Thursday, February 5, 2009


So much fun to watch Gwyneth discover new things...I can remember playing with cardboard boxes for hours when I was a kid...



John and Michelle said...

I love the pic of her fingers around the side!! Very cute.

I've been thinking about Tricia a lot. We've been going to lots of docs with my son who was born at 24 weeks gestation in 1990 and they are diagnosing him with secondary pulmonary hypertension. He's having breathing issues. I'm trying to let God shine thru me thru this but it's hard to not worry being the mom. We're having insurance issues trying to get in with a pulmonologist. If you rememebr, please pray we can get in soon. Thank you.

givinittogod247 said...

When I was Gwyneth's age one of my favorite things to do was pull all of the pots and pans out of the floor cabinet and then climb in; I would pull some of the pots back into the cabinet to sit in :) Hey, why buy toys when the inexpensive works just as well!

Carmen said...

you might have enjoyed it, she doesn't look like she was having much fun lol.....

The Gieses said...

Hey Nate...I see your shiny new floors in the pics. When you get a chance, we would love another video house tour since you guys are all moved in.

Kristen said...

Love the pictures...

Joy said...

Empty boxes and cheesy puffs :) Nothing makes a baby smile more or bigger!

You're doing a great job Parenting Nathan! too bad every one cant see that.

JonesFam4 said...

it lasts up until much later, my son's 6 and LOVES a good box...

Wendy Glosser said...

Next you can take her outside and give her a paintbrush and a bucket of water or chalk or finger paint to decorate her pretty new toy! I love boxes! :-)

Sarah said...

Who needs fancy toys with bright flashing lights that make noise when you have a box?

jsiewert said...

oh no Nate, she might get lost in your house or scratch her self or...... oh boy i hope the people from the "cheese puff" incident don't get upset. you should do a pickle picture. it's really fun to see a kid with their first pickle. just give her a whole one and let her suck on the end.

KAL071203 said...

umm Nate... are you stealing my posts????
I'll let you off the hook this time since your kid is just so stinkin cute... my babe will be one on mon. they both like boxes, if you are into arranged marrigaes talk to us in a few years j/k:)

nicole said...

you know cardboard boxes can be very dangerous for young kids...just kidding!!! ha ha ha! it is so exciting to watch gwyneth grow and develop! what a big and beautiful girl she is becoming!

Kim... said...

First it's a box...then they love it so much, they want to live in it! They'll grow up and realize that to live in a box, they don't even need to go to college, so they'll drop out of school...just to live in a box...down by the river.
It's alright girl's will be living next to Gwyneth - in their boxes...down by the river too.
Love the pic.!

EM said...

What a cute picture!

I heard a song today that made me think of y'all. It is called Hey Rose by Girlyman. I know how you are sometimes looking for songs for your movies about Gwyneth...I hope you like it!

Blessings to y'all!

Amy E. said...

I still love to play with boxes!!
Not really..but I do know that if you give a kid a present..they are more likely to play with the box than the toy!

Juliana said...

I refused to get out of my box. I made it into a house and decorated it. Boxes rock! In this economy we all may want to count our blessings we aren't living in one now...

Mel said...

she is such a cutie, I bet viewing the newness of the world through her eyes is often amazing!!

KAL071203 said...

No worries Nate, I wouldn't dare post about cheese doodles, I don't want those doodle police after me as well!

Christy said...

beauty in a box.

The Beaver Bunch said...

You know, cardboard boxes are highly addictive and can lead to adult obesity.

Have you consulted your doctor about cardboard? The side effects of cardboard include, dullness, dry mouth, colorblindness, lack of humor and being a "square."

I advise you to use extreme caution.

Della said...

That second picture is something special, artistically speaking. Not sure exactly what it is, but I had to just stare at it for a while.... makes me smile.

~Mommy~ said...

Bubble wrap! Please let bubble wrap be next!

Laurie in Ca. said...

Kids and boxes, such a perfect combination to watch. The only other thing just as cute (almost) is cats and kittens with boxes. Is Ralphie home with you guys yet? I hope your weekend is a blessed one.

Love and Hugs, Laurie

Anonymous said...

I too was a cardboard box fan when I was a little girl! :)

Blessings From Above said...

At Christmas time my little one preferred the BOXES to the actual presents.

Gwyneth is such a cutie!

Carol said...

Boy, that bottom picture implies so much! Cute capture. Love all the new photos on your photography blog as well!

Agnes said...

My mother once built an apartment , all from boxes, for Janet to have for herself and her doll babies,when she visited with her.

Protandim Longevity said...

I think your blog is so honest, powerful and inspirational. I'm so glad to have found it.

Anonymous said...

Cute pics! We're praying for your family, as always!

Dragonfly said...

I loved fridge boxes. They were so much fun to play forts and castles in.