
Wednesday, March 31, 2010


We're headed to Duke again this morning. Gwyneth has an ABR at 8:45 on Thursday morning. Determining exact information concerning her hearing loss has been a very frustrating journey so far, as it has taken more time and energy than it should have...BUT, we're praying that this ABR will give us the exact information to clearly understand the source AND extent of Gwyneth's hearing loss.

We have a pre-op appointment this afternoon, as well as an ENT appointment for Tricia (to talk about her continuing sinus issues). We'll also have a consult with Gwyneth's audiologist tomorrow afternoon...hopefully they'll be able to adjust her hearing aids so to the most accurate settings.

Thanks for your prayers!


Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Picnic Table on the Dock

There's a great little dock out on the water near our house...the picnic table on the dock will be perfect for some summer lunches!


Radio Interview about Eva

A Canadian station interviews one of the filmmakers of Eva's documentary, "65_RedRoses". A great insight into Eva's passion for CF and Organ Donation awareness.

The documentary is not currently available on DVD, but hopefully it will be very soon. I've seen an edited (shorter) version of the film, and it's amazing!


Monday, March 29, 2010

Angry Face

This is Gwyneth's angry face...

You've been warned...


Sunday, March 28, 2010

Goodbye Sweet Eva

Our beautiful friend, Eva Markvoort passed away this morning.

I first came to know of Eva just a little over 2 years ago and have since blogged several times about her. She received her double lung transplant not too long before Tricia received hers. Tricia and I have been able to spend the past few years, thanks to the internet, getting to know Eva as a friend. It has been amazing to watch her truly take advantage of her second chance at life...I've never known anyone as uniquely open about her joy for life as Eva.

It's also been an honor to be able to encourage and pray for Eva and her family over the past several months as she has continued to live as joyfully as possible while dealing with chronic rejection and hoping for another transplant. I can't imagine the journey they've had the past few months, and am full of mixed emotions right now, hurting for her family and very thankful that Eva is no longer suffering. Although she did not received her transplant, she does have new lungs today.

Goodbye, sweet, Eva! We will miss your gritty poems and your crazy photos and your silly videos. You were so kind to us, and we are very thankful to have called you friend. We love you!

Nate, Tricia & Gwyneth Rose

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Pancake Dinner!

It's that time of the year again!

Grits Grill is hosting our first Cystic Fibrosis fund-raiser of the year this Friday! And, this year, we're changing it up a little. Purchase a ticket by this Friday, and you can either redeem it on Friday night while Tricia and I serve you some awesome pancakes, OR, redeem it anytime during Grits Grill regular hours of operation during the next month!

And, this year, along with pancakes, we'll be serving up some Sea-Freeze slushies to anyone who just stops by to say "hi"!



Gwyneth has enrolled in 2 year old gymnastics. At this age, all they really do is let them run/crawl around and play...nothing really organized, which is fine with Gwyneth. She loves it, and takes long naps afterward, which Tricia loves. Her favorite thing to do is to "jump" on the big inflatable thing.


Thursday, March 18, 2010

Easter Photos at The Elizabethan Gardens

Admission was free for the Elizabethan Gardens yesterday, so we took the opportunity to go and shoot some "Easter photos" (Tricia's idea). A few of the shots are slightly overexposed, but that's what happens when you hire a tripod for a photographer.

Gwyneth's dress was handmade by one of our best friends, Carol. Check out Carol's Creations!

If you're interested in booking a spring shoot with me at the historic Elizabethan Gardens, visit my Photography Website and shoot me a message! My spring dates are very limited!
