Wednesday, May 14, 2008


Thursday, May 15, 2008.

That's the day that Gwyneth Rose is tentatively scheduled to become the full responsibility of Nathan & Tricia Lawrenson.

She's a little freaked out too...

I'll keep you posted...



Paul & Angela Jenkins said...

Congratulations! That's amazing. What an answer to prayer. Please keep us updated with what's going on once you go home. The blogging world really loves you guys.

Mama Grizzly said...

How exciting!!!! What a sweet picture of Gwyneth!!!

kidsworld said...

Oh My Gosh!!! What a miracle! Are you ready??? We've ALL waited so long for this day and here it is!!!

You two have shown the world that you are the best parents already. She is so lucky to go home with such amazing parents.

God bless all three of you! Now get done with the PT so you can take that baby home to the beach!!!

Will look forward to the updates and maybe, maybe just a really cool video that you're so good at!!!

refreshing in ohio

Phil and Pam said...

That is amazing! Congratulations!

Anne said...


I pray that this will be the beginning of a wonderful journey for your family of THREE!!! I've definitely withnessed some miracles through Gwyneth and Tricia, and it really strengthen my faith in prayer... Thank you for sharing your story!!

Jennifer said...

She's looking a little surprised at the idea ;)

Briana said...

WOOHOO!!! How very exciting!

Meredith K Beaupre said...

Oh my goodness!!! That is so awesome!!!! Hope you have the car seat ready! :)

Melissa said...

This is exciting! You are so blessed.

Sarah said...

Tomorrow?! Wowowowoooooh =D Congratulations, how exciting!! Lots of luck for the 3 of you!!! But dont stop blogging! ;D And btw the pictures from last post are truely amazing. Your family life can and will start for real now.

Karen said...

Amazing news!!!! You guys are living proof of the power of prayer...

Amanda said...

YEAH!!!! That is great news! Congrats. My advice (like you need any from me) that is definatly a day to take a break and not blog, just enjoy each other and having your whole little family together outside the walls of the hospital!! Congrats!

Christy said...

WOW.. what we've been praying for for so long!! God is truly amazing, and so are the nurses and docs at Duke, and your little Gwyneth. What a strong little girl she is. I am so happy for your family!!

Anonymous said...

Praise God! What an exciting and overwhelming time for you. You are all in our prayers for a joyful transition. The pictures are beautiful. Thank you for sharing.

Julie said...

How exciting!! Don't worry, all new mommies and daddies are nervous the first time they are left completely responsible for a tiny baby...just think of it this way: you've gotten (in some cases) up tp 4 months of practice holding, feeding, bathing, and changing diapers...that's more than most new parents get!!

You two will be great, I'm sure!

Angela R. said...

Tomorrow?? That is GREAT!!! You will finally be home with both of your girls, that is so AMAZING and EXCITING! Will be praying that tomorrow is the day and everything goes well!!!


Marsmile said...

Exciting!!!!! Congrats! I'm sure you guys will pick up the responsibilities in no time-- ya have to! ;-)

Soon enough, you three will be back home in the OBX and it'll be interesting to see how Gwyn likes the ocean! :-D In the meantime, Gwyn can keep you company while Tricia does her PT!

Really relish in her discharge day tomorrow and don't blog! :-)

Marissa :-)

Unknown said...

Ready or not... here she comes!!!!!

That's just fantastic... see... she was waiting... Mother's Day was special already... so it didn't need to be 'shared' with 'emancipation day'... and Tric's birthday was special already... so IT didn't need to be 'shared' with 'emancipation day'... so now Gwyneth gets her OWN special day tomorrow!!! What an exciting week, and yet another answer to millions of prayers.

Still praying, praying, praying.

Emily said...

How exciting!!! I hope everything goes just as it supposed to & your sweet little girl gets to go home tomorrow! Won't it be wonderful to get to have her all to yourselves....I will keep watching! BTW, those eyes are so beautiful!!!

