Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Yesterday's Pics

Tricia tells me it was her best birthday yet. I have to agree...



WannaseeJesus said...
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WannaseeJesus said...

she is absolutely beautiful :)

WannaseeJesus said...
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WannaseeJesus said...

both of them!

Mackenzie's Forever Family said...

Saw you guys on the news the other day. I shared your story with my bible study. I was so pleased that you two glorified God through out your journey. To have that on the news is WONDERFUL.

Momof2bz said...

Beautiful pictures of two beautiful girls! I pray you have many more wonderful birthdays to celebrate and share as a family!

melissa said...

What a beautiful baby.....and Beautiful mommy too. Both the girls look so happy. How wonderful!!

Our Two Blessings From Above said...

Great pictures!
Both of your girls are beautiful, they both have amazing eyes!

Katie said...

I can't tell you how excited I am for you guys that she's scheduled to come home! Thank you so much for sharing your lives with me. I love, love, love to get updates and especially beautiful pictures!

Katie in Dallas

Speckledpup said...

so happy about the great birthday.
so happy about the tiny little chub a lub getting to go home soon.
so happy about the rocker....oh my loved that.

God is faithful.

Aggiema (Michelle) said...

What sweet pictures of munchkin and Mommy! I am so excited for you and Tricia. May the Lord give you peace as you begin this new phase of your lives together. Blessings!

JENNIKIR said...

Glad you had a fabulous birthday Tricia. Loving the new hair...
Happy homecoming for Gwyn soon!!!
love ya

Danielle in MO said...

LOVE LOVE LOVE the one of the 2 of them looking at the camera - might be my new favorite!!!!

Anxious AF said...

Wow...home tomorrow!!!! a new page in your book is about to begin!
I remember being freaked out when I brought Alex home.....You have made it through bigger things!


Amy said...

Incredible Miracle of God.

Banni said...

Absolutely gorgeous!

Anonymous said...

She is so beautiful. Love the pictures. You both must be so excited for tomorrow. :)

I do hope you keep us informed on her progress when you are back home. It will be really neat to see her at the age of 3 with pigtails in her hair.

Angela said...

I'm curious...does your ring still fit on her arm?

Em said...

WOW!!!!! Big girl drinking her baba!!!!
YAAAAHHHOOOOO on the homecoming tomorrow.

Angela R. said...

How could it not be one of her best birthdays. I hope she enjoyed every second of it. The pictures show it all, they are beautiful.

Homecoming is TOMORROW!!! YAY!! :)


Jen Wilson said...

You've got amazing talent. And amazing women to take photos of. They are absolutely beautiful.

Tricia, your eyelashes are amazing!

Marsmile said...

Both girls are beautiful! Glad it was the best birthday ever for Tricia! It definitely is with all the miracles! :-)

Looks like Gwyn is eating like a champ and loves the milk! Way to go lil chubs! I like the photo where Gwyn is sucking on her pacifier and looking up at mommy.

Thanks for sharing pictures of these two lovely ladies!

Marissa :-)

Movin-on said...

Hi Lawrenson Family !! Trisha, love the hair cut !! In fact I have the same one !! Great Mommy hair do, not to much fuss !! I am a mom of twin girls, so my hair cut is perfect with my lifestyle.
Grace and Peace, Lora

♥Lisa and The Pug Posse ♥ said...

Hey...Did Tricia get a haircut? Looks like a great length!
I love the picture of the both of them....

Bree at Clarity Defined said...

glad it was amazing!! do we get a birthday update on the lil white rose too?

♥Lisa and The Pug Posse ♥ said...

Duh??? Sorry I missed the new Do post the other day....
I love her new haircut! Looks Great!

Stacemoe said...

Beautiful as always!!!

Christina said...

she has your eyes mama :)

Fire Hunt said...

I love the photos:)

Kelly said...

OH - MY - GOODNESS! I love the JC pics!!! I'ts crazy what a small world it is. I check your blog every day and I check her blog every day. Who would have known!

