Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Change A Thing

Exactly one year ago, Tricia and I were completing her first day of the week-long transplant evaluation process here at goes without saying, but only God knew what the next 366 days would bring for us.

I was thinking back on the entire year this morning, and I truly cannot even fathom all that Tricia has gone through, physically, emotionally, mentally...what I've shared on the blog is only the tip of the iceberg. I thought about making a list, but it would seriously take up too much's simply mind boggling. And, the vast majority of things that she has been through, I'm pretty sure I could never handle myself.

But, even Tricia would tell you, without hesitation, that it is only by the grace and protection of God that she has survived this past year. The perfect timing and exact detail of everything (and I'm sure there is so much that even we have not seen) cannot be explained any other way.

We have no doubt that, anywhere but Duke, even just a few days one way with several different events, anyone else but everyone we've come into contact with, and things would not have turned out the same. And, that includes all of the stuff that seems like nothing but bad at the time. To change any part of the journey would mean to change the entire journey.

We've learned a lot. About our love for each other. About the support our families and friends. About the inspirational kindness of total strangers. About faith, hope and miracles. About the mercy and grace of God.

We would never hope to do it again...but we wouldn't change a thing.




Jessica said...

Your last sentence is exactly how I feel about our journey with our boys! I continue to pray for your family, and know that He will continue to give you strength and clarity during this precious time.

pam said...

And He still knows. Will pray as He leads.

Jess said...

I'm continuing to pray for you all... Remember to stay strong with each other (as a family of three) and you will get through everything just like you have the past year... the good and the bad. Everything happens for a reason.

Thanks for stopping by my blog. I pray that Tricia is handing/will handle this new treatment okay.

marcia said...

Beautifully stated, Nate!

*Lissa* said...

Well-said once again Nate!

Jenn said...

We had a horrible year in 1999. Never thought it would be worse, and felt the same way about knowing if we hadn't been where we were when we were the outcome would have been so different. We never thought it could that hard again. We were so wrong. Over and over God reminds me to not assume to know what His plans are. And once again we are exactly where we need to be when we need to be there, and that is why my son is doing as well as he is.

Our family keeps Tricia in our prayers, but we also keep you there because we understand the emotional and physical turmoil being the "healthy" one who has to keep everything together is. This hasn't just been a hard year for Tricia, but for all of you. God bless you all as you continue down this road together.

Becky said...

So well stated! I'm in awe that your faith is so strong that you can look at this journey in that way. In awe but not surprized!

Prayers for all of you as always!

Cindy said...

The love you have for God and your family shows through loud and clear Nathan.. I have been reading your blog for sometime now and every time I read your posts, I am reminded of how GOOD God is to us--ALL the time!!

I thank you for sharing so much of your lives with us internets--I appreciate your honesty and I absolutely respect you so much!!

Much love & many prayers to you & your family..

Kerry said...

Your last sentence hit the nail on the head with me as well. I can't even write what I feel about your post. But do understand the power of God and the circumstance he brings us through at times are just mind boggling. I wouldn't change much about my circumstances either. I am just glad I am here to say to you..there is hope always.
My prayer is that He continues to give Tricia the strength durning treatment. And you as her support.
Btw. Your very welcome:)

Unknown said...


Your post says so much about His love for us and our complete need to depend on Him.

Not only has Tricia proven to rely on His grace - but so have you. Your strength and hope come from Him too. Without Him being your center the house with which you are built would crumble.

Your love has grown, so has your faith and understanding of His soveingty in all things.

Tonight He is there with you both - holding you in the hands that have held you every step of this year. He is not letting go! God ALMIGHTY is the same today as He will be tomorrow.

Praising God that you know Him and that through your journey - not only have people like me been brought to saying "yes" to organ donorship, but to Him as well.

You have shown God's truest character in everything you have shared with us - His love!

I pray blessings upon you both as you wait to see what tomorrow brings and how He sees you both fit to be used for His glory.