Queen Mommy said...

Aw, look at that face! I have tears of excitement and happiness in my eyes for you right now! I remember the day we brought our Lily home from the hospital, with her trach and a slew of homecare nurses (after a 6 month hospital stay). It was SO NICE not to have to go anywhere to see our baby! I'll keep your in my prayers...

Kim said...

That is so amazing Nate! I took a little time last night just to go back to "the beginning" and read posts from the end of the pregnancy to shortly after Gwyneth was born (had a little spare "surfing" time last night). I stopped at the first time you held her - how incredible that you're now getting set to take her home for the first time. Oh, how many more amazing "firsts" you'll have!!

marcia said...

I can just hear the little squeaks as she sucks wildy on that pacifer, contemplating that possibility! :) What eyes! Sleep good tonight, you two! It may be your last opportunity to do that for awhile!!! :):):)

fr3ak said...

Incredible. I have followed this story well before lil Gwyneth was born reading about the life changing decisions that were to be made, obviously fearing for both mother and unborn baby's lives. Both so sick, both lives hanging by a thread and then reading how both have extraodinarily pulled through such a tender time is simply amazing. Especially knowing the risks associated with being CF and being pregnant and being so sick and to deliver without choice.... and then to celebrate in Tricia getting her new lungs.... Man having bub finally going home is like the icing on the cake...

This seriously needs to be made into a blockbuster movie...No joke!!

fr3ak aka Tracy

Joyful Mom ~ Karla said...

Oh Happy Day! I hope you have a wonderful NICU Graduation party. I remember when we left NICU we felt sad leaving our friends and other babies behind. But we continued to pray for them. It's fun to keep up with the other families, too. Our hospital hosts a yearly get-together. It's fun to see how the kids grow. Praying for you all!

Hugs from El Paso,

missmel78 said...

Wow what amazing news. I am so happy for you and excitied. Love the picture of Gwyneth, and the last you added. She is a beautiful little girl. All the best

Martha said...

How exciting and a little scary! You guys will do fine. All new parents are a bit nervous when they first bring the baby home. Do what your head and heart tell you and you all be will fine. Try not to listen too much advice or you will go nuts trying to follow it all. Lots of love makes up for anything you don't know about babies.

The Lockwood Family ♥ said...

Praise the Lord! Great is our God! I'm soooo happy for the 3 of you! May the Lord give you all strength, grace, wisdom, love, patience, and joy as you bring up this little blessing for Him!
love and prayers,
The Lockwoods

melissa said...

Congratulations. Way to go Gwyneth....and Way to go Mom and Dad. I new chapter is opening in your lives and you will do amazing, as you've already proved to all of us how truly amazing all 3 of you are. Best of luck.
God Bless

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh, that is so awesome. Praise the Lord!! Congradulations.

Heather said...

Praise God! I bet Gwenyth is thrilled. :) Hope you enjoyed your last night of sleep.

Anonymous said...

woohooooo! cute pic.

Joanna said...

YAY!!! So excited for y'all!

The Beaver Bunch said...

I know how much you guys LOVE unsolicited advice, so I won't tell you that Tricia might possibly cry A LOT the 1st night Gwyneth is home. I also won't tell you that my husband feels the need to tell EVERY expectant father that we encounter that I freaked out the 1st two nights b/c of my newfound responsibility. I'll be praying for a smooth transition for all. I have no doubt that you both will win The Best Parents of the Year award. I actually think you're already on the ballot.

Nope, no unsolicited advice here....I know how much you'd hate that. ;)

Our Two Blessings From Above said...

Very exciting!
She looks like she is wide awake and ready for some all nighters in that rocking chair.
Very cute picture!

Rebecca (Ramblings by Reba) said...


I don't blame you for feeling a bit freaked out. Babies are HUGE... even those that weigh under 5 pounds...

Much love. And prayers, of course...

