Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Pic of the Day



Cathy said...

Precious!! I love her expressions.

My2Girls said...

She looks quite grown up in that photo, Nate! WOW!

Nancy H. said...

Great picture!

Charles said...

She is such a perfect mix of the two of you! And a sweet baby at that. :)

Blessings From Above said...

Wow, look at those eyes!!! Absolutely gorgeous.

From the last few pictures you have posted, you can really tell that Gwyneth is becoming more and more alert. Such a fun time!

Fern said...

"My dad doesn't look like the other dads. Why does he have a camera for a head?" pondered Gwyneth.

Jenny, John, Jennah, Abby said...

That is one of the cutest baby pictures I have ever seen - hands down. Absolutely priceless!!!

The Vande Castles.

Jodi said...

She looks so wise :-) Such a great picture of your grown up baby!

Kim said...

She is getting such a personality!

andiewade said...

"sorry dad. what do you want from me?"

Danielle in MO said...

she looks like she is a little bored with you.... :)

I am Heather...creator of all things crafty! said...

Caption should be: " you plan on ever actually taking the picture".....

Cute pic.

jackie said...

awwwww...soooo cute. she looks so much like tricia in this one!

Ann said...

Oh my goodness that is an adorable picture. What an expression!

Judy said...

I haven't comment in a long time, but I just had to tonight. She is so sweet. I love her precious face. What a miracle of God! Everytime I see her I am reminded of the incredible creator we serve! I continue to rejoice with you in the goodness of the Lord!

DeLynn said...

Wow--I can see much more of her momma in her in this picture! Darling!

*Lissa* said...

Very cute!

Nana2Six said...

"What do you mean I'm going to a shower? I haven't even figured out the whole bath thing yet!"

Rebekah said...

She looks so grown up! She is such a picture of God's greatness!

Michelle said...

Hmmm...makes you wonder what on earth she is thinking about. She looks so much older in that shot. What a cutie pie!

Tracey said...

Most of the time she looks like you, but sometimes she just flat out looks like her mama. ~:-D

amy said...

She is just beautiful!

Stellan Bracelets said...

I think that's my fav pic so far. Such a little girl, such a big personality!

Joy said...

Found you through McMommy Chronicles and I looked through a few of your posts. Gwyneth is a DOLL! I love the picture, further down on the blog, of you guys both staring at each other with your mouths gaping open!!! TOO PRECIOUS!

Renee said...

Shes soooo cute...she should be illegal! lol..not!

Stefanie said...

Awww...she is so precious.

marcia said...

Oh.My.Goodness!! That is priceless! It's like she is asking "What more will you do to get me to smile, Dad? I'll just sit here and watch!"

Christy said...

Nate, she looks just like you in that pic. WOW, that is amazing. That is an awesome picture. You caught it just right.

Kimberly said...

Look at her little fuzzies on her head! Makes you want to reach out and give her a head rub!! Expression is priceless of course--she looks completely confused and confounded -- probably trying to figure out why she's always getting her picture snapped or solve world peace and the oil situation all in 1 fell swoop LOLOL

Jodey said...

Wow! I can see both of you in her! What a doll! I hope your shower went GREAT! You are such an amazing, inspirational family!


Carolyn said...

Oh my gosh she is adorable!! What a great picture!!! Love it!!

The Burgess Family said...

She looks like her mama in this one!!!!

Faith said...

That is seriously funny!!!!!
I love it!

Emily said...

What big, beautiful eyes she has! She's really precious!!

Megan @ SimplyThrifty said...

So beautiful! She looks adorable.

Zarna said...

Just picture that face long with "Daaad, You're embarrasing me!"

Unknown said...

I absolutely love it!

Pegle2 said...
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North Carolina Mom said...

She's getting a new look, more a small person look than a baby look! She's adorable!

Shari said...

Dad, are you making yourself look like a camera-head again? Precious and priceless!

Jen said...

what a little monkey (that's a compliment)! I want to eat her! nom nom nom! OK maybe I'll save a toe or two for you.

Jan Scholl said...

this same expression in about 15 years-Daaaaaddddddd. Like she is just tolerating your teasing. I hope I am around to see it again.

Anonymous said...

(I actually made that noise when I saw this picture)

Unknown said...

She makes me smile every darn time I see a new pic.

Flo said...

She's oh so cute !!
Love her expression !
Thanks for sharing, this pic put a big smile on my face.

sarah. said...

haha what a face!

Jennifer said...

I rarely comment, but this picture just blew me away...what a DOLL!! I just love that tiny sweet face!

Valerie said...

Ran across your blog, and wow! How incredibly inspirational. And, your daughter is SUCH a cutie!! Love that expression. :-D Thanks for sharing your hearts, your testimony is uplifting and has definitely shown me more examples of how God does amazing things in peoples' lives. God bless!!

Mobachs said...

so cute.. her eyes are beautiful.. Who does she look like? You or Tricia? You should post some baby pics so we can compare!