Joy comes in the morning!
I pray you both feel the prayers and love coming to you as you face todays news.

mom2LEAA said...

may God continue to bless you and surround you with his love. Your faith and love for one another serve as an example to many. Your courageous ladies are a testament to the awesome power of God. Praying for the peace of God to fill you all.

jesse and whit... said...

nate and tricia... not a day goes by that i don't think about you and pray for you. we will continue to do so. love, the hines

Robyn said...

Thank you for sharing your journey and the constant inspiration you and your family provide to so many people around the world. Your thoughts and obstacles remind me to stay grounded. Each day that I read your blog I am reminded how wonderful life is and to cherish each moment.

Kelly Brown said...

Praying for you all!! So glad to see you are keeping your faith!


Randee said...

haven't left a message in a while, but continue to keep you and your girls in my heart...

Kimberly said...

Brava! That's the ultimate victory on this earth, second only to salvation - to know that every single thing in your life is mandated and orchestrated by God for His purposes and that the journey through it is what brings us to who he needs us to be to fill our place in the puzzle of His Kingdom. It took me a whole lot longer to get there than you 2 young whippersnappers! So Brava to you for your boldness in the Father and your endurance of the journey!

Pamela @ Frugal Vet Tech said...

I'm constantly amazed at how God can take seemingly impossible/hopeless (in our limited views) situations and use them to accomplish so much good. Your situation is no exception. If we were to look at all you've gone through from a strictly human/earthly perspective, it would seem completely hopeless, awful, and impossible (not to say that it hasn't been incredibly difficult or tough for you at times - I don't mean to minimize what you've been through at all). But if take a look at what has happened because God is involved, we see that He's taken this tough stuff and used it to touch so, so, so many lives. He's used it in more ways than we could ever think to use it (if we were actually in control) and your story has probably touched and affected way more people than we can imagine and in ways we can't even fathom. Thank you for continuing to share your story with us. You're in my prayers.

Lisa C Photography said...

Nate, Tricia, and Gwyneth...our hearts are crying out to God once again...and probably more than ever. We have grown to love you guys across the miles even though we've never met. God has been faithful and will continue to be faithful. He will hold you up. I know you know this!david21379

Cathy said...

Strength, Peace, and Love to you all.

Christy said...

Thank you for sharing your family's journey with us Nate. You have all been such an inspiration.

Cool Grandma said...

Nate, you and Tricia never cease to amaze me. Your strength, courage, and faith can only come from the Lord. I know this must have been a very difficult journey. Probably one that is very hard to reflect back on, even though you would not change a thing. Just know that your witness and testimony is touching lives for the kingdom.

Praying for all of you - here in Oklahoma.


Kristi Bowers said...

What an awesome testimony of Christ and faith you and your wife are. Our own journey has seen many ups and downs and I know we will see many more and it is all I can do sometimes to not curl into a ball and cry....but then God picks me and my family up and carries us through. Thank you for sharing your journey with so many people and for showing CHRIST through all you say and do. Please know that you are prayed for and I am sorry that it lately you have had one thing after another. But if it gives you any encouragement know that you have encouraged this CF mom....
God Bless

Unknown said...

Nathan and Tricia, I sent this song to you awhile ago, but hadn't heard the story of the guy who wrote it until just the other day. Once I saw it i thought it would encourage you.

to watch the story...

to watch the song....

praying for you, now.

Momof2bz said...

I have been reading your blog and all that you have shared since the day before Gwyneth's birth. The two of you are truly amazing. You both have such a wonderful love for each other and the unity shown from your families and community is just mindblowing. You are both a daily inspiration for me. I can only hope that if ever tested that my faith is half as strong. I'll continue to pray that God's love continues to lead you to happiness and peace as a family. I remain positive that Tricia will beat this cancer and remain a wonderful example of how faith can heal all. Thank you for sharing and reminding us all that perspective is everything.

Susan from Barrie said...

Nate, Your family's grace and faith have been such an inspiration to me. Tricia's strength and beauty are beyond description. You have been a true testimony about following God's path, even when it was scary, dark, and unimaginable to us folks who are only reading about it. My struggles that would only fit in a pin head to yours are sometimes overwelhming I can only use that to compart the enormity of yours and all I can say is Oh my goodness. I think and pray for your family daily. Thank you Tricia, for who you are.

