Saturday, May 17, 2008

I've Fallen Quite Hard Over You

I have been dreaming about this for a long time...

("Falling In Love At A Coffee Shop" by Landon Pigg)



Anonymous said...

Such a beautiful family :)

Anonymous said...

i'm so happy for the three of you!

Unknown said...

Beautiful, just absolutely beautiful!

Rosie x

raw said...

Just lovely. I am so glad for you!

ronchristymyers said...

Love the pictures. Glad to see you guys home. Have fun with her and enjoy it. You three deserve it.

Unknown said...

I just love this. We are going through some HUGE medical unknowns with our little 3 year old and I am so encouraged by your story.

So, thank you!

Unknown said...

I just love this. We are going through some HUGE medical unknowns with our little 3 year old and I am so encouraged by your story.

So, thank you!

Anonymous said...

Tears of joy falling for you three. You are so blessed. Praying for God's blessings to continue to pour down on you and your beautiful family. God's love and peace, Amy

Marianne said...

What a beautiful Family... I am so happy for you guys!!!

Lexie Lou said...

How happy you all look:)!!

Denise said...

How wonderful! It's so great to see pictures of you all just relaxing together, no wires attached, no beeping from the medical monitors, just lovely the sounds of a baby :)

Denise said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Tim and Kristy Crowl said...

That was awsome so very happy you and your family God Bless

Angela R. said...

That was simply beautiful. Look how happy you all look as a family. Amazing, I am so happy for you all. Continu enjoying eachother.

God Bless!

Erin & Gary said...


Sue said...

Our God is so amazing!!

You are a truely blessed family and we are blessed for knowing of you.

THANK YOU!!! for sharing your journey with us.

Julie Nickerson said...

This is so wonderful!!!

I know many of us have been praying for this day for you all for a long time.

Praise God!!!!

Carol said...

That was fun. You probably have observed this - you guys are going to fall harder and harder every single day - even though its hard to believe it possible to fall harder than you have. Enjoy each second!

Leesa said...

Thank you Lord for the miracle of life!

Momof2bz said...

That video was great! You all look like you are really enjoying family time. Thank you for sharing. I hope the yard sale today is a blast. I wish I lived closer.

Anonymous said...

They say the best photos in life are the ones where the photographer is in love with the people/objects in the lense.

These were hands down the best photos.

I bet Gwyneth is thinking ... So this is what home looks like? Those crazy people who came to visit me everyday loved me so much they took me home. :)

So thrilled for you.

Carmen said...

The most beautiful family...EVER :)
I'm so happy for you.

*Lissa* said...


Anonymous said...

Enjoy your blessings and all the beautiful moments that are in store. The smiles, still and quiet night feedings when it's just you and baby, all those firsts that will bring so much joy and wonder. You'll see Gods wonders anew daily in your daughters eyes.

God Bless your beautiful family.

jennifer said...

Beautiful! Thank you so much for sharing!

pam said...

Rejoicing with you!

Anonymous said...


thanks for sharing

heidi r

Be Thou Exalted said...

You deserve a standing ovation!! What a blessing your family has been to mine!

Tamara said...

That made me smile...thank you!

Candy said...

You have such a beautiful family. I pray that everything is going well with both the girls home.

Anonymous said...

Whew Hoo! Seeing the three of you together makes my heart smile! God Bless you on your journey!

Tracy P. said...

WOW! Just wow!

gibsonfam said...

Simply beautiful! :)

Mayhem And Miracles said...

Ohhhhhhh, tears! I love how playful you all are with the crying pics. Just watched and thought about Tricia's prayer for a miracle. God DOES answer the desires of our hearts!

Joyful Mom ~ Karla said...

What an amazing video! Gwyneth is so adorable! She was certainly wide awake and aware of her surroundings...priceless! I loved the funny faces at the end of the video. So glad the THREE of you are HOME! God bless you all.

Hugs from El Paso,
Karla and Family

Sonja said...

Our God is an AWESOME God!

Rachael Schirano \\ Rachael Schirano Photography said...

that is so beautiful. i am so happy for the 3 of you!

Anonymous said...

In one really BIG way you must be incredibly aware of the fragility of life and the seriousness of your responsibilities.

In another way, you might feel that you just robbed a candy store.

Enjoy the candy. :)

Prayers for you three continue.

Nonie said...

This almost made my heart explode.

Congratulations on your beautiful family and all being home together!

