Monday, January 19, 2009


The weatherman is saying that we may get up to 3-4 inches of snow here tonight. For those of you unfamiliar with the OBX climate, that's basically a blizzard for us, especially if it sticks around for more than a few hours. We wouldn't mind at all being snowed in at home for a day or two to get some more unpacking done and to introduce Gwyneth to her very first winter wonderland!

What's the weather like where you're at?



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Jen said...

OMG...I have NEVER been the first to post here!! lol

It is sunny and 75 degrees in good old SWFL....congrats on your new home and happy unpacking!! :)

Debbie said...

Greenville SC they are saying 2-4 inches......My grandkids will love it......I already went to the store and bought my milk and bread........Mention snow here and all the bread and milk disappear.....Have fun.......Get those snow boots out...........

Elena said...

I live in Colorado Springs and the high today is supposed to be 65. I think mother nature got our locations switched.

Brooks Family said...

Too cold to talk about.

Kelly said...

today is was 16 below when i started my jeep at 8am. brrrrrrrr!

Liz said...

This post is just making me laugh! I wish 3-4" meant a blizzard. I live in Utah. 1-2" every hour means you can possible stay home from work - but it has to be heavy, wet, high water content kind of snow. A few weeks ago we had 6' in 10 days! The weather has been nice lately though. Getting up to even 30 degrees during the day. This is what we call a 'January thaw'. We have our next storm set to make an appearance on Sunday.

Congrats on your beautiful home! Enjoy the snow! We sure do!!

Kristine said...

Cold and Snowy here in NH!

Jennifer said...

Here in California it has been unusually warm. 68-69 degrees here which is not how it is in January.

DavitaJo said...

Here's the thing. I live in ALASKA. (Anchorage to be specific.) And we are having a bit of a heat wave. It has been over freezing for almost a week and our snow has started to melt.

School was cancelled for three days last week because of the HIGH temps. (And the subsequent ice.)

somebody,somewhere said...

last week, we had NO SCHOOL for 2 days because it was TOO COLD!! then it warmed up to +10 and we got SNOW - probable 7" - 8" - on top of our already RECORD snow fall for the season! (p.s. we live in michigan's upper peninsula) maybe up to 30 a few days this week though! :)

Carolyn said...

It is flurrying now, but had been snowing almost all day. It is 25 degrees in Ephrata, PA. We have about 2-3 inches of snow.

Anxious AF said...

just cold and dead....ready for spring. (illinois)

Anonymous said...

its slightly global warming-esque here. VERY warm. It was -31 farenheit last week and now the last 3 day have been +41 degrees which made quite a dent in our ...oh 2 feet of snow. Thats Canada eh!? lol.

Peta-maree said...

Sydney Australia, 38 degrees (celsius)and sunshine with blue skies as far as you can see.

jdphelan said...

we live in north eastern pennsylvania, and we have over a foot of snow on the ground. I LOVE IT! i like north carolina in the summer, but snow is the only way to go in the winter. :o) i hope you get alot done on your snow day/s!

LindsayS said...

Ah.3-4 inches would be music to our ears here in Wisconsin! Considering laast week we had negative temps - 24 below zero! ENJOY the snow and your new home!

Our Two Blessings From Above said...

We live in Minnesota and we are covered with snow! The other day it was -21, with wind chill -40.
Snow is always fun, but we can get snow the end of April which is a bit much.
Enjoy the snow and I can't wait to see pictures of Gwyneth in her first winter wonderland. Consider it a gift from Minnesota, I am sure the storm came from us!
Good luck with unpacking.
Stay warm!

Laurie in Ca. said...

Well, here in So. California, it is 81 degrees today. I wish winter would just stay here. We just keep going up and down temperature wise. Snow, what is that? I've never seen it except in pictures. Have fun.


Jenn said...

I'm in Charlotte, NC so that's been the big news story all day. At the first mention of snow all of the bread, milk, and eggs were gone from the store. We'll see, if it does snow I hope it's enough for me not to ahve to go to work tomorrow. People are nuts driving here when it's nice weather and it only gets worse when it snows.

Jen said...

it's 50ยบ & sunny here in Portland, OR. Odd for this time of year, but I'll take it.

Cara said...

We're expecting 3-6 inches here in VA Beach. I have NO idea how to drive in the snow, so I'm looking forward to having a blockbuster day tomorrow! :)

Bethany said...

I'd say we have about 6-7 inches on the ground right now. We got it all last week and it's been too cold to melt. Enjoy the snow!

Unknown said...

Snow?! How wonderful! If it snowed here there would be something very wrong in the world LOL. I'm from Tropical Northern Australia (near the Great Barrier Reef). Today we are looking forward to 30°C (about 86°F I think) and lots of rain.
Snow sounds like good cuddling weather :o)

Andrea said...

We've had snow in New England since before Christmas. As a native North Carolinian, I love it but I think the locals are ready for Spring!

Carey said...

Here in Western NY, its the teens..which is actually warm considering this past week we spent many days down near zero. Ive got over a foot of snow here, and it snows every day..adding another inch or two. Its very frigid! Im so looking forward to warmer days.
I hope Gwyneth enjoys her first snow.

mumameee said...

