Thursday, May 29, 2008

The Next Big Thing

Now that we've got a good idea or when we'll be back home on the OBX, the next big thing for us is to find a house to buy. It's a buyers market on the OBX just like the rest of the country, but it's still incredibly difficult to find something that fits our needs in our price range. Renting is something that has worked well for us in the past, but for several reasons, we really need to go ahead and take the plunge.

We've been saving while looking off and on for nearly two years without much luck. The OBX is a resort community, with one of the highest priced housing markets in the country. Just for kicks, we looked at housing prices here in Durham, and we could easily purchase a brand new house twice as big for about 3/4 the cost as anything even remotely comparable back home.

Because of Tricia's health, as well as Gwyneth's current health, there are some pretty specific needs we have with housing...

> We need something newer that doesn't have the dust and mold, etc. that most older houses have. We wouldn't mind buying something older that needed some renovations, but anything you tear up has the potential of stirring up stuff that wouldn't be good for the girls to be breathing.
> We need something without carpet. Carpet tends to trap all that stuff I mentioned above.
> We'd prefer something that's not on stilts as Tricia will have difficulty walking up stairs when her health is not the best. If you know anything about the OBX, you know this alone will be difficult to find.

Along with the house, we'll also need to purchase some new furniture. Most of what we have (sofas, chairs, mattresses) is very old and used, and carries lots of that bad stuff I mentioned above.

All of the above are things that we've decided to make a priority in our lives. Many transplant patients choose to not take these same precautions, and it's no guarantee that these things will improve Tricia's quality and quantity of life, but it should help.

Anyway, we'd love to have your prayers with us about all of this. We know that God will provide, as He has not yet given us a single reason to doubt Him. We'd love to be in something by the end of the summer, and, in the meantime, we'll be living with my parents (who are excited to have us...but I'm sure would also like us to be out soon as they're trying to sell their house).

(And, because I know people will ask, no, we won't use Tricia's trust fund to help buy a house)




Julie said...

Praying for provision for your all of your financial needs!!

I'm so thrilled that your girls are doing so well. How awesome!

Cassie said...

I was wondering if you had maintained living quarters in OBX. Good luck with the house hunting. We only had one thing we were looking for and we must've looked at 100 houses and then found 2 on the same day that had what we wanted. I'm sure though that you will find the house that is perfect for your family!

WannaseeJesus said...

Praying for your family. God definitely will's just a matter of when :) His timing is perfect though, which is one of the MANY incredible things about our Lord...

Apple said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
SamuelnKari said...

What a good husband you are Nate.... taking wonderful care of your girls. Im sure that your parents are so excited you will be staying at there house. just watch them... they might try to slip some chocolate pudding to gwyneth or some other form of sugar:)

Hannah Banana said...

I'll be praying that you guys will be able to find a house.

Hope it goes well!

Heather B. said...

God is good and he will provide the perfect house for your family!! You all are always on my prayers!!! Good luck house hunting!!

JonesFam4 said...

House hunting...ugg. I'll be praying for you!

Our Two Blessings From Above said...

I will be praying for that perfect house.
I love the idea of
Extreme Makeover that someone left as a comment before. Your journey sure would touch the hearts of so many people.
God Bless.

Sarah said...

Hope you find a great house that suits you soon!

I wanted to mention Norwex to you -it's an environmentally friendly cleaning company that sells cleaning cloths, etc. that don't use harmful chemicals. (I don't sell it - this is not a buy from me post haha!) Anyways - they have this spray that pulls all old dust mites, etc. out of materials. My grandpa had this chair that he LOVED but he could only sit in it for maybe 15-20min before he'd have troubles breathing. (It was sooo old, so dusty not matter how many times we vaccuumed it) Anyways I bought the spray, used it and the next time we were at the cabin it took an hour before we realized he was still sitting in the chair - breathing fine. It was amazing. I recommend you google Norwex and find a consultant near you. The products are fabulous and all I'll use in my home with my two young girls.

Kim said...