Amanda Martin said...

Perfect. I wonder. Does Tricia ever get tired of posing for pictures? Does the White Rose?

This video is SUCH an answer to prayer, is it not? God is good-- beyond words.

Sarah & Bradley said...

wow.... so happy for you three!

Mary said...

HOORAY! *CHEERING* I'm so happy for you all. Looks like you're off to a wonderful start...may it last forever.


Heather said...

Congrats! What a beautiful time :)

amanda said...

I'm glad you 2 and a baby don't have to wait anymore, but during your waiting it sure taught this person a great lesson that I'm still processing because I can't find the words to speak.

nicole said...

perfect perfect! its so good to see gwyneth as a participant in the silly photo ops now! i know i don't have to tell you to enjoy it! what else can you do? much love to all 3.

Rene said...

Beautiful family! I'm so glad your miracle is home (both of them!)

Court said...

Simply beautiful. God Bless!

Jeremy and Nicole said...

Our God is an AWESOME GOD!! How wonderful for your family to be all together at home! What a feeling! You have all been in our prayers since the first time that I saw your blog! And to say that in the last 6 months I have come SO MUCH closer to God, now that would be an understatement! This is just one way that the Lord shows is amazing works! I will forever keep your family in my families prayers! Thank you so much for letting all of us in on your journey. It will forever leave a mark in my heart!
God Bless

jenray said...


The Lockwood Family ♥ said...

The Lord is good!

jandswood said...

what a great slide show! thank you so much for sharing!
your sister in Christ,

A Dusty Frame said...

What a wonderful day!
I'm sure that it hardly feels real to you, but I know it's a relief.

Our son was in the NICU when he was born--not as long as your little one--but when we brought him home, we just laid and looked at him too! Your pictures reminded me of that.

Praise the Lord for his wonderful works in your family.


Kerry said...

Thanks so much for sharing your journey home with us!
I feel so privileged to have shared it with you Nate and Tricia.
I'm a mom who twenty six years ago had complications due to other genetic problems not cf.So my first son spent lots of time in Nicu as well as the step down unit.
I remember what coming home was like with just the three of us. So enjoy Tricia and Gwyneth.Blessings to all of you.

Darci said...

G-d Speed for you and yours....

What a amazing story you have and you are blessed beyond words and I am so happy for you and Tricia that your family is complete and all together once again.

I came across your blog form my "mom" MB and have been extremely engorged in your daily psots and your amazing story of good faith, hope and love.

I wish you the best for whats to come and much happiness, enjoy your sweet baby girl!!

Judy said...


Just Me - MJ said...

So happy for all of you!! Enjoy every moment of you new life together!

JnR said...

How wonderful to have Gwyneth home with you, what a beautiful complete family. Both the girls look so good!

Jen in Al said...

that is so precious!!!! thank you so much for sharing! i can't get over what an amazingly short time it has been since Tricia's surgery and you just cannot tell by looking at her all that she has been through! you look Marvelous!!!!:)LOL Gwyneth is getting so big!!! such a beautiful White Rose she is! thank you! makes me smile thinking of all the "firsts" you will be sharing with your cute bundle now that you are "home"! continuing to pray! jen in al

Lee said...

Mazel Tov!!!

Feeling your joy...
The Barwicks

Briana said...

I can see the smile in your eyes! So happy that you are all together, out of the hospital at last!

Andie said...

Amazing! What a wonderful answer to prayers!

May God continue to bless each of you daily!


Kara said...

so glad you all are home! praying for more fun days!

Maria said...

Nate... what can I say..Beautiful, Charming, GREAT...Love the way you time the lyrics with the appropriate photos...but above all its just wonderful that the whole family is home at last.

I'm sure there will be more of these video's of the three of you and I can't wait to see them!.

~*~Bre~*~ said...

Your family is beautiful!

You have your own little angel sent from God directly to you. She's absolutely beautiful!!

Laurie in Ca. said...

Absolutely the Best. The three of you, all Skin to Skin, a true miracle. I love this.

Laurie in Ca.

Our Two Blessings From Above said...

I have been praying about this for a long time!
Dreams do come true and I am so happy for you.
Wonderful video.
Enjoy the weekend.

Ellen said...

Quite possibly the best video of three people sitting around looking at each other that I will EVER see! It's just incredible to have witnessed what you have gone through and where you are now! Enjoy another day of sitting around looking at each other (wink!)