It's going to be 37 degrees C here in Melbourne, Australia today. At 9.30am it's hotting up already!

MadMaude53 said...

In the mountains of Central Pennsylvania it is currently 25.3 degrees (up from 8 to 11 degrees of the last few days). We've had about 5" of snow the last few days as well. That was much preferred to the ice storms we had been getting. Wish I could be there to see snow on the dunes! Les and Carol are also in PA this week, so I will count on you for pictures!

Goodzik said...

I live in wonderful Saskachewan Canada... It's a beautiful day here today! We're sitting at 21.2 F which is a real improvement from -70.6 F with the wind chill we had a little over a week ago chill!

BeckeyZ said...

It's sunny, windy and 76ยบ in South Central Texas.

Sorry y'all...if it makes you feel any better, I wish it would snow here.

Emelie said...

SNOW, SNOW, SNOW.....I usually like this type of weather, but with 3 boys it just makes me crazy. Inside, outside, inside, outside, boots on, boots off, my kitchen floor is a mess. Also, the people here go into panic mode. Which drives me crazy. Its soooo different where I grew-up, those people don't panic.

Shrewsbury, MA

LA said...

It snowed heavily here in Edinburgh, Scotland today. We had a brief winter wonderland and then it started raining and all the snow got turned to slush, and now the freezing temperatures have created lots of very unsafe black ice.

Kathryn said...

I was thinking about you guys when I was watching the weather for RDU. Like you guys, we are expecting anywhere from 2-6 inches of snow tonight. Everyone is freaking out and running to buy matches and milk and bread, it is hilarious. But Like you said; Its a freaking blizzard for us.

Barb said...

Central Ohio.
In the single-digits today. Last Thursday morning it was 17 below. There's about 6 - 7" of snow on the ground. Our street doesn't get plowed unless there's about a 6" snowfall!
There's nothing like a silent walk in the woods during a snowfall!

Amaya Perez said...

snowed earlier here in Sterling, VA. We have about an inch or so on the ground. Good luck!

Jennifer said...

It's 14 degrees here in Grand Blanc, MI and we've got about 12 inches of snow on the ground. It's been snowing and snowing and snowing some more!

Carrie said...

We are near Southern Pines, NC! My boys are so excited they run to the window every few minutes to see if it has started yet! I must say...I am a little excited myself!

Mel said...

being in central NC i am praying for lots and lots of snow!!! we have not seen any in a while

Susan said...

Sunny and 85 in San Diego! Enjoy the snow!

Carlee said...

Sunny, warm, perfect bike riding weather in southern california. Windows and doors are open. Kind of miss winter!

Matt and Lindsey said...

Gorgeous at 75 in Gilbert, AZ! Enjoy your "blizzard"! My kiddos would love the snow too if it didn't stick around too long! We're a bunch of weather wimps out here in the desert! :)

Tracy said...

I would love to see snow like that, but would like to be home to enjoy it.
Right now I'm at the hospital with my daughter (our 10th day today) all we've done the last several days it look out the window here in Birmingham and imagine how cold it must be outside.
Andddd if it does snow here, I hope it does it before Thursday. We're hoping to go home that day and I sure don't want to get snowed in ... 14 days will be a long enough stay!

I do hope you all are enjoying your new home, I'm so happy for you all.

Have a good evening and y'all stay warm,

Jamie said...

How fun for Gwyenth, her first possible winter wonderland!!

Today was finally up in the 20's and welcomed! Last week we were greeted with snow every day starting the previous Friday until Thursday. The temperatures were around -20's with windchills down to -40 in Indiana. Cold but very very pretty!

Meredith said...

It's been spitting snow all day long in western NC. We've got about 2-3 inches now, and are expecting 3-4 inches tonight. :)

BS said...

Northern VA - it's in the 20's and the snow they predicted we would have today - hasn't shown up yet! Maybe, the inagural commitees have asked for it to hold off for two more days !!

Cortney Heath said...

We have over a foot of snow on the ground here and its about -10 degrees outside..Yay Wisconsin Weather

Mandy said...

It is 16 degrees here and the snow is up to my knees in some places.

Linda Stewart said...

My family and I live in Western NC (you hold down the beach ... I'll hold down the mountains :-) ) ... at any rate we currently have about 33 degrees and SNOW that I wish would go away!
Be safe on the OBX.

Lydia said...

I'm from Wisconsin, so I've been loving living in sunny Tucson, AZ for awhile. Today is a beautiful 78 degrees.

Sarah said...

It's around below 0 here. It's colder here than in Alaska right now, by a difference of 40 degrees in some places, and it's snowing AGAIN! If I never hear of an "Alberta Clipper" it'll be O.K.

Enjoy the house!
(& I just noticed you changed your username)

Yamma Mamma said...

I'm also in NC, so not much different than you. My parents just returned from Hawaii, where it was 80. We got down to 9 degrees that same night. We froze, while they hung out in t-shirts. It just didn't seem fair to me. I'm hoping the snow shows up too, I can't wait to introduce my daughter to it!

Meg said...

