Thursday, May 22, 2008

I Could Not Ask For More...



Amy Lynn said...

Yaaaaaay! I'm first. :)

What BEAUTIFUL photos.

Heather said...


jamie said...

Beautiful girls...
Tricia, you and your beautiful little girl make me SMILE! ((((HUGS))))
God Bless you all
Jamie in Texas

jamie said...

PS Are y'all loving that rocker/glider or what?!

Anonymous said...


Classy Fab Sarah said...

Such beautiful girls!!!

What a blessing!!

Maxime said...

So adorable!

The Gang's Momma! said...

In light of SCC's family's loss, I'm sure that your girls precious lives are uppermost in your mind today. Indeed, you could NOT ask for more. You are a very, very wealthy man!

bkmanary said...

So precious, thanks for continuing to let us peek into your family time!
Karen et al
Vancouver, BC

Kim said...

Those are beautiful! Thank you for sharing!

Anonymous said...

Aww, Tricia looks so tired in those photos. I really hope she is getting enough rest with having Miss Gwyneth at home now. Love the boppie! They are terrific!

Angela R. said...

Two beautiful miracles... no you couldnt ask for more!!! Your a very lucky man and they are just as lucky!!

God Bless!

Christy said...

Black and white is so beautiful... these need to be framed.. but then again, all of your pics do.. You are going to need a lot of wall space when you go back home. :)

Melissa said...

Absolutely beautiful!! :)

Anonymous said...

so precious!

Marsmile said...

Beautiful mommy and baby! You both look absolutely terrific and healthy! I'm so glad that you both are doing so well! These pixs are precious along with many many other previous pixs! :-)

Looks like you are truly enjoying mommyhood (and Nate-- daddyhood) and that this parenthood is going smoothly! :-)

Marissa :-)

Blessedw5mom said...

Oh soo soo beautiful! What a blessed husband and father you are and how blessed they are to have you!

Thank you so much for the sharing of your story and your family with the world ... you are touching so many for Christ! Thankyou for allowing God to use your lives.

Blessings to you today!!!

Michelle said...

I am totally diggin' your hair Tricia!! I wish I was that brave but my face would not be flattered by that cut like yours. Okay, so this was a shallow comment about hair when I should really be saying "beautiful, wonderful, blessed girls"!!!
But I do really love your hair!!!

Seth, Jen, Hannah, Cailyn, and Isaac said...


All praise be to God!

marcia said...

Indeed! What a beautiful (in every way!) family!

Growing Up Rutledge said...

BEAUTIFUL! I'm so happy Tricia is getting this experience!

Meghann T said...

i may have missed this somewhere- but is Tricia trach free now? I mean, it looks like it in these pictures. Which is awesome.

Sherry said...

Amazing! Miraculous!

(Tricia I love the haircut)

Tammy B said...

you could, but that would just be greedy. have a great weekend

EthansMommy said...

God Bless your family! I occasionally read your blog and think the time you have put into it is wonderful.

Jen in Al said...

thank you for the pictures of your beautiful girls!!! have you heard the song, "How could i ask for more?" great song. love seeing pictures of you all doing "life"! praying,,,jen in al

Blessings From Above said...

Beautiful girls...

God is so amazing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

amy smith said...

they get more beautiful each time you shoot them. you are a lucky man nate. :)

Unknown said...

Beautiful!! Just so Beautiful!

Laurie in Ca. said...

This is such an answer to many prayers, seeing Tricia holding this little miracle, a piece of the bigger miracle in this whole story. My heart is so full of joy for you.

Love to the 3 of you, Laurie in Ca.

Cassie12 said...

You got that right --- they are both absolutely beautiful!!!

Chantal said...

Sorry Nate, but there is absolutely nothing in the world more beautiful and precious than pictures of a momma and her infant daughter.

Yes, the pictures of you and Gwyneth and very special, but they can't hold a candle to pictures of Tricia and your little White Rose.

Tricia, you are a radiant mother. Beautiful, just beautiful. :)

esusan94 said...

