Thursday, January 7, 2010

Stand Up!

Are you ready to cheer for a certain, energetic, determined, laughing-at-herself, nearly two-year-old beauty who just stood up from the ground by herself for the first time two nights ago?!?

I'd wager by the end of the week she'll be a pro at this new skill! One "step" closer to walking!!!



asplashofsunshine said...

SUCH A DETERMINED LITTLE LADY! She'll be a pro in no time!

Kristen said...


Pauline said...

Precious! You are both in trouble now ... :) the best kind that is :)

Traci Reynolds said...

what HUGE strides she has made and those glasses are adorable on her....loving the pink!!

Tricia said...

Such determination! Is there any way to get her to put her feet closer together? (like when Tricia is holding her feet at the beginning) When my youngest was doing physical therapy for some low muscle tone issues, I remember a discussion about strapping his legs together.

Mrs Redboots (Annabel Smyth) said...

She is so nearly standing alone - it won't be long before she's running around all over.

A very happy birthday to her for tomorrow! I hope you all have fun - and just think of next year, when she'll know all about it!

Kristina said...

reat Job . . .precious times!

Caroline Cordle said...

I'm so glad I am not the only parent who laughs when their small child falls over in attempts to!!! She is doing SO well - considering that she wouldn't have been 2 until April ( I know that, not because I remember her due date, but that I am due a baby end of APril and am 24 weeks and 3 days right now - about what Gwyneth was when she was born!). Go Gwyneth! xxx

Mary said...

What determination! You guys are such awesome parents with all of that encouragement. Thanks for sharing such a precious moment with us.

Anonymous said...

congrats! love the music you put to it!

Julie said...

She's doing GREAT!! YAY Gwyneth. Something tells me that she's determined just like her momma!

RAMON said...

awesome!!! knowing gwyneth she will have this down in a couple of days...she doesnt give up

Anonymous said...

I LOVE her determination!!!!!! Go Gwyneth!

Growing Up Rutledge said...

she's doing so great. I was impressed with how quickly she figured out to put her feet further apart for better balance and how good she is at getting her hands out when she's falling. she's doing amazing!

Elizabeth said...

What a precious video to watch! Having followed your blog since she was born, I feel blessed have seen her grow! What a sweetie!

Rebecca Meyers said...

I love it! What determination and patience. She'll have it in no time.

Laurie in Ca. said...

I just love her determination! She is doing fantastic and such a joy to see in action:)

Love and Hugs, Laurie

Karen said...

One of the best things about your blog, is all the comments. I learn so much from all the positive encouraging input. It makes me happy to read them! Go Gwyneth- bloom baby girl!

Marsmile said...

Go GRL, you can do it! :-)

Connie Mae said...

Life as you knew it is just about to come to an end! FUN TIMES ARE AHEAD for you all! YAY GWYNETH!!

bankrgrl said...

That is the most adorable display of determination that I've ever seen.

Leah Courtney said...

Yea Gwyneth!!!

Tami Wyatt said...

Go, Baby, Go!!

Liz {Learning To Juggle} said...

That has to be by far the best video I have seen in a long long time!! Way to go Gwenyth - you are a super star!!

auntrene said...

Yeah!!! Way to go Miss Gwyneth!!! Absolutely Amazingly Awesome!!! Keep up the great work. WooHOo!!!!

Liz said...

She's so determined!! I love how she never got frustrated but kept trying! Way to go Gwyneth!!!!

amanda said...

She wants to real bad so she certainly will! Cute video!

Anonymous said...

Awww, she is one determined little girl! Yay for Gwyneth!

Annapolis, MD

Karen said...



Unknown said...

Definitely A LOT of energy and determination. Such a blessing! And so cute.

Beth said...

she is working sooooo hard!

Anonymous said...

I have never posted a comment on here before even though I have followed this blog since Tricia was pg with the princess. Shame on me for not posting sooner....BUT, I had tears in my eyes watching this and wanted to let you know. There are many "strangers" out there, like myself, who have fallen in love with your family through your journey. I am SO PROUD of her!! What an accomplishment. The whole time I was watching it, I kept saying to myself, she was born so early and look at her now!!

Keep up the excellent work Mommy & Daddy!!


Boston, MA

Morgan said...

That's probably about the cutest thing I've seen in a while. Her glasses up her cuteness factor by about 110%. Her determination is awesome!

My brother is Downs and I can remember we had a goal to have him walking 100% by his 3rd birthday. We had a really long hallway, I can remember my sister and I sitting at each end, and throwing a ball back and forth so he would walk up and down the hall. But I'm pretty sure she's going to be running by her 3rd birthday!

Brianna said...

