Thursday, May 8, 2008

4 Months!

Happy 4 month birthday, you beautiful, silly girl!

We love you!

Mommy & Daddy


Erin said...

Blessings on your beautiful family!!!!! And prayers for recovery and a smooth transition home!

Rachael Schirano \\ Rachael Schirano Photography said...

happy 4 months birthday!

what a beautiful picture!

Dawn said...

She's such a doll!

Mrs. Dan said...


Chad and Rose said...

Your girls are so beautiful. I cannot get enough of your little baby!! She is an absolute doll!!!

amy smith said...

happy birthday, and happy SOON homecoming!

Rebecca said...

She definitely has her mommy's eyes!!! I am so happy for you all!!!!

Unknown said...

She's exquisite! Definitely looking more like mom by the day:)

Blessings From Above said...

Awww....I think that is the best family picture yet!!! Gwyneth looks so big.

Happy 4 months! I can not believe everything that has transpired in just 4 months. Incredible!

mckennah said...

i am loving those cheeks and her little double chin. she is a precious angel. i am so happy for you guys.

Pamela said...

Look at those cheeks! And look at the happy family. Prayers for your time of transitioning back to your home.

Stacemoe said...

Happy Four Months sweet Gwyneth!!! You are BEAUTIFUL and getting SOOOOO Big!!! I love your cheeks!!! You are amazing..I know Mommy and Daddy are proud of you. Can't wait to see pics of you OUT OF THE HOSPITAL!!!!!!!! Keeping you in my prayers!

Matt and Cristin said...

What a beautiful family! Happy 4 month birthday precious little Gwyneth!
Yeah for Tricia for getting the trach removed! Yeah!!!
We are so happy for you guys and praying for continued health and quick home-goings! ;)

North Carolina Mom said...

She is just beautiful, such a lovely rosy happy smiley girl! Those cheeks look positively squishable, she is so pretty. And those proud parents! You guys make me smile. :)

kitchu said...

that is just about the best picture ever... :O)

Trisha said...

Happy Birthday Gwyneth!!!You are a precious little girl!!!! You and Mommy have come a long way!!!!God bless you both and of course, God bless your wonderful daddy, as well! The three of you are in heart forever!

All God's Blessings,
Trisha Jurgemeyer
San Diego

Marsmile said...

One beautiful family!

Gosh, lookee at them pudgy-wudgy cheekies, Gwyn! Happy 4-month Birthday, sweetie!

Nate, you look great, and Tricia, you look so wonderful!

Love seeing the 3 of you TOGETHER!

Marissa :-)

Becky in VA said...

Four amazing months. In no time at all, you'll be home listening to the waves.

Love to all.

Jenn said...

Aw, that's such a great picture of you three!!

Jennifer said...

AHHHHHH!!! Happy Birthday Gwyneth

cheryl said...

Gorgeous fam! What an exciting week for y'all! God is SO GOOD!!!

Carol said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
OceanDesert said...

Yayyy! You guys look so happy and healthy!!!

Sheryl said...

Oh my goodness, so much great news. And the pictures are fabulous. You two girls sure are beautiful. Nate, you're not so bad yourself, but really it is about the girls!!

Still praying,

Teeann said...

Ya'll are so wonderfully blessed to have one of God's beautiful creations entrusted in your care. Gwyneth is absolutely adorable and getting more so every day.

Congratulations Tricia on all of your good news and I pray for continued recovery for both of you.

May God continue to bless all of you beyond measure for a long time to come. Through Him, all things are possible and your family is living proof! Praise God!

Terri in Louisiana

Carol said...

Wow, I return to the computer after three days to so much good news! I love it - and the lastest family portrait. You are beautiful.

Amanda @ said...

she is so bright eyed! It is just so wonderful to see you all looking so healthy and radiant after all that you've been through! God bless!

Danielle in MO said...

Picture Perfect!

Emily said...

What a GORGEOUS family the Lord has made. :)

asplashofsunshine said...

Such a gorgeous family!!! Happy 4 month birthday cutie pie!

Jen in Al said...

happy Birthday Gwyneth!!!! nate, you have two beautiful ladies!!! such a blessing seeing you all together! hope you all enjoyed a wonderful day! praying, jen in al

Professor TIllman said...

Best. photo. ever.

TheRagan3 said...

what a beautiful family you have! Happy birthday Gwyneth!

Anxious AF said...

what a beautiful family....What great news!

