normal life in the hospital). I would have slept well, except my roommate decided that she wanted to stay up until 11pm, and then have some play time between 3 and 5am...

Thank you for your encouraging words and continue prayer and kind thoughts. They sincerely do mean a great deal to us, and I spend time every day reading every word (of the "encouraging" comments).

As a synopsis/clarification (as several people have asked), Read This to learn more about Tricia's original (and continued) Post-Transplant Lymphoma Disorder diagnosis. This kind of cancer shows up in about 10% of transplant patients and is a result of several factors, including her immunosuppressant drugs and the presence of the Epstein Barr Virus. In Tricia's case, the lymphoma has presented itself in the lungs. It is NOT something that was in the donor lungs before they were given to Tricia.




Krista said...

Nate--I will continue to pray for you, Gwynneth and Tricia. I can't imagine how difficult this must be for all of you and your families. I hope God brings you peace and strength in whatever the future holds.


Alison said...

Warmest wishes from Surrey, England

Anonymous said...

Praying the side effects Tricia has from these new drugs will be minimal and that they will WORK and get rid of the cancer!!

Thanks for the updates. Sorry about your night owl roommate, too:)

Anonymous said...

Prayers from Indiana

GibsonTwins said...

Praying for you all.

Bridget said...

GOOD LUCK! You will do great! As always, you all in my prayers.

K Hutchinson said...

Many prayers being sent to you and Tricia at this time! Hair is way over rated!

Amy said...

Gosh--just read back over the past few posts I hadn't read yet this week. I will keep all of you in my prayers and hope that Tricia can keep her fighting spirit going through this next hurdle. Sometimes I feel like life just isn't fair to those who truly deserve it but I believe in God and I know you all are faithful as well, and that He will take care of all of you.



Unknown said...

Thinking about you and sending up many prayers.

FriedrichFamily said...

We are praying for you in Independence, MO - all three of you!

FriedrichFamily said...

We are praying for you in Independence, MO - all three of you!

Katie Lamont said...

Greg and I (and our small group) continue to pray for your whole family for encouragement and for Tricia for strength and healing. We love you all!

♥Lisa and The Pug Posse ♥ said...

((( HUGS )))

Laurie in Ca. said...

Continued prayers for the three of you from California Nate. Asking the Lord to shield Tricia from any nasty side effects of this treatment. God is using you three through each and every hurdle and your faithfulness to Him is beautiful, even if the situation stinks. I love you guys.

Laurie in Ca.

Allison Walton said...

Commenting here as well to add that...

if anyone could rock a head scarf, its Trisha!!

Christy said...

I've been reading your blogs for a few months now and I am continually encouraged by the attitude that you have towards this. I have a hard time trusting God even for the little things and while I know this has to be one of the most difficult things in your life, you have such an amazing attitude that it puts things into perspective for me. I will keep praying for you and Tricia and thank you for your willingness to be so open to sharing such an intensely private part of your life with us.

Christy_jebsgirl said...

I'm sticking with you guys though this and keeping you in my thoughts. Full throttle ahead friends.

suzie said...

Praying for Tricia.

Chris said...

I am a long time reader. I recently posted about you and your family on my blog asking my friends and family to pray for you all. God bless you all and good luck.

Shauna said...

When ever I check your blog, I always pause at the many pictures of Trisha and something strikes me. Well, not only is she beautiful, you know that :), but there is something in her face that reminds me of who we all are- children of God. I came across a song that really describes it well, its called, "A window to his love" sung by Julie de Azevedo. Thought I would share that with you. I hope Trisha responds well to these new treatments.

Kerry said...

Nate, I am pray that pre meds and nausea meds to follow up the chemo will help Tricia. I know its not easy. The hair thing I know thats tough to, been there.
From what I read here since you started this blog. Your both very strong people, in so many ways. One thing we learned in our house due to lymphoma is all anyone can do is keep the faith and take things one day at time.
Sending many gentle hugs and loads of prayers.
I am glad to read all so that the Wee Ones, appointment went well. Hopefully tonight she will sleep so you might be able to get some rest.
Praying in Michigan

Anonymous said...

I've been reading your blog for quite some time, but have never commented. I've been touched, I've been inspired, I've been amazed. I hope Tricia responds to this treatment and feels good.

Marie said...