Between Gwyneth and Stellan, I'm a bucket of tears over here. That is so awesome. I love how she sticks her bottom way high up. So cute!! And the music adds a lot to the video too. Thanks for sharing!!

Hi! My name is Janet. said...

how cute is she!!!

Unknown said...

what a precious video showing her will and determination! such a big girl~love the glasses. keep up the good work gweneth~ much love and blessings from ga~erin

McCarty and Company said...

How precious is she. What a determined little girl she is. Thank you for sharing. Makes my heart full of joy to see her. SOO CUTE!!! I love her glasses too, so girly. :-)

Anonymous said...

Thanks for posting this Nate! Its fantastic to be able to see how well Gwyneth is doing! Too cute!! And I absolutely love her determination! I was watching this without sound, but it was too funny watching her try and try again. But she is trying and trying and that is what is so great! Congrats Gwyneth!! Can't wait to see you walking!

Anonymous said...

awww,!! I'm not big on commenting but I just had to stop in and say CUTEST.VIDEO.EVER. !!!!!

so adorable!!! She had laughing and tearing up at the same time. :o)

Heather said...

She was just waiting until she was 2 to show you her skills.

Nicole said...

Go Gwyneth,go!! We went threw this a few months back with our preemie, and I remember how wonderful it felt to watch it happen! This was wonderful, and thank you for sharing!

chocolate hug said...

she is the wiggliest little girl I've ever seen! I just love how that little puppy toy kept distracting her. Kids are so fun to watch! I found myself cheering along! Go Gwyn!

Anonymous said...

Happy second birthday, Gwyneth!!!!!!!! :-D

Selina said...

She is one determined little girl! I love the way Meka is trying to get in on the action too!! Too adorable, thanks for sharing these moments in your lives.

Carol said...

Awe, she's so cute! What a fast little crawler she is. She's almost got this standing up thing licked--walking won't be far behind, I bet.

Cheryl said...

wow...that is a strong, determined, cute little blessing!
thanks for sharing :)

KYnurse said...

I cheered for her as if she was my own. What great strides she has made. I am amazed all the time how far she has come since her birth. God has blessed her so much!!

Deep Thinker said...

OMG that is too cute!

Wherever HE Leads We'll Go said...

So sweet! She is very determined! Way to go Gwyneth!

Elaine said...

She just doesn't ever seem to give up. So much determination. You Go Girl!!

michelle said...

long time lurker. always look at the pictures and videos. this one had me rolling i loved it she was trying so hard,s he wants to stand on her own so badly, i bet she will be doing this along with walking in no time at all. i have had such a hard few months and this video really brought a smile to my face. keep up the good work gwyneth!!!!

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Semi-Organized Mom said...

How awesome! I can't believe it has been 2 years already. She has such fierce determination. She has come a long way and is such a fighter. Hmm..I wonder where she gets that from? ;) Her momma, no doubt!

Lisa said...

Little wild child will be running circles around you very soon!!!

Unknown said...

Such GREAT determination!! Next up...forward rolls!

Happy 2nd Birthday cutie pie!!

Michelle Jamie said...

She is so funny to go Gwyneth!!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Gwyneth! My guys and I have watched all 3 of you since just before Gwyneth's arrival and continually marvel at God's handiwork in your lives. Thanks for sharing your life with us!

Kathy in Chesapeake, VA

Sheila said...

Wow - she was really determined to stand up! She is a trooper! Happy Birthday !

BusyLizzyMom said...

Congratulations, she is so determined and with her determination she will go far and fast.
It brings back memories for me. My daughter was 25 weeks and did not walk until she was 32 months old. She is still a bit wobbly but doing amazing for her early arrival.
Have you started physio with Gwyneth? Through my daughter's phsyiotherapist we learned way to help her get to standing and to strengthen her preemie low tone.
I check on Gwyneth frequently and am in awe of her cuteness.

Catherine said...

She seems very energetic!

Kenzie said...

Y'all she is PRECIOUS! I am so amazed at her determination, playfulness, dedication and sweet spirit! You guys are doing a FANTASTIC job!

Love and blessings,

Kim said...

What a smile to my face your little miracle girl brings! So sweet and so strong and so determined. Nothing will hold that girl back.

bobbie said...

Poo!! I can't get the video to play!! (yet the ones posted after it played just fine!)
Will try again later...
Happy belated birthday, Gwyneth!!!

Amy E. said...

OH my goodness!! How exciting!! I love how determined she is while smiling and laughing the whole time!! Cute as ever!!!

McCray's said...

How adorable and cute and hysterical all together! Thanks for sharing! She is just so stinkin' cute.

And Nate, you have the most contageous laugh! :)