Kellita said...

I can't get over how good Tricia looks!

Em said...

Happy Birthday, Little Gwyneth! What a great gift for your more feeding tube!!

Michelle said...

I love each new picture. I am so happy for you and admire you so.


PartyofFive said...

Oh my is she cute!! Hoping you all will be together under one roof sometime next week. Great photo!

Candi said...

4 months---wow!! I love that picture--look at her holding onto her mommy's hand!! And man--she has some serious cheeks---soooo cute!!

Unknown said...

wow. 4 months!!! I can't believe it. You all look great.

Kacy Jean said...

Happy 4ths Gwyneth Rose.. Someones looking alot like Daddy... And Mommy is looking healthy and as beautiful as ever!! Grats

Kimberly (Anthony's Mom) said...

Your wife and daughter amaze me. No Doubt you have very strong genes in your family. I have a 26 weeker preemie and he is doing wonderful now, but boy what a tough road in the beginning.


marcia said...

Oh, my...what a photogenic little chublet she has become! Too cute...and Mommy and Daddy look so happy!

John and Michelle said...

Wow I can't believe it's time for her to go home. We're praying for a smooth and easy transition for all of you. We're also praying she starts looking more like her mommy soon! hee hee She is really favoring Dad right now but she pulls the look off quite well. She is adorable!

Blessings to all of you!! Thank you Jesus!

The Beaver Bunch said...

She looks so chubby, but in reality she's just over 4 lbs, and that's still so TINY! She's just too precious!

nicole said...

oh, gwyneth, you are growing up! you are pure preciousness! congrats on having your feeding tube removed! what a big step! i'll be praying that you are able to continue eating like a big girl! hope you get to go home to your mommy and daddy soon! home is just the best! much love, sweetness.

Kirst said...

What a sweetheart!

Salzwedel Family said...

Oh Gwyneth, you don't look a day over 3.5 months - you've aged beautifully!

Praying you go home soon & real life can begin! God is good & you are proof of that.

Marge Sexton said...

Happy B-Day Gwyneth Rose!!! What a beautiful family photo. Don't you just love the sound of "Mommy and Daddy". Awesome Post, thanks for sharing. God Bless!

Froggymama said...

Wow, congratulations. I'm praying big time for tomorrow. oxoxo

Mayhem And Miracles said...

I haven't even finished the post. I. LOOOOOOOVE. this. picture!!!!!

The Pillion Family said...

I live in Adelaide, Austalia.
I have never commented on your 'blog' but after seeing this gorgeous picture of the 3 of you I thought it was about time.
This is the most precious photo I have ever seen, and Gwenyth is absolutely yummy! You guys must be so proud.
Good luck for the next week or so, I am thinking of you.
Ally x

Rachael said...

Happy 4 month birthday Gwyneth, what a lovely pictutre of you all.

Lots of love

Scott said...

Wow, the apple didn't fall far from the tree! Happy Birthday to all of you! You are in our prayers.

bome62 said...

What a precious picture. Happy 4 month birthday Gwyneth. May the transition over the next days & weeks go smooth. I am praying.
Bonnie Meyer
Washington, Missouri

Rebecca (Ramblings by Reba) said...

Love those chubby cheeks.

Shannon said...


Destini said...

She has grown so much! It is amazing how much she has changed!

Carmen said...

Happy 4 Month Birthday Gwyneth...

turtlemama said...

I just love this picture. It is simply beautiful. Prayers for a successful surgery this morning for Gwyneth.

Karen said...

I love Tricia's hair cut! Happy Birthday Gwyneth!

IB said...

She looks exactly like you Nate! She is just the sweetest little babay! Congrats!

Jenny, John, Jennah, Abby said...

Awesome!!! Your little girl looks a lot like you, Daddy! I'm so excited for you guys!! Love the latest family pic! Gorgeous!

We will pray for Gwyneth's surgery, for her to keep chugging away on her bottles and for you and Tricia to be able to feel completely prepared for Gwyneth's homecoming...


Much Love,
The Vande Castles.

Mary said...

That's the cutest picture ever. What an awesome little family.


Unknown said...

~ becky b

Jennifer said...

Look at those cheeks! She is too cute! I have been following your blog since the transplant. I have shared your amazing story on my own blog and with friends.
God bless your beautiful family!

Tracie said...

