Thursday, July 17, 2008

Baby Shower Pics

Here are a few pics of Gwyneth's shower. 50 points to the first person who can guess the theme (it's kinda hard to figure out...). ;)

Thanks to everyone who came and shared their lives with us. Tricia had a great time!!! A special thanks to Rachel and Bethany for hosting, and for my mom and Brenda for decorating!

BTW, Gwyneth and I had fun playing the Wii at my brother-in-law's house!



Halie said...

I have never been the first to comment, or even seen a post before someone commented!

The answer is Ducks!!!

Such cute decorations!! I am sure the shower was wonderful and you guys got lots of great gifts.

Lindsay said...


And yes, the theme was well carried-out!

After you recent posts about being a preemie parent it is wonderful to hear about you doing normal things - like introducing your daughter to the joys of a Wii :)

The Finn Family said...

Ummmm, geese?


Looks fun!

Jan Scholl said...

that is the PINKEST icing I have ever laid eyes on! hope Gwyneth shared a bitty lick with daddy.

♥Lisa and The Pug Posse ♥ said...

I thought of you today!
I Love the Duck theme...
is it Duck for "DUKE" ?? Pfft...I have no clue lol? I will wait to see what it is answer is.....

Amy said...

YAY for baby showers. . . .

and of course YAY for Wii!

Beware that thing will kick your butt and you'll be sore. LOL I know this from experience. LOL

Emily said...

Long time reader, I've never posted.

I absolutely admire your family. Wholly. Truly.

And, the has to be Rubber Ducky, You're the make bathtime lots of fun!

So glad you had a wonderful time!

Love it!

BeckeyZ said...

My goodness that's A LOT of duckies there!

What fun!

Shelley said...

awww, I have a soft spot for rubber duckies - that's what my son's nursery theme is!

MrsKruse said...

What a cute shower! Looks like you guys had a great party!

Stellan Bracelets said...

SUPERB job on the decorating. I loved every detail, it looks so well put together and it's obvious a lot of thought went into it. I'm glad you were willing to share.

Theme... uhm.... Daisy Duke Duck? LOL

Risa said...

You'll love the inflatable duck (last pic) that goes in the bathtub for them to take a bath in, its great. Our son loved it :) Gwyneth will be sitting up splashing around in it before you know.

Looks like the party was just ducky :)

Ann said...

I thought about your family all day yesterday. I'm so glad Tricia was blessed and I'm sure you didn't mind playing Wii!

Lindsay said...

I thought you would like to know that Jerome Bettis visited our local Children's Hospital while he is in Omaha for the Nebraska Golf Classic benefitting the fight against CF. The story was all over our local news tonight - which is always good news for fundraising.

Quin's momma said...

I think the theme was a luau duck! Whatever it was, the decorations were adorable.

Anonymous said...

Wow, I've never seen so many ducks before. But as soon as I saw how beautifully it was decorated I knew it had to be your Mom & her special partner that decorated! I love that you were able to introduce the baby to the preemie niece (who is now 1) loves to press all the buttons on her dad's Wii & play Guitar Hero with him. I am so glad to hear that Tricia was able to enjoy herself!!

janice said...

Including the bouquets and cupcakes, I am guessing that there are 65 roses for Patty Sue?

Jen in Al said...

what an adorable Ducky Baby Shower! it simply warms my heart to think of Tricia being able to have a baby shower! Hope you all have a ball "playing" with all the wonderful baby things i can see you got and more!!! praying, jen in al

Debbie said...

Very cute. It looks like everyone would have had a lot of fun.

janice said...

And the roses in the picture frames.. musn't forget them.

Ok.. either that or the duck theme. Which are very cool. Chocolate ducks... yummy.

Stefanie said...

hmm...a duck theme:) That is such a cute idea!

~j~ said...

I am going for "rubber duck" theme..i hope that's not going to far out in left field, it just kind of looked like that ;)

Our beautiful mess... said...

Rubber Duckie you're the one! ;P

Unknown said...

awww! the decorations are adorable!

Sonja said...

Hmmmmmm I think maybe DUCKS was the theme. :) It looked great. I'm glad that Trisha had this opportunity. Baby showers are fun!

Take care and prayers are continuing for all of you.

Ellen said...

Ernie would sure enjoy your party. It looks just ducky!!

camibelle said...

Rubber duckie, you're the one. :) Also the theme of our daughter's first birthday party. So glad to hear it was a special day.

Jeff and Yvonne Weinstein said...

You quack me up!

Unknown said...

I would say the theme is similar to the Rubber Duck races that I believe are to benefit CF. REally cool.

Amy said...

I too have a soft spot for rubber duckies. When my son was 3 he had to sleep with all ten or so rubber duckies that he owned. It was interesting trying to find them all with a sleepy preschooler!

I am so glad that Tricia enjoyed her baby shower. That is one of the most fun experiences when you have a baby. I hope that Tricia is feeling well with her treatments. Thanks for all the updates!


Melissa Dovel said...

