Thursday, May 22, 2008

Maria Chapman

Most of you may have already read/heard this, but yesterday evening, the youngest (adopted) daughter of Christian Musician/Artist Steven Curtis Chapman was killed when she was struck by a vehicle driven by her teenage brother in the driveway of their home.

Many of you may not care, but SCC is one of my music heroes. My heart is very heavy for them today...just as many of you have never met us but feel close, I can feel the same way about this family.

Steven and his family have been HUGE adoption advocates over the past few years...Maria (held by her father in the pic below) was the youngest of their three adopted children.

Please, if you get a chance today, pray for the Chapman family, especially his son. You can leave a prayer/encouragement for the Chapman family Here.

Here are a few lines from a song Steven wrote last year about his daughter...

So I will dance with Cinderella
While she is here in my arms
'Cause I know something
The prince never knew
Oh I will dance with Cinderella
I don't want to miss even one song
'Cause all too soon
The clock will strike midnight
And she'll be gone




Kelly said...

I am shocked and heartbroken over this news. I love SCC as well and his song about adoption "All I want for Christmas - is a family" has inspired our family to adopt a little girl some day (we have three boys!). What a nightmare for this precious family.

Mills Family said...

This is just so tragic. I am with you as I am burdened today. I had the opportunity to meet Steven Curtis and Mary Beth last fall, as we were able to thank them for the grant their organization, Shaohannah's Hope provided for us to bring our son Toby home. They are an amazing family, and my heart aches for them! And for their son, what pain he must be feeling. Thanks for posting this and sharing in the burden with so many of us.

Jen in Al said...

my heart is breaking for them! he is one of my heros too. definitely praying for them. praying,,,jen in al

amy smith said...

read this last night. and couldn't sleep. been praying for them all night, especially their son. God can make a way, when there seems to be no way...

Rebecca (Ramblings by Reba) said...

I read this earlier today, and it broke my heart.

KYnurse said...

Heard it on K-Love today--keeping them in my prayers

higgie08 said...

My heart is breaking for them all today. I had the pleasure of meeting SCC last year after his concert here...he was so gracious and genuine to everyone in the meet and greet. Both of his sons were quite the gentlemen as well. This is a wonderful prayers are with them.

J&J said...

I was devastated to hear the news too. I'm a huge SCC fan and my heart breaks for the family. I can't imagine what any of them especially their son is going through. I know their strong faith will carry them through.


Lisa said...

Just heartbroken for the family..praying for peac and comfort for all and evenmore so forthe son...

The Hailes said...

I woke up in the night and prayed for the brother...God's hand is in this, but it will be hard to work through! I can't even begin to imagine the pain.
A suggestion, when people want to find out "the lastest news" just pray instead! Pray, pray, pray!

Michelle said...

I heard about this last night and I just wept. I say that SCC's songs are the soundtrack of my teenage years. I've been listening to his song "With Hope" a lot today. We can't explain what happened to this precious child but because of the Hope we have our Lord Jesus Christ we know that we will see her again. Thanks Nate...

Jane said...

been praying for their family since I heard this morning.

Mom To Jacob & Allison said...

I too have had such a heavy heart for them today. A friend of mine posted the lyrics to one of his songs that he wrote, moved me to tears knowing the reality of his words today. I thought some of the fellow readers of your blog would find them encouraging. I will continue to lift the Chapman family up in prayer!

"with hope"

this is not at all how
we thought it was supposed to be
we had so many plans for you
we had so many dreams
and now you've gone away
and left us with the memories of your smile
and nothing we can say
and nothing we can do
can take away the pain
the pain of losing you but

we can cry with hope
we can say goodbye with hope
'cause we know our goodbye is not the end oh no
and we can grieve with hope
'cause we believe with hope
there's a place by god's grace
there's a place where we'll see your face again
we'll see your face again

and never have i known
anything so hard to understand
and never have i questioned more
the wisdom of god's plan
but through the cloud of tears
i see the father's smile and say well done
and i imagine you
where you wanted most to be
seeing all your dreams come true
'cause now you're home
and now you're free and

we have this hope as an anchor
'cause we believe that everything
god promised us is true so

we wait with hope
and we ache with hope
we hold on with hope
we let go with hope

jeck said...

I read this 1st thing this morning and their family has been in my prayers all day.

I found out about Shaohannah's Hope when we were in our adoption process and I was/am so inspired by the voice he and his family has given to orphans.

Some of his songs were what got me through our adoption of our son.

