Sunday, January 4, 2009

Two Sickies

Gwyneth and Tricia are both sick with some kind of head cold. Neither one slept well last night, and both are napping now.

Hopefully they'll be feeling better soon!




Nicole said...

I hope your girls feel better soon!

Just Courtney said...

Prayers for a speedy recovery!!

Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear they are sick...that is no fun! Saying a prayer for both of them!

Unknown said...

Hope the girls feel better soon!

Aspiemom said...

It's been going through my family, too, and I know how a CFer like Tricia feels with a cold! I will certainly be praying for them and hope they both get better soon, with no complications.

Twinkletoes said...

Get well soon girls! Stay well Nathan! Looking forward to birthday celebration/s :)

BeckeyZ said...

Praying here for a quick recoveries for both Tricia and Gwyneth.

Take good care of them Nate.

InDeeds said...

Ick. that is no fun. Make sure they drink lots of water - I had a head cold over christmas and neglected to drink water. Ended up being frightfully dehydrated!
Hope they feel better soon!

Sarah said...

both of our puppies were sick last night and kept us up a lot too. No fun

Heather said...

Praying for a quick set of recoveries, plenty of tissues and restorative sleep (or rest, whichever is possible).

Kerry said...

Sorry to hear both the Girls are sick. Saying a prayer they will be up and better fast..Take care of yourself Nate.

Mrs Redboots (Annabel Smyth) said...

My sympathies. I, too, am similarly afflicted, although it must be very much harder for poor Tricia than for either me or Gwyneth Rose. I don't suppose, though, that Gwyneth is old enough to find much comfort in that thought....

bkmanary said...

Oh, rest sweet ladies, and get better quickly! Hope it doesn't progress and starts to make a turn for better health.
Karen et al
Vancouver, BC

Faithe said...

It's going around here, too. Not fun!! Best wishes and prayers that it doesn't last long. Hang in there,'ll make it. Give them lots of liquids, love, and laughter...and they'll be over it in no time.

Blessedw5mom said...

Ohhh ... our empathy!
We came down with New Years crud, too. Now two of us have bronchitis ... ick!

Prayers that we all heal quickly.

marcia said...

Yuck! No fun at all!!
Praying for a quick recovery for both of them!

Melissa said...

feel better everyone :)

Cristi said...

We just got over all that. Hope they are feeling better soon.

The Hallenbeck's said...

Praying for your girls. Hope they feel better soon.

Amy said...

Praying both your girls feel better real soon!

Me and my Gurl said...

My prayers for healing are with you both. (Nate, don't breath the air. wash your hands lots. LOLOL) You know all this. :)

Take care.


Amy said...

Awww, poor sweet baby! She looks adorably pitiful, ifkwim.

I hope both Gwyneth and Tricia both are feeling better ASAP!