Saturday, July 12, 2008

More Fun

After Gwyneth got back from her eye exam, she and I hung out for a while. She's becoming more fun to play with, as she's spending more time being social. She's smiling more and more each day, and she's even becoming ticklish, which is a lot of fun.

Meka was feeling a little left out...

So we invited her to join us...she still didn't look too happy...

BTW, Gwyneth's eye appointment went well. The doctor told us, again, that she will probably be mildly nearsighted and need glasses, which is an incredibly minor issue considering all that she has been through. If you look at the pics above, you'll see that her pupils are still dilated from the eye exam.




Our Family! said...

It's so wonderful to see Miss Gwyneth becoming more expressive and even more alert. She is so precious!! We are happy to hear that her eye doctor appointment went well. As always, we are keeping your family in our thoughts and prayers. God bless!

~ Rob, Amy, Emily, and Ryan Farrell

Kira =] said...

How cute are those pictures?! adorable. Very comforting to hear how well she's doing. I love when they start socializing, it's when their personality starts to come out and it's fun seeing who they are. Enjoy! =]

Danielle in MO said...

glad to hear her exam went well....

the pics are so cute... my parents have 2 pugs, Lola and Lucy, and they are so fun to take pics of - those faces..

Momof2bz said...

Glad to hear that Gwyneth is doing well. I am near-sighted too and it's not the worse thing in the world. Can you imagine the technology by the time she is anywhere near our age? They will probably have the latest and greatest to give her eagle eye vision. Love the pictures. Poor Meka is still getting used to her little sister! Just wait until Gwyneth gets in the walker and is chasing

Cindy said...

She is absolutely beautiful..what a blessing she is and will be to you.

I am so happy to hear the her eye visit went well. Glasses are not bad for children--my son, Luke, has glasses. He is 3 years old. He LOVES them....they are the first thing on him in the mornings (except for a fresh diaper of course)

weavermom said...

LOVE the pic of Gwyneth and Meka! :)

Andria said...

Sweetness. :)

Jane said...

praise God for Gwyneth's report from the eye doctor.

also...since Gwyneth has been home, we haven't had a stuffed pug comparison. (I know that Tricia isn't allowed stuffed animals.) Is the stuffed pug still around anywhere? thought that maybe you could do a stuffed pug/Meka comparison, and then do a monthly Meka/Gwyneth comparison. (can ya tell I'm a visual person!?!)

still praying in SC!

Shea said...

She is such a sweet little girl. Meka is pretty cute too. Good news about just needing glasses. That won't be bad at all!

Justine, Romy's Mama said...
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Justine, Romy's Mama said...

Wow, she looks great! Those eye exams are awful aren't they?

Stephanie said...

What an adorable little girl! Those pictures are so cute, and what pretty eyes she has. Congrats on how well she is doing. How Trish is also doing good.

Bethany Jacob said...

i'm so glad to hear it. glasses are no big deal - and they look incredibly cute on little girls! :) i love the pictures and think you guys are the coolest ever. give tricia a hug for me!!

~your faithful reader ;)
bethany i.

Kimberly said...

First picture, G appears horrified that yet another picture is being taken of her, or perhaps that she is being ticked yet again????

Last picture - too funny - Meka has the best photo-face. G's expression is priceless. I think that would be a great one to show to future boyfriends!

Good news on the eyesight. Glasses for kids - they tend to really think they are cool as little bitties - something different - something just them at a time when they are dying to be just them and different from you and everyone else they know.

Oh, and, from personal experience in the past with a mystifying midget -- Definitely explain early and often that you don't wash glasses in a washing machine or the dishwasher no matter how dirty they look -- it seemed like such a good idea at the time to her too LOL...

ditarae said...

Glasses, wow, if that's the "worst" it is, then THANK GOD! His hand is so evident all over your lives.... and you recognize His faithfulness. What an amazing testimony you have! Blessings!

Paige Hinrichs said...

Well she is just getting more beautiful every day and I love the picture of the two of you looking at each other. You are going to have so much fun as she gets older!

Unknown said...

"Nearsighted and might need glasses"... there's NO ONE over the age of 16 in my family- immediate and extended- that doesn't fit THAT description!!!!

LOVE the goofy pics!!!! Keep them coming!

Erin said...

Glad to hear the eye exam went well. Praise God! I love that last pic. She and Meka have the same wrinkles in their forheads. She is starting to have more expressions. What a cutie.

Dawn said...

Glad to hear the eye exam went well, and your right, being nearsighted is a minor issue compared to what the precious babe has been through already. I pray that she continues to grow and thrive as she seems to be doing.

Sue from Oregon said...

Great to hear! My daughters two pugs love baby toys...I am sure Meka will too!

Estelle said...

Your dog seems so incredibly good natured and easy going!

Deb said...

Meka looks like she's trying to be silly in the last one.
My preemie will need glasses someday too. But like you said- not a big deal. So many people need them anyways.I'm glad everything is looking good!

Laurie in Ca. said...

Great pictures Nate and each day you bond with her, the more in love you will FALL. Meka cracks me up, and her expression in the last picture seems to be saying "blah blah blah!"
Keeping Tricia in my prayers as she continues chemo. So glad to hear that Gwyneths eye exam was good. She is growing so big and beautiful. Have fun and I hope you are catching up to yourself from these past months also. Wow, what a journey!!

Laurie in Ca.

John & Michelle said...