Unknown said...

just heard this devastating! my heart has been so burdened for them all day. we can only imagine the grace God is flooding them with now though and will continue to do in the days to come! Lord Jesus, hold them in your arms and comfort them as only you can!

Meredith said...

I too love SCC and his music. I am, like you and so many others, am devestated to hear the tragic news. We have been praying for them all day and will continue in the weeks and months to come. Many Blessings...

Sabrina said...

His story and his music has touched my life in countless ways as I've walked through life and adopted one of my daughters. My heart is so sad and I am praying for all of them!
Sabrina in Austin

Holly said...

Thank you for posting this. They need our support now more then ever.

Terri said...

My heart is breaking for them as well. I have a 5 year old daughter from China as well. This family is such an inspiration to many. Being in the public during such a tragedy must be difficult. Our prayers are with them all.

Jen said...

I too am deeply saddened by this tragedy. SCC and his organization were important parts of our adoption of our youngest child. His entire family is in my prayers.

"Cinderella" is such a beautiful song that he wrote with his precious daughters in mind.

May they feel the loving arms of Jesus as they go through this horrible time.I pray they find peace and comfort surrounded by their family and close friends and also that the media would let them grieve. It has to be hard to be so well-known and have some privacy during times like this.

Jen in NY

Risa said...

I've been so very heartbroken for them since hearing the news this morning. We also received a grant from their foundation three years ago to help with the costs associated with adopting our son. SCC has always been one of my favorite Christian artists - I remember his boys were just toddlers when I first heard him sing! He has always been such a geniune down to earth guy who never failed to make God the center of his music and concerts. I cannot even begin the fathom the pain they are facing right now - despite their knowing exactly where Maria is now and that they will see her again someday. I pray that every member of their family will feel the warmth of God's never ending love as they face each day ahead.

Apple said...


I heard about this on K-love this morning and immediately posted it on my blog as well. But, thanks for posting it on yours, as you get so many more "hits" in a day than most of us.

Emily said...

I heard about this when I woke up this morning. I can't imagine the devestation for this precious family that loves the Lord. I will pray a special prayer for them & especially for his son, as I'm sure this would be impossilbe to live with without God's devine intervention. Thanks for your heart, Nate & for sharing this story.

Kristina said...

Thanks for letting us know Nate, I had not heard this news, but my heart is heavy for the pain they must be feeling. I pray that God will comfort their family, especially their son.

Unknown said...

This is so sad and one of my worst night mares. I can't even begin to imagine going through something like this, the mere thought makes me start to panic. SCC helped me get through my college years. May God bless them as they grieve.

Carol said...

How incredibly sad for the entire family.

KaraP said...

I love SCC and his book Shaoey and Dot. About adoption. I was heartbroken when I read the news this morning. I couldn't believe it.

Julie said...

My husband called me to tell me about the accident this morning. He is just crushed for the Chapman family, especially when he thinks about how he would feel if we lost one of our children.

I posted about the accident this morning as well. It's so sad, especially considering what his son must be going through. God is good ALL the time, and He had a purpose here.

Thanks for sharing with those who might not have heard otherwise.

Unknown said...

oh wow, how tragic. I am not Christian (nor do I watc network tv) so I have never heard of this artist but will be sending positive energy to his family. How very, very sad.

Our Two Blessings From Above said...

I read this on another blog this morning. I posted it on my blog too. My heart is so heavy today. I have been praying for the Chapman family all day and especially for their son.
The fews lines of the song you posted gave me chills.
Thanks for posting it.

Cindy said...

We have adopted two children from India and they are the biggest blessings I will every receive.. SCC's Shaohannah's Hope actually gave us a grant to help us with the most recent addition to our family.
My heart just aches for them today. . I saw the news on another blog actually but when I read it on here I just had to comment. . they have to be in shock right now and I do offer up prayers and send them many hugs across the internet.
In Christian love,
CindyO from NC

bdodge said...

We just went and saw Avalon last night and talked about seeing SCC in July. One of us purchased the tickets last evening...what a reminder of the uncertainty of life. We never really know what that next moment will hold. I am thankful that our eternal future is secure as our "immediate" future is often filled with insecurity.

Unknown said...

I don't know who he wrote the song "with hope" about, but the fact that he is now living that is beyond words. My heart is so heavy for them and I will definitely pray for them. His music has meant so much to my life.

~j~ said...

i am so grieved for this family and will be joining in prayer over them... i am so, so sorry.

twin power mommy ♥ said...

Heard about this on AIR 1 this morning. Very sad. My heart aches for losses such as these.
I was praying for the son. He's got to be feeling so terrible right now. Only God can relieve this kind of pain.

