Monday, December 8, 2008

Write A Caption

This is Gwyneth, ready to go to the Christmas party last night.

Write a caption for the picture below and win a mention of your name and winning caption in a post if I think it's worthy enough (like that's anything super special...).



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Chuck said...

ET, phone home.

elizabeth said...

Help! I've been swallowed and I can't get up!

Elena said...

AAAAAAAHHHHHH, Their comming for me!

ShEiLa said...

Hey... you guys are in my bubble. Move back... please.

Pamela said...

The toys are attacking! The toys are attacking! DADDYYYYYYYYY!!!!!! SAVE ME!!!!!!

Emily said...

"Why is this monkey always staring at me??"
Cute picture!!

Lisa and family said...

AAHHH!!! Invasion of the Body Snatchers!

Anonymous said...

"Who released the flying monkeys?!"

Kimberly said...

Is it normal for the walls to close in like this?? or is it just Christmas season stress????

Little Miss Sunshine State said...

Why am I in a sleigh full of toys, where are we going, and who is the fat guy in the red suit?

Southern Gal said...

"OK, Gwyneth. Think happy thoughts! Think happy thoughts!"

Mandie Oliver said...

who knew that decking the halls would be so terrifying?

Judy said...

Where are the sugar-plums??

Angelene and Randy said...

"They're coming to take me away...haha hehe haha....they're coming to take me away...hehe."

Brie Latini said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Oma & Opa said...

This too shall pass!!!

Unknown said...

Just practicing my tongue taco...dude, I'll be the life of the party!

The Barnes Crew said...

"Hold on for your life guys, we're on the move AGAIN!"

sami2009 said...

"HELP!!!! My carseat has been invaded and I'm VERY uncomfortable with it!"

Rick Lawrenson said...

NICU didn't prepare me for this.

Seth, Jen, Hannah, Cailyn, and Isaac said...

Find a happy place, find a happy place, FIND A HAPPY PLACE!!!!

Misty Rice said...

Santa Hats $5.00
Baby Mobile $25.00
Car Seat $200.00
Baby Expression - Priceless

Calgon Take Me Away -

Kacy Jean said...

"....I will fear no evil,
for you are with me;
your rod and your staff,
they comfort me."

Mrs. Dan said...

I hate Santa's workshop.

Just Another House Wife said...

Dear God ...... HEEEELLLLPPP!!!!

Carolynn said...

If you need to spew...spew in this!

Juliette said...

You guys belong on the island of misfit toys! Why are you here?!

Aggiema (Michelle) said...

The sky is falling, the sky is falling!

Jim Drake said...

"Chickens and monkeys and Santa, Oh my!"

ashleyjnc said...

can't sleep or the animals will eat me, can't sleep or the animals will eat me, can't sleep or the animals will eat me.. MOMMMYYYY!!!!!!!!

or "Okay I give, Uncle, Uncle, UNCLE!!!!!!!!!!"

Farrah said...

I see Dead People.....

Charles said...
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Charles said...

Ahhh! The Christmas tree is falling on me! I didn't mean to try and pull an ornament off! :)

I know she's in her carseat but it looks like she could be under the tree. ;)

Kerry said...

*It's Only A Dream, its only a Dream!*


Sarah said...

Their alive! Their aliiiive!

Jules said...

GAH! I don't remember asking Santa for THIS!!

The Flegel Family said...

We're not in Kansas anymore...

Alison said...

All I really wanted for Christmas is an IPod.

obxbaseballmom said...

I was good all year for THIS??

Oakenfoldgrl said...

"Do you smell that??"

Paige Orloff said...

Fine! I'll tell you where the candy canes are--just leave me alone!!

Paige Orloff said...

Fine! I'll tell you where the candy canes are--just leave me alone!!

turtlemama said...

Invasion of the baby snatchers.

Matt and Lindsey said...

Invasion of the body snatchers!!!

Brijeet said...

There's no place like home, Toto, there's no place like home!

waterredwood said...

Wait, Santa, don't take me! I'm not a toy!

The Macrae Family said...

"The stuffies are coming, the stuffies are coming!"

Elizabeth Macrae

Mary Knapp Yahoo said...

"Mommie told me there would be days like this..."

Love the pictures - especially the close up of the girls with Gwyneth reaching for the ornament on the tree. Gorgeous of both.