Mobachs said...

so cute.. her eyes are beautiful.. Who does she look like? You or Tricia? You should post some baby pics so we can compare!

Alicia said...

Oh, that is SO sweet. She looks so much older there!

Unknown said...

Awww! That is adorable! Don't you just wonder what she is thinking about?

Oliver'sMom said...

Quote "I dun know, what you wanna do?" Don't you love capturing every little nuance on camera? Yes, it will always live on in memory, but sometimes a picture is worth a thousand words. Thanks for inspiring me to get my Cannon Rebel XTi and capturing my little guy's every moments.

Scott said...

"Not again Dad!" Is the caption I'd put on that. She's a cutie!

Rebecca (Ramblings by Reba) said...


Classy Fab Sarah said...

What a cutie! She looks so alert and curious in the most recent photos - so precious!

NCBeachMom said...

heehee! What a great expression!

Megan said...

SOOOOOOOOO CUTE! I love the face!

ditarae said...

Dangerously cute, that little lady!

sfessler17 said...

She usually looks like Tricia to me. But in this one, she looks just like you, Nate! Love the pic.

Mikesgal2009 said...

lol. what a cute picture.

Anonymous said...

You might consider having a "write the caption" contest for this one!

Lynsey said...

you should submit that to a magazine. way too cute.

Lynsey said...

you should submit that to a magazine. way too cute.

Brooks Family said...

She looks just like her mother in this picture!!

Shelley said...

WOW she looks like Daddy in this picture! Usually I see Tricia but this is all Nate, IMO. Adorable!!!

Unknown said...

Too cute. Hope you had a great time at the baby shower!

Briana said...

She is so SWEET!

kidsworld said...

It's baby Nathan! Thank you for sharing your lives with me!

refreshing in ohio

The VW's said...


MrsKruse said...

She's starting to get some more hair! Soon you'll be brushing it!

Beverly said...

What a cute picture!!!

I love it!

Carmen said...

She looks just like Tricia in this picture... Beautiful

readerof23wkblog said...

Beautiful baby!! Would love to see some baby pics of you and Tricia to make a comparison, but I think she is the perfect mix of both of you....

Twinkletoes said...

Soooo sweet! I love her expressions and could just smooch her face all day :) Look how much hair she is getting now!!!

weavermom said...

You could have had a caption contest with that one! She has such an expressive face - not sure what she is expressing yet, but her face says so much. :)

Shanan said...

She is so adorable and changing day by day!

~*~Bre~*~ said...

She makes the cutest faces! Are you signing anyone up to take Face Making Lessons from Gwyneth Rose? If so, I want to be first on her list. :) It's awesome to see that she's doing so amazingly well. The power of prayer and faith is completely and totally amazing.

Speckledpup said...

(best yoda voice)
Cute she is

Jenn said...

That picture is so great! You take really good pictures. I love your blog and read it almost daily. This is the first time I have ever commented. Your family is a real inspiration. I wish you all the best!

Sarah Hayes said...

I swear I have seen a pic of her Momma with that same expression! ;o)

HennHouse said...

She is adorable.

Sonja said...

Oh boy... she looks so cute.

Kim W said...

Adorable. What a precious little girl.

Heather Nicole said...

She really does look like her mother(and has for some time now), lucky girl :)

val said...

Too cute!!

Wilson Ramblings said...

oh my goodness! How absolutely precious. I love her little fuzzy hair coming in. I'll never forget when Nathan's hair started to come in. He was so cute right after a bath when it stood up. We called him a fuzzy chick for a while! Thanks for sharing the pic!

Jenna said...

She is such a cutie pie! She is really looking more and more like Tricia in the latest pics. Thanks for sharing your family with all of us.

Momof2bz said...

Such a cute pic! She looks alot like you in this one.

Momof2bz said...

Such a cute pic! She looks alot like you in this one.

Bobbie said...

How Precious. lol

Erica said...

Oh my goodness! LOVE IT!!!

Vicki said...

Adorable. Nate I think she looks like you.

Bluebear said...

Great pic, seems fitting for the post confessions of a preemie praent... Gwyneth is saying "I know and I understand"

Marsmile said...

How sweet! Gwyn's a cutie pie. Love her expression--wonder if she's thinking, "Here we go... another photo I gotta pose for daddy... pffftt." ;-) Nah, she does look grown-up here.

Thanks for sharing!

Marissa :-)

debangel said...

ok, *there* she looks exactly like Tricia. Sooo adorable!

ttulizzy said...

Oh, that is so cute!

Goodzik said...

Absolutely beautiful! How can anyone say no to that precious face?!?! :)

Ben said...

"I'm tired of saying Cheese"

I know you didn't ask for the captions, but I love getting cute pictures of Abby and adding my own captions...her initials are ARR so any time her mouth is wide open, it automatically becomes pirate related. Fun.

Christina Miller said...

Look at her little peach fuzz....She is so beautiful!!!!

