My name is Nathan Lawrenson (most people call me Nate). On June 27, 2004, I married Patricia Suzanne Kirschner (everyone calls her Tricia), and we began our crazy life together. Up until September of 2007, we had been living in Nags Head, on the Outer Banks (OBX) of NC for two years with our dog, Meka and our cat, Ralphie.

In May of 2007, after a few unsuccessful years of trying to become pregnant, Tricia’s disease had progressed to the point at which her doctors strongly advised that we stop our efforts to conceive and consider undergoing the evaluation process for the double lung transplant that could save Tricia’s life. Trusting in our doctors’ wisdom and in God’s control, and coming to terms with the fact that we would never be able to have our own children after that point, we took their advice.
Yet, all this time, since before we were even married, Tricia had been praying a secret prayer…it was even a secret to me. Tricia had been praying for a miracle baby.
In July of 2007, Tricia went through the week long evaluation process at Duke University Medical Center to determine if she was a candidate for a transplant. She was a candidate, and we began making plans to temporarily move to Durham, NC to be close to Duke.
In early September, the day before Tricia was to begin the physical therapy that would prepare her to be placed on the transplant list, we found out that we were unexpectedly pregnant. Against the advice of many of our doctors, we chose to keep the pregnancy, having been told that both Tricia and the baby had less than a 50% chance of surviving.
From September through December, Tricia participated in physical therapy five days per week to keep her body in the best shape possible, all the while growing sicker and more dependent on oxygen. On December 27, Tricia went into the hospital for what we hoped would be a short stay. The short stay turned into a long stay.
Because of her deteriorated health, Tricia was moved, on January 3, 2008, to an ICU room. During this time, Tricia was getting less than one hour of sleep per every twenty-four hours. The baby was just under twenty-four weeks old (gestation) and doing as well as possible.
On January 8, Tricia was taken to the OR where she was sedated, given a tracheostomy and placed on a ventilator, with the hope that she could carry the baby for a few more days. The trach and ventilation went well, but Tricia was too unstable to return to the ICU, and the decision was made to perform an emergency C-Section right there in the OR. There were no less than 75 medical staff with Tricia in that room that day.
Gwyneth Rose Lawrenson was born that day at 24 weeks and 4 days gestation, weighing just under 1 lb 6 oz and measuring 12 inches long.

Tricia remained on the vent in the hospital for over four months as she slowly regained some of her strength. On February 22, less than seven weeks after giving birth, Tricia was listed and activated on the double lung transplant list. She was given a high score but was told that new lungs may be difficult to find because her blood type was very rare. In the meantime, she was walking nearly a mile everyday (with the help of a vent and a walker) and visiting Gwyneth for just a few minutes each day.
On April 2, my 27th birthday, we got the call that changed our lives forever. Tricia was going to receive a second chance at life. That night, and throughout the early-morning hours of the next day, Tricia underwent the nine hour surgery to replace her old, sick lungs with a new, healthy pair.
As of November 1, 2010:
Gwyneth Rose spent over eighteen weeks in the NICU. On May 15 (2008), we finally brought her home (to our hotel in Durham). Although she remains on a few medications to help her premature body grow, and her development is progressing slowly, she continues to do incredibly well with no major setbacks. Gwyneth has amazed everyone, including her nurses and doctors. At 2.5 years old, Gwyneth finally began walking on her own, and, with the help of glasses and hearing aids, she is discovering how to communicate with others with sign language and a slowly growing vocal vocabulary. Although she is very small for her age as a former micro-preemie, she is now growing at a very steady pace and is well over 24 lbs. Gwyneth is the joy of our hearts and a smiling baby, and we are having so much fun introducing her to the all of the things that God has given us in this beautiful world!

Tricia and I are slowly returning to a more normal sense of life. We are incredibly excited to have Gwyneth home, and are enjoying our lives as full-time parents. We finally returned home to the OBX in early June of 2008 and purchased our first home in the fall of 2008. We are spending a lot of time with our families, traveling to visit friends, and are looking forward to another awesome summer on the beach!
We are forever grateful to Tricia's donor and his/her family for making the decision to give Tricia a chance to be a mother and wife (not to mention and daughter, sister, granddaughter, niece and aunt) for several more years.
We are also humbled to have this opportunity to allow God to use our story to show Himself and bring our passion for awareness of and support for Cystic Fibrosis, Organ Donation, Premature Birth and Lymphoma to the minds and hearts of even more compassionate people.
Thank you for reading our story, and feel free to check back in as we update the blog often. Also, take advantage of the links on the right-hand sidebar to find out even more about our story.
Nate, Tricia and Gwyneth Rose

