Thursday, April 9, 2009

Sign Of The Times

It says a lot that, on April 3, 2008, my blog received nearly 100,000 hits. I says even more (to me, at least) that, on April 3, 2009, my blog received a little over 10,000 hits.

I am thankful for the incredibly large number of people who support us and check in on us during the more difficult was and is an encouragement to know that so many people were watching and praying with us during Tricia's transplant surgery. And, while many people continue to check in on us now, many more do not...a sign of a (relatively) boring and semi-normal life for the Lawrenson family. And, quite honestly, that makes me very, very happy.

We know that life is a roller coaster, and that the roughest of times for us are still ahead. But, for now, we'll enjoy the peace and the relative quiet for as long as it lasts as we continue to journal our lives, however "boring" they may be.



Ann said...

I've been following your story for so long that y'all feel like family. I suppose in the grand scheme of things y'all are family because of the greater body of Christ. I'll be around through smooth and rough waters. God Bless!

suzncasey said...

Boring is just such a blessing!
Here is to many, many years of boring everyday life!!!!

Carey said...

I too hope things stay boring for many many years to come.
May you have a very blessed Easter!

Unknown said...

I continue to pray that your life is boring. And I'll continually check on you all...boredom will not get rid of me that easily! LOL!

Plus, I waiting for the post when you tell us that Gwenyth is walking (and any other very cool milestone)!

May you and your family continue to be blessed with happy times!

Happy Easter!

MJMILLS said...

Yes, boring for y'all is great! Prayers continued

The Lockwood Family ♥ said...

While I am so thankful that God is answering our prayers and that you are enjoying happy/easier/more normal days, I must say that I disagree...your lives are anything but boring!
I love checking in whenever I can on you. I love hearing all about precious Gwyneth and all she is doing/how she's growing. She is a miracle and testimony to the care of our wonderful God.
I love seeing pictures of your beautiful wife as they often bring tears to my eyes as I remember all she went through last year. Seeing her holding her little girl is anything but boring. It is a reminder to me of the greatness and goodness of the Lord.
And while most pictures of you too, Nate, are not boring...a bit funny sometimes :)..., I am so thankful for the gift of writing the Lord has given you. I'm so thankful for "knowing you" and seeing a man stand by his wife and little girl through the hard times and easy ones, while giving glory and honor to God in everything, is rare now days. Thank you for allowing the Lord to use you to bless and encourage me... and I'm especially thankful for how he used you to help me as we have our own NICU time now.
You are not boring :) Have a wonderful day in Jesus.
love and prayers,

Anonymous said...

Boring - never!
I think I was clicking on your website about 1,000 times a day a year ago, I'm down to about 5 times a day now!

Surrey, England

Anonymous said...

Yeah for boring! Excitement is way overrated! Praise the Lord for all He's brought you through! :)

The Bigbies said...

So glad everything has settled down for y'all. Your blog is a blessing to everyone who reads it and follows your story. Your faithfulness in the Lord, through the storms and calm waters, is the best part of reading your blog. Coming in a VERY close 2nd is that adorable daughter of yours.

Darcy said...

Yay for boring!! ( I have been following for over a year, and I still check in every other day and keep your beautiful familiy in my prayers) THere is trully nothing better than a borting life!

Anonymous said...

I was going to point out the same thing the last poster did..I think the drastic drop in that number has more to do with the many who returned that day to check for any new news more so than the amount of people still checking in. Does that make sense? Once you hear the story, you are just drawn to come back and check in on the miracle baby and her miracle mommy..although..I imagine boring days are a blessing especially when that includes quiet times with your "well" family..

Mrs. Dan said...

Are you counting RSS subscribers in that "hits" number? I don't usually click through to the actual blog, but I read all of your posts in my google reader. :)

lesley said...

Isn't it interesting what we sometimes use to measure our lives by:) Life never fails to surprise. So glad all is going so well for you this year and I must say, Gwyneth's hair is really growing!!!! It's lovely.