Brenda Boitson said... two will do great with her all by yourselves! Happy Birthday Tricia!! Just something to let you know-you share your birthday with Mary Kay Ash. She was an amazing, inspiring, faithful woman, and you two seem to share a lot in common. Happy Birthday-I'm sure this is one of the best. Blessings!

The Browns said...

Thats amazing news!!!!!

Jane said...

I'll be praying for the three of will be quite an adjustment for everyone. but praise GOD!!!!!

Steph said...

That is so wonderful & and an amazing answer to prayer! I'm so excited for you and Tricia...I'll be praying for you all!!

Sarah said...

Haha - great pic!!

How exciting for you three! I cannot wait to see photos of the happy family together at last.

Shannon (Philadelphia) said...

My fingers are crossed!!! Can't wait to see a photo of the 3 of you walking out of the hospital. You need to make sure someone takes that picture because it will be the start of your new life.

My friends baby, the one I wrote about before-born on Dec 31, is scheduled to come home Friday 5/16.

What a wonderful weekend everyone will have with their babies now at home!!!

Shannon (Philadelphia)

Blessings From Above said...

I am so excited for you guys!!!!

God is GOOD!

Kristen said...

Run Baby! :)

Ok seriously- how cool is that? And frightening. When Kiv was first out, I did miss the nurses...and it was strange to be out of the NICU.
Good luck! The Next chapter shall began shortly for all three of you!

Caroline, Eric, Eliza and Suzy said...

Yeah !! That is the best news I have heard all day! We brought our preemie home 9 weeks ago and it is wonderful to be a family at home. We were a little nervous and still are but YOU are the PARENTS and YOU always know what's best for YOUR baby! Stay confident - you can do it!
So happy for you!


Beth said...

YAY for you guys!

Seth said...


That face is classic!!!

Julie Nickerson said...

Again, the comment above was from me...Julie. :)

Angela said...

Oh!! I am SO excited for you guys!!! The joy is just bubbling up in me...PRAISE GOD!!! I just keep thinking, both of your girls only had a 50% chance of making it and here they both are thriving!

Angela in Ohio

Jennifer said...

Praise God!!!! I can't wait ...

Shari said...

How about a round of the Hallelujah Chorus??!! May 15th is the day my first bundle of joy was born--35 years ago!!

Shari NC

aaronluke said...

WOOOOOOOOOOHOOOOOOO!!! Happy dance! I hope that tomorrow is the first step to happy ever after...ALL TOGETHER!! Much love - Bamagirl!!!

Momof2bz said...

Isn't it amazing that they trust you enough to leave when you don't trust yourself? I remember that feeling when taking our oldest home. It goes away quickly. So happy that this day has finally come. I hope that you all enjoy plenty of time in that new rocker. Congratulations! God is good. His blessings are amazing.

The Pelhams said...

Cool, you uys are such a great family. I love the pic of all 3 of you in black and white where Tricia is kissing Gwenyth, that one would get blown up poster size for my wall if it was my family!!

Our Family! said...

We are so excited to hear the good news. We had to laugh, though, at your blog and picture. You have such a wonderful sense of humor, Nate!!

Congratulations!!! We will pray that all goes well tomorrow!

~ Rob, Amy, Emily, and Ryan Farrell

Anonymous said...

Praise God!!! Congratulations. Wishing the three of you a very happy and healthly life together.


Erin & Gary said...

That is the coolest! Thanks so much for keeping all of us addicts updated. This will be a big time of adjustment for you, so please pay no attention to the pressure of keeping us readers informed. This is a special time for all 3 of you! What a miracle. Amazing!

Katie said...

WOW! It's one of the most wonderful feelings to know that your baby is about to be "yours"! Are you doing care by [arent tonight?


Awesome Mom said...

Awesome! It is such a scary but great feeling to carry your baby out of the hospital after having them be in for so long. I felt like any second they would change their minds and snatch him back.

TressaMOMof3 said...

Yay!!! I am so excited for you guys!! What a blessing she is to you both.

God Bless,

Rick Lawrenson said...