Here in central CT it's about 20 degrees and it's been snowing for 3 days off and on. We're actually getting a little tired of the bitter cold and snow. It's worn out it's welcome. Enjoy your snow storm!

Briana said...

I could send you some of our snow, we've got plenty. Atleast a foot and a half now. It was also -20 degrees this past Thursday, you can have that too if you'd like! I'm willing to share.

Briana said...

Oh and I'm in NH.

Julie said...

Let's see, we live in the OBX of Chicago--we're just getting out of below zero temps (and that is without windchill). We have about a foot or more of snow on the ground and it snows every day about 2-3 inches on average!!

Now where are the pix of the house unpacked? Can't wait to see!! How is Tricia's voice and howsabout a Gwyneth update too!!!

Courtney said...

I live in Myrtle Beach...they are saying an inch or so of snow and lots of ice for us too! CRAZY! I kinda hope we get it...would be nice to have a day of relaxation...and I would love to see Koby playing in the snow!

Tamara M. said...

I'm living in the Netherlands and we had a winter wonderland last weekend, People were iceskating outside, on small ditches and rivers, who were frozen. The last winter I could remember me doing that was about ten years ago! So extraordinary! But sadly this time I couldn;t go iceskating because of the cold, en my bad condition.

But it all melted away the last days and at today, 3 january, the worst day of the year (so they say) it's a cold, windy and rainy day. Booh.

I want the snow back!!

Radar's Mom said...

Brrrrrr.... It's dropping down to the 50's tonight in the Bahamas... It's not supposed to be chilly in the Bahamas! What's that about?!?

Enjoy your blizzard!

Anonymous said...

Sunny and cool here in St. Petersburg, FL. I doubt we'll be getting any snow! haha :)

Anonymous said...

Snowing here in Alabama...not supposed to stick or last very long. My kids are still thrilled over it!
We went camping at a nearby park this weekend and saw a truck with an OBX church sticker on the back of it....I just can't remember which church it was....but it made me think of you all.

Heidi Reed said...

Highs are mid-60s. It's always sunny and a cool breeze has been gracing our windowsills. I live in south Florida. It's absolutely beautiful down here right now. Really!

Heidi Reed

-stephanie- said...

tons of snow on the ground, 18 degrees, in WI. I'm ready for spring.

We lived in Indian Trail, NC for 4 years, and laughed when everything shut down for a few inches of snow. That's when we went out, because everybody stayed home. Now the ice storms were a different story.

J&J said...

Calling for 4-6 inches in Charlotte NC !!! Bring it on :0))

not up to code said...

Fun for you! Come look at my weather!

Rebecca (Ramblings by Reba) said...

It is CHILLY here in Atlanta, but no snow... :) Enjoy the cozy warm.

Beth Johnson said...

It was warm here this morning. I exercised without a jacket but as the day is coming to an end the dropping fast. Right now in Montgomery, Al, the central part of the state it is 45 degrees. I don't think we are expecting snow, just cold weather.

Molly said...

Omaha, NE- COLD COLD COLD!!! The other day it was -14 and with windchill it was -25! Today was warmer though, a whooping 28 degress right now! It is supposed to get into the 40's later this week though, pull out the swim suit!

Steph said...

We have FEET of snow. The snow piles are over my head and I'm 5'8"!! Of course, we're in NH and we've been hit pretty hard since December! Nothing like a New England're used to it. Driving in snow storms are a prerequisite for this state!
Hope you guys are "snowed in"!

Shari said...

On the Oregon coast in our town it's windy, sunny and about 58 degrees today. Great day to wash the car and go for a good, brisk walk. We had snow here too in December at sea level.

Kelly said...

Long time reader, first time commenter here.

I read the comments first to make sure someone else didn't already give the weather report for our area.

I am in Kansas City, it's about 32 degrees right now...not bad for January here.

No snow except for a few patches left over from a little storm that moved through here late last week.

And was in the 50's over the weekend.

And that...explains why everyone in KC spends most of the winter sick with colds/flu.

Stay warm & enjoy the snow in your new house...looking forward to more pics!

Me said...

Well, I'm in South Western Ontario, Canada and we get 3-4 inches of snow a minute! Ok, not quite THAT much, but we have had record snowfalls this year, and I'm so done with it! Bring on spring!

Kelly said...

Molly in Omaha is the closest commenter to me (so far).

She reminded me of the sub-zero temps we had here last week. I was trying to block that out of my cold-hatin' memory.

Jill said...

I live in Westminster, MD and we received 1.2" this afternoon!

Anabelle said...

I'm in NH... we got about a foot and half yesterday... and all last week we were in the negative teens.

yahoo lol

Emily said...

I'm in Olive Branch, MS just south of Memphis & it's about 36 degress which is FRIGID for us & windy.. I hope ya'll get your snow. Typically if we get winter weather it's just alot of ice. Alot of ice that everyone TRIES to drive on but no one knows how to successfully!!!
Emily in Mississippi

ditarae said...

We have about 2 feet of snow on the ground now, and keep getting a few more inches each day. Today was the warmest we've had in almost a week, about 20 deg. All in all, IT'S GOOD!

beanhead said...