Hug, Susan

Alisha said...

Thanks you for your testimony.... wish there was a better way for you to understand how heartfelt that statement is.

~j~ said...

I cannot believe this post.. i was just sharing with a friend tonite at dinner your story and the faith and love it represents to me and so many others and wondering what you must be thinking tonite and to read this, well you just awnsered my question.
Lord we are amazed by you...

Jen Wilson said...

Again, your faith and trust in your Savior are awesome. You three are a gift from God.

Debbie said...

I check your site through out the day,and have since Jan.........I have prayed ,rejoiced,cried.laughed,and shared your site with friends,family and my little 5 year old grandbaby has asked me how is gwyneth is doing...I am in awe of your faith.I 'm a born agian Christian and pray that the Lord will give you strength and wisdom for your doctors.Tricia is the bravest woman I know.Still praying for your girls...

Haylee said...

Tricia sounds like an amazing woman. I will be praying for your family.

Christy said...

I am constantly amazed at how God works terrible situations into "I wouldn't change a thing!" I felt like my son's diagnosis with autism was a disaster, but have learned so many things and have been so blessed in the last three years. We are praying for you to continue to rely on God's strength-he always gives as much as you need!

Angela said...

I will keep praying for you, Tricia and Gwyneth. My heart aches for you but I know that God is holding you.


Blessings From Above said...

Your faith is truly an inspiration.

Thanks for sharing your story with all of us.

Continuing to pray for you in Ohio

JaylinsMommy said...

Praying for Tricia and for this new course of treatment to be successful! Tricia is a strong and young woman, I have every faith she can conquer this latest obstacle in her path. She has come too far already not to succeed again! Please tell her to take the anti nausea meds, no reason for her to suffer from nausea if she doesn't have to! Bless you.xox

The Beaver Bunch said...

You guys hold such a special place in my heart. I am amazed and humbled by that because I know that it is purely of God. How could I so tenderly hold strangers in such a lovely place? No other answer but Christ and His reformation within me. I feel so honored and humbled to say that I "know" you, all 3 of you. Each day I think of you and pray that you find clarity in each minute, joy with each breath and peace with each new hurdle. You will always be in my prayers.

Unknown said...

I can relate. I lost my husband to a car accident almost 3 years ago. I am crushed to my core. EVen still, when i can smile when thinking of him still. instead of crying. Of course grief sucks and losing your spouse is the worst thing. But it will happen to the best of us who marry and stay committed to our partners for life. It's all a part of this beautiful cycle called life. I am not Christian but I admire your faith in God more than you know. It is so wonderful to see people like yourselves so committed to your God! anyway,I wouldn't change a thing either. It make me who I am..I know your situation is vastly different but I understand! you guys have overcome so much. There's no doubt in my mind a year from now things will be better for Tric and Gwyneth and you! =)

MaryBeth said...

You guys are truly amazing!

Unknown said...

btw when I said "people like yourselves" I meant regarding the health stuff. it would be so easy to give up and turn your back on God but yet you are so faithful and still serving even in the face of such trauma and hard times.

sarah. said...

I was thinking tonight... I subscribe to your blog on my Google reader so I wonder if it counts as a hit on your meter when I read your posts. If not, then you probably have more people reading than you even realize because probably lots of other people use the reader. Random thought haha... Anyways...

I'm really bummed out to hear about the setbacks you guys are dealing with lately. I can't believe what a journey you all have been on the past year... I started reading your blog back in the earlier stages of Tricia's pregnancy when the Leino's linked your page. It's been incredible to watch your story grow and spread and touch so many lives. Thank you for sharing with the world and allowing so many strangers to peek into your lives. Will continue to pray for Tricia, Gwyneth, you, your families, and the entire medical team that is caring for your girls.

UKNat said...

2 Thes 2:16-17 - May our Lord Jesus Christ himself and God our Father, who loved us and by his grace gave us eternal encouragement and good hope, encourage your hears and strengthen you in every good deed and word.