Jennifer said...

Oh my, she is just too cute! Such big personality for such a small little girl!

Be Thou Exalted said...

How adorable. I can't tell who she looks like. I think she has your goofy expressions, Nate!

Kerry said...

"C"mon Dad!" Thats the look that will get her many things.LOL Making us all melt like butter...:)
All kidding aside she is just precious as can be.
How is Tricia doing??

asplashofsunshine said...

That's the same look she'll give you when you won't buy her favorite Barbie, or when you have to leave the park for bedtime. It's the "YOU KNOW I'M SO CUTE AND YOU CAN'T RESIST ME" face.

Anonymous said...

She looks so grown up in this picture! How precious!! Have fun at the Baby shower tonight Gwyneth!!

Anonymous said...


Caroline said...

Oh my word, she is too much! I want to tell you how much I appreciated your words about being a preemie parent. That helped me have a different perspective on what you all went through. I know what its like to have a full-term baby who got to come home after 2 days in the hospital, but not about what its like having a preemie - and they're totally different. I hope that if I ever know of anyone in a situation like what you and Tricia went through, I could be that much more compassionate.

Unknown said...

Now you must post a photo of yoursefl from right after the Great Haircut of 2008!

Christina said...

can we say "Mini Tricia"? lol :D so cute!

OKGardners said...

Is that THE SWEETEST face ever! She is really getting her own big-girl look now. How sweet.

Betty in Oklahoma

Mandy said...

Awesome pic! It really shows off how much she has grown!

shelby1232 said...

She is absolutly adorable!!!!!

Rebecca said...


Debbie said...

Oh wow, she looks just like her daddy in that pic!! It's amazing! That's such a cute pic. Thanks for sharing.

Becky said...


Michelle said...

yum. 'nuff said. :)

KYnurse said...

how cute is that?

Denise said...

It looks like she's thinking "I can't help it....I'm cute"

mom2LEAA said...

Look what God has done, she is beautiful. May God continue to bless your family. Thank you for continuing to share your family's story with the world.


Michelle said...

Ok, well, I think that might be pic of the month. I think this is my favorite of her so far. Thank you for sharing.

Devin said...

Absolutely adorable. Quite a beautiful little girl you got on your hands there! :-)

Life in the Kerlee Household said...

This is my favorite picture of her so far! She is so precious and absolutely perfect. Hope you guys are doing well and we continue to pray for your family.

Always Tracey

Anonymous said...

She is her daddy's girl! Sorry Tricia

Anonymous said...

Wow... she is getting soo big. Jut wait, her first birthday isn't far away.

John & Michelle said...

Praise God for those beautiful eyes!!! I really needed something to perk me up today and nothing could be better than your white rose!!!

John & Michelle said...

Praise God for those beautiful eyes!!! I really needed something to perk me up today and nothing could be better than your white rose!!!

mGk said...

Totally the cutest photo ever! ~maureen

Missy said...

she looks sooo wise and much older than she is. wonderful and healthy. god love her!

Kellie said...

Okay, the pic is priceless but I read through the comments and no one has mentioned that Miss Gwyneth has no oxygen on!! Maybe I missed an update along the way but if not, congrats on the micro-preemie milestone. I will never forget the days both our boys came off oxygen and were "wireless" for the first time.

Thanks for sharing such a precious pic.

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful little face!!!

sami2009 said...

AWWWW!!!!! Too precious!

michelle said...

She is growing up fast isn't she. WOW! Such a beautiful girl with gorgeous eyes.....Amen.

Stephanie said...

What a CUTIE!!!!!!

Andy Lawrenson said...

That is the best picture yet. Awesome!

Carol said...

Don't you wonder what she's thinking? She's adorable.

Halie said...

I don't comment a whole lot, but I check in daily, and I am very inspired and encouraged by your blog.

I agree with what many others above have said, she looks so much like Tricia here.

Unknown said...

She's beautiful. I love the little wrinkle in her forehead. I'm seeing some Tricia in that little face!

Jenny said...

That's such a stinking cute picture!!!

Julie D. said...

she looks exactly like tricia in this picture!

The Ski's said...

Absolutely adorable. What a doll.

TheRagan3 said...

Oh my head! Is she not the most adorable little girl you have ever seen! What a big girl Gwyneth is getting to be. Such a sweetheart!

Anonymous said...

Priceless!!! This would make a great poster.

Ashley Marshall said...

I love her little faces so much!! :) Would love to see a picture with a bow on! LOL :) I know you're not a big fan of the bows-but Tricia is right? Come on! One little bow picture wouldn't hurt! :)

She's a doll either way!

Alissa said...

I haven't checked the blog for a week, and look how much she changes! So cute!

Ashley said...

Aw~ :) She's changing so much!

JUST A MOM said...

I am catching up I do not often comment but I LOVE THIS!!!!

Unknown said...

Just going back through the posts from before I started reading and this has got to be the CUTEST pic ever!!!!