If we're bored, can we do searches for you and email you links? :)

Happy hunting!

Ben said...

4 words: Extreme Makeover Home Edition...

natedavidscott said...

Will be praying you can do all of this with no debt or as little as possible. God will provide all your needs.

Blessings From Above said...

I'll be praying that the Lord provides for you and your family.

If you are not going to use the trust fund money - is there some other fund that can be set up? I am sure many would be willing to help donate. I know lots have inquired about a baby gift for Gwyneth...perhaps something could be set up in which we could donate to a housing fund or furniture fund in lieu of a traditional baby gift?

Deb said...

We can pray! The looking part is fun- it's just everything that goes with it that is so very stressful.
This is such a huge year for you guys! You might almost have a chance to be bored by the time its all over :)

Alice said...

So exciting that your sweet family will be home soon.

Praying that the right house with the right price will be available soon :)

Carol said...

May God continue to bless you with your needs. And may Nate continue to post pictures of his girls and write blogs to support the addicts that he has created! Just kidding--I truly can be serious, and I am praying for you all and so happy for all the wonderful things that have happened so far. I do see in your pictures that you have no need for stand-in grandparents as they are all there and present for you all.

Teresa Dunkin said...

I will be praying for you to find the perfect home for your precious family. Actually, my husband and I leave for the condo we've rented for the past 6 years in Nags Head on June 7. I have a feeling I will be looking at houses as we travel around and wondering if one of them might be your perfect new place! Best of luck and prayers to you in your search.

Jenny said...

You have my prayers, as always.

Thank you for sharing specifically what you need. I love knowing what to pray for. :)

Karen said...

I think you should use Tricia's trust fund for whatever you want- goodness gravy. Life is life...

We bow before God alone, who alone knows every intent of our heart. Please feel free to use my measly 65 bucks on whatever you desire.

Lisa said...

Yes! I second the home makeover suggestion! I looked over the application to nomiNATE you but I didn't know some information (like if you had passports, if you ever had something like a speeding ticket?) I'm not sure if the number of nominations you get can increase your chance of getting a makeover, but you would have quite a support base here if you would be up for that! I think your family would be perfect for that!!

Joyful Heart said...

God already knows where He wants you and He will provide your every need - we will be praying!
Angie in Iowa

Polka Dot said...

Having vacationed yearly and honeymooned in OBX, I understand exactly how difficult this will be. I'll pray that you're led to the home you need.

Kimberly said...

Have you considered putting your name into oprah winfrey - she does home makeovers as well - and was just advertising for a new family to bless through the makeovers with Nate program (I'm guessing there would be a place on her website to submit your story). Nate specifically said, he looks for a great "story" to share with the world through the blessing of the people involved, and at the moment I heard him say that, I, no kidding, thought of you 3.

What if you could find the property and just build yourself?

or, another idea, I've seen on 1 of those makeover shows that there is a house air filtration system that helps limit mold/dust/mites etc - I'm wanting to say that it was Extreme Home Makeover and that the recipient of the makeover had a child with severe something, asthma, something breathing. Maybe an older house would work with 1 of these systems installed and all the carpet ripped out?

Having an old, old, poor poor old house that I am currently renovating and NO breathing issues - I'm miserable - allergy city from all the gunk in the environment from old wood, walls being torn out and so forth - I wouldn't wish living through extensive renovations on my worst enemy either, but it may be the way to go to get exactly what you need!! However, there is only so much bathing from the sink tap and port-a-potty living that should be inflicted on any 1 human being :o)~

All I can say is, it is a darn good thing the settling of this country did not depend upon me!! A pioneer I am not.

I know you prefer not to receive unsolicited advice, and I want to make sure that you know that I am in no way trying to tell you how to handle things. These are just ideas that popped into my head, and I'm hoping that somehow they help.

