Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Caption Winner

"As long as they remember where the diaper goes..."

Congrats to Jodi who ended up with 60% of the votes!

FYI, although I loved all three finalists, and can't argue with who you chose for the winner, Tricia and I both (without knowledge of the other's vote) voted for Missy's "Therapy for the constant hand gazer." because we think inside jokes are the best!



Michele Davis said...

AH! You and Tricia's favorite was my favorite too! I went to vote and I was sure that would be the leader and then I saw that it was losing! :( Anyway, I agree with you guys, but they were all funny!

Hope the visit to Duke went well!

And it looks like I'm the first commenter! Woohoo! :)

Missy said...

Whoo hoo! Yay! I may have failed miserably in the 'polls', but I got the two votes that count. :-) lol

JW said...

Now we need the real story behind the socks! :)

Ang said...

LOL! That is great! Too cute :)

Candi said...

Nate, I voted for Missy, too cause I got the joke...LOL! Took me a minute, but I got it!

Cute picture!

Unknown said...

That's the one I voted for too! I thought it was too funny considering how often you've mentioned Gwyneth's tendencies:) Oh well...the voting was a fun idea, though.

Kathy - mom of many said...

I went with the "Therapy" one too. Being a mom of many, I can appreciate the hand gazing so much. Love that stage. Plus, the diaper caption was too obvious. Still a good one though.

Anonymous said...

Missy, I also voted for you! I figured when I saw that you were losing that people simply hadn't paid enough attention to Gwyneth, and just didn't get it!

And, I find it funny that only us who voted for Missy seem to be commenting!

sandra said...

"Therapy for the constant hand gazer." was my vote as well.

Anonymous said...

Oh well. I thought it was clever.