Im so sorry to hear about Tricia's Cancer. I seriously wish I had a *magic wand* to help Tricia through this. I can only imagine how "beat up" the two of you are feeling. When I think of Tricia, I see a FIGHTER....If anyone can BEAT THIS, it's her! So when you see her, please remind her, that so many people are pulling for her, and praying for her...she's gonna get her MIRACLE! I know it!
((((BIG HUGS))))

Annette said...

I am continueing to pray for you and your families. I have learned so much since January, when I heard about your blog- You two are amazing people even though you may not realize it. It is unbelievable how many people you have affected through this blog, and through your faith in the almighty God. I will continue to pray for you.

In His Love,

Three Seventeen Photography said...

We'll be praying for you both and waiting to hear how things went.

Kate said...

We are praying so hard for a positive outcome and that the drugs don't affect Tricia too negatively.

Jaime said...

Sorry that you both are going through this. I had such high hopes that things would still be going well.

Hugs to you both. Y'all are in my prayers.

tammy said...

Dear Nate & Tricia,

Praying the Chemo is started soon so that you can be home as planned on Thursday. As a mom of a son with a Chronic Disease who has to be admitted to UNC-CH every other month for similar immunospressant infusions, I get that "hospital time" isn't at all like "normal time".

I also pray Tricia's reactions to the Chemo will be as minimal as possible, if I can offer any advice it is to take the anti-nausea meds around the clock the first few days, even if she doesn't feel sick. It helps prevent it as well.

May God bless you with peace and comfort as you prepare to fight this battle...if anyone is able to do so with grace and dignity, it is you and Tricia...


Tammy Davis

jdphelan said...

My family is praying for you, Tricia and Gwenyth. I'm thankful that in the middle of all of this you continue praising God for your many blessing. Its humbling AND inspiring to me. I look forward to updates on the girls so I can be praying more specifically.

The Phelans

Pamela @ Frugal Vet Tech said...

Continuing to pray for your family. Thank you for keeping us updated.

NCBeachMom said...

Continueing to pray for you and Tricia and Gwyn. May you feel Gods presence in and around you as you walk through these days!

Pauline said...

Prayers for a good response to the drug for trisha with little side effects.
Keep smilin'

Ali said...

Read your blog daily but have never posted. Just wanted you to know that you are in my thoughts and prayers right now.

Gothic ʚϊɞ said...

Prayers and good thoughts from Wisconsin.

Waiting For Ling-Ling said...

I continue to pray for you and your family...

Erica said...

I am praying for you!

This is probably a dumb question-would another lung transplant help in this situation? Is the cancer solely in the lungs?

I am just grasping here-many many prayers for you!

Unknown said...

Just know for everyone that leaves you a note promising prayers and sweet thoughts for you and your family there are many more out there that read your blog and pray for you. I stalk your blog and lift you up in prayer but seldom leave a note because everyone else lets you know that we are all praying for you, but just be assured that your comments each day is just a small amount of your readers. Your family has become so important to many of us as we have followed your journey and lifted you up. I know God still has many great things in store for each of you. Even in our darkest hours he is carrying us through them.

Carla said...

Thank-you Nate for continuing to share what I can only assume to be very difficult information with us.
I still can't believe this is happening & kudos to you & Tricia for your amazing strength & faith.
If anyone can beat this it's the 3 of you!

Jean said...

Praying for God's will in all of your lives, for strength to meet each challenge, for peace to calm each storm, and grace to flow mercifully each moment.

Hugs and prayers from Blue Springs, Missouri

Jennifer said...

You have faced all of the hurdles you've encountered with faith, dignity and courage. I'm sure those qualities will reamin with you through this latest challenge. I pray for you every day here in Michigan.

Kimberly said...

A beautiful red scarf, that's what Miss Tricia needs. Red is her color for sure. With those big beautiful eyes. Every time you take a photo of her with red on or with red around her, I think that is definitely this girl's color for maximum WOW! Hair or no hair -she's just a beauty, and that can't be hidden by anything. She fair glows in her photos - and that's God's love and grace shining right out of her. Hold onto the miracle-filled year you've had - no reason for it to stop now! Praying for you!

Kim Cook said...


I have been reading your blog for a long time. I wish you and your family only the best. Your faith never ceases to amaze me. You are all in my thoughts and prayers daily.

I am in Concord NC. I love the Outer banks and I so enjoy the pictures.