Be soooo glad Agnes is there to lend a hand!

When you came home it was so great to have your grandmas come by and give your mom a break every now and then.

I remember your mom having a minor panic when she realized how much she didn't know about babies.

Sparky's Girl said...

As I sat and viewed each shot of the slide show, tears welled up. This is, of course, an incredible story of your family's journey. But when I saw those shots, I saw the love of God. For who else but an awesome God could draw together two people so obviously destined for each other, despite the obstacles they would encounter? And who else but our Heavenly Father could pour out His love through a precious child, to honor the decision for life made by her parents? And don't you know how much He must be enjoying Gwyneth's personality!! She'll be stride for stride with her father, I'm guessing. And I think it's amazing that though we've barely heard a word from Tricia, she's a beacon for our Savior. Peace and true joy just radiate from her. Thank you for being faithful and stickin' to the plan. And, once again, thank you for sharing with all of us out here. Your next chapter is about to begin as Gwyneth gets "out"; freaking out? -- welcome to first-time parenthood! You'll be great. You have the sense of humor (and faith) that will carry you through. We rejoice with you and continue to pray for your adventure.

Deb said...

Wow! Didnt time fly? I hope that everything goes as planned and you can bring her 'home'! Ours didnt and we got all excited and then had to wait an extra 4 days- but it's okay- they ran some life-saving tests, etc. Do you know if she will be on an apnea monitor or anything? That was ours' issue- so that's why I'm wondering. She looks super cute- and I LOVE the photo shoot pics! YOu guys are just the cutest :)

Lesley said...

So excited for you! God is so awesome! I loved the pictures from the photo shoot. Amazing shots and a great birthday/mother's day gift.
Praying for a smooth transition for you all as Gwyneth comes "home."

Leanne B. said...

Congratulations! That is such wonderful news! What a miracle! You all will have so much fun! Best Wishes!

Julie D said...

This picture of Gwyneth made me giggle! I'll bet this next 24 hours will be very long for Mommy and Daddy....

bdodge said...

That's the funniest and most awesome thing I've heard in a while! Congrats!

jenray said...

Congrats! I know you guys are excited! What an amazing answer to prayer. The picture of Gwyneth is so cute! I love it!

Hannah Banana said...

Wow- that's amazing! congratulations!! I'm so happy for you guys!
I like the picture of Gwyneth. :) she's so cute!

Momnnashville said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Momnnashville said...

I just watched the slide show of you guys - amazing to see Tricia looking healthy and fit - and that little girl....oh my! What a day 5/15 will be. Remember to laugh at yourselves, cause all new parents do some pretty weird things and have some pretty weird thoughts. Write them down! God's blessings continue to show in your lives. How could anyone NOT believe after reading your story. WOW!

Em said...

Tomorrow?! How exciting/overwhelming! Praying for you!

shoutingforha said...

Incredible news! What an amazing testimony to God's faithfulness. Thank you for sharing your story with us.

I can't wait to hear that Tricia is done with PT and that you are heading home as a family of three.

Cassie12 said...

That's the best news ever!!! Congratulations - will be waiting for updates and praying that the transition is a smooth one...

Amy E. said...

PTL!!!! That is just awesome!! You guys are Awesome!!
Will be praying that the day goes smoothly.

Woo Hoo!!

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh, tomorrow is my birthday too! How incredible would that be?? Congratulations. I love all the photos with Jessica Claire too (and love her middle name as that's my first name, spelled the same way... so very, very cool this stuff happening for you.)

Rachael Schirano \\ Rachael Schirano Photography said...

oh my goodness what wonderful news! congratulations!

Mary Knapp Yahoo said...

FANTASTIC! Life will get more hectic but infinately richer! I agree with other comments - blog when you can. We love sharing life and praying for you guys! All three of you!

PS: Photo shoot was incredible

Tricia said...