Praying for the surgery and the big transition to HOME! Grace and Peace to you all.
Thank you again for allow us a glimpse into your lives. Every time I look in, it is an opportunity for me to worship the Lord and rejoice in His goodness.

Gwyneth looks so beautiful and healthy! Love those cheeks and that darling chin!

begins with v said...

man is that a cute baby!!!!! I can't get over her!

Melissa said...

What a sweet little angel. Beautiful family photo!

Elizabeth said...

God Bless and keep you all.
I've been following you all since before the lung transplant...but you always have SO MANY comments.
Happy Birthday Gwynneth. She is SO very sweet! You are in our prayers. Pax Christi, EJT

Love my boys! said...

You all look fabulous! Happy Birthday, Gwyneth!

Anonymous said...

Happy 4 Month Birthday pretty girl!

BTW, you look so much like your father! :)

John & Michelle said...

Our domestic adoption just fell through. There aren't words to describe how sad I am. Seeing you all together gives me the courage to keep going!

Our Two Blessings From Above said...

What a great picture of all of you!
But, Tricia looks fantastic! There is such a glow to her.

Gwyneth, Happy 4 months baby girl! I am praying for empty bottles. I have faith that you will be home soon with your dad and mom. You have so many people that love you and are praying for you. Keep up the great work!

Quin's momma said...

Beautiful family picture!!

Jenny said...

Definitely my favorite picture to date! :)

Amy said...

We will continue to keep you in our prayers. Your family is incredible!!!

Eliza said...

Is it just me or does Gwyneth look more and more like Tricia the bigger she gets? Both of them look like they've put on some much-needed weight, and Tricia is RADIANT--she looks so happy to be holding her chubby little baby! You look so proud of them both--and you should be!

Our Family! said...

What a beautiful family!! We love this picture!! Happy 4-months birthday, Gwyneth!

~ Rob, Amy, Emily, and Ryan Farrell

Jovina and Bill said...

My first post,,,,
What a BEAUTIFUL, BEAUTIFUL family you have!!

Annette said...

Great photo of your family! I have been reading your blog since January and I still find it amazing how God has worked in your life- and countless others as they witnessed God's power in your lives. Thanks again for sharing this story with the world! Your family is amazing-especially our heavenly father.

JUST A MOM said...


Anonymous said...

What a road you've been on to get to that beautiful picture Nate. She is just so stinking cute! Congratulations

Paige Hinrichs said...

I can't believe how beautiful Tricia looks. She's glowing. Of course, you and Gwyneth look great too! : )

Elena said...

What a big girl!!! She looks so great as does Tricia. Congrats to you all. And I'll bet you can't get your wedding ring over her cute little chubby arms now. That's just so great.

Renee said...

As I tell my husband about our marked her up pretty good! She really looks like you in this picture. Can't wait for the homecoming! I am so proud and happy that you all are so blessed.

Stefanie said...

God Bless your family

Libby said...

adorable!!! Look at those Chubby cheeks :) I LOVE IT!

twin power mommy ♥ said...

Tricia looks absolutely gorgeous in that picture. You'd never know what her last 6 months of her life have been like by the way she looks. Her face so full of life, so healthy and full of color. That precious baby she is able to hold and snuggle with. I am so excited for you guys.
God is so awesome!

Brenda said...

what a BEAUTIFUL family photo! Congratulations!

casmommy said...

so precious!

K. Scofield said...

Wow- What a GORGEOUS family! Everyone looks amazingly Healthy!!!!

Kelley said...

Your pictures just keep getting more and more wonderful! I am thrilled to see you all thriving like you are! HOORAY!!

Football and Fried Rice said...

I can't get over how cute you guys are! happy Birthday, babe!

Elizabeth said...

Oh my goodness.... she really has grown SO much in the last 4 months!! What a BEAUTIFUL baby girl you have! Congrats! And praying that all goes well!
In Christ,

Katie said...

This is a beautiful picture, look at how chubby she is so healthy!! I love it. What a miracle.

Justine, Romy's Mama said...

What a beautiful big girl! Congrats to you and your wonderful family. I know you hear this a lot, but my daughter was a micro preemie too. She weighed 1 Pound 3 ounces, and is 4 months old. We brought her home a few weeks ago, so our little girls grew in the NICU together:) Your blog kept my spirits high, when I hit my lows. Thank you, you are an amazing person!

Zaankali said...

The last couple pictures of her you can really tell her face is filling out and she is gaining weight. How exciting to see her thriving!