Here in Upstate NY it is seaonable. Mid 20's with snow. We just came out of the deep freeze parts of Northen NY were -25 to -30 degrees. Enjoy the fun.

Hannah Grace said...

wow! snow that sounds ecxiting hope gwenyth has fun playing in it. As for the weather in Northern Missouri. Its cloudy gray and cold but most likely not cold enough for snow :(
I am envious! enjoy the white stuff!

ashleyjnc said...

There is 5"+ of snow on the other side of NC :)

Betsy McK said...

It's 80 degrees here in Peoria, Arizona, and we are wearing shorts and t-shirts bare feet with doors and windows open. I hope you get some of the cold white stuff, how fun for Miss Gwyneth!!!!
Good luck unpacking and getting settled in.

Andrea said...

I live in 'Canada's basement' (AKA VERY northern NY) & it's been snowing ALL weekend! I think we got about 2-3 feet this weekend. Last week was below zero (that's NOT including the wind chill!) so today I was enjoying the 'warm' temps (15 degrees).

I can't complain tho, in the last several years I've lived in places it HASN'T snow or been below 30 degrees!

Brittany said...

It is currently a nice and warm 58 here in dallas, texas :)
Enjoy the snow! We never get it here either!

The Pelhams said...

Well, today pretty average. But last week it was 22 below zero with out the windchill and with it, it was 45 below zero. They called off school that day! We have about 6 inches of snow on the ground now and no more in the near future if the forecast is right! We live in central Iowa!

The Pelhams said...

Hey I also know how many people check your blog and this was on MckMama's blog, she has a link to go and pray for baby Harper, thought you might want to say something about it on your blog. Had a normal pregnancy, she was over 40 weeks gave birth and baby Harper wasn't breathing and they had to fly her to Tulsa to children's hospital. They didn't think she would make it through the night and she is still hanging on and they still don't know exactly what is wrong with her, they think her heart, and they could really use LOTS of prayer. She weighed 9 lbs. 12 oz. I also have a link on my blog.

Anonymous said...

Here in Grand Rapids, MI we are all too familiar with snow and cold. It's been the coldest, snowiest year in a LONG time. Holy cow... it's cold. Current temp is 13 degrees but with the wind chill, it feels like 3 degrees. BRRRRRR....

Tammy C said...

Right now it is in the 40's,the snow is to come over night.The roads have been salted.

Have fun building a snowman!

Katie said...

We live in Creedmoor, NC which is right outside Durham. Things are already closing because we MIGHT get snow. So crazy! LOL! My husband and I are originally from Ohio up by Lake Erie. 3-4 inches is nothing to us. ;-) I really hope we get the snow!

Continuing to keep you, Tricia, and Gwyneth in my thoughts and prayers. Congrats on the new home. How exciting!!!

Teresa Dunkin said...

We are warming up to the low 20's, after having sub zero temps for a few days late last week here in "Almost Heaven, Wheeling WV." Enjoy the white stuff...the best thing I've experienced when I've been in more southerly climates when snow comes is that no one expects you to go anywhere. Up here, it would have to be a serious blizzard to stay home and just enjoy it.

mom2LEAA said...

we shoveled 8 inches of snow off the driveway this morning, in north-eastern Connecticut. Imagine that 36 degrees was considered warm by the kids today!
Glad to hear your in your home. Have fun setting up your home and enjoying this time with your family.

Katie said...

We're not to far north lovely Newport News, VA! And our forcast for snow continues to dwindle by the hour.

Mrs. Dan said...

sunny with a high of 75... ok 73. ;)

(so cal)

Amy E. said...

Hope you get a lovely winter wonderland.
I live in that means...if you don't like the weather wait about 20 minutes and it will change.
It got up to 78 today...could wake up to 32 degree weather in the morning..who knows!! I would love a little snow..although noone around here knows how to drive in it!

Carrie said...

A couple of years ago my husband and I went camping in Kitty Hawk for Spring Break and got caught in the snow and hail...ended up paying for a day pass to the YMCA so we could take a hot shower :)

We're supposed to be getting 1-3 inches of snow. Our baby will be one on Jan. 29, so hopefully this will be her first Winter Wonderland, too :)

Stay Warm!

Somer Love said...

We could use some snow to clear out the air!!! The inversion is horrible I am on house arrest! ;)

Bren said...

snowing out now. But warmer than it has been. Were at 13 today. We were -40 all weekend. But that's Indiana weather. They have a saying here. Don't like the weather, stick around it'll change.
Sometimes on a daily basis. :)

BethanyM said...

We live in NE Ohio, and have had about 18 inches of snow fall in the past 10 days. It is all still on the ground, but has compacted some and looks more like 14 inches or so. It was below zero quite a bit at the end of last week--450+ school closings last Friday on TV due to the wind chill. Warmer now, like teens and 20s.

One Down, One to Go said...

Hot, hot, hot. It's a scorcher here in Sydney. Off to the beach to cool off.

Enjoy that snow :)

Teach-ME-Mom said...

We had -25 degrees the middle of last week, and 18 inches of snow yesterday! I love Maine. Have fun unpacking!