Amanda Is Charmed said...

I am so very happy that things are going so well for the 3 of you, God does work wonders, you all are living proof of that, Love and hugs from an Ohio Mom of 4

Unknown said...

wow--what an AWESOME God we serve! it's beautiful to see HIM soooo clearly evident in your lives! your 2 girls are truly a testiment to how great a God we serve. sometimes we forget His awesomeness i think.

the fun of parenthood has begun and i'm sure you can't wait for all the craziness that entails! really makes me stop and think about every day being a gift from God and to stop and see the beauty in the little details of life! ....from the funny and amazingly insightful things the girls say, to being brought breakfast in bed on mother's day at 6 a.m.(bowl of cereal on a tray) by my 7 yr. old and having to muster up "hunger" at that hour so as to not hurt her feelings! :) that what makes life worth living, doesn't it??

Amy said...

how exciting! Thanks for posting this.

Anonymous said...

Absolutely wonderful!! Such great photos!

Tammy C said...

Well done!!

clara said...

Thank you for sharing this! Enjoy all of your cuddles with your sweet girls, love from our family to yours.

Nichole said...

WOW...God is amazing! What an awesome day for your family! Thanks for sharing it with us all!

mamav said...

What a treasure!!! She'll love all this as she gets older!

Natalie said...

beautiful! Praise God that you're all together at home!

Our Family! said...

We love it!!! It looks like your first day home went well. We couldn't be happier for you all. Enjoy every minute of your precious baby girl!

~ Rob, Amy, Emily, and Ryan Farrell

Bree said...

She's perfect; absolutely perfect:)

Matt and Cristin said...

Wow! How special! We are so thrilled that the whole family is together! Praise God! He is SO good! Congrats you guys! You are a beautiful family!!! :)

Anonymous said...

It is totally amazing how your lives came together this year. Whether it was an act of God or just the luck of life, it is beautiful.

Do you order prints of some of your gorgeous photos? It would be good to know that when technology changes, Gwyneth and Gwyneth's grandchildren will be able to enjoy copies in a form that is timeless.

cheryl said...

Oh my gosh! Does it get any more beautiful and precious than that?!?
Congratulations guys!
What a sweet, sweet day for y'all.

The Rosetto's said...


Rachael said...

Truly beautiful, thank you xx

Rebecca (Ramblings by Reba) said...

Just beautiful. Thank you for sharing that with us.

~j~ said...

well Nate, yet another post that has me bawling in front of my computer with feelings of complete and utter amazement at the miracle of seeing you and your girls just "being"... i am totally and absolutely stoked out of my mind for you all...
love j

KYnurse said...

Tears of joy flowing for such a happy moment in time. What a beautiful family you have. You are truly blessed.

Rebekah said...

Its hard to believe you three are home together! I've been following your journey since January and I am always encouraged by your faith in our Lord and am so thankful that He has brought you three so far!

Renee said...

A question for you and Tricia...since Gywneth was/is a premie, have you considering babywearing with her?

Diana said...

Beautiful pictures!! I am so happy for you and thank you so much for sharing this with ALL of us;-)

Amanda said...

The video was a little blurry from the tears in my eyes! Of all the pics you've posted of Gweneth, I've never seen her this happy. There is a brightness in her eyes that speaks joy and contentment.

She's home!

bkmanary said...

Simply put, awesome! What a sweet treat that you shared with us. Thank you!
Karen et al
Vancouver, BC
PS my girls are sad because they think the blog will be over! I reassured them that there will be updates! I told them the journey has just begun! Hope there are many more beautiful updates!

Blessings From Above said...

Beautiful video! I am so happy for the three of you. Hard to imagine that Gwyneth is already over four months old and this is the first time you are able to be alone together as a family. Very generous of you to share such a special day with us.

Sheila said...

Beautiful. It's a privilege to share these moments with you, and to thank God for his miraculous gifts. Wow.

The Pelhams said...

That was awesome!! It looks like Daddy needs to shave that beard off so Gwenyth has some nice soft skin rubbing on her face!! Which brings me to my next question, have you ever been without facial har??

Heather B. said...

What a precious little miracle. The Lord has truly blessed the three of you!!!

redburns said...

Thank you so much for sharing these amazing moments with us! Your girls look fantastic!


Sheryl said...

Beautiful! I am so happy for all of you. Dreams do come true. God is good.

Still praying,

amy smith said...

way to make me cry.