Tricia and Nate :) God has already given you that responsibility long ago when He chose you two to be the perfect parents to gorgeous Gywneth. She is so beautiful and we wish you all the happiness in the world having her all to yourselves, just like you should. We continue to pray for you all and are constantly inspired by your story and your faith. We are hoping for tomorrow. Much love and prayers,
Tricia and Clan (N.VA)
PS : Do you mind if I share your blog on my blog? I have it on the sidebar, but would love to dedicate a post to the homecoming when it happens!

Blessings From Above said...

So happy for you.

Another miracle!!!

Beth said...


John and Michelle said...

Woo Hoo!!!! You're going to be fantastic parents!!!!!!! What a blessed little girl.

Anonymous said...

This day has been a long time in the making! Congratulations to you all. I tell you what...she gets prettier and prettier every day!

Anonymous said...

This day has been a long time in the making! Congratulations to you all. I tell you what...she gets prettier and prettier every day!

Stacemoe said...

Wonderful News!!!! Praying the transistion goes smoothly...Can't wait to see pics and video of the homecomming....the pics of you and Tricia and amazing...

Unknown said...

I've never commented before - I've been reading since just before the transplant due to a link on a Canadian parenting site.

Tomorrow would be a very fitting day. My son was a preemie who was not supposed to make it - tomorrow he is celebrating 10 happy healthy years. I know how that day feels when you finally leave - it's one of the best feelings ever!!!

Anonymous said...

Just saw the pictures that Jessica took and I wanted to say that Tricia looks like a natural at this mom thing. What a lucky girl Gwyneth is! She seems most at ease and at peace when her little girl is in her arms. What a true blessing. I am so excited for you guys to be bringing your little miracle home.

Because of your story I have come to peace with God. Thank you.

NCBeachMom said...

Wonderful news! I am sure you are all a bit freaked out at the thought. Blessings as you begin your life outside the walls of Duke Hospital...

Anonymous said...

Woohoo!!! I remember the wait and wait for the NICU to release them and then you start to wonder if you're really ready. You'll have a blast! Congrats!!!

Amy said...

She's not freaking out! Those are wide eyes full of excitement!

Carmen said...

Nate, you and Tricia will do great and Gwyneth will love being home with her Mommy and Daddy.

Ed and Jamie said...

That is wonderful news! Congratulations we are so excited for you guys. Just think of all that God has done in just a few short months! Amen! PS- Love the photos that you had taken they are wonderful.

Matt Pfingsten said...

Awesome! When Frankie came home from the NICU, we realized (very quickly) that something one of the nurses told us was very true. "Take care of yourself when she's here, because the NICU is the best (and most expensive) babysitting you will ever get! Enjoy it, man!

terri c said...

So excited for you! May 15 is my birthday, I see in the comments I'm not alone--let's hope it's a super day for you three! Prayers continuing.

Julie D. said...

that picture is priceless. how exciting! praying for a smooth transition. I remember the day Tricia had Gwyneth and thinking and praying, "okay Lord, this is going to have to be one heck of a miracle...."....what a miracle it is! Tricia, Gwyneth...the whole she-bang! Thanks for your humor in the midst of trial. Enjoy these incredible moments of celebration. God Bless.

in WA state

Jacque said...

You have the best sense of humor! Thank you for sharing your incredible journey with us! I hope you will continue once your family is settled in. Your baby and your wife are so beautiful! Congratulations!

Melissa said...

How exciting! Congratulations! What a wonderful blessing...ya'll will do great!

Anonymous said...

How scary and amazing. Good luck.

Jen Wilson said...

That picture is priceless.

jamie said...

Woohoo. And so it begins.. get alot of sleep tonite!! ha
I see your mom is going to be there Tricia. That's a Godsend!
I'm sure you will all be fine!
(I do remember the first nite...yep, I was scared. They don't even make you take a test or get a license or anything!! haha) Exciting and scarey at the same time, hu?
You'll all be in our prayers.
God Bless you all
Jamie in Texas

Magoon Family said...