Your rose is beautiful. She is growing and changing with every picture.

I know that God will see you and Trish trough this setback. Your love will be there to help you.

I will keep a close watch - and thanks so much for sharing!

I am praying.

Tam said...

I will continue to pray for your sweet family and whatever lies ahead.

Unknown said...

Nate, Tricia, and little Gwyneth-
Continuing to pray for you as you enter this challenge. I cannot imagine how difficult this is for the three of you and your family. God will provide, he always does. Keep the faith!


I thought this passage was a good one for Tricia/your situation:

"The God of all grace, who called you to his glory in Christ, after you have suffered a little while, will himself restore you and make you strong, firm and steadfast." 1 Peter 5:10

God bless!

zee said...

From Prescott, Arizona - Our prayers and best thoughts to you, Tricia, and Gwyneth for the drugs to work, the side effects to be minimal and the cancer to GO AWAY. God Bless...

shack said...

Hello Nate and Tricia!
I have been praying for you all and baby Gwynneth for some time now. I am a faithful reader and don't comment enough. I have read the challenges you both have endured gracefully over the past 12 months, and I pray that God sustains you all through another storm. I am feeling lately very empathetic to your situation. I have been reading for months and felt and connection b/c my husband has a chronic condition (brain tumor 10yrs) and we are pts @ Duke. Currently, we have been "living" in Durham- in ICU for the last month at Duke-waiting for God's plan to unfold. I know he is always with us and knows what we need, but wanted to tell you that your faith and determination with your situation, has given me something to focus on while sitting by my husband's bed unsure of what will happen. Thanks for sharing and continuing to Show Jesus in all that you encounter. Feel free to lift some prayers on our blog is not nearly as cool as yours-but you can stop in and see what our prayer requests are.
Sister in Christ,
Wendy Leonard-Tampa, FL

The Benzes said...

You have my prayers for Tricia's recovery and the strength for both of you to get through this. Best wishes from Maryland.

Dana D said...

Nate and Tricia~ When my children were 1 and 3, my mom was diagnosed with TTP and Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma. My children are now 8 and 10, and my mom is in remission! She lost her hair and eyelashes, but missed her eyelashes more than her hair. Come to find out, it's easier to put on a wig than do hair!!! ;) And oh my, my children loved to wear my mom's wig around the house. It made for some really funny pictures! Not to make light of the situation... we just tried to laugh insted of crying any time we could!

We'll be keeping your family in our prayers!

Cassie12 said...

Nate: My prayers continue to be with you, Tricia and your beautiful little girl - Gwyneth. Your positive attitude and faith continues to inspire me and I know many others. Wish I lived closer and could attend your church - it sounds wonderful!! Your blog makes me appreciate all we have - especially our health. Keep blogging - I will continue to pray that Tricia goes thru the treatment with few side effects and it kills this beast - Cancer.
Hugs to All.
Susan from CA

Angie said...

This is my first time posting on your blog, but I have been reading since January. I used to nanny for a family with two children with Cystic Fibrosis. Both of those kids are now teenagers.

I pray for your family daily. I will continue to pray that even though the next treatments will be hard on Tricia's body, that she will beat this cancer out of her body.

I am so amazed at the faith you and your wife share through all of this. Thank you so much for helping to strengthen my faith in our God every day!

mrslisa4jc said... and your family are in my prayers, and on the prayer chain at our church. I know that God is the Great Physician, and is WAY bigger than any cancer! Thank you for being such a wonderful inspiration to the thousands of people who read your blog. Love and prayers...


Marge Sexton said...

I will continue to pray for all of you. God has carried you both a long way, and as the song says "He'll do it again, we may not know how, we may not know when, but my God will do it again!"
God Bless!
P.S. Hope your roommate keeps it down tonight!

Andrea said...

I will continue to pray for all 3 of you!!!

Christy said...

I was devastated after losing my hair from the immunosuppressant drugs 6 months after transplant. After my hair came back, I burned all of my hats. :) Tricia will be beautiful no matter what!!
I do agree with another poster that taking the anti-nausea meds round the clock whether you are nauseous are not is best, at least at the beginning. My prayers are with your entire family.

Lyndsay said...

...hope it went okay Tricia...

Megan said...

May god continue to guide you and provide strength to you and your family. You truly are special people.

somebody,somewhere said...

praying for you from michigan's upper peninsula :)

Unknown said...

