Friday, January 9, 2009

From Mommy

This was filmed by Tricia on her phone yesterday morning just before she went into surgery...and, it's a hint as to the reason for her surgery...more to come later...



Lisa C Photography said...

I was getting a little worried about you guys. I've been checking the blog all day for an update. Glad things went well. Hope Tricia recovers quickly and that it's nothing serious.


April said...

sooo sweet!

Anonymous said...

Okay, so I'm stumped, but am thinking you guys are expecting again.

Mel said...

That was awesome!!! It is a blessing to hear Tricia sing!!

Risa said...

I'm guessing something to do with her old trach site or vocal cords to strengthen her voice :)

The Pelhams said...

Either you are expecting again or something to do with her vocal cords?? Don't leave us hanging! Tell us, Tell us, Tell us!!!!!!!

Jane said...

i'm pretty clueless.
therestras, that would be wonderful, but can't imagine the docs allowing that to be a possibility.
thinking that Risa has got the best guess so far.
so until you reveal, i'll just wait, and continue to pray.

Cristi said...

No its not a hint. I dont get it at all.

BeckeyZ said...

Good to hear Tricia singing!

Audrey said...

Apparently I need something more obvious b/c I didn't get the hint either. But whatever I missed that was ADORABLE!!! I'm so glad that all is well....

Deni said...

I don't think that it's your expecting again, because if it were a hint to that, I don't think it would be that confusing...I think she got some help with her vocal cords.

Em said...

I have been worried about you guys too, but I'm guessing you are just on sleep deprivation/recovery mode. Praying for you!

I hope Tricia's sugery went well. (For her vocal cords?)

Anonymous said...

Huh? I am confused on the hint....unless like the others have said it has something to do with her vocal cords...what a sweet happy birthday song!

Christy said...

YAY.. I'm assuming Tricia got her vocal cords worked on????

Pam D said...

I'm with everyone else who had a guess... vocal cords/trach site surgery. And I'm SO glad you got that video beforehand... because I just know that God blessed the hands of the surgeons working on her. Tricia, you are beautiful.. and Gwyneth will LOVE hearing this video on her birthday as she gets older! Blessings....

Julie said...

Either another birthday is coming (as in she's pregnant) or she'll be able to sing that song stronger next year (vocal chords).

Lynsey said...

Quite possibly the sweetest song ever sung!

Oh, and I'm assuming it has something to do with her voice? Unless she's just suffering from the same crud we've all had. In that case, I'm stumped.


hsturner said...

I vote voice!

Meg B....that's me! said...

I too say it was to help her voice.
Glad to hear all went well and that you guys are at home now!

Momof2bz said...

Hi! I hope that Tricia's surgery went well. As much as we have enjoyed that sweet soft voice, I am sure that she is eager to have her true voice back. For a girl who has endured so much, I am sure that it will be a cake walk.

erika said...

My guess is something to do with her vocal cords related to the trach. Hope all went well!


asplashofsunshine said...

What a sweet mommy!!! I wore my pink yesterday, and so did my 7 year old daughter! I wish I took a picture, although I am sure we would blend in with the rest of blogland with another photo.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Darlene Briggs said...


I recognize that post-transplant voice all to well. I hope you have a smooth recovery.

Life As A Newlywed said...

Your wife is just precious! I mean, who looks that cute before surgery?! Goodness! :) Hope everything went well, God Bless!

Estelle said...

i personally think it has something to do with her foot as that is the first thing that was filmed at the start ... ok okay really I think everyone else was right with the vocal cord idea but thought the foot idea was funny

Anonymous said...

What a great film of Tricia singing to Gwyneth. Hope everything went okay with the surgery!!

Andi said...

Something to strengthen her voice......Please tell us soon.

Angie said...

Since the video showed her foot, did she have an ingrown toe nail?

Growing Up Rutledge said...

How awesome is it to hear Tricia singing to Gwyneth on her 1st birthday. It's like watching a miracle.

fuzzandfuzzlet said...

I love Tricia`s sweet, soft voice but I suspect the surgery is something to help make it a bit easier for her to speak.

Whatever it is I hope it is a success and Tricia has a speedy recovery.

Clair said...

My four year old would like to say that the song was just beautiful.

Laurie in Ca. said...

How great this is to see you singing Happy Birthday to Gwyneth one year after holding our breath, praying you both through a difficult day, one of many of the miracles God was doing in your lives. Be Blessed you guys. You bless me.

Love and Hugs, Laurie

Tiffany said...

I'm guessing Tricia is having her vocal chords repaired? After having the trach/vent in for so long I can imagine they would be damaged....

All my best!

Genevieve said...


Karen said...

Very sweet!!

My guess is thyroplasty that she can have her old voice back!! Praying for a speedy recovery!!

AussieJenn said...

I had to de-lurk to say...
You sure know how to bring tears to a reader's eyes....
that was the sweetest rendition of "Happy Birthday" I've ever heard. Gweneth is one lucky little girl to have such a sweet momma.

Happy Birthday to BIG GIRL Gweneth and best wishes for good health to Tricia.
Jennette in Australia

Karen said...

she's so beautiful, isn't she? Lord, help her feel so much better very soon.

lizzy-loo said...

what a wonderful little film. happy birthday to gwenyth! how blessed you all are to have each other.

Kimberly said...


Leanne said...

So precious!