Susan said...

Never boring....always interesting! I still check in daily and will continue to do so!

Speaking of "hits", will you have a new "counter" when you hit 10 million?!

Wishing you and your beautiful girls a Blessed, Healthy, Happy Easter!!

Nina Diane said...

I have always life may be boring to some but it's awesome to me!!

MahoneyMusings said...

Amen to that!

Christa @ Quintooples said...

Boring is good!!!!! :) 10000 hits a day is still A.M.A.Z.I.N.G!!!

Plus,the Quintoople mama keeps checking in on that adorable little girl of yours!!!! ;)

Brooks Family said...

I am still here! :)

Kim said...

I've been checking in on your blog twice daily for about a year and will continue to do so. Your faith and your family speak mountains to me. Because of you, I've also been introduced to the amazing MckMama and her faith, like yours, is absolutely unwavering and gives me a sense of warmth.
My sister is soon to need a kidney transplant and my other sister and I are testing to be donors. I hope that I may find strength in faith and prayer and can be as strong as you and MckMama have been/are through this past year.

Rhonda said...

As a fellow CF spouse, I appreciate boring. I check my blog several times a day and as I have you on "Blogs I Follow", I know when you've updated. I am enjoying watching our little girls grow-up together and seeing your family be "Ordinary People" as I've named my blog. Day-to-day just enjoying each moment that GOD gives you.

Sammy's Mommy said...

It is comforting to come here and read that NOTHING is going on. I hope you don't mind, but I am not going any where.

OH... BTW, thank you for introducing Eva to us. What a special young lady she is. I cannot wait to see her documentary!!

Destini said...

I still can't help but check in when I notice a new post. It is so neat to see God's plan unfold in such an amazing way. Back in the day, I used to check many many times per day, before I figured out how to add the little thingy on the side of the blog alerting me to an update! I probably accounted for a few hundred hits/day when waiting for word on the surgery!
I am glad things have slowed to a dull roar for your family and that you are to experience some normal. You will continue to find that life is far from mundane with children! I used to fall into the "different day, same routine," but have since realized what a treasure and blessing each day is.
Thanks for the glimpses into your life. I continue to pray for you all!

Chrissy said...

Boring is good, man, boring is SO good. I love it when my life seems boring!

Meredith K Beaupre said...

Your perspective is such a neat one! Most people would be disappointed that their blog hits were significantly reduced, but your way of looking at it is so refreshing!
I know that several of those 100,000 on April 3, 2008 were from my computer, and now I check on ya'll once or twice per day. It's nice to know that things are settled in for you - as settled as they can be! :)

Interestingly, these last few weeks I've been hitting up MckMama's blog with the same fervor I used to use on yours. Stellan is in need of the prayers, and because of your story, he is getting so many of them!

We continue to pray for health for your family, and we are so happy to be able to say prayers of rejoicing for so much healing and happiness that has already come your way!

I will continue to check this blog for as long as you have it up and running!

Thank you for blessing us with the stories of your lives!

Jess B said...

I've been following since a couple months before Gwenyth was born and still follow, but have you in my reader now so I get "instant" updates instead of checking in a million times. Maybe others are doing that too, but we pray that things continue to be "normal and boring" for you!

mom2calebnmicah said...

I say...BRING IT boredom! When people ask me, "What's new" I can overwhelmingly excited to tell them "nothing at all. I rather like the ordinary and have become accustomed to my norms!"

Yes...we all have hard times ahead, but praise God for His faithfulness.

So, my prayer for you...for years and years is BORING, but growing still every day!

God bless you all...

- Heather Marie in Ohio

Jennifer Burgett said...

I check on you often but I am glad your life is as boring as mine!

Amy E. said...

Oh what a blessing to be boring!!
I like boring..I like hum-ho days..ones with very little excitement..they really are the best.