~Sarah~ said...

What are these things and where did my parents go? :)

"M" said...

Holy crap...please don't make me go!

Ashley said...

If I don't make any sudden movements they won't attack me!

Krista said...

Uh, Dad, I think there's a yule log in my diaper.

marie said...

Beam me up Scottie! The stuffed space creatures are attacking!

TerryKM said...

(Looking at the monkey) "Someone said we came from these things!?!? They're cute, but I'm no monkey!"

Sharon said...

OMG that Bunny just taklked to me!!

algonquinteacher said...

Why are you always following me!!!

Unknown said...

DAD!! I think that monkey's gonna toss a Chim-Chim Cookie!

(FYI-Speed Racer reference!)

SmAsher said...

Get these stuffed things away from me! I NEED human interaction, PEOPLE!

Arwen said...

Gwyneth discovers the reason SO many children are terrified of Santa Claus.

Suzanne said...

I see Dead People and there out to get me

Christina said...

"what's going on??!?!?!?"

Mikaila said...

You mean SANTA'S NOT REAL?!?!


The High Family said...

"I've been a good girl...really I have. Mr. monkey, please tell Santa I'll do anything he wants!!

Happy Holidays and I love the photos!!

Jenny said...

You told me we were going to a party. No one said ANYTHING about a car seat.

Scart said...

If this is Christmas, count me out!

Karis said...

I saw mommy kissing Santa Claus.

Anonymous said...

Do you smell what I smell? Do you smell what I smell?

Svetlana said...

"Am I in Toyland?"

I love your picture :-)

Anonymous said...

Hey, my dress is getting all wrinkled!

Marcie said...

I was going to type, "ET, phone home," too, but it's already taken.

Brooks Family said...

You have GOT to be kidding me!

Jenn said...

Buckle you belts "toys", Santa's clear for Take Off!

Momof2bz said...

Ok! Whatever I did to deserve this, I promise I'll be good. Please, just make them go away.


Ummm..Dada, Mama, ANYONE....HELP!

G. said...

"What kind of Christmas Party IS this? You people are crazy!"

The Beaver Bunch said...

Bees and Monkeys and Santa...OH MY!

Momof2bz said...

I just thought of another one...

They're coming to take me away, ha-haaa!!
They're coming to take me away, ho-ho, hee-hee, ha-haaa

Tara said...

No...I wanted Elves...I said ELVES!!!

Brenda said...

Personal Space People. . .hellO!

Kelly said...

"Every Who
Down in Who-ville
Liked Christmas a lot...

But the Grinch,
Who lived just North of Who-ville,
Did NOT! "

From Dr. Seuss

Cheryl said...

Okay,guys, you're getting a little too close!!

Jenna said...

Oh no, not the flying monkeys, not the flying monkey!

Kristin said...

PERSONAL SPACE PEOPLE.... personal space!!

Bev J. said...

"Do I have to pose again...?"

Jen said...


Meg B....that's me! said...

Hey guys are you seeing what I am seeing?

bradsmom123 said...

OH No!! I thought once I grew bigger than that Pug I would have conquered ALL the stuffed animals!!

Malena said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Vicki said...

Invasion of the baby snatchers!

Malena said...

Who just farted?!

Judy - Scottsdale,AZ said...

Hey guys....wait a weren't mentioned on the invitation!!!!!

Unknown said...

Okay, so I'm breaking the rule here...this caption is for the first picture under the previous post for Christmas Party...

"Oh, Mommy, look...I chipped a nail."

Andrea said...

Thanks for strapping me in this thing and THEN passing gas.

jackie said...

I may be little, but I am *not* an elf!! I said I wanted to *play* with the toys, not make them!

Erin said...

"Mom? Dad? I think I'm going to be carsick..."

Pa, Ma, Mary, Laura, and baby Carrie said...

I think I'm going to wet myself.

Carey said...

"Why are they scaring me with these things?!!"

Melissa said...

I'm under attack!!

Anonymous said...

"Please tell me that is NOT Santa Claus!!??" "Oh My!!"


*LOVE the picture! hehe

Krueger's said...

Where is my disco ball?

Andy Lawrenson said...

Please! Not the Elf suit!!

Kimberly (Anthony's Mom) said...

"Their coming to take me away! ha ha!"