Amanda said...

Watching the white stuff fall here in Georgia... chilly and windy.. but oh so beautiful :)

A said...

At the other end of the state north of Charlotte. We are in the area between storms heading this way. Looks like 2-4 inches. Hope we get to build a snowman tomorrow!

Manda Brooke said...

last week it was -27 with a windchill of -50. We've had at least 3 feet of snow on the ground for oh I dont know - the last million years. I dont think it's ever going to melt!
If it even gets up to the 38 degrees the paper reported for Thursday - I'm likely to wear a tank top to work!!

Christina said...

Well...Here in South Florida it's cool but on Wednesday the high is 59!!! That's crazy! I don't live in FLorida for temps like that! LOL

Kacy Jean said...

Okay I'm in MI...
On and off snow flurries,High 18F. Low 9F. Its actually warmed up from late last week, many schools were closed on Friday due to the temperatures. We have about six inches of snow on the ground currently!

Estelle said...

Foggy and 3 degrees in Vancouver, BC Canada

Southern Gal said...

Glad you're in your new home.

We're south of you by a long ways and we're supposed to get two inches. They've already cancelled school for my oldest son and he's ecstatic!!! A four day weekend. My baby is homeschooled but we'll have a snow day only happens once every couple of years here.

Jenene said...

Foggy foggy foggy. The weather guys keep saying sunshine, which I guess is correct, but something is causing a lot of fog. So it doesn't feel sunny.

JC said...

Mesa, AZ! Let's just say we spent the afternoon at the lake, playing in the water and fishing. How's that for a winters day? I think I got sunburnt too!

Zarna said...

Stinking Hot!!!!!
The AC went on at 9am! Not as hot as Wed/Thur last week but on the way!!!

Shan said...

we're going to miss out on the snow - highs in the fifties and lows in the twenties but v. windy - but I do have a four year old that wishes for snow

daydreamer said...

It is unseasonably warm here in Denver. We are supposed to be 70 degrees tomorrow (warmer than Orlando and January is usally one of our coldest months)... I think something got mixed up somewhere this year.

Nancy said...

Just outside of Greenville, SC we are supposed to get anywhere from a dusting to 2". I'm hoping for it - my boys have been asking when it will snow since Thanksgiving!!

sarasusen said...

Uh up here in Northern Maine we just got through a 5 day sub below zero cold front that ended with foot of snow this morning!

Andrea said...

Boise has been under an inversion for 8 days now!!! AHHHH....

Rebekah said...

Well we've had snow on the ground consistantly since November - but last week was rough here in the Twin Cities ... -27 outside with -41 wind chills ... I am happy to report that today was a PLUS 18 outside ... almost balmy after last week! Enjoy your snow (blizzard) ... and Happy Belated Birthday to swet Gwyneth!

Rebekah, Jaden & Baby Charlotte

ampug09 said...

Way too much snow. WAY TOO MUCH! w00t for Western New York.

Momof2bz said...

We live in South Jersey. We haven't had more than a dusting this year. We got our heaviest dusting today. I would so love a massive storm for a fun family day off. Hope you enjoy yours!

Rachael and Travis said...

75 degrees in Salinas, Ca! We went to the beach and the water was fine!!!

HollyMarie said...

WEll, it's very very cold and we have a LOT of snow here in N. Michigan... My girls now have their own sled hill in our front yard because of the bank of snow in front of our house. They can stand on top of that bank their feet are at windowsill level... I'm gonna post some pics soon. :)

Laura said...

Well I live in Lake City, Fl which is 30 miles north of Gainsville. GO GATORS!
Anyway, the lows have been in the 30's and the high in the 60's. Its been cool but so beautiful.

Blessings on your new home. May the LORD bless you.

Jan Scholl said...

I am so sick of snow Michigan and its been friggin' cold-setting records of 19 below zero and winds of 45 MPH. I have a photo ready to go up on my blogof the recent storm before the snow came. Now for someone not used to it, its probably a treasure. Christmas eve is all I can take anymore. but bundle that charmer up and let her lick a snowball. And take lots of photos.

LorrieC said...

We we got 14 inches of snow yesterday. We've warmed up to 32 degrees today after being in the minuses and single digits last week. brrrrr. That's New England weather for you.

Amy said...

We've had record breaking cold temperatures here in WV. We didn't have school on Friday because of it... it was -12 without the windchill! It's back up in the 20s and 30s though, so it feels like a heat wave! Stay warm!

barden photography said...

it was -21 here in northern pa over the weekend - i say take all our snow ;)

Lisa said...

We're in Pittsburgh and we have at least 6 inches of snow on the ground. It has been really cold here and I don't see any signs of the snow melting which is just fine by me. :) It's currently 14 degrees outside with a windchill that puts it down to 4 according to the weather channel. Tomorrow is supposed to be a high of 17. That's not bad though...up from the highs of last week in the single digits and below zero with a windchill of -20.

Pamela @ Frugal Vet Tech said...

