Monday, May 12, 2008

ABC11 Video Link Up!

Watch the Video Here!

Thanks again to Barbara Gibbs and the rest of the staff! I'm guessing it might air again at 11 if you want to see it "live".



bkmanary said...

Awesome! Always love hearing different angles of your wonderful story!
Hope you had the bestest Mother's Day!
Karen et al
Vancouver, BC

Edwards gang said...

I logged on at just the right time tonight! What an awesome video!! Tricia, to hear your beautiful voice again brought tears to my eyes. And then to see you and Nathan holding and loving on a beautiful, full-term Gwyneth was just a magnificent sight!! :) She is absolutely precious!!

We are so full of thanks to our Lord for all the prayers He has answered and for using your story to continue to touch so many lives. We can't wait to see the first family photo outside the hospital!

Much love and many prayers,
The Edwards

Blessings From Above said...

Amazing video!!! Gwyneth looked so adorable in her little blue outfit. Tricia - you look wonderful! I loved the shot at the end with Gwyneth grasping your finger. Very touching.

And Nate - it was a nice flashback to see glimpse of your "long" hair. I almost forgot how different you looked! :)

Lisa said...

That was an amazing video! What a neat mother's day newscast. It was wonderful to hear Tricia's voice and to see little Gwyneth's yawns!


Hearing Tricia speak brought tears to my eyes. So happy for you guys!

Anonymous said...

Thanks so much for posting this link. It was so cool to watch and to get to hear Tricia's voice and see Gwyneth being held and loved by her mommy and daddy. It's unbelievable the things God does for and through His people. Thank you again and again for letting so many people see that and share what He's doing in your life.

Still following your story in Missouri...

Anonymous said...

I've followed your blog since right after Gwyneth was born and watched her grow. Tricia and Gwyneth are both amazing girls! May the Lord Bless you all and watch over you. Prayers coming your way from southwest Virginia.

Aspiemom said...

I enjoyed that video! And hearing them talk of your miracles! so neat to hear Tricia's voice again and cool seeing her working out in PT!

Carol said...


Tricia said...

Tricia and Nate :) I am speechless. This newscast makes me realise how much of a miracle Tricia and Gywneth's recovery really are. My children pray for you all every night and always want to see pics of Gwyneth. There are so many people reminded of God's love by your story. It is just so awesome to see and hear Tricia and see that beautiful baby. What fighters you have Nate. You'd better watch out in future years. If Gwyneth is anything like my Micaela when she gets to nine, you'll have your work cut out for you. Beautiful and feisty. I can see it in Gwyneth just from the video..! Keep going guys - you are only a short step away from being your own little family and back home.
We continue to pray for you all on your beautiful journey. Love, prayer and hope,
Tricia, Micaela and Brian (N.VA)

Twinkletoes said...

I love it! And your words are/were so powerful when you recognized that your joy comes along with someone else's grief...however - what better way for them to know that their life can go on...organ donation! Thanks for sharing this! Thanks for sharing everything!

Rick Lawrenson said...

How awesome was that?!

Angela R. said...

That was a beautiful video. Gwyneth looks great and it was AMAZING to actually hear Tricia's little voice. You guys are a miracle family and beautiful on top of it all.

We had our GREAT STRIDES walk here in NY on Saturday and I shared your amazing story with everyone, actually brought tears!! You will forever be an inspiration to many like myself, especially those who face some of the same unfortunate experiences.

God Bless you ALL!!

Donna said...

I loved hearing Tricia's voice!

Marge Sexton said...

Absolutely Awesome!!! I think this interview/video really puts your journey into perspective. It brought tears to my eyes once again. It was wonderful to hear Tricia's voice, and to see Gwyneth doing so well. You are a blessing to me, and I thank God for you and your beautiful girls!
Love and Prayers from Maryland,

Karen said...

What an incredible piece for them to air on Mother's Day! It was very well done and stayed on point in giving God the glory! I agree with your dad... That was awesome! I also loved hearing Tricia's voice and watching little Gwyneth in action! Still praying for a return home together soon...
Karen in FL

Christine said...

Absolutely amazing! Your family is such a blessing to see!

marcia said...

They continue to out-do themselves! What great coverage! Thanks for the link!

beth said...

I am again amazed!!!! God is awesome!!!I am happy for you guys to have a chance to be a family!!!
love from hh nj

chanceofcrazy said...

Without a doubt, Tricia is the most gentle woman I have ever had the pleasure of "knowing". To hear her speak, and see the love in her eyes..touched my heart. I know my redeemer lives..he's clearly present here.

What a blessing! My eyes are full of joyful tears for you all. I know that mothers day was a special day for you all...and I KNOW that every day will be. What a mighty blessing you and your entire family are!

I give thanks every day to God for leading me to know you all.

Scott said...

They did a great job on your story!

Anonymous said...

That made me cry! Thanks again for sharing your story. Can't wait to see Gwyneth in a car seat leaving the hospital.
I am praying for that transition. I remember coming home with our first, my parents had brought us dinner, they left, and my husband and I just looked at each other. It was just us and these little baby asleep. It was the scariest feeling. But it lasted only a moment and we settled into being parents.
I am praying that God is in all of the tiniest of details!!

Annette said...

Wow what an awesome job they did on your story- God is more than awesome!

Anonymous said...

Love the video. Thanks so much for sharing as much of your life as you have. Hearing Tricia speak is amazing and seeing her with Gwyneth is even more so.

Catherine said...

Haven't cried about your story in a while but today there are tears of thankfulness and joy. Just hearing Tricia's voice for the very first time caused them to flow. Praising God for SO MANY answered prayers!!!

What an amazing Mother's Day for your family!! God is good!!

Mary said...

That was absolutely amazing. I think they did a great job conveying they story, and it was such a blessing to see Tricia up and walking, and talking and even exercising. (PT) Definitely tears of joy for your family and God's blessings to you all.


BloggyMom said...

All I can say is Wow!! Very moving... (sniff, wipe eyes).

Tricia, you an inspiration to me (I have CF, too).

Kellita said...

"Medical science cannot explain why Tricia Lawrenson is still here on earth."

That is such an awesome statement and a powerful witness. You have no idea how significant your story is and how it's going to affect the lives of the doctors and medical personnel for years to come.

I'm sitting here in my lab as a grad student, and that statement is the most powerful, meaningful thing that could ever be said to a scientist or a medical doctor.

Thanks for your great witness and willingness to share. That piece was awesome, and very moving.