Lu, Poppies Blooming said...

I KNOW this isn't where I fell asleep! Why does this keep happening?

Zarna said...

I deliberately didn't read the others first so I apologise if I've 'stolen' someone elses idea.

"This is just like that movie I watched last night 'Attack of the killer toys'!!!!"

Leslie said...

Doesn't anyone understand that I need some personal space?

Rocnmom said... come the crazy people with the Mistletoe again.

Paulette said...

she is definately a spiitting image of her dad and those are the same goofy looks he does at her all the time. That is not a caption just a fact lol

EMG said...

I should be used to being stared at by now by a bunch of funny faces! Maybe I should start making some back at them!

Allison Family said...

HELP...I am being sucked into Christmas

Nancie Allison from Burlington Ontario Canada (A snowy Christmas)

Laura said...

Are those animals looking at me?

Bluebear said...!

Candy said...

What do you mean they want to take Christ out of Christmas?!

vancougar said...

Whadda ya mean, Santa sees me when I'm sleeping AND when I'm awake?!?!?

LindseySue said...

Coming soon to a theater near you -"Nightmare Before Christmas II: Attack of Santa's Toys"

Kim said...

Lions, and Tigers, and Bears! Oh My!

Carol said...

Gwyneth tried the old E.T. stuffed animal trick to try to fool her parents but didn't realize that the stuffed animals were that scary up close.

Rachel Dominguez said...


Melissa Mathews said...

AHHHHH! Mom Dad help its the return of Chucky!

Missy said...

"they're attacking me! they're attacking me! Help!! Help!"

Quin's momma said...

Lions and tigers and bears...OH MY!

Chris said...

"Mr. Bunny, I'll show you how to roll your tongue if you can get this silly hat off my head..."

Semi-Organized Mom said...

Hey, mokey? this where the parents take me to see the fat guy in the red suit?

Hilliard said...

On Dancer, on Prancer....WHOA! These aren't my reindeer!

Ann-Marie said...

OK too much stimuli, dad. TOO MUCH stimuli!

wendy said...

please let the mechanical crane grab me--this monkey is terrifying!

wendy said...

please let the mechanical crane grab me--this monkey is terrifying!

Janice said...

Daddy! I think the monkey is going to eat me!

S.E. Painter said...


ditarae said...

The elves....there are just so many elves....

andiewade said...

holy crap. my walt-disney-princess-singing-to-her-
woodland-friends nightmare is coming true!!!

Tammie said...

I went down for a nap...and woke up in The Land of Mis-Fit Toys!

Alicia said...

Animal House!!!

Leenie said...

I think I have a weggie.

Sharlynn Sanders said...

What there's not going to be any eggnog at the Christmas party! What kind of Christmas party is this going to be?!

Catherine said...

I wonder if this is how Baby Jesus felt when He was in the manger?

mom2LEAA said...

Santa, help please.

she looks wonderful, glad you are enjoying your holidays.

Mandy said...

So Dad I think I just met the Grinch... and I'm not too sure I like him!

Missy said...

Someone needs to clue in that Hollywood G does NOT enjoy offroading in this "pumpkin" seat with these hippie toys. WHERE ARE MY PEOPLE?!

Cristi said...

Is that for real? LOL What did you do to the poor child?

amanda said...

you're putting that ornament hook where?

Kaye Butler said...

Step Away From the Baby and no one gets hurt. Also, my dad knows THE BIG GUY UPSTAIRS...and he's watching you....

Amy said...

"Not the baby, not the baby"

*Lissa* said...

The Grinch That Stole Gwyneth ;o)

Cristi said...

I had to comment again cause that picture just CRACKS ME UP!
Heres another quote for ya -

D said...

Oh no... Are they all coming too!?


Marcia said...

WHAT?!?!?!?! You mean Santa is on his way now?!?!?!?! Mommy, Daddy, put me to bed quick!!!! Santa, I promise I've very been good....

Nancy Peacock said...

Holy smokes Dad, they're closin' in on me!

Heidi said...

Invasion of the squeeky toys! HELP!

Deb Johnson said...

Really, I'm not the elf you want...the guy you want is fat with a red suit...

jdk77 said...

Johnson's take me away!

Beebe said...

Hey You...yes I'm talking to you!
You got a problem with me?