I pray that the you recieved all the love that went into ever detail. I'm sure thousands if not tens of thousands wish we could have been there:) Great decorating! I hope that ducks are mommys favorite too! You are blessed to have two special girls in your life.

PTL for THIS Day,
Dovel House

Unknown said...

Rubber Duckie, you're the one,
You make bathtime lots of fun,
Rubber Duckie, I'm awfully fond of you;

Woo woo be doo

Rubber Duckie, joy of joys,
When I squeeze you, you make noise!
Rubber Duckie, you're my very best friend, it's true!

Doo doo doo doo, doo doo

Every day when I
Make my way to the tubby
I find a little fella who's
Cute and yellow and chubby


Rubber Duckie, you're so fine
And I'm lucky that you're mine
Rubber Duckie, I'm awfully fond of you.

Every day when I
Make my way to the tubby
I find a little fella who's
Cute and yellow and chubby

Rubber Duckie, you're so fine
And I'm lucky that you're mine
Rubber Duckie, I'm awfully fond of -
Rubber Duckie, I'd like a whole pond of -
Rubber Duckie I'm awfully fond of you!

Doo doo, be doo

(Yes, I have THOUSANDS of useless lyrics floating around in my head... but this is one of my favorites... much better than "Dead Skunk in the Middle of the Road"... which was from the same wacky era of the early 70's... I was very impressionable then.

The Gang's Momma! said...

It looks just adorable. And I hope both Mama Duck, Papa Duck and Baby Duckling had a wonderful time enjoying the pampering and love showered down on you all!

Loved your perspectives on being the dad of a preemie - things I've never thought of or had been insensitive to previously.

I have a feeling, as I'm entering this world of being an adoptive mom SOOON (we got matched to our baby girl this week!) that I'll be seeing yet another side of parenting! How cool is God that we get to share part of the views with each other that really only HE can see from all angles!?!

Scott said...

Looks like it would be a good time for a group of ladies! Hope all is well with all of you!

Love Being A Nonny said...

LOVE the plastic grass stuff around the rubber duck bathtub....looks just like bubbles. These women KNOW how to decorate!

So glad to see Tricia doing the normal mom things. PRAISE the LORD!

Shannon said...

Hmmm. Duckies?

Missy said...

just ducky, nate. looks like no one left hungry and i'm sure you have lots of things to put together today and wash! lots of love. congratulations to tricia on being able to have this special day w/ all the ladies!

Mary said...

How fun. I LOVE that little pair of rain boots with the pink flowers in them. Too cute. Glad you all had a wonderful time. How many bloggers did you have show up?


Carmen said...

Nate everything looks great, beautiful decorations. Love the ducks.....

The Burgess Family said...

looks like you had a great shower!! i know i am supposed to say rubber ducks here, but i have to say that the rain boots on the table were awesome!!!!!

Coffespaz said...

The decorating committee went all out....wonderful job!!!

Glad Trisha had fun...she deserves it!

Lisa said...

I actually spent time on the web looking up Duke University something...(since D.U. are the first letters in DUCK!)...then I thought "Duck for Dollars" fundraising. I'm probably spending way too much time on this! LOL...

Jenn said...

I don't guess it could be ducks???

By the way, the decorations were really cute. Well done!

I'm glad Tricia had a great time (and you and Gwyneth too!)

La Familia Garcia said...

What a beautiful shower! Those ladies did some serious decorating and obviously put their heart into it! Which is clear to the blessing they must be in your families life! What a wonderful church family!

Valerie said...

That is one beautiful decorating & baking job!!! I hope that Tricia does a blog post about the shower and all of Gwyneth's loot!

Magoon Family said...

Hmmm, could it be...cats...just kidding! The duck idea is so cute! Glad it was a hit and everyone had a good time. I don't know who made those cupcakes but they are so sweet!

Katie Lamont said...

I already knew that Gwyneth has fun with Wii's, because Ramon send us the Miis he made of the whole Lawrenson clan, and Gwyneth is one of the best players on my baseball team! (she hit a home run last night!) Meka isn't half bad either ;) Such a lovely shower!

Angela R. said...

Adorbale! What a great theme of DUCKS and the decorations were so cute. Great Idea! So glad Tricia had a good time, she certainly deserves it!

Unknown said...

The Rubber Duckie theme is in celebration of Gwyneth and support of CF research. Rubber Duckies are used across the country in Rubber Duckie Races to cure CF. Everyone at the party got a rubber duckie to take home and maybe you are sponsoring a rubber duckie race soon! What a beautiful love story the three of you have. Tricia,God Speed in your recovery and baby Gwyneth, your precious.

The Beaver Bunch said...

At first thought, one might think that a rubber duck themed baby shower could easily become tacky. However, whoever decorated for Gwyneth's did such a superb job! It looks amazing! I hope that Tricia felt special and that Gwyneth got lots of cool baby stuff.

Blessings From Above said...

Looks like a fabulous shower!!! Baby showers are such fun to begin with, but after everything you have been through, I can only imagine how special this shower was.