I am glad you and your girls are doing well.

Laurie in Ca. said...

I loved you through the turmoil in 2008 and still love you guys in the "boring" (your words, not mine) and normal times going on now for your family. To be honest, I can remember to breath while I read your updates now. Back then, I held my breath for months!! Have a most blessed Good Friday and Easter. I love you guys.

Love and Hugs, Laurie
PS. In continuing to follow you, I am reaping the rewards of seeing answered prayers:)

PraiseJesusAroundtheWorld said...
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PraiseJesusAroundtheWorld said...

I guess it is a sign of how we tend to treat our family at times. We take for granted that they are there and we check in from time to time.
We don't care about them any less we just get comfortable knowing they are happy. Then when we take time to spend some time with them, we are astounded that we don't do it more often. Because we love them so much.

I pray that the next time you attract 100,000 hits it is because you are celebrating on the day the cure for CF is found!

Michelle Jamie said...

I have you on RSS so I check in to make sure it's boring because then I know life is good for you guys!!...I hope that's right!

Melanie said...

It's very nice to have boring when you've had lots of "drama" and stressful things happening. Yay for boring!

Michelle said...

since last year, i've discovered the handy little "follow" function... so i don't check your blog every 5 minutes, i simply check when i'm told you've written something! :-)

i'll be "following" for the rest of this blog's life. i love praying for you, tricia, and your little girl. thanks for sharing your life with us!

- michelle

Anxious AF said...

I love the boring times too! Hoping both of our lives are peaceful and borning for a long time!

Nora said...

Boring is awesome! It's been amazing to watch God move in your all's lives and see the power of prayer. God bless you guys!

Sheryl said...

Praise God for "boring" and "normal"!!!

Lauren said...

Whats funny is I didn't start reading your blog till late last year... so even though you say its "boring" I still got hooked! :-)

Anonymous said...

Rachael said...

Hi Nate

Very much enjoy following your blog, especially the 'boring' bits!

Love to you all as always
Rachael (England, UK)

Lindsey said...

I have been following your journey for quite some time now and will continue to follow in the future. I enjoy hearing about your "boring" times. As a parent to a 3 year old 25 weeker I can certainly appreciate being able to enjoy your family during the "boring" times. Hoping it continues for a long time for the three of you! Take Care!

Robyn said...

i still have you on my google reader and love seeing how well you all are doing! It is funny in the blog world that, usually, the really "sad" blogs get the most hits! But, I am so thankful you are doing well, and now i have to keep checking in because i love seeing gwyneth growing up! such a sweetie!

Steph said...

I am just very happy your family is happy & as healthy as can be. You all are in my thoughts & prayers daily. I'm happy life has take a turn for the boring. Boring can be sooo nice :)

Anonymous said...

I have not skipped a single day checking in on you since shortly before Gwyneth was born. As a matter of fact, I check your page 1-2 times a day! No matter how uneventful your life...i'm here to stay! I'm leaving this comment "anonymous" because I don't remember my username or password but my name is Tracy and I am from Pennsylvania!

Unknown said...


Here's to your "boring" life!
Even in the normal times, you guys are a much appreciated bright light.

SmWonder00 said...

Congratulations on offically having a "boring" life! I"m glad that your family life has calmed down and I hope that pray that it stays that way!

Julie said...

I'm glad you're boring now...that's a GOOD thing. It doesn't keep me from stopping in to check on you all though.

Lost My Mind said...

You are never boring. I have been an avid follower for over a yr. now. I have laughed at your wit and humor even in the rough times. Through it all have prayed for ya'll. Thanks for showing us how to handle the rough times w/ dignity and w/ God's grace.

Chris and Emily said...

I know what you mean on a much smaller scale ( from around 2000 hits to about 300 hits a day for my site over the past year ;)) but there isn't something comforting in that, isn't there?
Still checking... still praising.. still praying..

terri c said...