What awesome news! You are more then ready I am sure :) You have been waiting for this for so long!! That picture is just too cute as well! Keep posting pics...I LOVE them!!!

Ellen said...

That's awesome! (and don't worry, freaking out is a normal parent reaction to taking your baby home!)

Sheila said...

How exciting - at last! Thank God for all the miracles given to you, Gwyneth and Tricia.

Melody said...

hahaha--freaked out . . . (love this picture!) You will all do great!


Also loved the photo shoot pictures!!

Shari said...

Yay! Amazing! She is beautiful! And she knows who her Momma and Daddy are. The pictures prove that! Wonderful news!

Fire Hunt said...

That is great news!

Unknown said...

Tomorrow's my Granny's birthday! She always said May is the bestest time of year! Yeh, Gwyneth, I hope you break loose as planned:)

s is for sarah said...

Oh, wow! That's and Tricia are going to be just fine! I have an 11-week old son, and while the circumstances are far different it was still very overwhelming to bring him home. Enjoy every moment with little Gwyneth, you guys are an amazing family!

Anonymous said...

A good day in my book 'cause it's my birthday. We continue to pray for you and your family, no infection, no rejection. Thanks for letting us be a part of your prayer circle and sharing your journey with strangers.
Kathy (mom to princesses in disguise)

megasam said...

Yippee!!! I can't wait to hear about Gwyneth leaving the hospital. You three are going to be just fine together. You have had lots of time taking care of her already. Congratulations!

Emily said...


Emily said...


Candi said...

Amazing---I can't imagine the joy you all must feel!

UKNat said...

Congratulations! What wonderful news. Since you'll have new baby at home, it's been nice hearing from you on the blog :)
Good luck! Natalie

Em said...

Love the look. Praying that she'll behome tomorrow

Stephanie, Phil, Kayla, Logan & Alex said...

Congratulations! That's wonderful news! You'll be wonderful parents!

Anonymous said...


I am so happy that I have been able to witness a miracle. :o) thanks for sharing so much.

Those pictures were absolutely amazing. I loved all the red shots. She captured the essence of you guys. :) A picture says 1,000 words. Your pictures say more than that.

ditarae said...

Does it seem like this day would never really get here?! WOW! And now here it is... just hours away! I AM SO HAPPY FOR YOU! Your JC photo shoot was amazing... anyone who can't see the love between you is just blind. Gwyneth is blessed beyond words to have you for her parents. You're gonna do great... enjoy that glider rocker!

Sheri said...

Oh how darling!!!! You guys are ready!!! You have been through so much, and God has carried you.....He'll continue to do so!!!!!

Missy said...

those are the biggest set of baby eyes i've ever seen! no doubt she's excited for the next big step in her lil' life. congrats!

Unknown said...

oh wow!!!! I guess we will be hearing less from Nate now! LOL. enjoy your last night "alone"!!! (though I know you can't wait!)

Jen in Al said...

too cute! Ya'll are going to do great!!!! so excited for you! praying...jen in al

Betsy McK said...

Tomorrow will be an emotional day for you all. You sure have come a long way since January of this year. She is such a little miracle, I love coming here and seeing her progress. Best of luck to you both.

jamie said...


"TOMORROW!?!? Uh, you guys SURE about that?!?!"

jamie said...

Heh, couldn't resist Nate. You guys will do fine

Kathryn said...

Oh, what a lovely thing! I came home from work, sat down to check your site, and now am just bawling like Ms Gwyneth may from time to time. God's Peace!

Carol said...

That is awesome--I am so happy for all of you! It is a little scary though, as I remember, coming home with your first little one. This was almost 29 years ago for me, and I still remember wondering if I was up to the challenge. So, you're not alone, and you have LOTS of people to physically help and also to give advice, only when wanted! I thought I would never be able to read the paper again or manage to get us both bathed and dressed each day before 5 pm!

Sunshine said...

YAY!!!!!!!!!!! I had to giggle when you said she is a little freaked out too! You guys will be wonderful! Sunshine

Anonymous said...