You are definitely an "Anne Geddes" photographer. That first one is amazing. I'm sure you can think of a 100 photos you want to frame when you get home and put all over the house. :) Tricia, you look great and I pray that both you and Gwyneth are healing and staying strong every day.

On another happy note, God painted a rainbow in the sky right in front of our house tonight about 5 minutes after putting them to bed. I took both my boys out of their beds to see it and got a picture of my husband holding them both to look up in a sky. It was their first rainbow and it was so worth waking them up for it.

Beebe said...

I am sure you know...but Sara Evans sings a song called "I could not ask for more"

Juliette said...


Your girls are absolutely beautiful. Thank you for sharing your life.


Every day life said...

Beautiful! I love your pictures they tell such a great story. Also thank you for sharing your story. I am so happy for your entire family.

sara said...

You are a very lucky man!! (And I think they're pretty lucky too.) :-)

Tia said...

Hi Nathan,
I read your blog everyday but I have never left a comment. I am amazed by the story of your wife and child. It is incredible. God is so good. I was never really aware of the importance of organ donation until I started following your story and because of your faithfulness to spread the importance of it I will soon have my information switched. Thanks so much for opening my eyes.
Also, I would like to ask you a question about your photography. How do you get that nice glowy/foggy/angelic look to your pics? Is it a setting on your camera or do you do a lot of editting? I have a Canon but I haven't been so brilliant as to figure out all the quirks. Just wondering if you could give me a small answer on how I can achieve the same awesome look.

Thanks so much and may God continue to bless your family.
Tia from Texas

Jenn said...

Oh how sweet. They look great just sitting there! I am so glad to see Tricia just enjoying that little bundle! :) Great things are being done by just sitting and holding that wee one....
Thanks for sharing!

JnR said...

What adorable girls! You are so lucky! I love Tricia's hair. Also please don't pay any attention to people that post mean things or get offended, your blog is amazing and I hope you can keep it up as much as you have been, you and your family are an inspiration to us all.

Sonia said...

The pictures are beautiful! I'm so happy Tricia and Gwyneth are doing so well. God bless you!

Nonie said...


Oh, yay for you Nate. Congratulations on your beautiful wife and baby.

winecat said...

Such lovely photos. Trisha looks like a new tired mom, isn't that incredible? Well not being tired exactly but being with your beautiful new baby, "home" more or less and being able to take part in her care.


sandra said...

Those made my heart melt.

Shari said...

Beautiful! Precious! Wonderful! And two miracles! The true picture of beauty!

Somer Love said...


Tracy said...

Wish I would have thought of this for the q and a, but is Tricias trach gone, or just covered up. Seems like that bandage has been there a while, so I thought maybe it was just covered. Or is the hole healing, and becuase of how long it was open, its taking a while to close? i know nothing lol. Great photos!

Paige Hinrichs said...

I love the picture of Tricia looking at Gwyneth. I bet she could stare at her for hours.

So happy for you both. : )

Rachael said...

Thank you for these pictures, Tricia and Gwyneth look so beautiful xx

(ps loving your new hair style Tricia, looks very smart x)

Destini said...

It is such a beautiful sight to see a mommy who has been through so much sitting there enjoying her beautiful baby. I thank the Lord for his provision in your lives. I pray that he continues to bless you and keep you.

kidsworld said...

How lucky (or should I say "faithful"?) you are! Your girls are beautiful. But you already know that!

God put you in their lives just as they in yours. And now that I've said that... marriage is a bit like adoption, isn't it? It's ironic how some throw stones and yet the rest of us just enjoy seeing God's miracles front and center, no questions asked!

Thank you for sharing another day in your wonderful life!

refreshing in ohio

Shannon said...

The first picture is amazing. You have a great eye. Well said about adoption, I agree about being open about it. My mom remarried when my brother and I were 7 and 4. Her husband adopted us. I tell everyone this, as the older I get, the more I am amazed by his self-less act of love toward us. To me he IS my father, and my younger siblings are just that. We don't say STEP-blah blah blah. My husband and I have talked about adopting a girl, as we have four boys, adoption is the greatest gift for a child, and shouldn't be a secret.

Andrea said...

Beautiful!!!! Just beautiful!!!