Rejoicing that you have the chance for some "ordinary" life as husband, wife, parents. Still checking in daily but not often commenting.

Anonymous said...

Boring is AWESOME! Just where you want to be.

Burgess family said...

It's so odd. You don't know who the heck we are yet we know your family so well. Interesting how that works... We have come to love y'all like family. We have been watching this blog since 12/07. You are such a blessing to us and our family. Thanks!
The Burgesses from VA Beach

Burgess family said...

P.S. I have to disagree, you're not boring! We love to check the blog for anything new! Happy Easter/Holy Week. :)

Sonja said...

It makes me so happy that things have been "boring" for you guys lately! Glad that Leah is feeling better as well.

Anonymous said...

I'm still hooked! I have been reading since Gwyneth made her appearance.

Praying for many more boring years for all of you!

Clair said...

I love your boring life! I hope it continues for many many year. I suspect it will be less boring once gwyneth starts walking and when she eventually hits puberty.... so much to look forward to, hope you are still sharing when you get there.

Anonymous said...

there's something to be said for "boring". as someone with multiple medical issues as well, i have learned to love boring!

isn't is wonderful to just be able to enjoy life??



Sandra said...

I too, check in every day, however I use Google Reader, so I rarely link to the actual blog. I'm kind of a blog 'ho, so I have to use Google Reader! Others are probably doing the same

But boring is ALWAYS good.


The Murray Crew said...

Just a shout out to say we're still here praying and rejoicing. May God continue to be glorified in your lives.

The Murray Quad Crew

The Beaver Bunch said...

Sometimes, a boring life is a least when it comes to medical stuff.

However, I'm sure that your life is far from boring. Knowing what limited stuff I know about you, Tricia and your family's faith, I feel confident that God is still using you all to work for his kingdom. Most of the time those are the things we world calls "boring" but as believers we know they're extraordinary.

Does that make sense, or was it a senseless ramble?

bradsmom123 said...

Nate.. are you going by hits alone or unique users? Because I check up on you guys at least once a day, but if it is in a 'difficult' time I may check many many more times to see if you updated and that all is ok.

CFHusband said...

I'm going by unique hits, but the whole hits part of my post wasn't really the point...

Deanna said...

BORING IS MY BFF. I love boring... that's the way we should roll... always...even on the ricketiest roller coaster ever...

Judy said...

Not boring at all! I love rejoicing with you in even the tiniest blessings! I'm looking forward to the "Gwyneth's Walking" post and the first video of her talking for real! The roughest times may be ahead but so are the best! Thanks for sharing life with us!

Kim M said...

Boring is good! We like so so many of those beautiful normal pictures of your precious family. Thanks for sharing them with us - we continue to pray for your girls!

Kellee said...

I love your blog! You guys are always in my prayers and I always love the info. you post along with the positiveness flowing from every post you do!!


Kate M said...

Well, I don't know how much this takes into account the "hits" on your blog (not cyber-savy) but I get the RSS feeds from your blog to my e-mail and read your daily (or as frequently as you post) updates without every going to your site. You might actually have more folks than you think still following your precious lives.

Rebecca (Ramblings by Reba) said...

I don't always click over, but I read on my RSS feed any time you update.

I'm glad life is boring for you right now. :)

m.e. said...

I rarely post but check your blog nearly every day. "Confessions" is at the top of my list of things to check on a daily basis. Please know your lives nor your precious family are ever boring. I am always blessed to read your posts.

Thank you for putting me on to Baby Stellen and his Mama's blog. I am praying for that family as well.

It is a blessed privilege to pray for others. May your Resurrection Sunday be chock full of worship of our Risen Savior. To God be the Glory!

Anonymous said...

Just to say a little, Nate, your blog seems to be a zenith of your love and excellent writing, technology, and a spiritual connection that defies words.


Unknown said...

Praise God!!!

Mandy said...