I can't tell you how sorry I am to hear about Tricia current diagnosis. Praying that you will be encouraged and that Tricia would be healed. I think she has had enough. Natalie

Lisa Leonard said...

praying for you guys...

Kim said...

I continue to pray for you. Thank you for sharing so openly!

Debbie said...

God is good even in the hard times. This is what I have been reminded of a couple of times just today. I am thankful that we don't know the future because we wouldn't be able to handle it. God gives us a little at a time knowing exactly how much we can handle even if we are not sure we can do it. You guys are doing a wonderful job of looking to the Lord. I am sure it has been a long hard year, but God has did some amazing things for you. Plus, you have been a wonderful witness to many, many people. Keep looking to the Lord.

Stephanie D said...

In 1979, at age 32, my husband suffered a stroke necessaitating brain surgery, and which left him paralyzed on the left side of his body. We had a 14-month old daughter and I worked full time. It was an emotionally, physically, financially, spiritually chaotic year, which dominoed into other events, the effects of which linger to this day.

Although we saw and recognized blessings and miracles during those awful months, it is even MORE evident years down the road how God has worked so many of the "bad" events into a tapestry we would not unravel one thread from.

I personally do not believe that God "inflicts" things upon us, that those are simply baggage for being human. However, I am a firm believer that He can change the spin on those events if we let Him, even though some results might not be realized for years.

I hope you and Tricia will continue to see the blessings of these difficult times for years.

Anonymous said...

God bless you, Nate, for this post. I am yet again humbled before our God. Have not been commenting much at all lately - just been checking in and praying. The lack of comments does not mean that you guys have been off our minds or out of our hearts and prayers. We continue to lift you all up to our Savior. Tonight, on my blog, I will post for prayers for you guys. Know that you are each loved tremendously. God's love and peace...

Debs said...

I continue to marvel at your wisdom. Yet, I do know that even when we KNOW beyond any doubt that God is in control, in circumstances such as this, our mind can play tricks on us and moments of fear can creep in.
Even our Lord prayed, "Father, if you are willing, take this cup from me...."
It is fear of the unknown, but God knows and He will take care of you.

"Be strong and take heart..Wait for the Lord..."

"do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God.."

Unknown said...

God's grace is miraculous. When we don't understand the reasons "why" his grace is sufficient.

Jamie said...

What an roller coaster this year has been for Tricia and you. I pray that the Lord continues to give Tricia strength through her treatments. Even though I have never met her, Tricia appears to be the strongest, most gracious woman I have ever come across. Your incredible journey keeps my family and myself grounded. Thank you again for sharing so much with so many!!

God, Love, Life and Rugby said...

I wanted to let you know that I referenced your blog from mine.
Praying for you all.
Hannah x

Scott said...

Great perspective Nate. God's grace has been enough for you. It is amazing how He can give you what you need, when you need it.

Rebecca (Ramblings by Reba) said...


Karen Owens said...

Thanks for sharing your story -- we think of your family often! Keep moving foward -- that all you can do right!?

Amanda said...

Beautifully written. As always I am in awe of your strength.

kah said...
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kah said...
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kah said...
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kah said...

I'll continue to keep you in my prayers. I wrote a song some time ago and I'd like to share the lyrics with you. The song won't be saying anything you don't already know but I repeat the words to myself whenever I feel the need to remind myself to put God in control and not try to do things on my own.

He's There

Sometimes in life, it's hard to understand;
Why things happen like they do;
Just remember, he's always around;
He'll be there for you

I know it's hard and you've been through a lot;
And you're hurtin' deep inside;
Don't hold back - please don't hide;
He's by your side.

No matter what you find you may need;
If you need nothing at all;
Nothin's too small, whatever's on your mind;
He's there for you.
He's by your side.

Thanks for letting me share with you.

Kristy - Nellysford VA (near Wintergreen)

Totally Taylor said...


Susan94 said...

Love your family, your faith, your sense-of-humor, strength, courage, etc..... I hope to meet all 3 of you one day (when you come to NJ). I am sorry you are going through this new diagnosis. I'm sending you hugs through the computer.
A friend who knows your SIL J.

Rae said...

