Tuesday, April 28, 2009

An April Evening At The Beach

Where did spring go? The temps went from the 50's to the 80's in 24 hours, skipping the 60's and 70's which always make April such a pleasant month. But, we've been taking advantage of the summer-like weather and hitting up the beach more than once the past week, including a nice evening walk with Meka, who loves everything about the beach, including the delicious taste of the sand. Gwyneth, however, is not yet sure what to think of the sand...



*Lissa* said...

Oh my goodness, I just LOVE Gwyneth's hair and cute little tummy! Awesome shots!

The Barnes Crew said...


Anonymous said...

Great pictures! I think that there may be another Cindy Lou Who in the makes with that hair :)

Rose said...

For the first time, she looks like a toddler! WOW, she looks so BIG!

Test said...

Wow...all the sudden Gwyneth has changed so much! It's that "one" year mark. Amazing. She really looks so much more grown up. Have you noticed a change in her in the last couple of weeks?


Jane said...

Holy moly ... I wish my tummy looked that cute in an itty bitty mint green shirt!

Kristan said...

how cute is her gut! i'm sure you couldn't even imagine her being a pudge a year ago. :)

InDeeds said...

She makes the cutest faces!

Blessedw5mom said...

Yep, a little confused about that sand :-) But truly as cute as always! Thanks for sharing

megasam said...

I absolutely love those pictures.

kelly w said...

those pics are TOO precious! that belly...that hair! what a little doll! i just wanna squeeze that sweet belly!!!

Aimee said...

I just had to comment on this post! Gwyneth's hair is adorable, and that tummy! Is she packing on a little weight!?!? Don't tell her I said that! :) Tricia looks gorgeous! You've got some beautiful ladies on your hands! ;) Take care!

harmonysong said...

So cute! Love her little beach outfit!! Eating of sand is hysterical! :)

Danifred said...

Gwyneth has that "I'm not so sure about this" look on her face :)
And Tricia's hair? LOVING IT!!!!

Ann said...

Looks like y'all had a fantastically fun time at the beach. Our spring has gone too but it went the other direction. We were in the 70's yesterday and today we had snow.

Jenn said...

I love the one where she is looking at her hand like "What is this stuff on my fingers". So cute!

Shannon said...

She's getting BIG! Wow:) It's great to see you three enjoying the beach.

Unknown said...

Two things:
1. Tricia's freckles are adorable.

2. Whenever you post beach pictures, I long to live on the OBX. I used to vacation there growing up (Ships Watch in Duck) and miss it! So I live vicariously through your pictures of the sand and surf :)

Anonymous said...

I didn't know Gwynth had a cute, little belly!! How cute!!! kara

Mrs. H said...

Precious pictures! I see Tricia in her in these pictures!!

I can't believe how big she is getting! Cutie pie!

Anonymous said...

I never comment on your blog. I am total lurker. But Gwyneth looks like Pebbles. I just had to say it.

Elaine at Matters of the Heart) said...

Oh my goodness, those pictures were precious. I loved the last one especially. Gwyneth looks adorable with that bow.

Shannon said...

Nothing against you guys but those pictures of Mika are so GOOD! And I love Gwyneth's belly :) Glad you're all home and WELL!

auntrene said...

I love the pictures, Gwyneth is just too cute. Our weather here in Ohio did the same, from 50 degrees to 80 degrees and super sunny.. then today, Rainy and in the love 60's. No beach for us, but lots of playing outdoors and taking walks. Thanks for sharing the pictures. Meka is adorable even with sand all over her face.

Momof2bz said...

I love these pictures! You all look so happy. I totally cracked up when I saw Gwyneth's face about the sand. She looks so darn cute! Keep them coming! (PS - I put my vote in on your other site for Beach Babe (your girls, of course) pictures. Looks like I got my wish :) Enjoy that beautiful weather!

Carol said...

FUN pictures! Adorable, every last one. What a fun time these next few months at the shore are going to be. I want to know where spring went too- even way up in northern OH we went from 40s to 80s in 24 hours for a couple of days, but then in the course of 4 hours, we dropped down to 40s again. Winter - summer - winter. Where is spring? Grrrr.

Tracy said...

Love the pictures, Gwyneth's hair is toooooooooooo cute!

TheRagan3 said...

that hair is TOO much! must take after her daddy's style when it comes to hair!! :) HA!
Great pictures -- love the ones with your hat brim on her face! I can't believe how BIG she is!

Erin said...