Man, if we stayed home every time we got 3-4 inches of snow, we wouldn't go anywhere for half the winter! Two to four inches barely slows us down here. Our weather is warmer this week - it's in the teens now. Last week we were in the twenties below zero. We had some snow flurries today and yesterday and probably the day before and perhaps the day before that.

Deanna said...

well... since you asked.... it started snowing december 16th, 2008... and continued snowing well into the new year. it is now a full month past the original snowfall, and there is still white stuff on the ground. that is a record breaker for around here. after the snow came the rain, and grey skies, but not enough rain to melt the snow, Then an inversion crept up on us, which left us with more fog than we knew what to do with for 27 hours out of the day that resembled pea soup... only that is was white, not green. Since yesterday the fog has dissipated, and we have actually seen blue skies, which we haven't seen in weeks. All of this for a normally very WET west coast.

Joyful said...

We've been enjoying a chilly -35c with the wind chill and the snowbanks are so high at the end of our driveway - approx 6 feet - I had to get my son to stand out on the road to direct me out, as I can't see if any cars are coming due to all the snow that is blocking my view! It is very pretty though :o)

Staying warm,
Ontario, Canada

The Barnes Crew said...

It's 25 with a wind chill of 17 here in Columbia, MO and snow flurries! I would love to get the snow that you're supposed to get! I was born & raised in Minneapolis and had so much fun in the snow....all we've had here so far this winter is maybe 2-3 inches total all winter (which is strange for here).

Jen @ One Moms World said...

I saw that on the news this evening you all would get snow. I am in Boone the other direction of you in NC. We have about 5 inches now with more piling up and it is about 24 degrees.

Kellee Flatt said...

I'm in Cleveland, Ohio where most of the northern part of the state had no school on Friday due to extreme cold weather single digits all the way down to 0.

3-4 inches, won't even get a snow day usually... unless it's ice. But, as cold as it is, I wouldn't trade it in!

God bless, and enjoy the snow while you have it!

Becky Norton said...

Cold here in Conyers (east of Atlanta)....especially when you go outdoors in a skirt and no socks. They're going back and forth here between flurries and partly cloudy....definitely windy, I think it's about 38 or so. I wish we would get some snow; it'd be great to have a day off of work.

Anonymous said...

chicago was in the negative temps last week. it has pretty much been the coldest and snowiest winter ever...

Sarah said...

It is pretty cold here in Florida...the mid 60's maybe

Paige Hinrichs said...

Oh I wish we'd get some snow (or even rain). However, I must say we've had beautiful weather here. It's been in the low 80's and the beach was wonderful yesterday. : )

Hannah Banana said...

I live in WI. We've been getting a lot of snow. =P and we have plenty of cold weather too.

Elizabeth said...

NE Ohio has been hit with bitter cold and snow. I'd rather be in the OBX!

Amy said...

It was about 20 degrees and we got one inch today. That is better than last week a -23 wind chill and temp of 10.

Laura said...

Up here in the frozen north (aka Canada!) after a week of -30C temps we got a dump of 18" of snow on Saturday night! Today it was a balmy -7 so it felt like summer. :oD

Tricia said...

Snow today - about 3 inches in N. Virginia. Snow is lovely, but it's cold, so the roads have iced over and it's dangerous driving out there.

Enjoy your new home together. :)

MamaBear said...

Hope you get to enjoy some of the white stuff for a little while at least. I just did a post about the weather here in MN:

Can't wait to see pictures of your winter wonderland!

Lifes.So.Sweet said...

The snow is up to my living room window window. We literally have no more room to shovel the snow (ack) & we're expecting 10-20 cms of snow this weekend. The temps, well, it's a balmy -10c (last week they were -4F)

Ann said...

Cold, freezing fog, and lots of ice. We've had a lot of snow but that gave way to rain and flooding. I think we'd definitely be fine with no more snow out here in the PNW!

Laura said...

Central Maine got a foot and a half yesterday...

Sue from Oregon said...

Balmy here in Oregon...up to 45° for a high...dry(can you believe that for the Pacific Northwest?) but WIND storms like I haven't seen in ages..big power outages in Portland, trees falling on houses...I would settle for the snow
(2 ft just melted last week) any day! Hope you get to build G's first snowman!

Scarlet and Gray said...

15 degrees in Ohio which is a lot warmer than it was last week. I hate this weather!

hsturner said...

We all had on shorts today. I did wear a light jacket. It was majorly windy but a beautiful day. I would love to see some snow! Hope you get to enjoy it! Take lots of pics!

My2Girls said...

Nate, we share the same forecast. Since I am only an hour away from you, in Va Beach, we are also expected to get snow. As of 10 pm, local news reported to expect 3 to 5 inches in Va Beach. I have lived here my entire life. I hate to say "I'll believe it when I see it" but ............. I'll believe it when I see it! I'm hoping for enough to delay or cancel school for the day. I work for the local school system. Who doesn't love a "snow" day every now and then? Especially since we rarely get them here. In my heart of hearts, I'm honestly hoping the we get "dumped" on. I love the white stuff! Bring it on! I know my two little girls would be thrilled to wake up to a white morning! Here's wishing for snow ..... Amy/Va Beah

jules said...

