Monday, October 12, 2009

New Glasses!

We picked up Gwyneth's first pair up prescription glasses today! Beyond the fact that she's incredibly cute, we're also excited that she can actually see what the world is really supposed to look like for the first time! Here are a few pics from today (the last one is my favorite!)...we can tell she can see much better, and as long as she's busy, she doesn't even bother trying to take them off.



Nadia said...

she's so stinkin' cute! love the glasses.

Melony said...

How cute is she in her big girl glasses!!

lauren and rich said...

that is too freaking cute! ps enjoyed having gwyneth in childwatch tonight: she makes work more pleasant ;)

rich and lauren

Anonymous said...

Super cute!!! We have a friend whose daughter just recently got the exact same glasses!! Here's her blog if you want to check out Gwyneth's glasses twin!!!

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Meg B....that's me! said...

How cute is that!!! She is so stinkin' cute!! Glad to hear that she likes them.

Paulette said...

How very adorable, you can so tell how much she is seeing, I rejoice with you all!

Penny said...

I love the one of you and Gwyneth together! Very sweet!

Jenna said...

Nate, these pictures melt my heart! So so cute!

Larissa said...


The Gustafson Family said...

She is absolutely adorable with those glasses!!! I am so happy that she keeps them on...the world is such a beautiful place and now she can see...She can see just how beautiful her mom is too!!!

Anonymous said...

Ooooh, nice! How cute is that?!

Question: How do they test her eyes? I assume she can't actually read yet, so is she able to tell them some other way which lenses work?

fuzzandfuzzlet said...

Too cute. I knew she would be.

Meghan Miller said...

Very cute...just curious, why are the glasses sooo big on her? Do they not make them smaller for a child size fit?

Jamie said...

She is absolutely adorable. I do love the last picture of her reading with her new glasses. Very studious!

Debs said...

The one with you is my fav!
She is so precious.

Justine, Romy's Mama said...

She looks like a professor! What a good girl she is to keep them on so well, my baby has glasses too, and it literally took a year to get her used to wearing them.

Jan Scholl said...

I always looked so dorky in my glasses-I finally got contacts at 55. I want some pink glasses now! And red ones too! Adorable but how can she be anything else.

BOWquet said...

How precious!!!! Could she be any cuter!? :)

Jordan said...

haha, awesome! How do they know what prescription to give her? It's not like she can sit in the chair and say which option looks clearer...

lynn said...

My little girl had glasses at 18 months. There are special optical charts that show pictures of animals and the optician can tell which ones the child can see by whether their attention is drawn to the picture.

I remember one very clearly - the outline of a duck! where the line got thinner and thinner to gauge the level of vision, just like we look at letters.

When the child's attention totally wanders or their eyes are not even looking towards the flash card, then they are assumed to not be seeing the object.

Unknown said...

I love the pink glasses! Adorable!

auntrene said...

Adorable.... I love the last picture as well with her reading a book..
She is growing up so fast... absolutely beautiful.
Thanks for sharing

Hilary said...

AWWWWW!!!! Precious!! :)

Bobbi said...

That is just too cute!

John Kincaid said...

those glasses (and your sweet baby girl) are soooo super-cute!! I hardly ever leave comments on here, but I just wanted to say that I'm so thankful that I found your blog almost 2 years ago! Your story is such a beautiful one!! We are still praying for you!!

Salome Ellen said...

As the mother of a former "baby in glasses" (she started at 5 months, and is now 19!) all I could do was grin at the memories.

InDeeds said...

Super cute!

My Diabetic Sweet Life said...

Oh my how cute does she look?! I love them and such a sassy colour too. How exciting that she can now see everything as it should be :)

joy said...

What a darling! Your family is very beautiful, Praise the Lord.

Joyce K said...

What a little darling. She is so cute in her new pink glasses. Loved you being blessed post also.

Missy said...

Oh. My. Word. how stinkin' cute is she?! love that they're pink -- sooo girly!

Jara said...

Can she get any cuter?

Tracy Edwards said...

Last one is my fav also. If she likes books she will always be looking at them now that she can see good! Awesome!

Amy said...

She looks adorable. Kids eyeglasses have come a long way. Love the color of the frames!

Jane said...

a good friend of mine has a little girl that was 2 when she started wearing her glasses...they found that she could tell the difference so much, that keeping them on was not an issue at all. she chose to see than play with the glasses, cause she couldn't see even them if she took them off.
i'm with you on the pics...she will so enjoy the world of books now.
grow on G!!!

Heather said...

So adorable. I think little ones with glasses are too cute! When she gets older she can have little pink or purple wired ones with little rhinestones! That will be awesome!

Becca said...

I'm a long time lurker but HAD to comment on this one - she is SO flippin cute!!! Love the pink!

Darcy said...

Oh my goodness! How sweet does she look?! What a little dolly!

Jennie said...

She's just so stinkin' adorable :)

Marsmile said...

