Tuesday, July 22, 2008

At Duke

Tricia's getting her CT scan right now, which takes just a few minutes. Gwyneth is getting her early morning nap. I'm getting caught up with emails.



Mrs. Dan said...

Your daughter looks absolutely precious in that picture. I love how she's just sleeping while waiting for her mommy to come back! Happy e-mailing!

Unknown said...

Gwyneth looks so mature, now. May Tricia's CT scan bring good news.

Rick Lawrenson said...

Missing her at home.

jamie said...

Praying for positive outcomes for both your girls, nate. It sure has been hard being away from intrnet world so much! Always wondering how y'all are doing. Hope y'all know I pray for you daily!
God Bless you all
Jamie in Texas

PS Y'all all look so great!

Faux Sweets said...

Praying for a clear scan!!!!!

Unknown said...

Gwyneth looks like a doll! =)

marcia said...

You can only hope that Gywneth will always display such patience while waiting for her parents! :):) BTW, I think you should get some sort of kickback from Graco, for so beautifully demonstrating the safe comfort of their product!!
Praying for good news for both of your girls this week. When you make drop-in visits at the NICU and on 7800, the staff will be thrilled at how wonderful Gwyneth and Tricia are both doing! When I was still working in the CCU, we always loved it if former patients stopped in to say hello. It is so rewarding to see them back into their home routines after seeing them so sick and their families so stressed at the time!

Allison said...

You have such a beautiful daughter! I am praying for good news for all after everything is done. I wanted to let you know that I put a link to your site on my new blog. If its not ok, let me know.

Blessings From Above said...

Praying that Tricia's scan comes back clear.

BTW, Gwyneth looks like a miniature doll in that picture. She is so precious! :)

Rebekah said...

Praying things go well ... love this new photo - Little White Rose's head next to daddy .... how sweet! Praying for both your girls!

Rebekah, Jaden & Baby#2 TOO!
The Clark Family
Minneapolis - MN

Rebekah said...
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Momof2bz said...

She is such a little angel! I hope things went well this morning.

Unknown said...


We are praying for good news today!

Gwyneth looks beautiful today! There is nothing like a sleeping baby picture to make one smile!

Sending blessings!

Candy said...

Praying that everyone gets a clean bill of health and GREAT news!

bome62 said...

Nate, i'm praying that the test both girls have to endure will all come back fine. Gwyneth is so precious.
Bonnie in Missouri

~j~ said...

oh my goodness. i forget how small she is.. what a fun daddy and me picture...
praying for Tricia..

Audrey (CF UK) said...

Hi - New blogger account. I just hope it works next time too!

Everything crossed for you all. Such a sweet picture of Gwyneth.

My tx stopry is in today's UK Independent newspaper. I'm sure your google skills will find it if you want to have a read.

Thinking of you x

Audrey (CF UK) said...


There's a link - it just might work??

terri c said...

So cute! Prayers continue.

Pacheny said...
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Ellen said...

What a beautiful picture! Praying that you have a great day!

Rachael said...

Oh Gwyneth looks so sweet, love this picture. Every time I think I have seen my favourite picture of your collection, you post another one!!

Thinking of you all, especially over the next few days - hope you can be home again soon.

Lots of love xx

Kerry said...

Aww!! So cute!!Praying for a clean Cat Scan for Tricia. Also for you as a support person Nate.

Tricia said...

Here's an NPR story I heard recently, that might help rally people to the transplant cause:


(This I Believe story from July 6th, titled "A Kind And Generous Heart")

Jenny said...

I love this picture! Gwyneth is so precious!

Praying the appointments go well for both of your girls and that the lymphoma is gone. :)

Carol said...

Hoping and praying for good reports for all today. Gwyneth is looking so relaxed and mature in this new picture!

Emily said...

Wow, Gwyneth has come a long way!

Anonymous said...

She is absolutley sooo beautiful in this picture. She looks so peaceful sleeping in her carseat.

Stephanie, Phil, Kayla, Logan & Alex said...

She looks so cute. And is growing so quickly.

Laurie in Ca. said...

Gwyneth looks so peaceful and sweet. I love knowing that she is free to be herself now. I sure can see that Grandpa Rick has bonded big time with her:) Praying for excellent reports for both of your precious girls. How sweet is it to be there only for a doctors visit, knowing you are going back home to the beach??

Love Laurie in Ca. ( The other beach)

Aspiemom said...

I hope all of the tests come out great!

Our Two Blessings From Above said...

Cute picture. Praying for Tricia's CT scan to be good news.

Heather's Haven said...

She is just changing SO much! Isn't God cool? I think of you all every day and continue to trust God for good news. Be well!

Kelli said...

Your daughter is truly a blessing, a very adorable blessing! I've enjoyed "getting to know your family" through the blog. I've been praying for ya'll since I first read your blog.

The VW's said...

You are too funny!

Hope everything goes well at Duke! May God Bless your wonderful family!

RoseGirl said...

Too cute!

Hope you all do well today - and NO MORE CANCER for Tricia!


Southern CA

A said...

I have a really dumb question, and please don't anyone attack me for asking.

Here goes, since Gwyneth was born so early and so tiny when she was born, will she always be tiny? Or will she eventually "catch up".

Edwards Family said...

Nate, I think Gwyneth looks just like you :) second I have a son born on Dec. 30th and I am always amazed at how small baby Gwyneth is compared to my baby Preston since she was born prematurely. It has brought new awareness to my prayeres for parents of preemies. Thanks for sharing your story of the struggles of being a preemie parent. I am sure it has helped readers to understand more. We struggled with infertility, and the more we shared the realities the more we realized there were others just like us. Keep the faith. With love from Thailand

Jen in Al said...

Such a cutie!!!!! oh they are just so much fun aren't they?!? Praying for wonderful reports for both your girls, jen in al

Goodies for Mom said...

Saying lots of prayers for your little one!

RandomMusings said...

Lord Jesus, we praise and thank you for the lives of Nathan, Tricia and sweet Gwyneth. Thank you for all you have done for them and through them. Thank you for giving Tricia such a caring and tender-hearted husband. Give him strength, patience, stamina and a deepened faith in you as they wait. Give Tricia a calm heart and peaceful spirit as well. We boldly ask you to intervene in Tricia's life, Lord, and grant her health. Amen

AshleyG82 said...

what an angel! seems like she is a good sleeper in public! thats great! my kids refuse to sleep anywhere but at home..uggh!