Monday, January 5, 2009

Pink and Brown Day!

Before she was born, we chose the combination of pink and brown to use for Gwyneth's room and other things. As it would turn out, the vast majority of her clothes are also pinks and browns, which is totally cool with us.

So, if you want to celebrate our miracle baby, wear something PINK and/or BROWN with us this Thursday! And, consider joining the Facebook Event for even more online fun!



-stephanie- said...

I love pink and brown, and I will join in the celebration.

Julie said...

YAY! I just got some new pink & brown boot socks for Christmas...I can play along at home!

ASHLEY said...


Rachael said...

An excuse to wear pink? Yay! Will be joining you on Thursday.

Love to you all

Leslie said...

January 8th is our 4 yr wedding anniversary! I will be wearing pink/brown when we go out to celebrate n I will have our little girl in pink n brown too! Great idea (I'm just glad the colors aren't neon green and orange haha)

Anonymous said...

I joined the facebook party and my baby girl and I will both be wearing pink/brown on Thursday to celebrate! Have fun!

knuts2knit said...

Are we WEARING or EATING pink and brown on Thursday?!? LOL!
Happy (almost) birthday baby Gwyneth!!
((HUGS)) from Ohio!

Jane said...

I can sooo do this...that's about all I have in my closet these days.

mom nana nelson said...

pink & brown it is
i'll be singing happy birthday to your sweet gwyneth rose

Anonymous said...

I can not believe it has nearly been a year!! I will have to dig out some pink and brown and celebrate with you. You are so blessed!

Tanya said...

I am so excited to be able to celebrate with you! We'll be sporting our pinks and browns!
What a blessing!

Ali said...

Looks like she's giving that new tooth a workout!

meleea said...

my daughter has a pink & brown room also - she said she was gonna wear those colors on Thursday to celebrate your girl!

Penny said...

Just have to say... Tricia's prayer must've been a little more specific than just asking for a miracle baby. She must've have asked God to clone her husband. lol This child looks exactly like you, especially in the picture under "face of sick." She even looks like she has your freckles in that one. :)
I LOVE her eyes in this picture and I'm partial to red headed babies like my youngest was. Unfortunately, her hair turned blonde. :( It's still pretty, though.
Can't wait to see your birthday video for her.

Laurie said...

Sounds like fun. What is the link to the facebook party? I can't seem to find it.

Blessedw5mom said...

Oh How Fun!!! Pink and Brown day ... Lets celebrate!!!

Blessings From Above said...

What a great way to honor Gwyneth's first birthday! Count me in.

Tammy C said...

Pink is my favorite color!How easy to wear.

Mrs. Flatt said...

I am so excited for you. It's amazing to see what God can and will do when we let him! Congrats to all of you. And, as a former micro-preemie myself... I rejoice with you!

Post Tenebras Lux said...

Happy (early) birthday, little girl!

Chelle said...

Wishing this precious miracle a very Happy Birthday! Hoping to join in on Facebook too...

TheRagan3 said...

I joined in the fun on Facebook -- I think pictures of us all in our pink and brown would be cool!!

Anonymous said...

I'm wearing pink and brown today! lol!

I will make sure they've been through the wash and out again in time for thursday :)

Amy said...

Funny my bathroom is pink and brown! I LOVE the color combo!!!

I will be wearing it Thursday for the miracle baby!!!!! :)

~*~Bre~*~ said...

I already have my outfit ready for Thursday! I can't believe that Gwyneth is a year old already!! Time flies. It has been so fun watching her grow... she's absolutely adorable. Our God is awesome.

~*~Bre~*~ said...

I already have my outfit ready for Thursday! I can't believe that Gwyneth is a year old already!! Time flies. It has been so fun watching her grow... she's absolutely adorable. Our God is awesome.

Kristine McKowen said...

Can't wait for Thursday!

My almost 8 year old daughter will dress too - as pink & brown is a large part of her wardrobe.

Amy said...

I can't believe she's nearly one!!! Seems like only yesterday when she was born. She looks cute no matter what she's wearing.

Ree said...

We'll be wearing pink & brown on Thursday-for sure!!

Amanda Bartell said...