God will send you the perfect place to meet every need, but you know that. I'm going to pray for peace of mind and patience during the "waiting" period. Waiting for this house of mine seemed like an eternity, but every day, I am again reaffirmed in God's hand in every inch of this deal - the location, the neighbors, even the renovations necessary and the financial strain of doing them - He brought me to my perfect place at this point in my life, and He will do the same for you 3 in His time.

Rebecca (Ramblings by Reba) said...

I'll be praying. God will provide.

Anonymous said...

Ok, so I see that the Extreme Home Makeover idea has already been mentioned...

Amy E. said...

Prayers are going up for Your House..the one that God already has appointed for you.

Kimberly said...

oh, and 1 thing, before anyone has the chance to think it or say it to you - because with your comment about the trust fund, people must be doing this -- this is NOT being greedy or trying to profit off the situation or whatever to submit your story to oprah or extreme home makeover or any thing like that ---

this is the thought I immediately had when I heard Nate asking for another family to bless - his specific request was "a story", a family with an amazing story -- You 3 certainly have that - and my next thought was -- WHAT AN AMAZING WORLDWIDE TESTIMONY OPPORTUNITY!! for God first, CF cure second, premature births third, etc -- this could be 1 powerful outlet to reach a gazillion people in 1 fell swoop!!!

Irene said...

Nate, My best wishes to you with the house hunting. I know that year round residences are not so easy to find on the OBX. I am thrilled that Tricia and Gywneth are both doing so well, and that you will all be back "home" soon. BTW, a few weeks ago I was at the OBX and noticed that there is now a "Rita's" there. I haven't tried it out yet but I surely will, since I have heard good reviews of it from your blog.
God Bless you all,
Irene in Elizabeth City (also a double lung transplant recipient 8 years ago!)

holly said...

Just to let you know...the house beside us in Manteo in for sale by owner. New paint, new hardwood floors downstairs. It was built around 2000. Cute neighborhood with young families and within walking distance of downtown(Roanoke Village). They will be listing it soon with a the price will go up. Just an idea. Best of luck!

Candi said...

Praying!! We bought our home just a little over a year ago and it just about makes me sick to see what we could afford now!! We live in a townhome in the DC area and one year ago we could not even come close to affording a single family home. Had we rented one more year, we could have had something much nicer! A townhome around the corner from us with upgrades (these were built in the 70s) is for sale at $100,000 less than what we bought ours with absolutely no upgrades (remodeling) for last year!! I try not to think about it, but it is hard. I heard on the news that we are only about 25-30% into the drop, too!!

I think it is a great time to buy and I've been telling lots of people that. I pray that the right house comes along for you!

Anonymous said...

Nate ~ I'm a first-time poster, but frequent reader. We were in Nags Head last week and were prompted to pray for you when we read your dad's newspaper column (fabulous, BTW) and each time we drove by the church (which was OFTEN).

Having just been on the OBX, I can imagine the challenges you'll face in finding a new home. Just remember that God has all the details worked out ~ you're just on an adventure to figure out what He has planned! :)

Continued thoughts and prayers for the three of you as you look forward to a happy homecoming!


Anonymous said...

Nate ~ I'm a first-time poster, but frequent reader. We were in Nags Head last week and were prompted to pray for you when we read your dad's newspaper column (fabulous, BTW) and each time we drove by the church (which was OFTEN).

Having just been on the OBX, I can imagine the challenges you'll face in finding a new home. Just remember that God has all the details worked out ~ you're just on an adventure to figure out what He has planned! :)

Continued thoughts and prayers for the three of you as you look forward to a happy homecoming!


AlaneM said...

I'll be praying for hunting is always hard but (as you already know, duh!) God can pull off anything.
God bless,
love the pics as always :)

The Lockwood Family ♥ said...

Thank you for the update! We lovek knowing things that we can specifically pray about for you. Yes, the Lord will give you just the house, furnishings ect... that you need. We have seen Him supply our needs countless times since we've been here. Oh, how it makes us love and trust Him all the more and how good He is to increase our faith. The new picture of Gwyneth is sooo cute...she looks like she wants to play peek a boo.
The Lockwoods

Angela R. said...