The Gang's Momma! said...

There are over 5400 messages on that blog already. What a testimony, in these short hours since the world heard the news, to their impact. We are with you in your love for them - heightened by our own adoption journey. They've been an inspiration for us personally in that area for many, many years while we dreamed (and are dreaming still) of the day we could bring our own daughter home.

Unknown said...

Another long-time, heartbroken SCC fan here. There are no words that are enough for a situation like this. I doubt that his words (from "With Hope") "Never have I questioned more the wisdom of God's plan" have ever rung more true.

I just heard "Cinderella" on the radio as I came back from lunch, and just want to go home and hug my daughter tight... especially after our arguement this morning.

I had planned on taking the kids to see SCC this weekend... he had a show scheduled nearby.

Jamie and Angela said...

The Chapman's story was partly what inspired us to adopt our precious daughter from China. I am so heartbroken for their loss.

Jenny said...

My heart is so broken for the sweet, loving family. My heart has been so heavy all day today, but I can't imagine what they must be feeling.

Thanks for helping to pass on the prayer request.

Rachel said...

My heart has broken all day since I heard this sad news. I am praying for their poor son as he was the one driving. ay God grant them all peace and comfort now and in the days to come.

Katy said...

I cannot begin to understand this tragedy, but I can't stop crying...May God hold them all safely in His arms, as Maria dances with Him.

Seth, Jen, Hannah, Cailyn, and Isaac said...

"Cinderella" has been running through my mind ever since I heard this tragic news. I, like you, have been posting prayer notices all over the place because I hope in some small way the prayers will minister to them in even a fraction of the way he, he's family and his music have ministered to me.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.

I heard this on the local Christian station this morning. Very sad and tragic! I love SCCs music and what he stands for.

April said...

Thanks for sharing this, we all will be praying for them.

Lee said...

You know, one thing that has been on my heart all day is why this tragedy has so profoundly affected me. The THOUSANDS of people so tragically killed in Myanmar and China saddened my heart but not caused it to break in two like the untimely death of Maria Chapman. Is it because it is the death of one completely innocent child? Is it because my neighborhood is filled with children playing and we, ourselves, have a driveway filled with vehicles? Is it because I am a Mom? Weren't each of the lives so suddenly taken away in China and Myanmar just as special? Does this just simply hit too close to home?
BTW, I, too, have biological kids as well as kids born from a different mother. That doesn't diminish my love for them or their role in our family. Just as Maria was born to a different woman than MaryBeth, she was still the Chapman's daughter, adopted or not.

Anonymous said...

This is such a tragic story. I am so very sorry for them. As an adoptive parent, I would ask that you consider taking "(adoptive)" out of your original post about them, Nate. This beautiful girl was simply their daughter...I'm sure they aren't grieving any differently than they would if she were their biological child. So very sad...

esusan94 said...

I do care as well. SCC was part of my life growing up and listening to his music and going to his concerts. At my age (38) now my two boys sing and know every word to the song "cindarella" and it breaks my heart that he has to go through this. I added a comment on his blog as well. Thanks for sharing this news for those that didn't know yet and asking for prayer to support them.

Christina said...

Thank you for sharing that site.

Amy Lynn said...

My heart is breaking for this family. Thanks for the link where we can leave a prayer/note of encouragement. The video they posted is just priceless. I am praying hard for them.

D said...

How awful. I adore the song "Cinderella" by him. Ironically, I think I chose that song for one of your videos. Prayers to all.


Maxime said...

I've been praying all day for this family. This is such a tragedy, life is so fragile. They're not just dealing with losing a child, but also with the feelings that their son must have, that poor boy...

Blessings From Above said...

This is just so tragic. I am with you as I am burdened today. SCC is one of my heroes too. I will definitely be praying that God holds them all in the palm of his hand during this devastating time.

Anonymous said...

Wow. That is absolutely heartbreaking. I was unaware of their adoption advocacy and of this tragic event. What pain and sorrow they must all be experiencing - and the son driving the car - to imagine the heaviness of his heart. Will be praying for them all. Thank you for sharing and making us aware.

Dori's Mommy (Diana) said...

Such a tragedy! So shocking~ the China Adoption community is just so distraught over this. Such an accident can happen to any child, but we all hug our children a little closer tonight!

Diana (mama of a girl from China)

Angela R. said...

That is a tragic story. My heart goes out to him and his family.

My prayers!

Football and Fried Rice said...

Praying for the Chapman Family, as they have blessed so many - may they be blessed and comforted & held now....