Teresa Dunkin said...

How fantastic to see the three of you together without any tubes, hospital gowns, masks, etc. You are such a beautiful family! Praise God for his wonderful miracles!

Amy E. said...

Amazing and beautiful. So very happy for you guys!

thesixburghmom said...

Thank you so much for putting yourselves out there and sharing this journey with us...strangers in cyberspace/brothers and sisters in Christ. I'm sure at times, it has not been easy.

I just want to encourage you both. You've made a difference in my life and faith.

Beautiful slide show. Just beautiful.

Stacemoe said...

I am so happy for ya'll!!! Congradulations. Can't wait to see more wonderful pics!

Danielle in MO said...

the funny thing is we have been dreaming of this too - so happy for the 3 of you!!

Mary Knapp Yahoo said...

Thanks to each of you - Nate, Tricia, & Gwyneth for allowing us the privilege of praying ongoingly for the three of you ...and your willingness to share with us this moment.

To all the moments the three of you have yet to share!

Heather said...

Welcome home to all of you!! So happy for all of you. Enjoy!!

Take care,

marcia said...

What fun! :):)

Brenda said...

absolutely amazing. Go God! She looks so content just hanging out. Beautiful family!

Kate said...

It's so great to see your beautiful baby girl out of the hospital!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful and very precious! To God be the GLORY!!!!

LindsayS said...

What a sweet angel. So happy she's home with you both!
God Bless!

Becky said...

This just totally melted my heart and brought me tears of joy! You 3 are BEAUTIFUL! Thank you for sharing this with us. As always....I'm praying!

jimamymac said...

Congratulations on your beautiful family! I have been reading your blog for a few months, and have been most inspired. Blessings to all of you !!

Amy in PA

Florida_Mom said...

Mear words can't express my joy! Thank you Jesus!

Thank you for sharing your special day with us. It is like a little glimpse of heaven on earth. God is so good.

Congratulations! May you have many more happy days together. May you be really home in Nags Head very soon.

In Christ

Brianna said...

So sweet! Congratulations!!!!

Tina said...

That's happiness...pure joy.
I am so happy for you...this is all you've ever wanted.

It's been an amazing journey.

God has blessed.


Ben said...

She's so beautiful, congrats! It's great to see her without the feeding tube and tape. Steph is working so it's just me and Abby hanging out together. We just finished watching the brought a tear to my eye and made Abby say "lalala aaahheeee!"

Unknown said...

Loved it! Together at last!
Stacy :-)

Lisa said...

Nate and Tricia - I'm so glad that the three of you can share ordinary moments such as these!! Its all those ordinary moments that make life extraordinary!

Praise God for all he is doing in your lives, and for the marvelous works of His hands! I feel so privledged to have been able to read your blog and pray along with you.

Continued blessings,
Lisa from C3

Chris said...

What a lovely family you have!! Enjoy eery moment with your girls!! Thanks for sharing your beautiful family with us!!

Gila said...

Love the pacifier that is nearly as big as Gwynnie's face! :)

Am soooo happy for you guys!

Just a smalltown girl said...

Beautiful. You've received a gift beyond words Nathan. You've had your prayers answered times two and God has plans for the three of you.


Kathy said...

Simply AMAZING!!!! God is so good.

KaraP said...

I LOVE IT!!! So beautiful. I am so glad that Gwyneth is home with you now.

North Carolina Mom said...

Wow, I remember when I would see the pictures of Gwyneth and I was just aching for her to get all the tubes and tape off her face, I was so worried about her skin. Lol. Now I just see this little baby, getting loved on by two of what must be the happiest parents in the world, and all that other stuff seems like a far off dream.

Whenever you guys disconnect the rest of the world from your lives (if you ever do, which, I imagine, soon, your daughter will be keeping you very very busy)and go back to being a normal family +1, I hope you know, you will have touched my life forever.

Apryl in NC

John & Michelle said...

These joy filled family moments are what we've all been waiting for!!!Thank You all so much for allowing us to share your joy!
Blessings from Illinois,

Unknown said...

made me cry......


love you all!

Magoon Family said...


elizabeth engelhardt creations said...

Absoluetly beautiful. Congrats on having her home, finally!! blessings.

Catherine said...

Beautiful...what a true gift from God;)

bome62 said...