Nate, both of your girls are so lucky to have you in their lives. Alot of people wouldnt even think about the needs and/or preventions you just listed, which are truly important. Praying that God provides you and your family with the house to fit ALL your needs.

God Bless!

MahoneyMusings said...

Will add this to my prayer list. God always provides.

elizabeth engelhardt creations said...

Good luck with your house hunting, we too, are slowly starting to look to take the 'plunge' after renting for 11 years! ack!! Will include your house hunting and stuff in our prayers. Blessings and have a great day!!

luvgod2 said...

Praying for God to bless you with a purchase of the right house!

The Barrick Times said...

Good luck!! I have a brother who lives in the Raleigh area - it's beautiful! Have FUN househunting :o) Prayers from SOMD!

Anonymous said...

We will be praying with you for all of your needs to be met.

Jen in Al said...

what great well thought out guidelines! praying over all of your needs, jen in al

WannaseeJesus said...

I know there would be so many people to donate, to help you raise money for a house. :) I mean, I'm not rich personally but it would be an honor to help with what little I could offer, to make sure that your family could live in a clean, dust free environment. I'm sure many will agree with me! :)

Ellen said...

Thank you for sharing your specific prayer requests - what a joy it has been to pray with you and get to see how God choses to answer those prayers. It's not always what we would think (like the first call for a lung transplant and subsequent let down) but it is always a blessing! Praying for the perfect house for the three of you!

amy smith said...

praying for you all right now.

Happy Four said...

I read your post and have prayed knowing God will provide the ideal house that will suit your family in a neighborhood where you can have an impact for Him.

We are moving from AZ to Charlotte, NC shortly. Our house here has not sold, but we know God is in control.

I continue to be encouraged and challenged by your honesty, faith and openness.

I am Caroline who went to high school with your Uncle Andy.

Blessings abundant as you continue this next chapter of your life as a family in the purchase of a home!

Pamela said...

I am going to guess that you're not making a kajillion dollars being a worship leader. And please don't take offense to that, I'm just working from experience with that guess.

If that is a correct supposition, and due to the needs you outlined based upon Tricia's health, you may want to look into Habitat for Humanity of Dare County. Usually need is determined using the HUD (Housing and Urban Development) income guidelines for your county, and there is a range to how much you can make based upon the number of family members. Also, medical expenses can be factored into your whole economic equation, if that makes you more selectable.

The houses are brand new, and energy efficient, and the homeowner has a say in the materials used in the house (to a certain extent).

The homes are sold to the Partner Families (that would be you, if you are selected) for what it cost HFH to build the home. And HFH charges? NO. INTEREST. On the loan. Super sweet. The homeowners my affiliate services are paying not more than $450 a month to own their home. Obviously the cost varies based upon the area, and it's likely that OBX homes would be a little more expensive than Western NY, but it it totally worth it.

Here is an article I found...didn't look too thoroughly, but it's a good overview.

The address:
Dare County HFH
PO Box 3204
Kill Devil Hills, NC 27948-3204

And since you come from a super cool church, here's another idea:
In my church we had a family whose son has serious medical conditions, and because of that they had a difficult time finding a home that fit his needs and their financial needs.

The guys in my church organized a build for them. The family took out a loan, enough to cover the materials of the house, and the men of the church built the house for them. My father in law is a contractor, and his crew donated their time for a month or so, and other people came out when they were able. The house was built in a few months, and it was really affordable for them.

Praying that the right situation will be revealed to you.

NCBeachMom said...

will be praying that God will lead you just the right house for you!

JenniC said...

First time posting but have followed your blog for several months now after seeing the story on ABC11. Your story is truely a miracle.

Extreme Makeover I think is a great idea. I watch the show, and your family is just as deserving if not more than some of the familes I have seen on there.

BTW others, I read on the link that you can nominate another family, just fill out the info that you know.