Your faith inspires me. I thank God for the amazing example you're being through all this. Of course it's not easy, but His grace is always sufficient, and that is very evident in you and Tricia. You're in my prayers!

Bob said...

Carla and I are just catching up this week. Just wanted you to know we're praying for your entire family.

Kathy said...

You are truly an amazing man...I love your raw honesty...God never gives us more than we can handle and although you are handling more than most, there is obviously a reason for that and only God has the answer. I'm sure Tricia's and your faith is the reason for that. I will continue praying for the 3 of you and thank you so much again for opening your lives (even if it is just a portion of them) to us. I am in awe of you all.

Kristi said...

That's a powerful testimony... Thinking of your precious family often and continuing to pray.

Jen in Al said...

Ain't it the truth? praying for you all! jen in al

Amy said...

It's the journey that makes us who we are and without it we would be someone else.

You two have been through so much but you are an inspiration to many.

I continue to pray for Tricia's improvement and that she will respond to the new treatment.


Sara said...

It isn't always easy to let go & let God, but you have shown that it does work. Thanks for this post Nate. All the best to you, Tricia, Gwyneth and your families!

jmb77vol said...

I've never met either of you, but you have become like old friends over the past year as I've read your story and prayed for you. Thank you for sharing so openly and honestly. You'll continue to be in my prayers as you face this latest challenge. May God continue to bless and strengthen you.

Anonymous said...

I have been reading your blog for a while now and I am amazed at your faith, love and perserverence. Please know that we are praying for you all! Sometimes the hardest place to be is the caregiver, so I am specifically lifting you up in prayer today!Keep the faith, our GOD is an AWESOME GOD!

Tanisha said...

God truly works in mysterious ways. His perfect timing is at work and are just left to marvel at his wonders. Jan 8th is a "special" day for me too - I was in a car accident that day. And like you - I have watch God do the miraculous ever since.

The enemy will always try to get us to focus on the negative, but PRAISE GOD that our faith - and often time an encouraging word from others - help to get us through the tough times.

Still praying for you!
~ Tanisha in VA

RoseGirl said...

Beautifully said, Nate.

And I am praying that all went well for Tricia yesterday and last night. Hope you all get to go home today!


Southern CA

Beth Johnson said...

All I can say is God is so amazing.

Beth Johnson

kristin said...

I have spent several different times yesterday, during the night
and this morning praying for you
all. I have not been able to think
of anything else. I will continue to do "knee time" and lift you all up in His name. "God is our refuge
and strength, a very present help in trouble." Psalm 46:1

I am so glad Gwyneth is thriving and doing so well. Miracles happen every day, we just have to look for them. With much Christian love, Kristin

Professor TIllman said...

I LOVE YOU NATE AND TRICIA AND GWYNETH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tricia said...

I really appreciate your outlook on your past year. You are an inspiration to me on how to trust God in the tough time. Thank you for your dedication to Christ, as you know, that being so much more important than anything else. I will be praying for you still! Thanks for your great example! Hang in there.

Tricia :)

Job said...

I hope it's ok, but I posted on my blog asking for prayer for Tricia. If that's not all right, let me know and I will delete my request. If it is ok, and you have time, please check out my blog and leave me a comment letting me know what I posted is ok and/or accurate. I've been following your story since Nov 2007.

krissy said...

I just sit in awe of your faith and strength. I find my own faith being challenged at times and then I visit your blog and reconnect with our Maker.

I can only pray that the treatments kicks cancers butt and that your family can finally live a life without BIG health scares. I know that there will always be doctors, hospitals and etc. with Tricia and Gwenny but I would love to see things just be as normal as they can.

Praying and knocking on God's door for you. And I think Tricia will look beautiful with or without her hair. She is a doll anyway.

shoutingforha said...

I just got back from a 10 day vacation with no internet access. I was deeply saddened to read that the tumors didn't shrink like the doctors had hoped.

I will be praying... that the new drugs will attack the cancer, that you will be filled with indescribable peace, that God will give you the strength to make it through this leg of the journey, that sweet Gwyneth will continue to grow and thrive...

