Tuesday, July 15, 2008

CFHusband Contest 04 - Team Pattysue T-Shirt Design

Every year, for our Great Strides Walk for Cystic Fibrosis, we create a "Team Pattysue" t-shirt for everyone who is participating with our team. "Team Pattysue" is the name of our team of friends and family who help us raise money for the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation in honor of Tricia. The first few years, I designed the shirt, and then last year, a good friend of mine designed a really sweet shirt for us.

This year, we want to give our readers an opportunity to design a t-shirt for our team! We know there are a lot of creative people who read our blog, and we want to give you the opportunity to help us out in a fun and memorable way. Our shirts are always a hit, and almost every day, I see a friend or family member wearing one of our shirts from years past.

There are a few basic but important rules that we ask you to follow:

1) All submissions must be illustrator/.eps type files using software like Illustrator, InDesign, etc. When we order the t-shirts, the printing company will need access to one of these files, NOT something as simple as a .jpg or .png file. If you're not sure what all of this means, GOOGLE it!

2) All submissions must use ONLY the following text (subject to change):

Team Pattysue

CF Walk '08 or Cystic Fibrosis Walk '08

All submissions must be EMAILED to Nate no later than August 1, 2008.

4) One person may enter as many submissions as they'd like.

Tricia will decide the winner in early August, and we'll need about 4-5 weeks to send the design in and received the shirts in time for the walk on September 13. The winner will receive a HUGE "thank you" on the blog, as well as a special gift from Tricia, Gwyneth and I.

I'll post pics of our shirts from past years so that you can see what we like. A few tips to keep in mind:

1) Keep it simple. We want people to see the shirt and read and understand what it says without getting too distracted by an overload of design/art work.

2) Keep it original. Make the design your own, without "borrowing" any pre-fab designs from other people.

3) Stay away from bright colors like neons.

4) Stay away from either white or black shirts/background colors. And stick to ONE color for the text/design. Shirts become much more expensive when you use multiple print colors.

5) Utilize both the front and back of the shirt.

Last thing...even if you can't attend the walk, but you would love to receive your own "Team Pattysue" t-shirt this year, all you have to do is:

1) Join Team Pattysue (fill out the info on this link and you will automatically have joined our team)

2) Raise at least $250 in donations from other people (not including money you donated yourself) by September 13, 2008 (all money raised goes directly to the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation).

(If you need help setting up your online account, it's better to contact CFF directly than to try to email me.)

That's about it! We're looking forward to seeing what you can do. Thanks in advance for helping us raise awareness and support for Cystic Fibrosis!!!



Unknown said...

Awesome! =)

Coach Prentice said...

Great idea, Nate! Can't wait to see what we get to wear in September!

WannaseeJesus said...

Wonderful idea! :)

rainboy said...

very creative of you...

Jess said...

Heya, I have registered. I can't walk (for logical reasons that I don't live near you) but I wanted to do what I can. Since I can't donate much... I'm going to try to help you reach your overall goal! :)

I'm off to put my link out there and to try to get at least a FEW donations for you from the people I know!

Anonymous said...

Hi Nate,

I have been reading your blog for several months since my cousin Natalie put a prayer request on her blog. I have been praying for you all and praising God for the wonderful blessing He has brought to your family.
Have you thought about selling the Team Pattysue T-shirt and using that money to donate to CFF (after cost of shirt)? I would be willing to pay $25 or so for a T-shirt that had a special meaning and went to a great cause. Just a thought!

Angela R. said...

Great idea to have some fun and spread CF awareness at the same time. Thank you for that. I created my team's shirts for this years walk here in NY. I will try to see what I can come up with for Team PattySue.


Unknown said...

Hi Nate! Are you going to post the pictures of past t-shirts?


Oksana said...
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Charnya said...

hey Nate could u email me about the tshirt? I have tried several times to try and email you and having trouble doing that. I would like to make an offer to you about sponsering these tshirt. My email is alliscollection@yahoo.com looking forward to hearing from you