Good Luck House hunting and may God continue to bless your family

Anonymous said...

honestly I would think that her trust fund would be a excellent idea for funding a clean and safe home for her health. How rude can someone be for thinking that would be a bad thing. If the home can help her live a longer, healtier life then by all means use her trust fund. Wow. Someone really asked you that????

Good luck finding a house!! You could always apply for Extreme Makeover Home edition. Your story is FAR better than any I've heard on that show AND we had a family in my city get a home from them.

Movin-on said...

wishing you well in your venture. It should be exciting, looking for a new house !! As you know, The Lord will provide !!

Meredith K Beaupre said...

Regardless of the market, housebuying seems to never be easy. We will pray for guidance toward the healthy house that He has planned for your family. We hope you find it soon!

Unknown said...

Praying... God is the Ultimate Provider!! This won't be an exception. Someone else mentioned setting up a fund for people who'd like to donate towards the house or furniture. Would this be a possibility? I'm not sure how you'd feel about it, but there are so many of us who would love to contribute.

I second the Oprah/Extreme Makeover. The potential to witness to others through your story, to bring awareness to CF & premature births, etc... Great opportunity. Let us know if we can help by submitting nominations.

Unknown said...

P.S. I love Pamela's idea of having the community and church family help build the house. This reminds me of wonderful, Amish communities and their "barn raisings" when a brother or sister needs help building a barn, a house, anything. They are there for each other. That's what Christian family is all about!

Brad, Carmen, Braylen and Alea Fleck said...

I think you are good candidates for Extreme Home Makeover, but I think you have to own a place for them to come in!!! Oh, well, it would be nice and I'd vote for ya!

christi said...

Hi Nate! I have been reading your blog for months and I am just now commenting for the first time. I have been praying for ya'll. I am glad that you got your girls home! God does answer prayer!

Blessings ~ Christi

ps - I LOVE the new picture at top of the blog! Great one!!

Erik said...

Praying for the perfect place for your beautiful family.......

Anonymous said...

I was curious how you manage to save money for a home purchase when neither of you are working? We are finding it hard enough to save for a new home with both of us working! Please share your secrets! Also, I am sure this blog will help you to fundraise monies for new housing!

Anonymous said...

Since you mentioned that your parents are selling their home, why not just buy theirs?? I bet they would give you and Tricia a sweet deal on it! So glad you are all getting to go home!!! You must be psyched! Oh, and like another comment mentioned, why couldn't you use the trust fund to provide Tricia with healthy housing? It seems to me it would be medical related.

Sheila said...

Praying for the just-right home to be found at the just-right time for you. I know God will continue to bless your family, in great and small ways.
Best of luck,

Anonymous said...

If you find a house that has carpet, it's easy enough to remove and replace with wood or tile floors. We did that recently with our home. It was full of ugly wall to wall carpets! So, if you find the perfect house and it has carpet, don't let that deter you! Good luck Nate!

Sheila said...

I know someone's probably mentioned this, but I don't have time to look-- you should send a video (or have family do it) to Extreme Makeover Home Edition. You guys would be perfect for that show!! :o)

Patty said...

I second/third/etc. the Extreme Home or Oprah option. I am a realtor and really recommend you find a Realtor in OBX to look for you. They won't [or shouldn't ] charge for their services to represent the buyer as their fees are paid by the seller. They have access to everything that's on the market and can modify the search to locate the exact property for you.

Jen said...

Hi Nathan! Good luck with the house hunting. Your right now is the time to buy. Just wanted to let you know I started my own blog today. let me know what you think if you have time (writing is not my strongest point, I am more into math!) Good luck again! Jen

~j~ said...

Wow! you have given us some great things to pray for and so thankful that again you are giving us the blessing to do so. Can't WAIT to see what God is going to do!!!!

fuzzandfuzzlet said...

You know what? It never even crossed my mind to question how you were paying for your house. Are people really that petty?

Good luck finding exactly what you need, in the mean time have fun looking.

friendlyfaces said...

