Thursday, January 15, 2009

The Big Day Has Arrived!

Tomorrow, we're going to attempt to spend the entire day organizing our house with the goal of spending our first night there...or die trying!

The bad news...we have no internet connection yet, so if you don't hear from me tomorrow night, consider that good news...clear?




Brent Riggs said...

I've been reading your story for a while. We understand what you are going through. Our daughter Abby has Leukemia, and we are in a particularly difficult time. We are blessed for a huge Christian family praying for us. Let us know how we can specifically pray for you. You can find out about Abby here:

Brent Riggs

Stacemoe said...

So exciting!!! Praying everything goes smoothly!!! Have a great weekend!

Jane said...

on the excitement! hope y'all get some sleep tonight.

Jen said...

Hooray!!! What a wonderful milestone for you to finally reach. I miss daily updates but will be SOOO happy to not have one tomorrow!

praise be to God. He is Faithful!

Marty said...

How exciting! Nothing like the first night in your new home.

Tracy P. said...

Hope it goes great! Yea for all of you!

Lost My Mind said...

Here's to not hearing from you tomorrow night. Good Luck.

Emily said...

Hope you get your 1st night in your new home!!! I'll be watching for good news!!!
Emily in Mississippi

Bridget said...

Good luck and have fun!

Candi said...

That's awesome. The first night in your new home is a pretty amazing feeling (even though ours was a fixer upper and we're still fixin'....LOL)!

Anonymous said...

Praying things go well for you and you can spend your first night together in your new home.

abi said...

so happy for you guys! I hope you have a great first night. : )

Rachael said...

Good luck with your moving in, hope all goes smoothly and you can settle in nicely very soon.


Mrs Redboots (Annabel Smyth) said...

Good luck! Have fun. Can you update Facebook or Twitter from your mobile so we know what's going on?

Make up the beds first of all - then you can all collapse when you need to. Once that's done, work on kitchen and bathroom. Living-room can wait.

Emelie said...

OMG....I'm so happy that you will finally be in your home. That was fast. Tricia's voice sounded awesome! Enjoy, Enjoy, Enjoy


marcia said...

"...clear?" LOL!!!! You know your "public" so very well!!! :):):) So excited for you...and with Tricia's new voice, I'll probably be able to hear her shrieks of excitment all the way to Michigan! So HAPPY for you! Praying God's blessing on your new home and all of the wonderful memories you will make there!!

Aspiemom said...

Looking on the bright side "no news from Nate is GOOD news" - okay!

Have a wonderful first day at your house today! And night!

Em said...

That is awesome news! Hooray!

Annette said...

Yeah! So glad that you guys are able to start getting into your pretty house! I was amazed at the difference in Tricia's voice after the surgery...... Praise God for all of the blessings :) Have a great weekend.