I have been deeply touched by your story. Your trust and faith in the Lord, even through overwhelming trials, is an amazing testimony. It is such an honor to be able to bring you before the Lord in prayer.

Ashley Gray said...

i know what you mean about not changing a husband and i check on you guys frequently and are praying for you guys. God has a way of showing Himself (as He has definitely already done through you guys)...ya'll are a perfect picture of faithfulness to Him and He will be faithful to you as well! Your family is precious.

Shelley said...

Nate, I just want to let you know that you are a GREAT husband! I'm sure what I've read over the past few months is only the tip of the iceberg of feelings for your wife. Even though I don't know you or Tricia personally, I am pretty sure that Tricia would have had a much harder path without you by her side. I know every situation is different, but I can only pray that if something happened to me, my husband would be half as devoted as you are. You are an amazing man with an amazing family. I will continue to pray for you all, but I just wanted to send you a note saying to keep up the good work! Christ's Love, Shelley

The Stoycheffs said...

Reading your blog yesterday, this song popped into my hea (although it was the Sister Act 2 version, not the general hymn!). Your story makes all of us more faithful and sure that these words are true. Praying for you now and always...

Why should I feel discouraged, why should the shadows come,
Why should my heart be lonely, and long for heaven and home,
When Jesus is my portion? My constant friend is He:
His eye is on the sparrow, and I know He watches me;
His eye is on the sparrow, and I know He watches me.


I sing because I’m happy,
I sing because I’m free,
For His eye is on the sparrow,
And I know He watches me.

"Let not your heart be troubled," His tender word I hear,
And resting on His goodness, I lose my doubts and fears;
Though by the path He leadeth, but one step I may see;
His eye is on the sparrow, and I know He watches me;
His eye is on the sparrow, and I know He watches me.

Whenever I am tempted, whenever clouds arise,
When songs give place to sighing, when hope within me dies,
I draw the closer to Him, from care He sets me free;
His eye is on the sparrow, and I know He watches me;
His eye is on the sparrow, and I know He watches me.

He's watching all three of you, and He is so proud.

Christy said...

I understand this post. I wouldn't change anything from when I had cancer. I learned so much. I am bummed that things aren't getting better for Tricia in this phase. God is in control.

Brenda Boitson said...

Thinking of all of you right now. Thank you for starting this blog. It has helped me get a good setting to do the blog for our journey as well. Keep pushing on-the Lord always provides.

Carol said...

For these reasons this is the most inspirational blog ever - that you can understand this and put it into words as well as you do is so incredible. Thanks Nate for sharing so much and for the spirit in which you share it. Love and hugs to your family.

Unknown said...

So many times in the story of your journey, I have thought about the lyrics to SCC's "Miracle of the Moment"...

"We don't have a time machine, and if we did, would we really want to use it, would we really want to go and change everything."

I know that in Jim House's (SCC's manager's) blog, he mentioned that line in light of their circumstances, and your post today reiterates the same thing...

God is in control. He chooses what we go through, but we choose how we go through it.

Still praying, praying, praying.

Full of Grace said...

All I can say is I am still keeping you guys in my thoughts and prayers..Prayer is a mighty thing, and I've seen over and over again the power of it. Praying strength for all of you, but especially for you Tricia!!! :)

lisalynnb said...

Wow! What wonderful words and encourgement you've given your wife,not pretending to know exactly what she's gone through. You must have a terrific marriage that with God's grace will last you a life time of love and happiness with each other and your miracle baby. I'm truly amazed at your strength!

Becky in VA said...

Love to all.

Love and a gazillion prayers.

Em said...

I know that God will continue to carry you through this difficult journey. Praying continuously for you!

emily bennett said...

hi- i've been reading your blog for months and months and this is my first comment.
my daughter was born deaf a year ago and we have gone through so much in the past year- pain, devastation, endless audiology appointments, MRI, EKG, a recently a Cochlear Implant surgery- thought this is nothing like the the things you've been through or the hardships you've faced, it has been hard- but we feel the exact same way as you do- we would have never asked to go through it, but wouldn't change a thing. Amen- our Abba Father is so good and knows best. Praying for you, Nate, and your sweet family.

