Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Wednesday Morning Update

Following her latest chemo treatment, Tricia received a shot that boosts her white blood cell count. Because of the shot, she has yet to feel much of her normal side effects (which would have kicked in Sunday/Monday). She has been tired, but not fatigued as normal. We're hoping she'll continue to feel well enough to participate in Saturday's events.

Meka wanted to say hello.

That's all.



Becky said...

Lol. Great pic, Nate. So funny to see how much a like you two look lol. Thanks for sharing....your pics always make me smile or cry (in a good way).

~j~ said...

That is great news for Tricia, will be praying.
Hey you and the pug!! Great snap :)

Gothic ʚϊɞ said...

LOVE that pug!
Great news Tricia, praying you feel less tired.

Crafty Mama said...

Ah Meka, you're such a ham. :) Love the picture!

Glad that Tricia is feeling a bit better, hope Saturday goes well!

Tracy P. said...

Hi Meka! Yea for Tricia--I'll pray it lasts through the weekend. Is this something they can do for her every time now?

Becky said...

I wanted to add that of course I'm thrilled to hear Tricia is doing so well and I will continue praying for her!

Cassie12 said...

So happy Tricia is doing okay and praying she will be able to attend this weekend.

Cassie12 said...

So happy Tricia is doing okay and praying she will be able to attend this weekend.

Deanna said...

OK, so somedays it's not so safe to put a dog and human in the same picture together.. and today would be one of them... they begin to resemble each other!

Love the picture....!

PS .. fingers crossed for Tricia feeling well this weekend

Angela R. said...

Hi Meka..hah Great pic!

Happy to hear about Tricia. Will be praying that she continues to feel well enough to make Great Strides this weekend. :)


Jackie said...

Praying for you, Tricia!

Love that pug!

marcia said...

Looks like Meka has adjusted well to her altered position in the family :) Praying that Tricia's week will continue to go well, and for an awesome turnout for the walk on Saturday!

Carrie said...

COOL!! We are praying for ya Tricia...and Gweneth and Nate!

Sonja said...

Praying for Tricia to feel well enough to participate, and that Saturday goes well.

Jennifer said...

The big question is ..

Will Meka be there? :) (at the walk that is)

Unknown said...


silver68 said...

Hi, I have been reading your Blog. for a few months now, I also live on the coast of N.C.
Praying for your family has become a part of my day, MY!!! the baby is growing . I watched you shaved your head and it was so cool !!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

OH MEKA! Love your sweet little face!

Irma said...

Blessed be the name of the Lord.

Nuff said

Anonymous said...

Hi Meka! We love dogs, too. We're still praying for Tricia. And Gwyneth. And of course, you too Nate!

~Sara in MD