She is tooooooo cute for words! What a doll baby? and getting so big. Love the pony on top of her head.

Pamela @ Frugal Vet Tech said...

Those are some great pictures of her in the sand! I love the faces she's making.

fuzzandfuzzlet said...

Too cute! Love the hair.

Rick Lawrenson said...

Got her dad's gut.

Little Miss Sunshine State said...

I think these are my favorite pictures of Gwyneth so far. I bet she'll be a "beach baby" by summer.

Tricia looks like she's had a little sunshine on her face.

My brother and I were on the OBX this week last year. I'd love to get back there sometime.

Anonymous said...

it is just unbelievable to see how much she's grown!

Jenna said...

What a beauty Gwyeth is! Her hair is so light in color these days. Love the pics!

Adrienne said...

Looks like it was a perfect day at the beach! I'm so glad you have your girls with you! Just thinking out loud...you know you've all been through a lot, but to stop and really ponder it...it's mind boggling! I'm really just so happy for the love you all have for each other! Enjoy the spring!

Kimberly Canada said...

I LOVE the bow, she is such a little girl now...simply beautiful happy family pics. Thnx for sharing!

terri c said...

Fantastic photos. I especially love the one, I think it's fifth from the top, where Gwyneth's expression looks to me like "Sand, beach, ocean... eh, whatever."

Anonymous said...

gwyneth is so cute! neat pictures. gwen looks like the olsen twins when they were on full house as michelle.

Trevor's Mama said...

First of all, your daughter is beautiful! Second, I have a pug, too...aren't they great?!?! The most amazing little things ever! Glad to see you're all enjoying the weather!

Laura said...

I love the little belly--how cute!!

Anonymous said...

wow! she's grown a lot those past weeks! and she's almost blonde.....

great pics!


Kim M said...

Won't be long and she'll be begging to go to the beach! Enjoy! Even in the pictures, you can see the delight she brings the two of you!
Praise God

katrynka said...

I always love watching little kids as they are exposed to new textures!! You can really see what she is thinking about the sand in those shots. Makes me laugh.

Anonymous said...

She is such a cutie! And you can tell she is going to have many strong opinions to express once she starts talking!

Emily said...

Hey faces are so cute, she the adorable!

Barbara Kay said...

It's clear Gwyneth likes the arms of her mom and dad more than the sand--at this point. Enjoy it while it lasts, cute family!

Jenny said...

I LOVE these!! SO much! Thanks so much for putting them up, they made my whole week. Your girls are beautiful!!!

Anonymous said...

Short hair really suits Tricia. I think she looks pretty.

Shawna from Round Rock said...

Beautiful, beautiful family pictures! So much happiness in those smiles!

Wherever HE Leads We'll Go said...

Great pictures! Gwyneth is adorable! The hair is so cute. I love to see that she has a chubby little belly. : )

Mrs. Wilson said...

Oh my! Gwyneth's looks are changing - she's growing up - into a VERY sweet little girl! Just beautiful!

ps. Tricia, I love your freckles :)

Tara said...

I love her little ponytail. She is so gorgeous!

Amy E. said...

What fun What fun!! I wish I lived close to a beach...I would love to walk on the sand like everyday!!

Cute pictures and I LOVE Gwyneths' "Pebbles" hair-do!!!

Have a great week!

Em said...

YOU GIRLS LOOK BEAUTIFUL. Nate, you look great as well.

((((((( HUGS )))))))


Jaime said...

I absolutely LOVE LOVE LOVE to see that sweet little Gwyneth is putting on some baby fat! Perfect! She glows! And appears so healthy! It's got to be all the love she gets daily. :)

Tricia's looking great too!

I'm a teeny bit envious - I'm dying to get to a beach this summer. Can't wait! Glad you guys got out there!

pam said...

"Pebbles does the Beach"---love her "is this really necessary" faces.

April said...

what a cute tummy!!!!!

Erin said...

Those are GREAT pictures! Thanks for sharing.

Courtney said...

NOt only did the temps jump up...but so did Gwyneth...okay...not literally but what I mean is WOW she looks grow up all of a sudden!SO adorable...she looks like a little girl instead of a baby! YAY GWENYTH!

j2burk said...

Such fun beach pictures! And Gwyneth's facial expressions are priceless... she definitely does look confused by the sand. So cute though :)

Meredith in GA said...

It's such a shame that when Gwyneth looks back on her childhood that she won't have any way to remember what fun you all had and how totally in love you and Trisha are with her. (ha ha ha ha ha!!)

