Saturday, May 10, 2008

Gwyneth Update

This is your preemie...

This is your preemie on sedation and morphine...

Any questions?

Seriously, though, Gwyneth is doing great! That last pic was taken just after her surgery yesterday. She is continuing to eat well, and is doing great after the surgery. Basically back to "normal" this morning.

We've obviously chosen not to share the specifics of Gwyneth's surgery for personal reasons, but again, it was something that was relatively minor and something that we've known about for several weeks. They were simply waiting to operate until just before she was ready to go home. She should have no lasting issues.

We never made it to the baby stuff today, so we'll try again tomorrow!




Carol said...

I'm so glad she's doing great! She needs to quit hitting those drugs though.

Schroyer Family said...

What a cutie!!!!!! Can't wait to see at home pics!!!!!! :>

Julie said...

That second picture was sort of how I looked tonight after indulging in some cheesecake....LOL

Glad the surgery went well, and no matter when you get to go baby shopping, it will surely be a great time for you both!

~*~Bre~*~ said...

AWWWW... Poor baby! When our little one had tubes put in, she was "put under" for a matter of minutes, and she came out looking the same way. She was 9 months old, so coming out of surgery was a little bit different. When she was a little more with it, all she did was scream her head off... for a couple of hours! She was so disoriented.

I'm continuing to pray for Gwyneth Rose. Her growth and progress simply amazes me. God is so good!! I'm so excited you'll be getting to take her home soon! Thank you for sharing your amazing story with us! Gwyneth will be turning 1 in the blink of an eye.. it goes entirely too fast!

Happy Mother's Day to Tricia! <3

Kim said...

She is stinkin' adorable! That last pic is hilarious!

Stacemoe said...

Glad she is doing well....hopefully you will have time to get all the last minute items taken care of tomorrow....Congradulations to Tricia on your FIRST mother's day!!!!!!!!!! :)

Cheryl said...

Aw Nathan she is so pretty! I love that smile. Get some rest and I hope she is home with you soon. Still praying for all of you.

Cheryl from Fairfax

Anonymous said...

Someday she will be really mad at you for this post. was worth it. I love the pics. Thanks for continuing to share you lives with the world.

Jennifer said...

I'm so glad she is doing well! May I make a suggestion for what type of car seat you should buy? You should buy a Graco SnugRide. Those are pretty much the safest out there. My niece has one and they are sooo convenient too!

Erin & Gary said...

So happy she's doing well post op!

Fern said...

"Duuuude.....," said Gwyneth in her altered state of consciousness.

Unknown said...

You cracked me up! How long ago did they air those commercials?!?!? I can hear the sizzling now!!!
Tricia - I hope you're adjusting well and are enjoying your time with Nathan....getting those snuggles. Soon you guys will be snuggling another wee one. And don't believe it if later on some might tell you that you're spoiling her.... you can NEVER love on a baby enough! I just get SO excited about what God has done for you all and continue to thank Him.
Continuing to pray,
~ becky b

Rebecca (Ramblings by Reba) said...

So now we know that sedation and morphine make Gwyneth extubate herself... good to know. ;)

I'm glad she's doing well. Thanks for allowing us to pray for her surgery. It sounds like the surgery did exactly what it was supposed to. Good news.


AubreysMom said...

I'm so glad Gwyneth is continuing to do so well-what a trooper you guys have! I can't wait to hear the good news that shes on her way home-have fun picking out a stroller and carseat and tell Tricia Happy Mothers Day!!!

Kerry Johnson said...

She's so cute - even when drugged! Glad to hear everything went well, you all were in my prayers. I know you've been terribly busy, but am I allowed to ask for another installment of the story of us?

Anonymous said...

That is wonderful news that Gwenyth is expected to go home next week! Thank God SO much for answered prayers. Gwenyth certainly is a special, miracle baby. I hope that she always feels that way about herself as well. I'm so excited for your family being able to go home soon. I'm glad Gwenyth came through surgery well. I hope that you both have fun baby shopping - I know we did before James was born! :)
~Kim in Ohio

jamie said...

Oh Nate! She's gonna get you later on for this one!
(It is funny tho :)

Happy Mother's Day Tricia!!!!!!!

God Bless you all,
Jamie in Texas

Blessings From Above said...

I love her eyes in the first picture. She is such a cutie!