Rick Lawrenson said...

I just saw the video on his site.

How tough must this be? Prayers for the whole family, especially the brother.

Anonymous said...

Wow...this is so sad. John and I love SCC too and we are supporters of Shoahannah's Hope. I think they are an amazing family for all they do to help people adopt children and for how they have taken little ones into their own home. They are in our prayers. They have a strong faith in Christ and He will see them through all of this. Thanks for letting us know.

Natalie said...

I cried when I read this about SCC. They have been in my prayers all day. God used SCC adoption story to lead my husband and I to adopt.

Anonymous said...

My heart is heavy for any parent that loses a child. This is no exception.

TheRagan3 said...

nate, thanks for posting this on your blog. I never would have known about it. SCC's songs have been the story of my life. Growing up, he was all I listened to and I went to all his concerts. The words of his songs struck a chord with my heart and it sometimes felt as tho he could read my mind. My heart aches for this dear family and for their loss. My thoughts and prayers are with them today.

Becki said...

I am a mother of a daughter from China. SCC and his family were an inspirational part of our adoptive process as well as our faith. I pray that they have healing and peace to know that Maria is dancing with the angels.

Sandra said...

SCC has long been one of my favorite Christian artists. I just attended his concert in Nashville a couple months ago. Being just about 5 minutes south of Franklin, TN, I heard this last night on the news and my heart broke for this Godly family. Thanks for posting this on your blog. I did the same on mine. Thanks for adding the link for the family. I am praying for the entire family.

Anonymous said...

No parent should have to outlive their child. This is just truly heartbreaking, adopted child or not. Makes no difference. We have an adopted child and love him as much as our bio children. Prayers go out to their shattered family for their loss. Maybe they will donate her organs? That would be beautiful way for her to live on.

Ladyblog said...

This is a tragic, heartbreaking, and terrible time for the Chapmans as well as the adoption community as a whole. Although, I have no doubt that God will ultimately use this tragedy for a much bigger purpose, it is heavy on the hearts of many. I think it is perfectly fine to post about the sadness and grief that SCC and his family are going through. We as a body of believers need to hold one another up and SCC himself has been overwhelmed by the encouragement he and his family have received already. Perhaps, this tragedy will be the impetus for something lifechanging in the future.
You can't make everyone happy all the time. As an adoptive parent and a biological parent, I was not offended in the least. His daughter was adopted just as we are like you said. I personally know the process of adoption is like and my heart os so heavy for the family because I KNOW what they went through to bring their little girl home. Now, she is gone, but we can try to find peace knowing that she dancing among angels tonight.....
PS Every adoption blog I have read today mentions SCC and the death of his youngest "adopted" daughter as a matter of dstinguishing which child was so tragically taken this early in life.

Unknown said...

I saw this on the cnn website and just about broke down in my classroom crying. So tragic, and so heartbreaking for all of them, but especially for her big brother.

secarden said...

no idea what this family is going thru, but i do know i find peace by listening to Rick Burgess' sermon at his son Bronner's memorial service in January 2008, Bronner, age 2, died in an accidental drowning in the family pool while Rick was speaking at a Youth Conference.

Bronner's life and Rick's message have moved me more than almost anything I've heard in my short 30 years.
you can watch and listen online:

scroll down the front page of their website and you'll see the link for Bronner's memorial page which links to video/audio/transcript of Rick's message as well as in the Show Archives you can listen to the show from the days following Bronner's passing - amazing praise and worship during that time.


btw ... i think it is important to point out with the chapmans that maria was adopted because of their amazing advocacy for adoption and their choice to put the focus of maria's passing on their adoption charity Shaohannah’s Hope.

although this is a terrible, mournful tragedy i hope that millions of people visit their website to help make the chapmans' dream come true of educating everyone about adoption; about how important it is and how everyone can help support adoptive families -

thanks for being thoughtful nate and helping others learn more

Anonymous said...

2 children are killed every day by similar accidents, usually from blind spot in SUVs and vans. I am praying that in their healing, the Chapmans will find the strength to make this issue come to public light.

Charlotte said...

My heart has been breaking for the Chapman family. I continue to pray for God to envelope them at this tragic time. SCC is my absolute favorite artist and I have the wonderful opportunity to meet him in November. My father died the day of that concert and I went to the concert to worship the God who is above death. When I met Steven and told him about my loss, he hugged me and prayed for me. Well, I am returning the favor... I have been in constant prayer for him and his family. May God's peace that passes all understanding envelope them at this time.