P.S. I am guessing that the theme was puppies???

ditarae said...

Quacker-mania.... WOW! What fun! quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack.... Looks like it was a great girly gig!

Queen Mommy said...

Aw, cute duckies. I especially loved the "rain boot vase" idea. Super cute! I'm glad you finally got to have the "shower."

Sara said...

How adorable! And your mom is super-talented, too bad she's not closer my way.

Looks like it was a wonderful shower! (By the way, my daughter uses that same duck bathtub and LOVES it, especially because it quacks...)

Sarah said...

so cute. LOVE the rainboots as vases. (We have the same ones, but they get used for puddle-splashing in our house - you had better save them!)

zenmasterlars said...

oh I absolutely love the rubber duckies!!!!!!!!!!!

the cupcakes are my favorite part!! what a really special occasion :)

Melissa :) said...

That is the cutest shower I have ever seen in my life! They did a great job! Ü

erika said...

Don't you just love duckies! Looks like the shower was a hit! What a neat experience for you to be able to have as a family! Thank you for your preemie parents postings. There are so many things the rest of us never thought about-especially in your particular situation. We will never take the birth of our daughter for granted-we never have and never will! Thanks Nate for your perspective.

Cool Grandma said...

Well, isn't that just ducky! Beautifully fun. Still praying for all of in Oklahoma - actually in Colorado at the moment.

Kerry said...

Thats such a cute idea. Love the cupcakes with the Rubber ducky's .
Glad a good time was had.Love the pink roses to.

Annette said...

Those decorations were too cute! Rubber Duckies! :)

Pauline said...

Very cute .. mom rocks ... how is her hand doing?

Anonymous said...

It looks like it was alot of fun! I loved the theme:)

johnandvic said...

Love the decor and sooo colorful.. Love ALL the ducks..

Amy E. said...

Well adorable really does not even BEGIN to describe that shower!!!! I am so very happy to know that "Everythings just Ducky" around OBX!!!

Thanks for sharing these moments with us it really is a blessing.
Have a most wonderful weekend!
And Happy House Hunting!!

Anonymous said...

I love the theme and the decorations are all so cute!! Wonderful!!!!

Crafty Mama said...

Those shower decorations look so fresh and fun! Your mom definitely outdid herself. :) Glad Tricia had a wonderful time!

JonesFam4 said...

Rubber duckie you're the one...

Melissa said...

I love the baby shower theme, so beautifully presented and as always the pictures are beautiful. Your blog is inspirational and your family is precious. Thanks for always taking the time to update us.

I am Heather...creator of all things crafty! said...

Hi Nate, your baby shower pic's totally ROCK!


Triple Trouble said...

I love love love the decorations!! Great theme and I am sure it was a fantastic baby shower. One well deserved and celebrated!

Anonymous said...

Wow, the pictures are great! How wonderful that you share with all of us. Thank you so much! You guys are awesome!!!

~Sara in MD

Anonymous said...

BTW, the theme is "Gwyneth Rocks"

~Sara in MD

Gila said...

Oh man...I want one of those rubber duckies.

I am just thrilled for you!

BTW--in respect to your previous post about sensitivity, thank you for writing that. It never even occurred to me that the emotional paths of a preemie parent would be so different; I will now be able to be more sensitive in the future.

Unknown said...

So beautiful!

Amy said...

What a wonderful shower that must have been...

My husband just got a Wii... he says he's now a Wii addict. I boxed with him and was sore for two days! Of course, my Wii Fit age was 80 and I'm only 29, so I think that pretty much means I'm totally out of shape.

Farrah said...

That decorations are adorable!

Your family did a wonderful job decorating....WOW

Good luck on the house hunting, Yeah I know I read from top to bottom....

Farrah said...

I guess: Ducky Rose or Rose Ducky

Anonymous said...

Love the baby shower pics. Your mom has an amazing talent. I have never seen so many rubber ducky's.

Watch for the Wii, it can be very addictive. :D When Gwyneth turns 2 or 3 she will probably say "Baby Do" and run up to the tv to play the sports games. Well, my son does that anyways. lol

Tabitha said...

I just love the little ducks ~ that is such a sweet theme for a baby shower!! I hope that you had a fantastic time.
love and hugs ~ Tabitha XXX

Leslie said...

What beautiful and fun decorations for such a happy occasion! So happy for you guys and your time with precious little Gwyneth!

daralala said...

Too cute!!!! I love!

Keri DeBorde said...

is is Lucky Ducks?

Cheryl said...

I'm thinking rubber duckies ... but I could be mistaken!!

Vhiel said...

wow.. looks like there's a lot of preparations done on that party.. I love the cupcakes with ducks on it.

Can of Thoughts
Designs By Vhiel
Anything and Everything in Between
Vhiel's Corner

Marsmile said...

Was looking back to one of your posts and came upon this post. Apparently, I missed it some how. I love the photos and the theme is fabulous! The party must have been tons of fun! I'm sure you all enjoyed it and got great items for Gwyn. :-)

Thanks for sharing!