This video is AWESOME! Thank you so much for sharing this with all of us & will continue to share your journey with all us so we can travel with you & see Gwyneth grow.
God Bless You Three!
Bonnie Meyer
Washington, Missouri

luvgod2 said...

Praises to the Lord - what an awesome God we have that He gives us blessings more than we can even imagine! I'm blessed to hear you are Home! Praising with you!

Anonymous said...

What a happy, precious family! Fun to see Tricia in a Navy sweatshirt too!

imchasingshadows said...

Thanks for posting such special moments! Oh, how we have been praying that you would get to this "beginning" . As always, praying for you and your families.
Aunt Nancy, Uncle John, Daniel, and Paul

Julie said...

Gwyneth's little cheeks are going to get worn out with all that kissing!!! (I know, you have LOTS of catching up to do...)

Congratulations on being "home" stop, the OBX!

Foster mama K said...

Congratulations on getting to take your little girl home. What a lovely viedo.

Unknown said...

I am in tears of joy! Unbelieveable that a young couple and a tiny baby I've never met could affect me so. I guess prayer just does that. Draws you into lives outside of your own and expands your world. I'm SO glad both of Nathan's Girls are home. Praise God on high!

Unknown said...


~ becky b

bdodge said...

Wowie! Congratulations.

Seth, Jen, Hannah, Cailyn, and Isaac said...

What an amazing journey God has brought you through so far, and I can't wait to see what else He has in store for your precious family!!

Harris Boys said...

you are so blessed, what a beautiful family. I told everyone I know that has heard of your story that you are all home. Just truly amazing..thanks for sharing your life with us!

Beverly said...

I am so excited for you all. Now, remember, I don't think you need any advice. Enjoy her and remember you are her mommy and daddy, so you know what is best for her.
Have fun...the NICU Nurse...

Marsmile said...

Hahaha, lol, the last several photos made me laugh with all of your silly faces including Gwyn crying and you guys imitating her. I'm just soooo happy for you all being together at home. You three look fabulous together as a family! It is precious seeing you three snuggled up and comfy. Gwyn is adorable as ever and she still looks cute even when she cries, which is a first as I haven't seen any pixs of her crying before. :-)

Looks like all is going well. How is Gwyn feeding and sleeping (especially through the night)?

Thanks for sharing and take care,
Marissa :-)

Em said...

Hooray for finally being able to be "home" as a family! Praise God!

Miki said...

Soooo good.

Anonymous said...

So much happiness! You deserve all of it and so much more. Many happy sleepless nights to you all! She is such a good blend of both of you. God Bless!

Jenn & Ed said...

I LOVED THIS!! THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR SHARING WITH US!! I am so grateful to our wonderful Lord that you are home together and happy. I have been consistently encouraged by your faith and trust in the darkest times. Thank you for being an inspiration to so many of us.



Erin said...

It's so amazing to me how I can feel such joy in my heart when I see these private moments of people I have never met. You are such a BEATIFUL family and my heart feels so full when I think of the amazing miracles God has performed in your lives!!! I loved this post and look forward to more! Thank you for letting all of us be a part of your journey!! Tricia, you look gorgious!!!!!!!
North Carolina

Michelle M. said...

How wonderful! Gwyneth is such a beautiful baby!! I am so happy that you are all together! Thank you for sharing this with us.

Connie Mae said...

WHAT A TRUE BLESSING YOU HAVE!!! Your family is gorgeous! Watching that video makes me think of how my husband is with my daughters! The bond that girls and their daddy's have is PRICELESS and I see it is already great with you and Gwenyth. May God continue you to be with you and Tricia as you are facing parenthood on your own now. It is the most precious gift we could ever recieve: CHILDREN! Have a BLESSED day in JESUS!

Lisa said...

I have been following your story since early January and watching this video just brought me to tears of thanksgiving to God for His abundantly outpouring of miracle after miracle for your family! Gwyneth Rose is so blessed and it is a joy to watch you all in such precious tender moments of your life! Thank you for being so forthcoming in sharing all you do because you bring HIM abundant amounts of glory!
God Bless!
Lisa in Austin,Texas

bethany brooks said...

I've been reading since just before Gwyneth was born...
all I can say is
thank you, thank you Jesus!

Just Call Me Grammy said...

What an awesome answer to prayer!

Kate, Alek, Hank, and Cash (RIP RED) said...

What an amazing feeling to all be together and home. She is beautiful. We have been thinking of you and it is funny when we are at the clinics for Randy's appts and x-rays I keep my eye out for you guys.........

humble servant said...