Glad to hear she is recovering well.

Rebekah said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Rebekah said...

Praise the Lord that your little girl is doing so well! The Lord has certainly blessed you all!

marcia said...

Nate, you have always amazed me with your ability to maintain your sense of humor through most of the very difficult times. But it is just so fun to "hear" you making jokes about Gwyneth's loopy look now, knowing that it is all done with so much love and such a sense of relief that you all have come this far on your journey of the last nine months! It has been such a privilege to be able to watch your miracles unfold across the internet. Thank you both so very much for opening yourselves up to all that has transpired as a result of your willingness to take the "risk" of allowing God to work in and through you in such a public way. "Praise and glory and wisdom and thanks and honor and power and strength be to our God for ever and ever. Amen!"
Revelation 7:11-13

Nora said...

That was too cute and funny. So glad she's doing better and will be with you guys soon. Our prayers are with you guys!

Patience Leino said...

gotta love those sedation meds. isaac would make the same face with those. precious!

Caroline said...

That second pic could someday be great leverage for you to use! Priceless! So glad she is doing well. She's such a strong and courageous little girl!

Melissa said...

Im so happy everything went well and she is doing good. CUTE post and great pictures, made me laugh!

Our Two Blessings From Above said...

Oh my!
That is to cute! you got a good laugh out of me!!
She looks like she is feeling no pain!
Have a great night and have fun shopping tomorrow.

Anonymous said...

She is so beautiful! Glad things are going great. Thank you for the update. :D

Carol said...

So glad the surgery went well and she is recovering quickly and well. She is so incredibly cute! I am pretty excited for you guys - getting to finally take her home! I can't even imagine how you are going to feel!

HappyHoo said...

Glad to read she's doing well!

Have fun baby gear shopping!

Having a preemie helps by restricting some of your choices - but the Chicco Keyfit is an awesome infant seat especially for tiny babies. I used a Snugride and liked it, but it's not as well fitting for smaller babies since it doesn't have an approved insert.

Go here to get help finding a certified car seat technician:

Tina said...

So glad she's doing well...

higgie08 said...

Happy First Mother's Day, Tricia!! You're such an inspiration!!

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad she is doing so well! YAY!!

Rick Lawrenson said...

I have that same look without the aid of drugs about 2 o'clock every afternoon.

bome62 said...

Happy Mother's Day Tricia,you're such an inspiration to others.
God Bless!
Bonnie Meyer
Washington, Missouri

Jen in Al said...

that is hilarious! she is adorable even on "drugs"!!! praying for continued recovery and preparation success for Mommy and Daddy, jen in al

Joy said...

She is really starting to fill out and get a personality isn't she... what a doll.. and mommy looks great also.. what a wonderful blessing for all of you.

Tracie said...

Happy Mother's Day, Tricia!

Michelle said...

Happy Mother's Day tomorrow Tricia! How exciting!!

terri c said...

AAAWWWWWW.... She really doesn't look a whole lot like a preemie any more, does she? Gosh, if she was coordinated enough to extubate herself while looking like Photo Number 2, I hate to think how smart she is the rest of the time!!!

Kim said...

That is hilarious! What a doll-hope you guys enjoyed baby shopping. What a blessing!

Anonymous said...

So Glad Cutie pie is doing so well, but we knew God wasn't going to stop this show now , didn't we!
Our God is an Awesome God and He Reigns and it's Wonderful!!!
Enjoy your first Mothers Day with your sweetie Tricia! Make sure Nate gives you your e-mail.
Love and Gods Blessings to all!

Unknown said...

Gwyneth was feeling no pain;) Great she extubated without issues. What a big week ahead!

Trish said...

Even slightly sedated, she is still beautiful! I can't wait to hear the good news that she will be released!! I pray for your family daily!!

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful girl - and what an incredible blessing!

Gila said...

Hilarious! Glad to hear she is doing so well.

Elizabeth said...

What a gorgeous example of God's perfection. Wishing Tricia a wonderful first Mother's Day. I know that your family will have a lovely day celebrating the miracles of motherhood.

So glad Gwyneth's surgery is done and that she is doing well. I've often thought you could see her spunk in the pictures you posted, and the fact that she extubated herself...well, just a little more evidence. It will serve her well all the days of her life!

Edwards gang said...