I love, love, love all the pictures that you take and how you capture the joy of your family. We've copied a few of your set-ups for our family shots. Thank you for sharing!!

The Thornton Family said...

what fun! she's sitting up so good, and standing pretty good while leaning on you! she's growing up!
and your niece is precious, too!

stacey in missippi

CulyQFun said...

Adorable pictures. Thanks for sharing.
Our daughter didn't know what to make of the sand either her first time. Now she loves it, Err...eating it.

Deep Thinker said...

I love the look on her face (Gwyneth's, not the dog's!) when she's trying to figure out the sand!

Anonymous said...

Gwyneth does look a little horrifed by the sand, which is super cute! you guys are the cutest family!

Rhonda said...

We have that same onesie...these are some of the cutest pictures! Her expressions are priceless. Great photos.

Katey said...

I LOVE these pictures. Gwyneth's hair is so cute. I love the picture with her smiling in the air!!

ShEiLa said...

I always enjoy all the photos you take at the beach... maybe its because I don't live near a beach... have only been to a beach once in my life (maybe twice). I think Gwyneth likes it... kind of.


Katy said...

I feel little G's uncertainty as I can't stand sand!!! I am weird, I know!!

And that dog - sand - in the mouth - on the lips - BLECK!!!! I can't even think about it without wretching!!!!

Gwyneth is adorable the pictures are great!!


L said...

Miss gwyneth looks SO grown up here! :) love the 3rd pic from the bottom.. just too cute.


Our life is a bowl of Barry's said...

OMGosh!! She's got a super cute little belly..ibet it's perfect for blowin' raspberries on! Nice to see you all enjoying a normal family day!

Joanne P. said...

How adorable Gwyneth is!

Twinkletoes said...

These might be my favorites yet!

lainielou said...

I almost didn't recognize Gwyneth! She's so big! Loved her 'do. Yours too, Nate. :)

mummyofprincesses said...

The girls LOVE seeing the pics, and we all continue to pray for you.

The Weigner Crew

Carol said...

I love these. Thanks for sharing.

Marci said...

I love her little top knot and her pot belly!!!!

amanda said...

These are the cutest and bestest photos you've ever had on here to me!!!!

Mary said...

Fantastic pictures! Love them all. Glad you all are doing well.


The Curtis Crew said...

Great pictures! Beautiful family!

The Curtis Crew said...

Great pictures! Beautiful family!

Anonymous said...

I love Gwyenth's "Pebbles" pony! Too cute!

Missy said...

I love the 6th picture from the top. It gives you a real feel for how grown up she is looking and how stinkin' cute she's getting!

Love the beach and all the great pics! Sure hope Meka doesn't run across any critters in the sand! (of course, that might just be a 'bonus' ewwww!)

Anonymous said...

Here's a parenting / sand tip: use baby powder to get it off skin. It comes right off!

Somer Love said...

So Cute! I just love Gwyneths hair like that! and her lil belly is adorable!

Looks like Meka loves the beach too! So cute!

Rebekah said...

Oh, I just LOVE all the pics. :) Gwyneth grows more beautiful each time I see new pics. Looks like you all are really enjoying life.

Banni said...

my heavens! when did she get so big? just as cute as she's ever been, though. thanks so much for sharing your little one with us!

Annette said...

she is so cute with her hair up pebbles style :) I used to do that to my girls when they were babies.

Susan from Barrie said...

Nate, wow where does the time go? Praise God for the 2 miracles in your life! Trish ... you look absolutely beautiful!

Stefanie said...

Beautiful Pictures!!

The VaughnFamily said...

gosh when I see pictures like these, it takes ne back to when I started following her story in jan 08. and I remember your ring around her wrist. and now I see her and she has come so far and I am so happy that she made it though all that she has safely.
God is truly wonderful isn't he?!!
beautiful family Nate!

The VaughnFamily said...

gosh when I see pictures like these, it takes ne back to when I started following her story in jan 08. and I remember your ring around her wrist. and now I see her and she has come so far and I am so happy that she made it though all that she has safely.
God is truly wonderful isn't he?!!
beautiful family Nate!

Ashley said...

Love the first picture, she's a doll baby!

Jaimie said...

I love the expressions she makes!! I kinda think she's thinking...dude, seriously?! when you leave her sitting in that WEIRD stuff while you take her picture.

andiewade said...

that kid's getting big!