That totally rocks. God is GOOD!!!!

Jennifer said...

I've been reading your blog for quite some time and always log off feeling inspired and blessed. You have such a beautiful family & you are truly the faces of a miracle from God. I am so happy that you're all home together now. I look forward to following your story for years to come. Thank you for letting all of us into your lives!

Megan @ SimplyThrifty said...

What fun and beautiful pictures! Gwyneth looks so good. Glad you are all together at last!

Anonymous said...

I litterally breathed a sigh of relief for you after watching this. are ALL together. Enjoting every moment...gloveless!!! YES!

Christine said...

I just finshed reading your whole story and I just want to let you know how inspring (sp) the three of you are to me. Tricia, you make me strive to be a better mother to my 2 year old son. I think that if you have gone through all that you have then I can definitly handle a few tantrums every day.
And the video of the the three of you finally "home" touched my heart. That is the way it should be, mama, daddy and baby home together with no doctors, nurses, or machines to worry about. I am so very happy for you!!

1 Samuel 12:24 said...

What a beautiful blessing to see you all together at home. Thank you for sharing this special time with the rest of us. God bless you!!!

Unknown said...

Free at last right? So good to see you all home and enjoying life the way it should be. Congratulations!

Scott said...

Wow, what a loving family Gwyneth has to grow up in. I'm celebrating with you guys today!

Kerri said...

Awesome pictures! The ones where her binky fell out are hilarious and priceless....reality!

Julie said...

Oh Wow!
So beautiful! Continue to enjoy every moment...

Ramblins of a middle-aged goddess said...

This is just GREAT!! I have been following your story now for several weeks!! What a wonderful family you have!! God has been so good to you!!


Sarah said...

Im warm again after watching this. Beautiful with a huge B.. and totally love the song with it.

Em said...

You have a beautiful family. This has brought tears to my eyes.

God Bless You All

Tanya said...

Thank You Lord!! What a testament to His awesome power!!

Enjoy your family Nate, you are so blessed!

Anonymous said...

I have beeb reading your blog on and off....this post made me cry. I am thrilled for you and your family.

My best friends aunt had CF and lost her struggle a few years ago...but she lived to be OVER 50. AMAZING.

How are Gwyneth's eyes?

Jenny, John, Jennah, Abby said...

One of the most heartwarming things I have ever had the pleasure to watch! Absolutely precious!!

Thanks for sharing! Prayers continuing for you guys!!

Much Love,
The Vande Castles.

Violet said...

gorgeous. it's amazing to see all three of you finally together in your own space, alone.

Jenn @ Casa de Castro said...

I just keep watching and watching and watching. Absolutely gorgeous family. Praise God for His goodness. And... thank you for sharing your beautiful girls with us.

Carolyn said...

I have loved watching this miracle unfold everyday! Thank you so much for sharing it with the world. I know it has taught me a lot about life, faith, God and miracles! Congratulations on you beautiful family!

twin power mommy ♥ said...

So perfect!
I laughed at those last few pics where you were making the silly faces. I reminds me of what i do whenever Eli (my son) is crying and i just make silly faces while i pretend to cry with him.
It usually gets him to stop his fit for a bit. :D

Mountainmom said...

What a joy to see you looking like nothing but a normal little family! Can't wait for you to get back to your real element and truly settle.
Lori in VA

Kim said...

Of course, these do not disappoint! Just beautiful. What an extraordinary beautiful famiy. I love seeing the 3 of you together-as it should be!

Kim said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Emily said...

Incredibly beautiful :)...

Unknown said...

I think we've all fallen quite hard over your precious family....

Tam said...

What a beautiful day! I am so glad that things are going so well for you 3! Such a beautiful family! God is faithful. Thanks for such a tangible reminder.

TheBrantners said...

oh how beautiful!! Praise God!!

BTW.. I love how "round" Miss Gwyneth is geting!! SOOO cute!

Shannon said...

Thank you.

I got the link a while back from a friend and have been praying for your family.

The joy of the Lord is our strength, and you have given so many people joy even in the midst of your trials.

So again: Thank you! And God bless you.

Katy said...

Just indescribable how wonderful our God is!! What a beautiful time for all of you. Congratulations!

Lela said...

Breath-taking. God is so good. Congratulations!

Unknown said...

What a beautiful trio.

God Bless.