Thinking if you guys. I hope you all get good sleep tonight. Things always look better when you're rested.

Anonymous said...

Keeping you, Tricia and Gwyneth in my prayers. Sending a big hug from Texas your way!

talli said...

...I am praying sooo hard for your family ......

mckennah said...

still praying for your family.

Momof2bz said...

Hi Nate & Tricia,
I hope that the treatment went well today. It's sad to think of Tricia not feeling well but if this is what it takes to kick that cancers butt then we know Tricia is up to the challenge. We have all seen your strength and know that if anyone can do it, you can. Stay strong and know that we are all behind you with lots of love and prayer. Sleep well tonight, you have a long drive tomorrow. On a side note, maybe Gwyneth was planning her playtime during that nap at Duke yesterday. Maybe that is why she looked extra extra cute.

khammett said...

Tricia I know you will be starting a fashion trend with how cool the hats you'll find will be. My Mom lost her hair 5 years ago to the chemo for breast cancer. I was scared to look at her. But it was amazing how beautiful she looked. I loved rubbing her head. It did not seem like it at the time,but it was temporary. Have Nate shave his head too and your whole family will be styling. Tricia You are gorgeous inside and out. My girls and I read your blog daily and we pray and just love looking at your beautiful family. My son is named Nathaniel but we call him Nate.Our parents live in Southern Shores and we hope to visit your church when we come for labor day. You'll know who we are because we have 8 kids. We would like to move to the outer banks but are afraid we can't find a job. We are praying that we could, so we could be near our parents.I have read your blog since it was started, but was too afraid to post.Our family has alot in common. My daughter Ramiah takes immun. suppressent drugs for a severe form of ulcerative colitisis. She is at risk for cancer and may lose her colon. WE trust our God completely and as of today she is in remission. We are trying for another baby as we only have 2 boys. WE so want a large family and enjoy all of them. I am gifted in Music and sing in a praise band. I will continue to pray and lift your family up daily. Your faith is a tremendous blessing to my teenage girls who admire you. I tell my Ramiah when she is scared about a test, that If TRICIA did it you can too. Sorry about the long post but God has put so much on my heart, I was about to burst. Blessings, Katrina

Sharon S. said...

Thank you for continuing to open your life to us, allowing us the honor of bringing these things to the Throne Room. We are continuing to pray in Philly.

Sweet Treats and Baby Feet said...

Nate, I have never commented before but I have been following your story. Please know that you and your family are in my prayers. Your strength and faith is amazing and encouraging! Thanks for posting the verses lately, too! I am praying for you guys!

staci said...

with heartfelt prayers for your whole beautiful family - Staci

Kari said...

Please know that you all are being lifted in prayer daily...

Dream Angel's Mommy said...

I don't post much but I read daily. I will continue to pray for you guys. Although it must be so hard to go through all you have, thank you for sharing your story. When things aren't going my way, your story gives me encouragment and hope to stay positive and to keep my chin up. I pray hard for great things to come to you guys.
Valerie said...

You guys are such a light for our Lord as you cling to Him during these trying times. Thank you for sharing your struggles, your confessions, and your faith with all of us. I will be praying for Tricia as she undergoes these new treatments.

Jen Wilson said...

I will hold you three in my prayers. I know that the Lord is with you and that he will take care of the three of you, whatever comes your way. It's much more reassuring reading your blog and knowing that you have faith that He will get the three of you through this.

Good to hear that Gwyneth is doing well! I will pray that this treatment for Tricia works.

Kh. Patty said...

Continuing to pray for your family.

Patty in Chicago

RoseGirl said...

Tricia & Nate...

There are no words that take all of this away...and why some have relatively minor complications and others major ones.

But I do know that we serve a big God and I pray that like so many times before, you feel the thick presence of the Lord wrapped around you like a blanket.

I pray that God will supernaturally deliver you from this cancer and the side effects of chemo.

And I pray that you would be surrounded by His warring angels, battling it out on your behalf - so that you can rest in Him.

Hope that didn't sound too "preachy" - my heart is just so heavy for you right now...

Blessings, courage & strength for today!

Southern CA

Anonymous said...

I will keep Tricia and Gwynneth and you in my prayers...I pray the HE continues to walk beside your family and things are going to get better!

Sig said...