It's so fun to see Tricia out of the hospital.

Thank you for making me cry happy tears today!!

Miki said...

Awwwwwwww. So precious.

It's time, isn't it....

Here we go!!!!

Lindse94 said...

YOu two really know how to have terrific birthdays. Great news about your little girl coming "home." Love the pictures they are beautiful!

Joy said...

Oh my gosh!!!! the photos are amazing... I love love love the one of mommy holding the binky and Gwyneth holding daddy's finger... but then I love the one of her sticking her little tongue out ... and then I love the adorable little pink hat that is awesome.. oh... and I love the ones of you and Tricia oh for petes sake... I love them all. lol I am so glad that Jessica did that for you, how awesome is that.

Mamma_of _five said...

Shes Beautiful, and you should be proud, what a little dolly she is!love from BC, Canada!

Blessings From Above said...

Beautiful pictures of your beautiful girls.

Tricia completely looks in her element with Gwyneth. She's a natural!

Brenda said...

Nate, everytime I hear the song the best is yet to come by Helen Baylor it makes me think of you guys. Check it out!

Emily said...

What an incredible birthday gift! I am so happy for all of you!

NCBeachMom said...

great pics!

jenray said...

Great pictures! Gwyneth and Tricia are so beautiful! Nate, you are a very lucky guy. Tricia, I hope your birthday was wonderful, and I hope you have many, many more.


MaMeex5 said...

Looks like Tricia had an amazing birthday. I am so happy that you all are moving on with the next stage of your lives and leaving the hospital behind. I look forward to hearing your parenting stories and tribulations.

Jennifer @ Conversion Diary said...

I just now found your site and wanted to say happy birthday to Tricia, and warmest congratulations on your beautiful baby! I can't wait to read more of your story. Thank you for sharing.

Beth said...

Definitely looks like Tricia had a great birthday! :o)

Rob and Amy said...

What a blessing...

Unknown said...

I just want to thank you for allowing me to follow your story, you are a beautiful family and i wish you all every success for the future. xxxx katie, a sister of a pwcf xxx

Farrah said...

Awe Tricia got her hair cut...Looks great...

And coming home WOW...That is Awesome!!!!!!!

Eliza said...

Oh that second one is my new FAVORITE PICTURE EVER, look what a little chubbster Gwyneth looks like, finishing off her milk, and her mother such a pro already--I always did figure Tricia would be one of those "intuitive" moms--I know I was and I can't imagine being any other way but apparently some are not and I feel bad for them because to me it really was just natural :)

Missy said...

love the last two pictures. the last one tho is as tho gwyn is saying "enough all ready" have a great evening!

lareyes said...

They both look so beautiful and HEALTHY!! So exciting that Gwyneth might be able to come home tomorrow! Amazing!

lareyes said...

They both look so beautiful and HEALTHY!! So exciting that Gwyneth might be able to come home tomorrow! Amazing!

Anonymous said...

She is beautiful! She looks so grown up (well as much as an infant can be)

Tricia looks fabulous too! Praying for a smooth transition into "full time" parenthood! You will both do fabulously!

Katie said...

These pictures are just so cute. I love the one where Tricia is looking at Gwyneth while holding her. Very sweet :)

ShEiLa said...

Check out those red nails... and the new do... I am so glad that life is going well for you & your little fmaily. I wanted to comment on the news broadcasts... you guys have given all new meaning to the word HOPE, and putting your trust in God's hands...thank you.
toodles, Sheila,NV

Unknown said...

Hi! My name is Stacie and I found your blog through Jessica Claire's Website. I just wanted to tell you your wife and daughter are absolutely beautiful and amazing. Congratulations on such a miracle. My husband's sister had CF, so I am all too familiar with how horrible it can be. She too received a double lung transplant, that however was 13 years ago. She passed on soon after; she was 17. I am so glad that you and Trish got your beautiful miracle and blessing. I watched your YouTube videos and laughed and cried through almost all of them. Thank you for sharing your story and I am going to be a faithful reader/follower!