Estelle said...

more crying before work ... sheesh Nate you get me almost everytime!!!

Stefanie Warren said...

I have been reading your blog daily for several months now, and just want to let you know that your family and your documentation of your journey has really helped to strengthen my faith this year. This year has been a very difficult one for us, I lost my Mom very unexpectedly from a massive stroke in January, followed by our best friend battling colon cancer starting in January (he just finished chemo), another very close friend, losing a baby in February, and now my husband's Mom is nearing the end of her long journey with Alzheimers, and is only expected to live weeks.
I could actually go on with a lot more (I fell this week on the stairs and broke my tailbone) but it starts to sound like a soap opera after a while. How could so many awful things happen to a family in one year? But as I read your blog every day, I realize how much strength you can receive with strong faith, and putting your trust in Him. I have struggled with that lately, and your words have really helped to keep me focused...and try not to have too much of a "pity Party".
Thank you for very much.
God's Blessings to your little family!

Amy said...

Praying for God's peace and comfort and His understanding as you continue on this journey. You have such a beautiful family and you have ministered to so many thru this blog! I am one who is grateful to 'know' you all, if only in the blog world. My prayers will continue!

Anonymous said...

My daughter spent 15 months in/out of the ICU and we wrote a list of everything. It was daunting, but I'm so glad I have it. You seem to forget everything and it puts everything in perspective. I'll continue to pray for your wonderful family.

bethany said...

We love you. And we are thinking and praying for you all.

Josh & Bethany

Jenny said...

I can't even imagine dealing with the things we "know" about let alone the things that you haven't mentioned that Tric has had to endure. She is amazingly strong and I admire hers and your strength throughout this journey.

Still praying faithfully...

Missy said...

I don't think I've ever commented before but have been following you and Tricia's story ever since her transplant. I appreciate so much your honesty and realness and mostly your hope and faith in God. Me and my family are praying for you all. Blessings. Missy at

bkmanary said...

Thank you for the reflective journey. Your journey continues to inspire and has made me realize the importance of prayer, prayer is our lifeline to God.
Take care.
Vancouver, BC

Jennifer and Amy said...

You know what I love most about your blog is that even in the comments my spirits are lifted. We are all so touched by your very personal situation and your posts lift me up every time.


Kat said...

I have never commented before but I wanted to tell you why I keep coming back, it's not to read of the individual things that have happened, but it is to find inspiration in the way that you and your family deal with them. I had a cancer scare recently, and I know the fear I felt in those few days. It made me think of your family and the daily fears and battles you must do, and it helped me resolve not see it step as a time as you do. Thank you for sharing your life with the world. I think about your family often and hope that you come through this recent challenge stronger than ever.

Sheila said...

I just wanted to let all of you know, that I am sharing your story with as many people as possible so you have even more prayer warriors. I can't imagine what you are going through, but I want to say thanks for sharing it with all of us. It means a lot to me to be able to share your life with you and be able to pray for all of you in the good and the bad. Know that we are rejoicing with the small victories and praying for the big ones yet to come.

TexasNICUNurse said...

After our son died, I thought it was odd that I began to feel the way you've expressed. I certainly would have wanted him with us; but, other than that I wouldn't have changed a moment of our journey. God used our son's short life to touch so many people and for that I will be eternally grateful. I have seen God's faithfulness in my own life. Thank you for consistently expressing His faithfulness in yours.

Aimee said...

You all are always in my thoughts. Tricia is amazingly strong and you are an amazing husband.

Jenn said...

Hi Nate,
I've been following your blog for a while now, and I have been praying for you and your girls. I am at Duke with my 3-week old daughter who had surgery for a heart defect. I think I saw you at the 5th floor elevators a few days ago... anyway, I want to thank you for sharing all that you do. Your and Tricia's thoughts on the care you received at Duke put my husband and I at ease for our stay here. This post sums up how we feel about our journey so far. It hurts like heck, but we wouldn't change a thing, either. We know that God's plan is better than anything we could come up with, so we are trusting Him. So, thanks again, and we will keep praying.