Hey! I was one of the 100,000 the 10,000 and I'll probably be here when there's just a 100... or even 1000 000!

I actually had a reason to stop by today...

I would really appreciate your help. I know that many people visit your blog each day and I'm hoping that you would post this link along with a little comment to help me out. It's a chance at a $10,000 tuition scholarship for university. You can check it out if you like. If you're not interested that's fine too! I understand. Thanks!!!

I have a small post about it at my blog too.

Radar's Mom said...

That's so funny... my blog post on March 29th was all about how grateful I was that my blog was boring, since that is just a sign that life is good. I'm never bored by the day in and day out thrills of raising a baby boy (diaper duty, new coos, spit up, etc), but it sure isn't too interesting for others to read. I'm so happy that your blog is "boring" these days! Boring can be bliss!!!

Hugs and pugs,

Post Tenebras Lux said...

Cheers for the times when the river is placid. May God continue to pour out his grace on you!

mom nana nelson said...

The way I see it....

A routine life possibly appears boring to others but never for those in the routine for routine is blissful...
& i have to say 10,000 hits a day is still my eyes anyway.

Deciduous Heather said...

YAY to boring, uneventful and normal! Time to bask in the blessings....Still check in with you guys a few times a week.
Heather in NC~

Elaine at Matters of the Heart) said...

I agree, boring is a blessing. It is still wonderful to follow such a heartwarming story. It is nice to watch God's work unfold, on such a deserving faithful family.

Jennifer said...

I still check on you daily and I still remember you in my prayers. I'm incredibly happy for you that your life has taken such a "boring" turn.

Anna said...

i guess i am hooked, i've been checking in on you guys since Dec 07 and since my daughter was born a few weeks after Gwyneth they are cyber friends and we have to check up on her :)
I look forward to hearning the normal boring life stuff, like how Gwyneth has taken over all the photos no matter who's special day it is!
Praying for a long boring time in you life when the excitment is walking on the beach and eating Rita's water ice!

Gym Mama said...

I may not visit as often these days, but you are all in my prayers. Every single day. Without fail. You are all so loved!

Aspiemom said...

My goodness, Nate, your life is anything but boring!

I think many of those hits were so many of us that kept coming back constantly during the day to check on how everyone was doing! I didn't have a blog yet so that was my only way of checking (now I just check my Blogger Dashboard for any updates.).

BTW, you were my inspiration for starting a blog and getting to know people.

Amy said...

Sometimes boring IS good! I still check on you all several times a week though and hope to always just find some good pictures/stories and no more trials or tribulations for all of you.

Taylor and Devon said...

I have been following you every day for a long time as well. don't usually comment though.
Will check in on you guys till you stop blogging.
For you guys I wish more boring!!!

Anonymous said...

I love the fact that your family is enjoying some boring time. I praise God for it! I still enjoy reading about your "normal." Eleanor in SC

Roetta said...

I agree boring is good, it seems that the Lord never lets us get too comfortable aka(boring)!!!
I have read your website for over a year--this is the first time I have posted. I had to laugh, because I just had to give my story to a Lenton breakfast, and that is exactly what I said, it seems in lifes journey, it is never dull. In our life, our son has decided to run for Congress at 32 years old!!
He is a amazing guy!!!! Check out his site!!!
Blessings and praise God for boring!!

Anonymous said...

The lives of the Lawrenson family are a wonderful testimonial to our Lord. Thank you for continuing to share with family, friends and strangers, as the faith of many has been strengthened through your daily walk with Christ. That is anything but boring!
Sherry Boyle, CA

jeck said...

Amen to a boring life!!!!

Lisa said...

Congratulations on boring!!!

Our life is a bowl of Barry's said...

Glad to still be checking in on your 'boring' life!! I hope it lasts a while....

Anonymous said...

Boring is good Nate!

And somehow I've gotten so attached to you and your family, I keep reading this blog ;)

Love from the Netherlands,


marcia said...

