Saturday, January 17, 2009

AWAKE! Remembered

A Year Ago today, Tricia finally woke up from her coma. For the first time, she learned that she was a mommy. It was one of the greatest days of my life.

I just wanted to acknowledge that.



Brent Riggs said...

That is indeed a marvelous day. What an incredible memory, milestone and day of celebration. God is good.

Brent (Abby's Dad)

pam said...

Thank You Jesus! What man can only imagine He is able to do. WOO HOO!!!! It is good to have altars of remembrance.

Anonymous said...

I can only imagine how that must have felt. What a great day!

Aspiemom said...

A day to celebrate!

Stacemoe said...

Amazing!!! Such a wonderful year on how far your girls have come!!! I am truly so happy for the 3 of you and the house looks wonderful...Can't wait to see the finished product!

Just the 5 of us said...

You are such a sweet husband to remember! It is great to see how far your family has come. They are truly a miracle and I enjoy reading about them daily. :o)

Kim M said...

I remember your blog that day (didn't remember it was 1 year ago today). God has brought your family so far and is such an encouragement so so many of us. Thank you and I suspect you will be doing allot of remembering and praising our wonderful Heavenly Father for this incredible year!

Rebecca (Ramblings by Reba) said...


Bobbi said...

It's an asesome God thing!

Ann said...

Praise the Lord! And now you are about to spend your first night in your new house. What a year it has been.

Emelie said...

WOW!!! Watched the video again and it still makes me cry.

Love to you all


Becky in VA said...

Nate, I can only imagine and not come close, to knowing what it must have been like for you during all those days when Tricia was in a coma and you had a tiny, tiny, tiny beautiful little girl.

Prayers were answered!

Love to all.

Becky in VA said...

Nate, I can only imagine and not come close, to knowing what it must have been like for you during all those days when Tricia was in a coma and you had a tiny, tiny, tiny beautiful little girl.

Prayers were answered!

Love to all.

The Burgess Family said...

A lot of firsts are coming up for you guys... you had the birthday, now the awakening, then you have the transplant, holding GRL, Tricia seeing GRL, coming home... amazing how things change in a year. God is so good.

Emily said...

Wow, can't believe it's been a year! Congrats. :)

Rhonda said...

How awesome! I think it is great that you celebrate this day!

~j~ said...

What a wonderful thing to remember and give thanks for... Praise God!

Jane said...

i remember that day. in some ways the last year has taken forever to mark off...but in other ways, it feels like just yesterday. thanks for the reminder. i'll make sure i send up a bunch of thanksgiving prayers.

Momof2bz said...

I agree that it is worth mentioning and celebrating. I remember last year praying with all my heart that Tricia and Gwyneth would beat every odd and that you would have the strength to see it all through. You guys are amazing!

Laurie in Ca. said...

Remembering that day with you and thanking the Lord for our answered prayers. It was such a delicate time for her and for Gwyneth. I just love the miracle that they are:)

Love, Laurie

Amy E. said...

I think that is a wonderful think to acknowledge! PTL for blessings!
And what a great day to spend the first night in your new home!

Jacque said...

Wow, what a miracle. :)

Lyndsay said...

What a great anniversary to remember!

Leanne said...

Wow! That was a year ago already?!

AlaneM said...

I remember that day, I cried buckets!! It's amazing to think what you have been through in the last year & all that God has blessed you with. Thank you for sharing it with us all!