We were supposed to drive 1 1/2 hours up to the snow this weekend to sled, but it's pretty mushy since it's in the mid-60's and we haven't seen rain (or snow) in weeks. So we took the family golfing today instead. We need rain in No. California!!... Hope you enjoy your snow.

Mrs. Wendy York said...

Wendell,'s snowing right now. No school for me (or the kids!)tomorrow!!! :)

Paulette said...

Beautiful sunny breezy 70 here in Arlington Tx!! Love It!!

In the Mix said...

Here in Manhattan, KS we're experiencing a heat wave with highs in the 40's. Last week we had a few days of single digits though. At least it's dry and sunny!

Reba said...

I am in NAWArk. It is cold and windy. However, snow has seemed to elude us the last few years. I like to get one good snow then have spring!

CulyQFun said...

We had our share of snow over the holidays....Seattle was literally snowed in for days. We had 22 inches at our house outside of Seattle.

Today it was clear, cold & sunny. A nice change!

Claire said...

Sadly it's raining here and ugly.

It's supposed to be summer down here in New Zealand!

Not cool, dude, not cool!!!

Good luck with your snow - exciting!

asplashofsunshine said...

No exact temps, but no coats needed tonight on our nightly walk with the kids. About 65 degrees... ahhhh! We used to live in New England. I MISS THE SNOW!

Stacemoe said...

Well, it will be in the 70's here in Dallas the next couple days....
Hope sweet Gwyneth gets to see some snow!!!!

Karen Ke said...

We're in the Cascade foothills, 30 miles east of Seattle. We've been enjoying a rare temperature inversion for the better part of a week. That's where it actually gets warmer and sunnier the higher you go in elevation. Today was around 60 degrees, sunny and windy. After more than a month of serious weather extremes ... sub freezing temps, too much snow, hurricane force winds, too much rain, record floods ... this is heavenly! Enjoy your snow!

Heather Forcey said...

We are experiencing unseasonably warm weather in Central California. We are supposed to be in the mid 50's, but have hit high 60's for over a week. Perfect weather for riding bikes outside.

Robin said...

High 40's/Low 50's/Dry/Crisp. Very odd for Oregon this time of year. We've had it all this year...?? Bring back our snow. hehe

Courtney said...

Sunny and warm deep in the heart of texas!

Bonnie B said...

Cold and snowy in North Dakota. We have plenty of the white stuff. It's a balmy 25 today, was minus 30last week.


lovelystuff said...
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Kathy - mom of many said...

Beautiful day here, went on a picnic with another family. Played football together in South Florida. Enjoy the snow. Can't wait to see pics.

Sammy's Mommy said...

80 degrees and climbing during the day. Actually had to turn the AC on this weekend.

I hope you are loving being home. Thanks for sharing the journey.

Froggymama said...

Wow, it's like 80 degrees here in Los Angeles and Addie is begging for snow.

Btw, I'm reading a great book that your lovely wife might enjoy. It's called "The Middle Place" by Kelly Corrigan. It's about a mom who survives cancer. But it's also about being in that 'middle place' where you are still your parents' kid, but someone's mom too. It really hit home with me, and just thought I'd share.

Glad all is well there. Enjoy the snow for us seasonally challenged folks!

Kristen said...

We normally would have snow...but we're having 60 degree plus weather out in CO...I'm about ready to break out the shorts...

Anonymous said...

80 DEGREES in January! I know I'm in California, but this is crazy even for us!

amanda said...

We are expecting one to two inches of snow here in Myrtle Beach. I hope so because I have never seen snow at the beach before, but only in pictures and that was 17 inches in 1989.

Goodwin Family said...

Well, I live in Hawaii... so you want to guess what the weather is?? Actually, we had a cold front come through and we have had balmy 70 degree days and cool 60 degree nights!
Enjoy your new home.. have lots of fun unpacking!!

Kadence and Adam. . . and Mommy said...

Welllll I live in Hawaii so you can imagine. Although I find it halarious when the weatherman says we are getting a coldfront, taking the temp down to 78 degrees. LOL

Enjoy your snow.


Michelle Jamie said...


The children are in bear basics to make it through the day!

charm said...

Wish we could see snow - here in South Africa we are heated so have fans, doors, windows etc all open and its still boiling hot.....Congrats on your new home...Hugs and kisses to all Charm

Alice Vogt said...

It's 30 degrees CELCIUS... what is that in your terms???

Ginger said...

We FINALLY got away from the -44F windchill of last week and are at 12F windchill. The wind made visibility almost Nil with blowing snow and there were so many cars in ditches as well as quite a few that were rolled over in the ditch. I love winter but this year is a bit much even for me.

Anonymous said...

IT's about 8 degrees here.That's the warmest it has been in days. We were at -40. We have a lot of snow and wind.

Shannon said...

IT IS SNOWING IN HARTSVILLE SC!!!!! And after a slight dusting, SCHOOLS ARE CLOSED!! I have to laugh, it is like a blizzard here too. Enjoy your first snow Gwyneth and you all stay warm in your new home!!!!

Jacoline said...