Pink and brown is one of my favorite color combos! Actually, brown with just about anything is my fave:) My little boy will be turning one on the 8th too (except he was 6 days overdue and 9lbs 12oz) so we will both celebrate by wearing brown. I don't think he would appreciate the pink, though, so maybe he'll be in brown with blue or green.

Elaine said...

Hard to believe Gwyneth is going to be 1 already!!!! My how time flies. Will be wearing pink and brown in honor of Gwyneth on Thursday. May she have a birthday fit for a princess. Can't wait to see the pics from the big day.
Elaine from MT

Anonymous said...

Pink & brown is a great combination! Like strawberries & chocolate. Yum!

~Sara in MD

Michelle said...

Are we supposed to EAT our pink and brown clothes, too, like Gwyneth? ;)

Emelie said...

I can't believe it!!! It seems like yesterday!!! I most def. will wear pink and brown.


(((((( HUGS ))))))))


The Letterman's said...

I have been keeping up with your blog for almost a year. I have enjoyed getting to know you and your family and learning more about your awareness of CF. Hope Gwyneth has a fantastic bday.

Lynsey said...

I don't always have time to comment, since I'm busy chasing my own monster around, but Happy Early Birthday to Gwyneth! Can you believe what a difference a year makes??! Wait till she's WALKING! Talk about life changing! :)

God bless you all,

Christy said...

Casey and I will be wearing pink and/or brown tomorrow. I can't believe it's been a year already! Your miracle baby is turning 1... amazing!

Tamara M. said...

Joined:) Although I don't like pink much, I have one pink top, so it's time to were it once more ;)


Kim said...

We have a pink and brown girl, too. I know what you mean about a nursery and clothes. Just love the combo!

Jennifer said...

Happy Birthday week to the miracle girl! I'm very excited to celebrate with you on this one. What a momentous occasion. I continue to remeber you in my prayers here in Michigan.

Majah said...

Can someone help me 'join' the Facebook party? I've logged in to Facebook but can't 'find' the party.

I'll be celebrating all day! Happy Birthday to our sweet girl.

Majah said...

oops - my 'y' isn't working. She's 'your' sweet girl...not 'our'...though she sure feels like a member of my family. Darn 'y'.

~j~ said...

oh my goodness, Gwyneth is coming up on her one year birthday celebration.
I will for sure be sportin her colors but since I am not face book capable I will miss out on those festivities. Have some cake for me guys!!!
Love and Congratulations on a very big and happy celebration!!

Megan said...

I'm a stranger to you, but I'm in on the pink and brown (it's a favorite color combo of mine anyway)! I love checking in for the updates on Tricia and your Little Miss, and to see all of the new pictures :-) I've been reading along since sometime during the "story of us", while Tricia was still waiting for new lungs... and like some other blog stalkers, I stayed up most of the night waiting for updates when Tricia finally did receive her life-saving transplant. Your story (and the post you wrote debunking the myths of organ donation) convinced me to become an organ donor! Have a great new year in your new home!

Pam said...

I have been reading your blog for almost a year and praying along with you as I have observed the hand of our mighty God over & over again evidenced in your lives. Sorry I have never posted before, I don't really know why. But I have been lurking...and praying. I had an emergency appendectomy last year on January 8 (which also happens to be dh's b-day). In the days following my surgery, I found myself with more time to surf the web than I usually have. I follow my out of town neice's blog to keep up with her little boy's development (he was a preemie, but now is a healthy, active 2 1/2 year old). She posted a link to your story on her blog and I clicked on it a couple of days after my surgery....I was hooked! Thank you for sharing your journey. I will continue to follow and pray with you...I am going to go find something pink & brown to wear on Thursday right now!
In His love,
Pam :)

Mel said...

I can't believe it is almost her first birthday!!! Hey you won an award at my site, go claim it when ya can.

Tammy C said...

I can't begin to count how many that I have invited to attend Pink and Brown Day.

I went back to find out when I started reading your blog-January 13.

Shelly said...

we're wearing our pink and brown in honor of your birthday little one!

Just Me said... html

Happy Birthday Gwyneth! Pink and Brown Day was very fun :o)