Time for sleepless nights, big toothless grins, utter chaos, and the BEST feeling in the world!
Congratulations to all of you!
Enjoy this new chapter of life. It's a blast!

Marge Sexton said...

Praise the Lord!!!! I am so very excited for you. I pray that this will be the beginning of a somewhat normal family life for you all. May God continue to richly bless you. I again must thank you for sharing with us, and making a difference in the life of others by your story.
Marge in Maryland

Unknown said...

WOW that is amazing!! So exciting!!

MagzD said...

I just stumbled here today and you have brought back so many memories of my girls' stay in the NICU this spring.

Tonight will be the greatest night yet. The silence is powerfully overwhelming after weeks of beeps and bings. It is blissful and beautiful.

Congratulations on your miracles.

Rhonda said...

I could just cry with happiness for you and I only know you from a blog!!! The pictures are beyond beautiful and special.. Thank you for sharing them with us.

Unknown said...

YAY! So exciting :) What great news!!

Travelin' Tracy said...

I have been reading for a while, but I never comment because I figure you already have a handful, but I want you to know that this is probably my favorite picture yet! I loved the humor...she does look freaked! hahaa

Beebe said... are so funny! Congratulations! To God Be The Glory :)

Jess said...

That's so incredible! Congratulations on finally being able to bring Gwyneth home, what a blessing she is.

My cousin gave birth to her daughter at 27 weeks last September (pre-eclampsia). She was able to come home right around her due date and now is so cute, smart, and strong it just amazes me. May Gwyneth possess such a strong will to grow and thrive.

careysue said...

Trish and Nate,

I am so happy for you both, you both are wonderful parents--that is evident already...please enjoy all of these moments(milestones)they grow up so fast!




Amy said...

That's awesome... That's my birthday!!!!! It's like a present for me too!! I'm so excited for you guys and wish you the best of everything. I will continue to pray for you guys. Please continue to keep us updated.

Mrs. Wendy York said...

Totally awesome! I love that picture of cracks me up!!!

Cristi said...

I know you cant read all these comments, but I just wanted to say - The first time you see your baby girl in her own room that you have made for her after all this time, you will be so moved, amazed and blessed beyond belief! Get ready it will be awesome. Praise God and enjoy every second of it. God Bless. Averys Nonna

Erin said...

Hee hee. That is a priceless picture. It doesn't even need a caption!!

Keeping you guys in my thoughts!

Hilary said...

What great news, you guys! I'm so happy for you!
The 3 peas will finally be in the same pod! :)

Punchbugpug said...

Another chapter beginning tomarrow!!! Wonderful!!!

Cheryl said...

Wow thanks for the great pics and updates. I love tricia's hair cut and nail color. Tricia, you look like a model mommy!
Jessica's photos are great. I especially loved the one of you two in the diner where tricia is sitting on the table.
Good luck tomorrow as you bring your precious baby home.

Cheryl from Fairfax

annie said...

I have been reading this blog for a long time, but have never commented. I just wanted to say that this is the best picture of baby Gwyneth yet!

I am wishing you all the very best, and I have been cheering you all on all the way. You are a lovely little family, and I am so happy that Tricia is getting a shot to be a mom to Gwyneth--what an amazing thing that they have both beaten the odds!!

I'm sure there are still trials ahead, but I just wanted you to know that someone else is pulling for you guys and wishing you the very best.

<3 annie

Heather said...

So very exciting!! Good luck tomorrow. I remember bringing my little man home, we were SO nervous. Just know that she will do fine and the sleepless nights are not for to long. :) Cherish every little moment, as I know you will, time flies. Good luck tomorrow!!!

Take care,

Scott said...

We will continue to pray for you daily. We've already been praying for this day and the added strength that will be needed. More opportunities to see God's hand.

Marc and Charity said...

that pictures is hilarious and oh so sweet!!! We're praying it all works out!! :)