Glad to hear and see y'all doing well. Gwyn continues to be such a darling and she looks adorable with her new glasses. I'm especially glad she can see the world better now! :-)

jlmishler said...

She is cute in her little pink glasses!

BARB said...

how big is miss gwyneth now? i know she is still tiny but how tall has she gotten?

she is adorable as always. how amazing it must be to her to see new things all of a sudden.

Diana said...


Crock said...

Wow! Do her eyes look GREAT!! Nice growin' Gwyneth!! :)


Carol said...

Oh, I especially love that last one also - you can tell how absorbing that book is to her now! Its great imagining what a lot of wonderful visual surprises she has in store - how and much this is going to help her. Yay for glasses.

Amy said...

Oh, I hope she loves her glasses as much as my son does (same brand, but in green!). He wears them all day long and will even fall asleep in them. And they DO NOT break!

What a beautiful little girl you have - and so stylish, too! :)

Becky said...

Absolutely adorbale!!!! I love em, I love em, I love em! The only negative that I can see is how much bigger/older they make her look. I am SO not ready for that so I can't image how you feel ablout that part of it lol lol. Anyway, she couldn't be cuter!

Melissa said...

Could she be any cuter?!

The Beaver Bunch said...

Precious. Even glasses can't hide those beautiful eyes and her sweet personality!

shoutingforha said...

I love the glasses! So cute.

Amy E. said...


The Pelhams said...

TOO CUTE!!! Does she grab at them and try to take them off or does she realize that she can see better with them and leaves them alone??!

Carol said...

How can the cutest get even cuter????

Anonymous said...

So cute :) I love Mira Flex! They are totally son has had them since he was 7 months is my blog address if you want to check out my little glass wearer...BTW he is a tad younger then your little sweetie :)
She reminds me of him so much...:) Although he was full term he was born with a eye condition and is a little behind but he is getting there :)

Anonymous said...

My toddler just got glasses too! She wasn't wearing them and I called her eye Dr. for suggestions.

He said to bring the glasses in because something is wrong...she should WANT to wear her glasses. I brought them to the eye Dr. and the glasses were the wrong Rx!

I bought them at an eye place in the mall and my eye Dr. told me the wrong Rx is not uncommon. Now we have the correct Rx and she wears them with no problem!

However keeping them clean is a full time job. Whatever it takes for my girl to see!

G is so super cute in hers!!! I adore the pink!

Sange said...

The cute pink glasses really bring out those beautiful blue eyes. She did look really excited wearing them.

My son goes his first hearing aids at almost 4yo and he wore them all the time. He loved them because he realized what he was unable to hear before("What is that {noise}?). Once Gweneth starts realizing the same thing with her vision, she will want to keep them all the time also.

Sange said...

To answer koshercookie88's question: I don't know how Gwyneth was tested, but there is another second way to test a baby's vision besides a picture eye chart.

The Eye Doc starts by dialating the baby's eyes. After about 20-30 minutes, the Doc looks into the baby's eyes with a special instrument that measures the inside of the eye. Then with some calculation, they determine how well the baby sees.

Anonymous said...

She is so cute Nate! The glasses seem so big for her little face. Are these glasses that she will grow into? I have seen other children with smaller pairs and I am just wondering if it is the brand that you chose or she will grow into them. Oh she is sweet!

nanajobx said...

check out
amazing prices on glasses
(cause kids are hard on them!)

nanajobx said...


Jen said...

my son got a very similar pair of glasses when he was 9 months old...except they were brown. he was the same way in that he very rarely tried to take them off...except as he go older he would rip them off when he got really mad about something. so cute!!!

The Wife said...

so adorable. my little boy started wearing glasses at 11 months. the first day he had them he stood for the first time. since the day he got them he has not had them off besides sleeping. he even swims with them on. you are going to notice such a difference.

Debbie said...

I love the new glasses! It looks like she can see better from the way she is looking at the camera!!!! How exciting. look out world.

Michelle M. said...

How adorable is she? Not only do they have a funky, modern look, they are functional- great choice.

Twinkletoes said...

So adorable! It's got to be so amazing and rewarding to be with her as she sees the world through new pun intended. What a terrific moment for you all, not to be taken forgranted!

16 blessings'mom said...

CUTE CUTE CUTE!!! One of my girls had glasses when she was two, and she didn't take them off either. She figured out pretty quickly they helped her to see.

Yes, she is cute. I love how you guys enjoy her so much!

Kelli said...

My now 2yo has the EXACT same pair of Miraflex glasses.(Strawberry Ice??)She has had them since she was 5 months old. I can't sing Miraflex's praises enough. After going through several pair before we were introduced to MF, we are soooooooo pleased. Your sweetie looks adorable. Thanks for sharing the photos!!!

SmWonder00 said...

The glasses are so cute...what are them made of? They look flexible? Just curious, I've never seen baby glasses!

sandra said...

Oh my, what a little beauty she is.