It was cold here in The Netherlands, with lots of ice and snow. But right now it's around I think 50's? Not sure while we have everything in Celcius here, but it's about 6 or 7 Celcius.

Our winters are cold but not THAT cold, we get a little bit of snow and once in a while the lakes will freeze and we can go iceskating. It used to be different, we could go iceskating every year but it seems like things have warmed up a bit.

clownDOctor said...

It is snowing in Raleigh!!!

Mrs Redboots (Annabel Smyth) said...

London is cold and grey, and the forecast is not very good, but we're unlikely to have snow; rain is more probable.

Do the OBX go into total meltdown when it snows, like they do here (a dozen flakes and everything grinds to a halt), and like they memorably did in the South of France the day before we were due to come back from holiday (we made it, but only just!)?

Kelly said...

YUP- SNOW! Woke up this morning with the same snow in Raleigh.. it's still snowing. We are out taking pics and then we are going to play in it :O)

Have fun!! We always enjoy it while we can- Look forward to seeing your pics!

Kelly, Scott and Kelsey in Cary, NC

Unknown said...

Way up here in Northern Maine... It has warmed up to the teens. Last week got down to -40. That hurt. Hard to breathe outside. Has been snowing for the past two days since it "warmed up"... We have had several feet of snow everywhere for a long time. We love it!

valn said...

Milano, Italy
we had 30 cm of snow a couple of weeks ago (unusual), now back to normal: humid, rainy, foggy and cold...not good!

~Mommy~ said...

It's freezing cold here, almost too cold to snow if you can believe that. I'm in Charlottesville, VA, and apparently the snow is going around us. I hope Gwyneth enjoys the snow!

I always feel bad for NC because you guys always get the 'ice' from a storm. I'm relieved it'll be snow instead this time around.

Jenn said...

I live in Woodstock, GA north of Atlanta. We were hoping for snow, but no luck. According to my 6 year old daughter, we had to wear our pj's backwards and put a spoon under each of our pillows. It worked one time last year....but not last night. We had to get up and go to school. Bummer. It sure is cold though!!!

MistySkye said...

warm during the day,cold at night. Texas weather is always weird this time of year.

Julie said...

Very cold (think single digits) and snowy here.

Kim said...

Here in NH, we just received another 15 inches of snow...that's on top of the foot of snow that was already on the ground and on top of the two feet of snow we've received since a few weeks before Christmas. Oh yeah, and then there was the huge ice storm that knocked out power for a large portion of the state for up to two weeks! LOL! You've just got to love life here in New England!

Kristine McKowen said...

Northern NJ - we've been getting a dusting of snow the last several days. We are also in and out of the deep freeze. Last week was in the teens - this past weekend in the 20's (it was tropical!) We might get some 40's by the end of the week (where's the flip flops)

The Posti Family said...

Mesa, Arizona ... we are going to be a high of 79 degrees and sunny today! My sister is in Wilmington, NC and it just started snowing there at 9:45am ... CRAZY!

Anonymous said...

It's about 27 degrees and flurrying here in Greensboro,NC. We have about an inch on the ground. I guess this is what's headed your way! Enjoy! I took my 3 yr old out in it this morning and he LOVED it!

marcia said...

Are you having a "Snow Day" ? Can't wait to seem some pics! :)

Halie said...

I don't comment alot but I was interested in seeing how the weather was in other areas.

Here in Atlanta, GA, the high today is around 34-which is actually pretty chilly for us.

We have actually had pretty low temps for the past week or so.

We did have some snow flakes last night and this morning, but just flurries.

KAT said...

In Denver, Colorado we are suppossed to hit 70 degrees today! Very unseasonal. Usually this time of year we are in the middle of the arctic freeze...

Christy said...

I turned on the Charlotte news last night and they said..."Two HUGE stories.. the inauguration and the snow storm" I was thinking.. we are going to get an inch of snow and you are comparing that to the inauguration.. hahaha!!! The south is too funny!!!

Anonymous said...

Bluest of skies, sunny and 70 in Denver today!!!!

The Petersons said...

Here in White Bear Lake, MN (a suburb of St. Paul,) we just finished a cold snap of -20 degrees below zero with windchills as low as -50 degrees below for over 48 hours. This week we should see some balmy 30 degree days!!

Jessi said...

Here in Charlotte NC is it still snowing and we have a whopping 2 inches...everything is closed, of course. haha.
Hope y'all enjoy the snow and settling in your new home!! Can't wait to see pictures of everything in its place.
Blessings & Prayers.

Jessi said...

Here in Charlotte NC is it still snowing and we have a whopping 2 inches...everything is closed, of course. haha.
Hope y'all enjoy the snow and settling in your new home!! Can't wait to see pictures of everything in its place.
Blessings & Prayers.

My2Girls said...

Okay, school is cancelled for the day here in Va Beach. So far, absolutely not a hint of the white stuff. How about the OBX? Anything yet?

Momand2kidz said...
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Momand2kidz said...

I live in Windsor,Ontario,Canada and today it is -17 Celcius!
C-O-L-D!! We have about 6 inches of snow on the ground already! The sun is shining though which is nice. Congratulations on your new home!! Make lots of memories there!

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