LOL...surely I want win but when I clicked to enlarge the emage thats what come to my mind.

btmouse-ears said...

AAAHHH! This time Daddy shaved his beard!

Nanci, RN said...


Unknown said...

dear god - make me a bird so i can fly far far away from here....

Anonymous said...

My parents are going to kill me! This party has gotten WAY out of control...

Roni said...

I always thought daddy was a little crazy( in a good way)... but now he is scaring me with all this Santa stuff!!!! HELP!!!!

Adayinthelifeofcandice said...

OK, this party is big guys, so who wants to be my accessory? Look monkey you keep staring at me like that and I'm going to tell my daddy, then its off to the dog toy land for you!

Anonymous said...

Hold on guys...




Bonnie said...

My first party and I can't decide what to do with my hair!

Lissa said...

I thought the doctor said this new medcine was to help me stop seeing the flying monkeys and hearing their voices!

Tabitha said...

too many comments to check to see if this is posted already but i think of a "mob" like scene, where Gwen is a subject in question and she is holding the guys off her saying something like

"okay okay, no need for anybody to get hurt right guys?" "Just give me two more days and I'll get the money...uhh yea... tell Big Red just two more days"

Kingston's Mom said...

That was NOT milk in my last bottle. That was egg nog. And I mean the REAL stuff.

Radar's Mom said...

"You guys wanna see my best Daddy goofball face immitation?"

Anonymous said...

What did I do to deserve this? :)

Sarah said...

They're he-re!!

Gina Marie said...

I see FUR People!

Anonymous said...

Let me outta here

RandomMusings said...

and the song says 'the weather OUTSIDE is frightful....'

Amy E. said...

Okay..someone REALLY should have warned me that these things come to life!!

Meredith said...

"Ok, this present is for mommy, this one is for daddy, I've got this one for grandpa...HEY!!! Where did grandma's go??"

Fin said...

And I thought clowns were bad...!

Jerseygyrl said...

They're all gonna laugh at you!

Kate said...

The monkey is coming to get me!!!

Kim said...

Too close! A little too close!

Aunt_Nette said...

Hey! do you guys really believe in that guy in the red suit?

Lissa said...

I though the doctor said they new medication would make the monkeys stop talking to me

Ginger said...

They're Coming to Take me Away!!

Jon said...

Who are you, and what did you do with Santa Claus?!?

Anonymous said...

@Brijeet stole my idea! I was going on the Wizard of Oz theme!

Ok idea number two:

"Ok, I swear the monkey is going to do me some damage!"

Pete Goodliffe said...

I can roll my tongue I bet you guys can't!

Just little ole me said...

Oh no! They've captured me!

Mikesgal2009 said...

"monkey see, monkey do"-rachael

"Bones" said...

"OK!...OK!!! I Believe, I Believe in Santa Claus!"

Me and my Gurl said...

OK! This Christmas thing is fine. I love stuffed animals, but this MONKEY has got to go, he makes me a little scared. :(

Lisa said...

I told you I didn't want prunes for dinner! That's what you get!

Carrie said...

YOU are SO in my BUBBLE...Now GET OUT!

Karen said...

OMG, I am like being attacked or something!

Queen Mommy said...


Anonymous said...

Their coming to take me away..haha..

Lisa said...


Me on Metatrophin said...

Why isn't anyone else looking when you guys come to life?

Jenny said...

Wait 'til you see the present I'M bringing to the party! (hint: you might want to check my diaper)

Susan said...

HELP.........Someone please get me out of here!!!

April said...

For the caption..."This is sooo not fair! I talk to you guys, why can't you just talk back??"

Jennifer said...

"Yo, Dad...Are you seeing what I'm seeing? They're Alive! They're ALIVE!"

Ashley said...

Pantyhose burn!!!!!!!

GP said...

"Gwyneth, the cute-faced baby-dear, had a very funny face, and if you ever saw her, you will even say it glows!"

Amaya Perez said...

I surrender!!

PammyT said...

toys: "1-2-3 Surprise!!"

Gywneth- "AHHHHHHHHH! they're alive!!"

toys: "bad idea. no more crazy ideas everyone. she's not ready for talking toys. maybe next Christmas"

Seth Soria said...

But Santa....what's with all the scary toys, I was a good girl this year!

Pauline said...

"I have a feeling I'm not in Kansas anymore".

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