Tuesday, May 13, 2008

New Do!

I'll take some more pics later with my Canon, but here's a quickie from my Mac. Hot stuff!



Joy said...

Love the new do :) Its beautiful!!!

Kori said...

Love it! It is super cute on you Tricia! Happy Birthday!

sandra said...

Awesome do Tricia. You look beautiful. Happy Birthday!

Anonymous said...


Your stylin'!! Look at you birthday girl!!

Happiness to all of you!

Amy Lynn said...

Very cute!!! I LOVE it! :)

Amy said...

You guys are so cute together. LOL

Happy Birthday Tricia!

The Hailes said...

too cute! I love that style...

Marsmile said...

Like your hairdo, Tricia, including the highlights! :-) You look beautiful!

Whoa, Nate, in this pix, you really are a clone of your dad, Rick! ;-)

You both look terrific together, always!

Marissa :-)

Diana said...

You're one of those women that would look beautiful whether you had lots of locks or went totally bald. Hope your having a wonderful birthday.

Haley & Dustin said...

cute!! i bet it felt good getting pampered, not that you aren't pampered enough!!! enjoy your birthday :)

Matt Millard said...


Sheila said...

I love the haircut. You both look great. Happy birthday Tricia. Great to know another person who has a birthday in the best month of the year. :) Hope you have a great day.


J&J said...

Happy Birthday Tric!! I love the new haircut and the highlights look great!! You go girl:)

Jessica NC

Em said...

Tricia, you look beautiful!!!!!! Love the cut, color, you, your smile. What a great "Day of Decadence" to be given to you on your birthday.

Here comes some (((((((( BIRTHDAY HUGS )))))))))) from Massachusetts

Lisa said...

Very pretty!! The highlights are perfect..happy birthday!!!!!!!

Nan said...

Lovin' the hair Tricia! Happy Birthday! Blessings!!

Briana said...

Love it! So cute!

Amy E. said...

TOO CUTE!! Happy Birthday to you!!!
Don't a great new "do" just make ya feel Grand!!

Mary said...

Totally CUTE! Love it. Happy Birthday Tricia.


Michelle said...


twin power mommy ♥ said...

She looks awesome!
Very nice.
Happy, happy birthday! :)

Blessings From Above said...

Lookin' good!!!

Momof2bz said...

You look beautiful Trisha! 26 really agrees with you :-) Love the new do too.

Shari said...

Love the new hairdo! Beautiful bride I must say! Happy Birthday to you, Tricia!

Trish said...

You look wonderful Tricia! That's a great cut and color on you!! Happy Belated birthday!!

Stacemoe said...

Tricia is Smokin' HOT!!!!!!!!

jamie said...

Happy, happy birthday, Tricia!!!Love the new cut and color. Looks beautiful.
God Bless you all
Jamie in Texas

tillisfam5 said...

love it! perfect for the summer and great for a new mommy who will have little time on her hands:)

Elizabeth said...


Happy Birthday Tricia!!

The Mom Jen said...

beautiful, and I detect a few highlights, right? happy birthday, you couldn't be more blessed!

Anonymous said...

Too cute!!!! Love the new hair.

asplashofsunshine said...

SHE IS GORGEOUS! I love the way you are looking at her. You two are such a gift to each other.

Danielle in MO said...

so stinking cute!! Happy Birthday!!!

Cathy said...

I love the new do! Happy Birthday, momma! Hoping Gwyneth will soon be out and in that rocking chair with Momma!
Cathy & Annabel

nikki lynn : ) said...

Now that there's one HOT MAMA!!!

Happy Birthday!

val said...


What a great way to celebrate your birthday!

Avery & Hailey said...


Unknown said...

Happy Birthday, Tricia. Your hair looks great:)

Paige Hinrichs said...

Love the sassy do! Very cute.

ditarae said...

LOVE THE 'DO! Happy birthday, and praying you have many happy returns of the day.
Blessings from PA!