Beverly said...

I hope all goes well and Gwyneth gets to go home tomorrow. I have so enjoyed seeing her grow to such a cute little girl. She looks like you Nate, you know. So happy for the three of you. Loved the photos taken by the wonderful.

Rebecca (Ramblings by Reba) said...

Awesome! Who knew that feeding a baby could be so captivating! :)

Deb said...

Beautiful! I love the red nails... and wont it be fun to paint Gwyneth's nails too (you know- when she grows out of the fingers in her mouth *always* phase? I love how she looks straight at the camera and then is just done with having her picture taken by the end.
Praying for everything to go smoothly for tomorrow! I know how exciting this is!!!

erika verginelli photography said...

oh my, she is just the cutest!!!!

Elena said...

Man, you've gotten some great pictures recently. I can't wait for you to get little Gwenyth home. It will be so wonderful for you all to just be you, at home, as a family. Happy late birthday and Mother's day to Tricia. Best of luck as always!

Tamara said...

AWESOME! INCREDIBLY AWESOME! I am sure you guys have already been but the cathedral on Duke's Campus is STUNNING! If you haven't been...walk in, don't look anywhere but ahead and then halfway down the aisle (middle) turn around and look up...WOW at the sight!!! Love the pictures by the way!

Andy Lawrenson said...


Larissa said...

what a day! Tricia looks more beautiful than ever, and Gwyneth is growing so fast!

Kim said...
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Kim said...

These are great-I bet it was a very happy birthday!

Anonymous said...

I love that first picture! The time when a baby is eating but between asleep and awake, it is just so precious! She looks so peaceful. Tricia has earned every bit of that awesomeness with what she has been through and it is so nice to see!

Anonymous said...

Great pictures! Gwenyth is beautiful! She's almost the same size that my son was at birth (4lbs 15oz - although he dropped after a bit to 4lbs 9oz). Such a tiny baby, but she's grown so much. Thank God for her progress and for parents who believe in the sanctity and value of life! I love the Claire pictures too! You and Tricia look great together! :) I'm excited for you all - taking Gwenyth home tomorrow (or today as it's now midnight)!
BTW - Good luck with the event going on this Saturday! That's my son's 2nd birthday!

Heather said...

That last picture of Gwneyth melts my heart. Brings back so many memories of when my 5-year-old was that tiny. Now he is a little man. Time flies, enjoy ever little moment.

Take care,
Salem, OR

Scott said...

Wow, what a gift for the Birthday Girl! New baby, new lungs and a new lease on life. Lord bless you guys!

erika said...

What incredible pictures of your beautiful girls!! Thanks for sharing. Best wishes and prayers for a continued amazing week! How awesome to have a birthday and mother's day and be taking home your miricle baby all in the same week!!!!!!!!!!! Love from IL!

allison said...

It's been incredible to see your baby girl growing up. I positively LOVE all the have such a beautiful family. :) God is doing something great in your lives..."He who has begun a good work in you will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ."
I really cannot get over Gwenyth's cuteness! It took a while for me to even be able to imagine how tiny she is, but then a lady at our church recently had a 4 pound baby (full term) and I think that was when Gwenyth was hitting 2 or 3 pounds. I was just amazed at how God could work in such at tiny, tiny person. Your story has really encouraged me. You guys are incredible! I know you have your days and you don't share everything, but I'm so thankful for your honesty on here because I think it helps everyone to realize that this is all real. Not just another story, but it's real, and it's happening right now. I get so excited when I read about a new milestone Tricia or Gwenyth has reached. I feel like I kinda know you guys!
To God be the glory in all things!

Christina Miller said...

Absolutely beautiful!!!!! Love Tricia's cute painted nails!!!! Wishing your family many blessings!!!

Christina in VA