You look FANTASTIC in the photo from earlier today. Gwyneth is getting so big and cuddly, too! What a precious gift from God!


Love and continued prayers from Va. Beach

chanceofcrazy said...

I've been out of pocket for a few weeks, but watching your posts closely and praying continually for everyone. How awesome God is!
Happy Mother's Day to Tricia! It's such a wonderful thing to be a mom and you are both so truly blessed!

Rebecca said...

I just wanted to say: HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I know how special my first mother's day was, and I can only imagine how wonderful you must be feeling....God has made you a very special mom....just look at that amazing little girl! :-)

Anonymous said...

You never updated about Gwyn's eyes? Will she still need more laser surgery on them or did they check out okay? And, do the docs know if she can see yet after the first surgery was done?

Growing Up Rutledge said...

Usually I think Gwyneth looks more like Tricia, but in her drugged state I think she looks more like Nate! mmmmm......

Gretchen said...

She's so beautiful!
How'd your yard sale go?

Carla said...

What a sweetheart. She melts my heart :)

Happy Mother's Day Tricia. Such blessings have come to your family thru much struggle, I just imagine that everyday must feel like Mother's Day.
Enjoy your first of many :)

Renee said...

I love that first pic of Gwyneth.. she looks so cute!..just makes me want to pinch those little round cheeks! Happy Mothers Day 2 u Tricia!

Sonia said...

I just wanted to let you guys know that I'm still praying for you. I'm so glad Tricia and Gwyneth are doing so well. I'm so happy that Gwyneth may be coming home soon.

I haven't commented in a while because we were just hit with some pretty heavy news. My 2 yr old niece's leukemia came back and she may end up needing a bone marrow transplant. This came up after you had mentioned bone marrow donation on your blog. The unfortunate thing is that it will cost around $10,000 just to be tested as a possible match. Thank you so much for all you do for organ and bone marrow donation awareness.

God bless you

Amy said...

That second pic is just what I look like when a far-too-cheery 2 year old comes in at 5.30am declaring that she "WAKE UP"!
Glad it went well.

Chelley said...

A wish from the heart, a whole lotta love and hugz
HAPPY Mother's Day !

lae said...

glad to hear all is well with Gwyneth. Wishing Tricia a very Happy Mother's Day!


Briana said...

Happy 1st Mother's Day Tricia!

Lady Eli said...

Poor Baby! She is going to look back on this and you are going to be in so much trouble. It will be fun! I hope you guys have as much fun baby shopping as my husband and I. However wherever you go if they give you a clicker gun to pick out your stuff for your registry I suggest that Tricia gets to hold it. My husband clicked on everything because he could. It was the greatest new dad toy ever he said. He even clicked on boy stuff (mind you we have 3 girls). Enjoy and don't forget to play with everything. We took so much apart trying to figure things out for ourselves and we just kept laughing. My husband even "borrowed" a baby from a willing new dad and they played with that kid all up and down the store. Have fun and remember to take pictures. Hand Tricia the camera if Nathan decides to pull out the baby gates. Because that was a puzzle to get back in. Or all the straps on the car seat to see how much work you have to do to adjust the thing. We had trouble popping the stroller back in place the first couple of times. You would have thought we were biulding a shuttle for NASA. The 2 of us stairing down at that contraption. But we laughed so I hope you have as much laughter as we did.

Bree at Clarity Defined said...

Glad to hear Gwyneth is doing so well! This post made me wonder about how her eyes were doing... good?

happy Mother's Day to Tricia!

fuzzandfuzzlet said...

I think the post surgery picture is proof that she has turned a corner. Even in her heavily medicated state she looks great.

Scott said...

Sweet as sweet can be! I just heard this morning my son and his wife are expecting their first! Seeing all these pics gets me excited.

Summer Braxton said...

Look at the double chin on that little chunker. Keep gulping down those bottles Baby Girl! Praise God!

Jenny said...

LOVE the pictures! She's too precious. The older she gets, the more she looks like you Nate! :)

So thankful she's done well with the surgery, and praying she continues to meet every criteria to come home this week!

Love y'all!

Marsmile said...

Gwyn's still gorgeous even when she looks out of it!:-)

Glad she's doing well as are you and Tricia.

Take care,
Marissa :-)

Dragonfly29 said...

She is adorable, even when a bit out of it!!