Our Two Blessings From Above said...

Very cute!!!

00 said...

Great haircut! :-)

Kathy's Korner said...

It is super cute (as it has been stated) and will help you look glamorous while dealing with those sleepless nights that will soon be yours!

Jenna said...

Precious hair and a precious couple!!

Happy Birthday, Tricia! You look awesome. :)

Fire Hunt said...

I like the do:) Happy b-day Tricia!

jenray said...

Love the new hair Tricia! You look amazing! I hope you have a wonderful birthday!


Dawn said...

Tricia is beautiful! Not that she wasn't before because she was but this new hair do is great. Good for her. I am sure the birthday was wonderful.
In His Love.

Anonymous said...

Very cute!

John and Michelle said...

I went to Rita's today for Tricia's birthday!!! Mango Gelati!! YUM!

Happy Birthday Tricia!

Staci said...


Amy said...

Love the new hair style. Really suits you. Also love the new chair. I have always wanted one of those too!
Hope you are having a very happy birthday.

Rebecca (Ramblings by Reba) said...

So CUTE! You're stylin', Tricia! And both of your expressions are awesome! It's a shame you don't love each other just a little. ;)

Anonymous said...

I love it! You look wonderful.

Ellen said...

Super cute! What a fun birthday for you!

Rebekah said...

Love it!!

Angela R. said...

Look at you birthday girl.. looking so happy and beautiful! Enjoy the rest of your birthday!!!


Brooks Family said...

*Growl* ;)

Momofgirls said...

Happy Birthday Tricia! You look darling....just like your baby girl :)

rachel joy said...

super cute!

Bethany said...

Happy birthday lady!

Your new do looks fabulous--perhaps one of the best feelings: a new haircut you love! It does a soul good doesn't it?!

You deserve all the pampering in the world! I hope you enjoy the day.

Pauline said...

super cute!!!

weavermom said...

Oh, I bet that felt fantastic after the last few weeks/ months!

Looks great! Happy Birthday!

Michelle said...

How cute. Love it alot. It will be so nice when Gwyneth starts to grab at it, believe me.

Kimberly said...

and why has nobody said.... Nate, how on earth did you land such a smokin' hot wife???? HA! there must be somethin to ya boy! Happy BDay, and many, many more!

Lesley said...

Happy Birthday to Tricia! Love the do. Beautiful!

Karen said...

I LOVE the new do! And the smile on her face! Beautiful!

Jane said...

Beautiful mommy!

Jenna said...

Get new do! You look so spunky!:)

Shan said...

loving the hair! Happiest of Birthdays to Tricia!

Anonymous said...

LOVE it! Tricia, you are just about the cutest little thing ev-a!!

Happy Birthday girlie! I hope you have the best day...ok, now it's technically night I guess....you can possibly have!!


miamore said...

The new haircut looks REALLY great!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!

Kim said...

Great hair-Tricia is so beautiful inside and out.

Deb said...

Super cute!

winecat said...

Adorable! Happy birthday.

Joyful Mom ~ Karla said...

Happy Birthday! Your new hair style is really cute on you!

Hugs from El Paso,

Nana2Six said...

Birthday blessings Tricia! New lungs for you on Nathan's birthday and maybe baby coming home for yours!

Just gotta love God's timing!

The news report last night was awesome!


Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday to YOU!!!
Love the new hair cut!

Enjoy your day!!

Sabrina said...

nice hair tricia!!! i am so happy for you guys. hope the baby shopping went great. i cant wait till i get to go. i am so happy that you guys got to go together. Happy late birthday tricia. i am so excited that you guys get to take your beautiful daughter home soon!!

Unknown said...

Beautiful new do! Happy Birthday Tricia!!!

Lisa_in_AR said...

Super cute and sassy 'do!

Rebekah said...

Tricia looks beautiful and very healthy! Happy Birthday!

Our Family! said...