Dawn said...

1st, I think it was a wondeful post about the Chapman Family. I think it was very important to tell of the sdoption whether people were offended or not. It is a beautiful act of love and it is true that no matter how something or said, someone will be offended when you have as many people reading your blog as you do, it's sad but true.
2nd, awesome about the cranberry juice! That stuff is very expensive and the cell memory is very interesting too.
Beautiful pics of your 2 girls. And the post Title is very fiting, how could you ask for more?
Continued prayers for you and your family.
In His Love.

*Lissa* said...

Beautiful pictures!

Anonymous said...

How wonderful!! :) What beautiful girls you have!

Take care,

Scott said...

Hey gang, I'm in Chesapeake, VA for the weekend to see my son and daughter in law. The pics are really great! We are in amazement at all that has transpired in your lives over the past several months! To God be the glory!

Anonymous said...

Nate, your pictures move me on a daily basis. And seeing Tricia and Gwyneth in the traditional mother/daughter poses is a tribute to all mothers. Thank you for sharing your story-I eagerly look every single day. And Tricia-that hair is just SO pretty on you. You look amazing and I'm so happy you three are all together!

Holly C. said...

Lovely photos!

Julie said...

Beautiful. Just Beautiful.

Anonymous said...

I know it is a country song but...

Just kidding!
"I Could Not Ask For More" was also done by Edwin McCain.... a little less country than the Sara Evans version.
Beautiful subjects make for beautiful pictures...the photog has a little to do with it too though!

Lynsey said...

Is she sitting in her new glider?? Looks cozy! They look so content. Can't beat that kind of classic photo, Mom rocking baby. Priceless.

Jenny said...


Sometimes pictures show what words just can't do justice. :)


Love that...and Love Tricia's new 'do!!

Deb said...

Isnt it amazing how you can never get tired of just staring at your baby? Even when you know perfectly well that you should be sleeping but you cant take your eyes off the cuteness.
Tricia- you look just perfect holding her :)

Anonymous said...

Tricia looks so beautiful & healthy! She looks like she was born to be a mommy!

Melissa :) said...

I love your photos! And I love that sometimes you just post photos only! Keep it up!

Now then, do you ever use a flash? I'm trying to get away from using a flash, but I'm finding it nearly impossible to find the perfect light. Especially in our dark house.

Happy weekend!

Anonymous said...


Kay said...

You are BLESSED!!!!!

ditarae said...

Stunning, your two girls! Thanks for sharing your lives. It boggles my mind that people can be cruel toward you... I've been so blessed by your journey!

candicesalazar said...

Nathan & Tricia,
Can I just take a moment to say that (although we have never met you), my family has fallen in love with yours. We feel like you are our friends. And I especially have become quite territorial over your blog. We KNOW THAT YOU ARE WELL AWARE OF THE IMPACT YOU POTENTIALLY HAVE ON PEOPLE. AND THAT YOU ARE CAREFUL & SENSATIVE ABOUT WORD CHOICE. Nathan, by all accounts, you are a wonderous example of love, one that should be admired and followed. THANK YOU! PLEASE DON'T BECOME DISCOURAGED!! (You said you aren't- but JIC :) )
Still praying in Nebraska!!
Nurse Candice & Co.

Football and Fried Rice said...

I don't know you can get anything done! I would sit & stare at my girls too!! So happy you are home & rockin :=)

Unknown said...

so sweet! =)

Kim said...

What an amazing thing to witness God's miracles!

Kim said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
One Hot Single Mama said...

I can't even express how amazing it is to see Gwenyth and Tricia together! Your family is truly one huge miracle! God is GOOD!

Devastating Doll said...

I too love the classic new mom look that Tricia has. It's just sooo great to see them in that spot together. Not at the hospital, not so sick...just perfect!

Sara said...

really love tricia's new haircut!

Shari said...


You do have two beautiful girls!!

Shari NC

K Storm said...

I love those pictures...I am trying to catch up. Did Tricia get a haircut? Is this the "new mom" cut? More time to care for baby when there is less hair to dry! Welcome to the balancing act of motherhood!! You wear it so beautifully!