Awwww, wouldn't it be great to call extreme makeover???? I've always wanted to know someone they helped, even though I don't know you personally. My husband and I had our first "real" vactation a couple of years ago to the OBX! Loved the ocean and just the whole area, and love reading your adventure! Prayers are always with you!

Anonymous said...

I just had a wonderful idea regarding the house situation! Would it be possible for your church family to gather together and build you a healthy and safe house? :-)
I know our church did that for a needy family in our town. After a tragic fire,which killed the husband and one son, the rest of the family were homeless. (they had no home insurance, so our church built them a home!) Keep us posted!!

Lee said...

Hey! Isn't your Uncle Andy's house for sale?

Scott said...

Having just returned from Chesapeake and visiting my son and his wife in their first home, all I can say is the Lord will provide. He has your house, perfect for you guys and he'll lead you to it. We'll be praying for the adventure of the search. It should be fun for you!!


Cassie said...

i just have to say that the whole trust fund bit really irks me. i haven't given $ to the fund...but if i had, then i've given it to you to use as you see fit to provide for your family and trusting you to make that decision. sure medical costs are expensive....but there are other expenses that need to be taken care of too. and it certainly seems that you have some major and important needs with your housing. i don't see why it would be a big deal?? i certainly don't see why people feel the need to tell you how to spend your money. this is in no way directed to you....i just can't believe people sometimes. a gift of money is not a gift if you try to tell people how to spend it. just my oh so humble opinion!

BuckeyeNP said...

If you read any of the underground stuff about Extreme Home Makeover, supposedly the producers list things and types of stories they want - obscure illnesses, etc (which I don't consider CF obscure, actually fairly common) - but since they haven't done a CF story maybe they'd jump at the chance.

I'm sort of philosophically opposed to supporting or endorsing Oprah in any way - though she does a lot of good deeds, and much material give-aways, I think she leads a lot of people astray...more and more so with the book clubs & things she is choosing (all the new-age business).

Amber said...

Always praying for you guys and so thankful He has given us all such a powerful testimony to use for His glory.

Rick Lawrenson said...

Actually the trust fund doesn't exist for buying a house or diapers, etc, and Nathan hasn't used it for such. It's purpose (as explained on Tricia's site) is for their expenses related to her medical needs.

And Nathan can't use it as he sees fit. A trust fund is directed by "trustees" (Nathan and Tricia are not trustees) who exist to ensure that it goes for it's purpose.

However, as Nate pointed out, there are some who have implied and accused him of using a "trust fund" to pad his own pocket and go on buying binges for the baby, etc. Not so.

Every expense is accounted for. He has to turn in receipts and be reimbursed by the trustees. He has been so careful about what he uses the fund for that they have had to say, "Here, use this money...that's what it's been given for".

Heather said...

Enjoyed this post and can understand the frustration in finding something on the OBX. It is one reason why we moved off the islands (and across country, but that is another story). You should check out the area behind the Sun Realty office in KDH. There are a lot of houses back that way that are not on stilts and are fairly newer. We had friends that lived back in that area and it was a nice area too. Good luck and my prayers will be with ya'll!!

Lauren M said...

We are also looking at buying our first home in the next year or two. We have asthma, and something we've dealt with is outgassing from our new modular-built home we're renting. Ventilation, changing air filters, and purchasing an ionic breeze have helped. Our furniture is all second hand, so we want all new when we move. One thing I'm looking into is what to do about outgassing. Some say to put the furniture in the sun for 2 days, some to just put it outside under a covered area for at least 5 days. Then, there are resources that sell "green" furniture. There's info out there you'll be able to find. I just wanted to mention this as I know you are concerned with air quality.

GinnyBerry said...

Please don't be discouraged by anything people say. I know that you have the best of intentions and were just asking people to pray for your very specific needs for housing.

I think that Good is in control, and I know that your are trusting him to provide, just as you trusted him to care for Trisha and Gwyneth while they were in a life threatening conditions in intensive care.
Thank you for sharing your needs so we can pray.

Scarlet and Gray said...