We LOVE the new do, Tricia! It's so cute and you look beautiful! Happy Birthday!

~ Rob, Amy, Emily, and Ryan Farrell

Christy said...

Tricia I love the cut.. it's so adorable and flattering on you. I did love your dark hair though. I hope your birthday was as wonderful as you look!!

Chantal said...

Beautiful! Lovin' the new 'do.

Tricia, you have a gorgeous smile, and you look absolutely radiant.

Again, Happy Birthday, and it looks as though you've had a fun day.

Twinkletoes said...

Love it - and love that smile! Happy birthday Tricia!

Knick Knack Paddy Whack, Throw This Mom a Bone said...

Fab new 'do!!!! and MUCH deserved! :)

Apple said...

Ha! I just cut my Thursday...just about the same length too. Yeah, Tricia, you look fabulous, darling.

chanceofcrazy said...

Birthday Blessings! You Look Mahvalous!

OKGardners said...

I love her hair! Do you realize that your wife has "THE SWEETEST FACE EVER?" I mean it! She looks so pure and innocent in every picture. I am the mother to 3 children and have 13 grandchildren, so I "know" what pure and innocent looks like. Enjoy your birthday and a LATE Mother's Day greeting to you, Trish!

Betty in Oklahoma

Jen in Al said...

Love the do!!! i think haircuts are so fun! Tricia looks so great!!!! Jen in al

Aggiema (Michelle) said...

Looks great! Nothing like a new do to make you feel a little better.

Anonymous said...

Lookin' good!!!!!

Tammy C said...

Happy Birthday Tricia!!

Your hair looks great.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful! Very cool for summer.

I just have to say that I love the number of pictures you take. Gwyneth is so lucky to have such loving parents and the fact that your love is captured forever for her to see is just wonderful. You guys are awesome!

Carla said...

I love the hair, Happy Birthday Tricia.

Em said...

Cute cut! It looks very nice and easy to maintain. Happy Birthday!

Marge Sexton said...

Tricia, you are so beautiful, love your smile and sparkling eyes. Happy Birthday!!!

Unknown said...

(said like Chico - on the show "Chico and the Man...)

Tricia, you are LOOOOOKING GOOOOOOD! :)

Although are you probably too young to remember that show, maybe??

~ becky b

I am Heather...creator of all things crafty! said...

Love the new "do", very flattering. Make's a beautiful girl even more beautiful. Happy Birthday Tricia.

Heather http://www.ricetrio.blogspot.com

Love my boys! said...

She is as pretty as ever!

Happy Birthday!

Kristy said...

Tricia I love the new hairdo!!! New HAIRCUT,new PERFECT BABYGIRL , new LUNGS, new GLIDER, new AGE, GREAT HUSBAND!!! What more could a girl ask for!!!!

ps.. if you get time could you go to our blog and read todays post (the 13th) please.

pss.. now that Gwyneth is coming into her own completely, sorry Tricia, but she is a spittin image of her Daddy!!!

Love and blessings, Kristy

Violet said...

awesome! that cut suits her perfectly!!

Sheila said...

Woo-hoo, looks great! Tricia you look so happy and healthy in all your pictures now. Way to go.

Rene said...

I love the haircut! You look fantastic! I hope your birthday was magical.

~j~ said...

Tricia, love your new hair cut, you are glowing... but you always are! so happy that you got to do that today!

sarah. said...

Happy birthday!!

Your hair looks awesome :)

Scott said...

Wow, Trish's new style really fits her well. She looks great! Who is the guy with her? Her taste in men is impeccable!

Carmen said...

Love the hair, it looks great :)

Anonymous said...

love the hair. it looks great!

Twila said...

Love your hair. Happy Birthday! Tricia. What a great one you are having this year.

Anonymous said...

It looks GREAT!!!

Anonymous said...

I love her haicut!!!!!!!!!! I have one just like it. It looks BEAUTIFUL on her.