I just love that last picture! Looks like if she could raise her head up she'd give the dog a big smooch!
Love and Prayers,

Marty said...

The picture of the two of you is just priceless. I love it!

RoseGirl said...

How fun!!!

Glad you are getting to just enjoy your little one - and so good to hear that her eyes are doing okay.


Southern CA

Sonja said...

That is GREAT..... I am glad she is doing so well.

The pictures are PRICELESS. Daddy's little girl looks like she is really enjoying her "amazing" time with daddy.


Tammy C said...

Glasses-I have been wearing them for 33 years.Gwyneth will be like any other person now wearing glasses!

MyAwesomeOliveShoots said...

I think it's wonderful how you capture everyone, mammals of all kinds so wonderfully. Your daughter is a blessing and a witness of God's amazing love! So are you and your wife also. Lord bless you and keep you.

Julie said...

It's SO much fun when babies start playing along with you, instead of just watching you act silly...

Glasses aren't too bad, and if that's the worst thing she ends up having to deal with...well, she's really been blessed!!

Justine, Romy's Mama said...

That last picture is priceless!

Anothermadhousewife said...

. . .the new and updated Gwyneth with pug pictures. ;)

What a joy to see her looking so big and healthy. :)

Amy said...

The last one of Gwyneth and Meka is too cute. I'm so glad her eye exam went well. Like you said, having glasses is totally minor compared to all that sweet little girl has been through.

Praying for continued blessings!

Anxious AF said...

she looks like her mommy!

Stephanie said...

That last picture cracks me up!

Ben said...

Abby's 7 months and she's SO ticklish - I love this stage! She's incredibly interactive and is rocking back and forth on her hands and knees - crawling any day now. I would say take as many pictures as possible but I know you're already doing that. We're planning on visiting the OBX the weekend of Aug 8/16 - hope to be at Nags Head Church that Sunday.

Tricia said...

Tummy time is the pits, isn't it Miss G? But it's good for those muscles! Keep it up!

Meka and Gwyneth have similar forehead wrinkles. :^)

Shari said...

Gwyneth is one cute little girl! I love her expressions! The last picture is too funny! Thank you for sharing and I am glad her exam went well! :)

Football and Fried Rice said...

oh my goodness - the pictures of Meka and Gwyneth are HILARIOUS!!! Looks like your girls are getting along....

Dragonfly said...

Good grief. That is a fantastic result. Mind you, I am biased given my "scary" glasses prescription.

Pauline said...

She has such beautiful eyes!

Scott said...

Good news on the eye exam! They are some great shots, especially the one where you both have your mouth open looking at each other! We're praying for all of you.

K23 said...
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Shannon said...

Ahh, tickling a baby, what fun! My husband calls it "getting their muscles", lol. Glad the eye results were good.

Jen, Dave, Leah and Daniel said...

Love how the wrinkles in Gwyneth's forehead match Meka's :) Too cute.

Mommy Blogger said...

Congrats on the good news at the eye doctor! Heck, I'm incredibly nearsighted and have terrible eyesight and I was born 1 week LATE! Good job, Gwyneth!!

Pete said...

Cute and adorable baby.
My daughter was born near sighted too and she has to wear thick glasses before she learn how to walk.

Rachel said...

The last picture looks like you told both of them "Okay, 1-2-3 goof off and make funny faces!" And they did so just perfectly! She is so beautiful! I love the one of the two of you together. Too cute

Daniel said...

Ah bless - she's beautiful - and so is the dog! xxx

Jamie Labonte said...

I love the picture of Gwyneth and Meka (the bottom one)~ the expression on Gwyneth's face is priceless!

Enjoy her ~ before you know it, she'll be toddling around (I know, I have a four year old)

Tracy P. said...

Oh my gosh, that last picture of Gwyneth scrunching up her forehead like Meka's and trying to SEE her is so priceless!!

Laura said...

Gwyneth is completely adorable!

I am very happy to see that she is doing well. And the fact that she is becoming ticklish is a good sign.

Not to mention that ticklish kids are the most fun ever. :)

Bridget said...

What a sweetheart! Love the pictures! You are all in my prayers.

C.Thompson said...

Glad the eye exam went well. You are so right, considering everything she has been through being nearsided is nothing. I love the pics of Gwyneth and your puppy. My parents also have 2 pugs, Ace and Nadia and my kids love them.

Jen in Al said...

love seeing your beautiful White Rose playing!!!! i think you can tell that she has a really cute personality! Meka is such a cutie. Makes me miss having a dog! so thankful for the great report on your sweetie's eyes! :)jen in al

danabrown said...

Meka is such a cutie - I love those faces she makes!

yougotareaction said...

Nate, cover your eyes for this part . . .but to me, Gwyneth is starting to look JUST like Tricia!!

Continued prayers for Tricia's healing, and blessings to you all!

Rebecca (Ramblings by Reba) said...

I know I say it every time you show pictures of her, but Meka is SO CUTE!

(Hopefully, she doesn't feel so left out now.)


Marsmile said...

Really cute to see Gwyn and her big sissy (Meka) together! ;-)

Gwyn is def becoming very expressive and that makes it fun for you parents! She's not the only one who's expressive since Meka has got those sweet, sad, big brown eyes-- so cute!

Glad her eye appt went well!

Marissa :-)

Anonymous said...

its so amazing to see gywneth change and grow! looks like she is doing great and her vision is better than mine! :) that last pic of the pug with its tongue out is so cute.