The post you wrote after this one has disabled comments so I thought I'd leave one here. I know people don't understand but try not to get frustrated. With as many people that read the blog there will always be someone that doesn't get what you are trying to say. But, I would assume the majority of us got what you said. At least it was clear to me. We'll be praying as you search for an appropriate home for your family!

Tracy said...

In order to do Extreme Makover you have to have a house to start with.

Good luck with your house hunt. im in the middle of our own and its pretty heart wrenching. hope yours goes well.

Andrea said...

Good luck on finding a house!!!! What fun and exciting venture for your family!!! You will be in my prayers!!

Andy Lawrenson said...

Yes, Uncle Andy's house is for sale but it is on pilings (stilts).

Jen Wilson said...

Congrats on the house hunting! I hope you guys have a great time doing it, and that you find something that suits your needs perfectly.

And good idea dodging questions before they're asked ;)

Momof2bz said...

Good Luck with your house search. Although frustrating at times especially with needs as specific as yours, it is fun and rewarding. I hope all the prayers that everyone continually offers on your behalf are heard for this request as well. I hope that you are enjoying your last few days at Duke. P.S. - Try to remain upbeat, your meanings and words are understood by most of us. :-) So happy that you guys are almost ready for your next adventure. Enjoy!

Irene said...

I may be poking my nose where it doesn't belong, but just trying to help people understand "trust fund". Sometimes you see where people in need (such as fire victims, etc.) have accounts set up to assist them in times of need. They are usually different than a true "trust fund". A real "trust fund", (and I had one myself when I had my transplant to help with expences), is put together by a lawyer and it is goveerned by laws, especially tax laws. I too had to have a Trustee that wrote the checks and decided, according to the rules, what was and what was not a medical expense. This may seem really strict, but when you have the expenses from a transplant or other major medical event it can truly be a safeguard and lifesaver. Medication expenses from a transplant are huge, but necessary to sustain your life. The fact that you can not use the money for the electric bill or the car payment may seem unfair in some ways, but on the other hand, it makes sure that, if times get tight financially for the person in need, they will have money for their medication and other medical needs. I know of some transplant recipients who when times get tight, will skip some does of anti-rejection medication, and that can and has cost people their life. The trust fund for many people assures you that even though you may not be able to make your car payment one month, you will still be able to get your much needed medication. Nathan is so true when he mentioned the high costs of the medication. Some months, even with good insurance, my medication co=pays are as much as a house payment.
Nathan I am sorry if I have said to much here, I just feel like you are having to explain yourself way to much and I thought as an outsider, but with some knowledge of the trust fund deal it may help.

I don't think people are trying to be hard to get along with on this subject, I think that many people are just not familiar with the situation. I hope this helps. Again, I am not trying to be a butt-in-ski, but I guess I am!

My prayers and thoughts continue for the 3 of you everyday.

Allison and Jeffrey Tomasek said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Christy said...

Happy House Hunting!!!! I love the OBX, but can definitely see how it may cost an arm and a leg to live there.

I know that God will provide for you financially like He has for your girls physically. I will be praying about that specifically.

Btw, I picked up 2 copies of "Inside" today.. *yay*!!!

Kristi said...

This is a fabulous time to buy a house. What a great project for the two of you to take on. Enjoy every minute of your house hunting.

I hope you find the absolutely perfect house.


P.S. Have you ever seen cork floors? They are beautiful, from a sustainable source and don't emit the toxins, etc. that lots of hardwoods that have been varnished do.

johnyzgurl said...

Praying here. :)

Laura Smith said...

I completely respect your wishes to have Tricia's Trust Fund be protected for her medical treatment. However, I so so so wishe to be able to help you guys with a new home and furnishings. People really love to give to others. Sometimes it is a gift to allow others to give to you. When I was on a mission trip to Honduras, one of our best experiences was allowing people of the village to be able to give to their friends and families. If there is anyway we can help, please allow us the opportunity. I have truly, from the bottom of my heart, loved reading your story. I check in daily for your amazing updates. I would love to help you with something tangible...that I could see you love! I am so proud of all of you and feel very blessed to have the opportunity to learn from your journey. God bless!

