
Monday, June 30, 2008

Consult This Morning

Duke agreed to allow Tricia to receive the remainder of her treatments here on the beach, so this morning at 11am, we have a consult at the cancer center in Nags Head. Hopefully, they'll have her meds ordered so that she can receive her second round of chemo tomorrow.

On a side note, my grandparents are driving in today all the way from OK. Despite the fact that the real reason for their trip was to attend the funeral of my Pop Pop's sister, one of my cousins near Raleigh just had a new baby boy, and Gwyneth was about 2lbs the last time her great-grandparents saw her, so this will be an exciting trip for them.

BTW, I uploaded several more of our beach family pics over on my Photo Blog, if you're interested.



Sunday, June 29, 2008

Kirschner Family Vacation (Day 7)

I had to work all day/evening on Thursday and Friday, so I missed all of the fun, but here are a few pics from Saturday, the last full day at the beach house with everyone.


Friday, June 27, 2008

Happy Anniversary! (02)

I originally posted this video on Valentine's Day, and I thought today would be a good day to show it again...

Although you are beautiful every day before and since, this was your day to shine...I'm very certain that nobody even noticed how much time and energy it had taken me too look as good as I did.

You were the perfect bride in every way, and God gave you the perfect day to show off His creation in you to the world. Everyone tells us it was the most memorable and beautiful wedding ever, and it was all because of you. Most weddings are put on to make the bride look made this wedding day look and sound and feel spectacular.

I cried that day as I vowed my life to you, and I cried again as I put this gift together for you, remembering how happy we were that day, and how happy you have made me every day since.

Thank you for loving me.

("Breathe In Breathe Out" by Mat Kerney)


Happy Anniversary! (01)

I originally posted this video on Valentine's Day, and I thought today would be a good day to show it again... are my love, my hero and my best friend (haha). The day I became your husband was, in complete sincerity, the best of my life.

You have shown me more than I could have ever imagined, given me more than I could have ever dreamed of, and changed me more than I could have ever have ever hoped for.

You have allowed God to use you to work in my life in amazing ways, and I thank Him eternally.

Thank you for loving me.

("Yellow" by Coldplay)

PS. I Love You!



Four years ago today, I married the most incredible woman on the face of the planet. These past four have been an adventure far beyond description or comprehension. I can't even begin to put into words, but I think these next few pics say it all....

If you'd like to say "Happy Anniversary" with more than words (and we totally appreciate the words!), please consider donating to my Personal CF Great Strides Fundraising Goal (click "click to donate" at the bottom of the linked page) to help insure that the three of us also get to spend our 5th anniversary healthy and together.



Thursday, June 26, 2008

Kirschner Family Vacation (Day 4)

The family pics were a big success! The weather was perfect, and all the little kids were in good moods for the most part. Here are a few of my favorites from the evening...

I'll show you the pics of Tricia, Gwyneth and I tomorrow!


Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Kirschner Family Vacation (Day 3)

We spent some time yesterday evening out on the beach with a few of the kids. But first, here's a pic of Uncle Joe and Aunt Carolyn just because I haven't shown you a pic of them yet.


PS. The pics tonight went great! I'll share a few of my favorites with you tomorrow!



You people are crazy. Am I really that good looking that you keep coming back for more?

I'm taking the day off from work to get some fun beach time in with the Krazy Kirschners, and this evening I'll be taking some family pics of everyone out on the beach.

I hope you enjoy your day as well!


PS. My time with the Chamber went well this morning...we'll see if it produces anything.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

OBX Chamber of Commerce Tomorrow


I've been invited to speak to the Outer Banks Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors tomorrow morning at 8:30am about our Great Strides Walk for CF. These people are some of the movers and shakers of our community, and it will be a great opportunity to get some key people/businesses on board to help us reach our walk goal of $60,000.



Monday, June 23, 2008

Kirschner Family Vacation (Day 1)

Here are a few of my favorite pics from the first day of the big beach vacation week. 22 people (including what seems like 37 kids under the age of 5) in the immediate Kirschner family (although, most of us have different last names), everyone but us and the parents and Frank sleeping at the beach house (and by "beach house" I mean a ginormous house about 100 yards from the ocean). Unfortunately, Don, Frank and I have to work during the week, so we'll miss lots of the fun, but I'm sure I'll be hanging over there every evening. Tonight, if the weather is cooperating and everyone is in a good mood, we'll walk over the dunes and take some fun family pics.

Gwyneth hanging with Aunt Janet.
Cousin Ja. eats more food than I do. Seriously.
Same hair, different cousin.
Getting to know Cousin Bry.
Cousin L. smiles every time she sees my camera.
Cousin Bri. & my favorite pic of the day.
Cousin Je.
I'm basically her favorite uncle.
She's not laughing...she's stuffing rice crispies into her mouth...
...and trying to keep them there.
Out on the deck.