ATIVAN. The one drug that saves me from the chemo (Hodgkin's Lymphoma.
I am so sorry Tricia is going through this too. :(

Georgie B said...

I just wanted to tell you that you are in my thoughts and prayers as well. God must sure be hearing a lot of prayers about you guys at the moment, may you feel His arms wrapped tightly around you.

Bec (Sydney, Australia)

Estelle said...

lifting you up to our Father

Homemade Mom said...

I have been following your story for quite some time. Your family is an inspiration to me. Whenever I think I am having a bad day, I will log onto your blog and find strength to continue because of the strength you exhibit every minute, hour, and day of your lives. I have been praying for your family and will continue to pray. May God bless all three of you. You are beautiful people. Thank you for sharing your story.

Ty, Joanne, Elise and Hannah said...

Remember two of God's promises from Jeremiah 29- He knows the plans he has for you, plans to prosper you and not to harm you. And in Matthew 11:28, He promises that when you are weary and heavy burdened He will give you rest.

I know God has awesome plans for you and your girls. I know Tricia is probably hoping for a quiet peaceful recovery, but God is using her in miraculous ways. He can heal her!

Next time you are in desperate need for sleep, think about what a wonderful miracle it is that you have this gift from God next to you, keeping you awake... it won't help you sleep, but gives the night wakings and feedings a special feeling.

Emmie said...

Oh Nate, I'm so sorry to hear that Tricia's cancer has not responded as was hoped and that they are having to send in the big guns now. You've both been through so much over the last year, I was so hoping that you had turned the corner and could finally settle now to some relaxation and happiness just being a family.

However I know that yours and Tricia's faith will sustain you through this, as well as the massive cheering squad that is reaching around the world and thinking of you every day.

Sending you and Tricia some special hugs and thinking of you very much xxxxx

The Rupe Family said...

Praying for you in SW Ohio. First time I have commented, but have been following your "story" for many, many months now. You are all in my prayers as you face these new challenges!

Mary said...

Continued prayers for Tricia.


Tina said...


I renewed my drivers liscense today and because of Tricia I did something I never wanted to do.....put yes to organ donor.


Sarah said...

I just read your updates this evening, I am so sorry that Tricia didn't respond well to the treatments. She is enveloped in prayer tonight, and will remain there as long as needed.

Please gain some strength from all of those who are praying for your family.

God Bless.

Carol said...

Praying in Denver!
May the Lord strengthen and uphold you and fill you with His Peace.

Momma to 3 Boys said...

God is good, isn't He? We do not know why and may never know why, but I do know that seeing you both put your entire faith into God, is amazing and I am sure you are helping many other people right now with their problems or struggles and you do not know it. Keep your chin up, God is in control!

Mommy of 3 said...

Thinking and praying of you. Our God will carry you through this storm. I pray for you all a restful night sleep tonight.

Cheri said...

Lawrenson gang...May God give you comfort and strength during this scary phase of life. I can't imagine! When I read the words, I started crying as the day Tricia received her lungs, I thought the scary stuff was behind you. I pray that Tricia feels well enough to enjoy sweet Gwenyth, oh, and her awesome husband too! Prayers from Missouri folks your way....Cheri

Violet said...

always in my thoughts. glad to hear Gwyneth is doing well.

Amanda said...

Heavenly Father,
Please pour out your spirit of grace on the Lawrenson family tonight. Offer Tricia the same strength you gave my father during chemo treatments. Bring healing to her body and peace to her soul. Let your presence be made know in their hearts. I ask you to carry them in the weeks and months to come. Amen.

Kelley said...

I've been following your story for months, but tonight I'm moved to post for the first time. Tricia and your entire sweet family have my prayers.

My neighbor, a little "one in a million" boy received cancer treatment at Duke for a very rare form of cancer (never seen in a child before him -- he was diagnosed at 18 months and is now two years cancer free). They know what they're doing there, as I'm sure you're aware. Lots of prayers for healing and strength coming your way.

Rich and Lauren said...

We will be praying for you guys. We love you both!

Nina Diane said...

I hope you don't mind but I mentioned your blog on mine asking for more prayers. God bless you and your family.....Nina

Unknown said...

God bless you all, Nate.

Mountainmom said...