Anonymous said...

I'm praying that God provides the perfect house at the perfect price Nathan. I know that in His time, it will show up for you.

tillisfam5 said...

So exciting to be looking for your first home! We will be praying for all of those specific requests for you, Tricia and Gwyneth. We know God will provide and already has the perfect house in mind to fit every need! Keep us updated!
The Tillis Family

megasam said...

I want to wish you luck with your house search when you get home. I am a realtor, or at least that is what it says on my business card. I understand the market right now, but it is such a good time to buy so you are lucky to be looking right now. I want you to know that I totally got what you meant originally with this post. I never read more into anything that you say and I commend you for being able to tolerate so well the people that do. I hope that the few that don't get it don't cause you to not be as forthcoming with the rest of us. Anyway, I pray that you will find the perfect home for your perfect family. Only a few more days and I pray that you will be on your way home!!!

Anonymous said...

I wish you the best of luck and will pray that the He will continue to provide you with your needs.

Shari said...

Good grief--people have come up with some ideas, haven't they? I scanned a few comments and my goodness! I will continue praying that God provide exactly the right house at the right time with the right price. How does that sound?

Kathy's Korner said...

Thank you to the poster who laid it out and explained the trust situation. I had a general idea of how it worked...but not exactly.

I totally get how you want to do this yourself. It means more that way...doesn't it? Not that your not greatful....but being greatful can almost be exhausting.

I hope that you will continue to share about your house hunting. I LOVE house hunting and talking about house anything. And getting ideas from people. Like the cork flooring. I want to put that in my house. And the air cleaning whatever thing that another poster mentioned. Cool!

Happy hunting and many prayers going your way! :)

Rebecca said...

you should apply to extreme makeover home addition!!! :)

TheHappyNeills said...

We upgraded an old, old, old, junky couch to a leather one and we LOVE it! I can't imagine life without a wipe-able sofa with small kids! I can let them have their drink/snack on it with no worries. Plus you wouldn't have to worry about it trapping all that icky stuff. It was definitely worth the extra bucks for us!

Jamie Labonte said...

We are in the process of building a new house and chose to go with a manufactured home (built in a factory) - we elected to go this route because both my husband and I have asthma. By going this route, we're saving money (about half) and are able to build it about three years earlier than we would have been able to otherwise.

And, EMHE would be a great fit!

The Hallenbeck's said...

I am praying that God will give you the perfect house, in the perfect location, with everything that you need it to be for the health of your girls. I am also praying that God will provide financially what you will need to purchase that perfect house and the furniture to fill it:)

Amy Lynn said...

How exciting!!! :) I will be praying that the Lord leads you to a home that fits al of your families needs!

Amy in Oregon

Fliss and Mike Adventures said...

Hoping you find what you all need... take care

Gilly said...

I've never had a strong faith, but your family have possibly helped me to make it stronger. Therefore I will pray that you get the wonderful home that you deserve. As for possible comments with regard to the trust fund, I think that if it made a better life for you and your family then you should use it in any way that you feel, and thats all that I will say on the subject.

I agree with another comment with regards to Extreme makeover home edition, if ever a family deserved to be given the sort of home that they could provide, then you would be that family, and I think there should be a national campaign to nominate you guys!

Take care and much love from a parent of Amazing Grace, a little girl with cf.

Gilly xx

Goodboy Norman Featherstone said...

Buying your first house is such a fun and exciting adventure. Yes, it's stressful too, but it's worth the stress. I hope you all find the perfect house quickly, but if you don't, just take your time. The right one will come along.

aliann said...

Came over from a while ago and am so enjoying your blog.
I see at least one person has already mentioned it, but you all would be perfect candidates for Extreme Home Makeover. Besides being actually deserving, you would make great TV, and you have very specific needs for your home, all of which ABC looks for.
God bless in all you do!