Wednesday, May 7, 2008


It's been a busy few days, and tonight will be as well. I promise an update full of good and interesting news and some great pics and Gwyneth's birthday update as soon as I get the chance, which might not be until tomorrow morning.




My2Girls said...

Looking forward to the "update" on your girls. Whether it be tonight or tomorrow, I always enjoy hearing about the updates.

The Adoption Of William said...

Yeah update and pics!!


William's Mom

jennifer said...

Still check your blog everyday! I can't wait to read your update!

Angela R. said...

Understood... take your time. I will be looking forward to the pics and update!! Hope all is well!!


Erika said...

Looking forward to it! I always love seeing new pictures of your girls! They are truly beautiful.

Blessings From Above said...

I'm excited for the updates! I must admit, I was looking all last night and today for Gwyneth's pug pictures.

Blessings from Ohio

twin power mommy ♥ said...

Thanks! :D

Anonymous said...

Can't wait for the update! I've been wondering if the reason we haven't seen the Tuesday hospital update is because she's not in the hospital any more...

Anonymous said...

I just caught up on your past few blogs - how exciting to read so many positive, exciting, proud posts regarding both Gweneth and Tricia! GO TRICIA for participating in the CF walk - if she would have showed up and waved then got back in the car - that would have been such an inspiration... to walk 1.5 miles - are you kidding me? :) :) :)

And, sorry, but unsolicited parenting advice is par for the course. Wait 'til you get G home and start getting the "you're being too overprotective, your micropreemie doesn't need to be protected, they need to 'exercise their immune system'". THAT is the one that always got me. My kid spent more than a year of his first 24 months in the hospital due to illness - thank God we protected him as much as we did.

Thank you, as always, for your inspirational and sweet posts. I pray for your family nightly - I am always excited to read your updates. All three of you will be home together soon - how exciting!!

Take care,

Carol said...

Glad you are busy, hopefully with happy and good things. Although I enjoy your updates, I also am happy that you guys are returning to your own lives and able to enjoy some privacy and normalcy.

jamie said...

It's ok Nate. I'm just happy you're busy enjoying life. You know us "stalkers". ;) We'll still be here! Don't worry, be happy!
God Bless you all
Jamie in Texas

Anonymous said...

I was wondering where the Tuesday pug pic was. Hope everything is going great for you all.

~j~ said...

your blog is interesting and wonderful every day... i could just check in a few times a day to see the always amazing past photos and be stoked!

Our Two Blessings From Above said...

Sounds good. Looking forward to the update and pics.

Hope you and Tricia can relax some tonight and take a break from your busy days.

NCBeachMom said...

Looking forward to it!

Marsmile said...

Yowzie!! Cannot believe tomorrow Gwyn will be 4 months old already.

How sweet that her 4-month birthday falls on my birthday (May 8)! Technically, I'll have lived a quarter of my life-- that is if I'd be alive until the age of 100. :-P

Will be looking forward to the update!

Marissa :-)

Rebecca (Ramblings by Reba) said...

I like both "good" and "interesting" news... Looking forward to it.

Shari said...

sounds promising. Glad to know an update is coming...Proud of all of you and what you believe in and stand for!!


bdodge said...

can't wait

Scott said...

Thanks Nate, We are so thankful you all can be busy together! Thanks for sharing all you do. We are praying for each of you!

Em said...

No need to explain. You and Tricia are so busy being parents to a beautiful little girl. But....I will wait patiently

Melissa Dovel said...


Just wanted to say before the weekend gets rolling- Happy Mothers day! You certainly earned it the hard way. I pray that God will bless you with walking out of the hospital WITH your baby on mothers day.

Blessings- beautiful lady:)