Nate, the blog has some great posts about hair loss, emotions, etc. through cancer. This pastor's wife in FL is recovering from a brain tumor and writes eloquently about her experiences and faith. Her youngest daughter has a mitochondrial disease and autism, and had a heart transplant as a baby. I think you will find much in common, and much encouragement.
Lori in VA

KaraP said...

Hello Nate,
We continue to pray for you all. I can't begin to imagine what you all are going through.

Shelley said...

Your whole family amazes me. I have been and will continue to pray for you as you go through this next chapter of your lives. I pray that the side effects are not horrible and that the time spent doing chemo treatments passes quickly for you. Stay strong, all of you!

Julie D. said...

continued prayers for you guys...and for continued miracles. you all three are living proof that God continues to perform miracles. God bless.

JaylinsMommy said...

Yay for Gwenyth sleeping for FOUR hours! Wow, you are so lucky! My baby never slept more than two hours straight at night! Sounds like she is growing up fast!

Love my boys! said...

We are praying for Tricia. She is the strongest person I know. (actually, I don't know her in person, but I feel like I know her through your posts!). She will overcome this obstacle as she has all others. God Bless all of you and especially Tricia!


Scott said...

We are praying for strength for you all as the journey continues.

Lori said...

Dear Nate, Tricia and Gwenneth Rose:

I have not left a comment before this one, but I read your blog every single day. I'm not even sure how I stumbled upon it as I do not know anyone with CF but none the less, I have found your story... You are the most incredible people I've ever read about. I pray every day that Tricia can start to enjoy her life and your beautiful baby. I pray for the safety of all of you and the strength of your little girl. Thank you for sharing your story with the world. A stranger in New York, named Lori

Sara said...

Trying to see some positive out of losing hair, I was just thinking of all the cool hats & bandanas Tricia can model if she does lose her hair!!

Continuing to pray from London, England, xx

Joy W said...

I will pray that you both get some sleep. I know how hard it is to deal with things when you have a lack of sleep.

My son had many nights like Gwyneth had and it was utterly exhausting. They do grow out of it. Get as much rest as you can and enjoy your little girl.

One of my most special moments with my son was in the wee hours of the morning when I didn't think I had the energy to be up with him. He looked right at me and said, "Mom" for the first time! It melted my heart and made me thankful for the time spent with him at 4 am!

Jen said...

Your family is in my thoughts and prayers. I have been following your blog for months now and have been blessed to see how God moves in your amazing family.
My mom's brother and sister both had CF, and even though I never got to meet them, I have always had a special place in my heart for people living with CF.
May God continue to give you strength, healing, and encouragement.
Congratulations on your beautiful family!

Unknown said...

Praying that everything goes well today and for limited side effects for Tricia. Praying that these meds kick the cancer's butt once and for all!

Prayers for you Nate and little Gwyneth as well. Glad to hear that she is doing well - keep growing little girl :)

Amy in PA

Em said...

Praying that the treatment will work and that Tricia's side effects will be minimal.

Yonaga said...

Nate, Trisha & Gwyneth,
Laura and I continue to pray for you daily. We are so sorry for this setback. But Trisha, I can tell you that having a shaved head is really a great idea...cuts down on maintenance in a big way.

Jon & Laura

em said...

we will pray for the cancer to go away!

-em & josh in NC

M.M. said...

i haven't ever left a comment but read your blog almost daily. Please know many are praying for your family as you experience this journey.
Birmingham, AL

Melissa said...

I just read the last few posts, words I am sure can't express what you both are emotionally going through. Please know my family is praying for Tricia's cancer to respond to the Chemo.

I had the privilage of spending an evening (in a 1000 seat auditorium) with Steven Curtis Chapman, his journey through loosing his daughter has cetainly changed the meanings of the songs he has written & sung for decades. The one thing he wanted to convey with us, and remind himself, was that "God is God and I am not - Blessed Be The Name Of The Lord." Through Steven's grief we all saw God on His throne, reining in everyday life. We saw the pain, the sadness, and the blessings that have come through the tears. The entire evening gave testamony to our Creator and His plans for our lives - hard, bumpy, yet life changing. I share this to say, your family, despite the many terrible setbacks, reveal the True "I Am" to the blogging world. You do it with such faith and obediace. Your family is a visual reminder of the wonderful God we serve. Our true faith is certainly revealed through the fire and trials. Your an encouragement to Christians, modeling that God will lead us through.....

Unknown said...

I am praying in Delaware