Can't imagine you will EVER be boring, Nate! :) However, life on the outside of hospital walls is certainly less confining....and I am so thankful you and Tricia are both having the chance to explore God's big world with Gwyneth! I , for one, still love to follow your life from afar, and pray that you will have many, mnay more years of enjoying the miracles in your lives!

Kathy said...

I like Ann says we follow you as part of our family. We knew you in VA Beach and continue to be excited in the "boringness' of your life to see how God is working.

Missy said...

WHOO HOO FOR NORMAL! Glad you get to enjoy just 'getting to enjoy.'
Glad you get to be husband/wife, mommy/daddy, homeowners, property tax payers, and Rita's consumers!

sarah said...

There is nothing boring about your life :). Your life and experiences are a testimony to others. Enjoy the celebration of HOPE that Christ gives to us this Easter. Hold on to this HOPE as you live each day.
Mom of Ethan 10w/CF

Will and Julia's Mommy said...

Anything but boring... in my case instead of checking for updates 10x a day... I check once a day.

Thank you again for sharing with us.

HollyMarie said...

I'm also praying for "normal" (though definitely not boring ;) ) times for a good long time for you guys!

Unknown said...

I still check virtually every day.

I wonder what will happen to your counter when you reach 1 million. Will it implode? Start over?

Unknown said...

Oops. I mean TEN million.

Faithe said...

I agree with Jaynee COMPLETELY!! My sentiments exactly. And I also am not checking your blog 1,000 times a day now, and have gone way down to maybe 5 or 6 times. SMILE!!
Your lives may be "boring" but are still we see the hand of God at work in your family. Praise the Lord for "the calm."

Jaime said...

I'm here to stay. Through the good times and bad. But I'll tell you, the calm, "boring" times are the times I'm not checking on you guys on the PDA throughout the day. I can just calmly pop over here on a daily blog read. I like the "boring" times. :o)

I'm here through the light and the dark. And I'm very glad you are blessed with calmness these days. I hope it lasts ahile! Keep everyone safe and well.


The Wades said...

I am one of those guilty people who don't check in as often now. You are still fun to read, but I love not worrying about your sweet girls like we all were. Now, I check in for a dose of happiness and relief.

Enjoy a boring, healthy, wonderful Easter. And, thanks for being here whenever I want to check in and make sure all is right in your world.

God bless you all. :)

Wendy Glosser said...

Sorry but I'll be stickin around if you don't mind! :-)

A said...

Your story is an inspiration and blessing.

Tammy said...

I have been following your blog from the beginning. I don't often comment but know that I continue to keep you and your family in my thoughts and prayers. I hope all is well with Tricia's x-ray. Gwenyth looks amazing and I pray that her eyes are continuing to do well. Happy belated birthday as well. I have been out of town and away from my computer. With all that said I hope you continue to have "boring" days.

Happy Easter!!!

Mary Anne Whiteley said...

Hey, it's Holy Week here, not much time for blog checking...last year this time, Easter was already past!

~j~ said...

I love checking in on your precious family weekly and I love boring!! Actually there is a song that plays in my house often that reminds me of you and Tricia and every time i hear it i start to cry and thank God for the miracle of your family!!

loisy said...

Hi Nate. This is my firsts time to leave you a comment but I have been following you and your beautiful family from the beginning. I love it when there are boring, normal times for you. I read when it's nothing really to share and when things are going rough too. That just means that we need to pray a little harder for you and your family. Stay healthy. In Christian Love.

Anonymous said...

Never boring, I love to check in on you guys several times a day to see if you have posted anything new. Love the pictures of Gwyeneth!! Such a beautiful family!

Erika said...

boring is good! and 10,000 hits/day is still pretty awesome for a "boring" family! ;-)

elizabeth said...

I think it's unfair to say that people stopped checking as much due to boredom.

CFHusband said...


I'm not sure what you mean by "unfair"?