«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 370 of 370A friend said she had been following this blog, and now I see why. Thank you so much for sharing you, your wife and daughter's story.
Praying for you all.
I just found this blog and it looks really nice & interesting ^^
Claire and positive explaination for an inspirational family, congratulations and keep on going!
Montreal - Quebec
Whata a BEAUTIFUL moving story. You are all so very blessed. you are in my prayers.
I randomly found your site through a photographer's site that I was looking at and read your story. I am an x-ray tech and recently had to track a young "donor" throughout the day with chest x-rays to ensure that their lungs remained intact for a transplant. This was a hard thing for everyone in our dept but it's so good to see how things like that work out in the end. Praise God! Thanks for sharing your story.
What an incredible story. So many people around the world are lifting up your family in prayers! May God use this time to grow you as a family, and closer to Him. I will pray that you find continual strength and joy and peace in Him, and that His blessings are evident to you daily. I have tagged your blog and will continue reading and thinking your wife and your daughter.
Know that I am thinking of you all and God Bless you all.....forever. May you all keep growing in health, spirit and love, love, love.
It sounds like you are touching a lot of lives with your story, Nate. I'll keep you in my prayers...
Nate & Co. I posted your couragous story on my blog, because you touched my heart, and I wanted to share your story to all I reach.
You are a beautiful family and know that I am thinking of you.
God Bless,
Denise Snakard
I stumbled upon your blog tonight and read your story, incredible!! You have indured so much and are so strong, God Bless you and your family. I will keep checking back to see sweet Gwyneth grow and grow. You have an amazing family!
Wow, I just found your blog through a friend. What an inspiring story. Through the toughest times imaginable, one can absolutely feel your love—even through a blog.
Wishing you all the best.
Nate & Tricia,
I've come across your blog several times since Ms. Gwyneth made her debut. I'm so thrilled to see that you are ALl back home and recovering and growing!
May God bless each of you as you share in all his goodness and walk this journey PRAISING GOD for his goodness.
Many years of great health and happiness.
I know I am one of many who follow, pray and just love on your family. I have followed a very long time and felt compelled to say hello this evening. The pictures of you as a family at home touched my heart and soul. Blessings as you see the fruits of your faith and the miracles of a matchless Father come to life:)
You are blessing all of us!
Your blog is an impressive one.
I am still here for you 3 and God bless you all for continuing on the road to health.
I just happen to stumble upon your blog and it brought tears to my eyes. What an amazing story and you are a beautiful family.
Thank you for sharing and I pray that God continues to bless you and your family!
Thank you for sharing your story. It means a lot to other families fighting cf. We are one of the many and it was good to read your positive perspective. I know it can be hard to keep a chin up but we have found it to be invaluable during the hardest moments..
Congratulations on the birth of your daughter!
I just found your blog through another blog on here. Your family is beautiful, especially baby Gwyneth. I was born at 24 weeks as well, weighing a little more than Gwyneth at 1 lb, 9 oz, and I just wanted y'all to know that I am now 29 years old and am doing so well, and I haven't had any ill effects or major issues because of it. I just wanted to share that. I can't wait until I have the time to really go back and read from the very beginning. Y'all have now taken a special place in my heart, and I wish you all the luck, positive vibes, and love in the recovery process for Tricia, and the growing process for Gwyneth.
wow. What an amazing journey you have all been through. I can't wait to keep reading more!
There is such GREAT content and information on this blog. It's such a labor of love.
Thank you for sharing all this, I am truly moved.
May God continue blessing your family and keeping you safe and strong.
Life is short, love is eternal.
Although I have been following your story for many months now...I am amazed each time I read one of your "Fast Tracks". Such an incredible journey of love, faith and determination.
Praying in Ohio
Tricia is an amazing woman. After seeing some of the videos with her talking, I just can't imagine anything but a smile on her face. She is such a strong loving Mother and Wife. I will continue to pray for her health and happiness. You and your family are a big inspiration to us all. Thank you so much for letting us into your lives.
God Bless you and your family all the way from Montana.
Every time you post an early picture of Gwyneth, it always amazes me how far she's come.
Looks like she's a fighter like her mom!
What an incredible story you have! I am the mom of twin girls, micropreemies also, born @ 23weeks 5 days. They are now 2, amazingly healthy and happy, driving their mom & dad crazy (like any 2 year old should).
Keeping you, your wife & your daughter in our prayers. Hugs & Blessings!
Hey Lawrenson Family!
I have been following your story since Oct or Nov and I still get all misty when I see that photo of you all together. Nates red, tear rimmed eyes; Tricia with a smile no mask could hide and little Gwenyth posing for what is one in a million pictures she will grace over her days!
Thanks for sharing!!
wow, you are an inspiration to me. My oldest son was also born at 24 weeks gestation. He is now almost 13 and is perfectly healthy!! When he was born the doctors told me to let him go and that he wouldnt live,and if he did he would be severely handicapped etc.. I told them "No,he is going to be fine" and he was!! God does work miracles,so keep your spirits up!! I will keep you in my prayers!! Your family is beautiful!!
Wow, where to start? I have read your blog and will continue to. My stepdaughter (Kim) sent this to me, she has CF. My oldest daughter (Tabitha) had Lymphoma in 2005, its gone now. Having these two deal with this separately is horrific, I could not imagine the ordeal you 2 face daily. God has blessed you with this angle Gweneth, adore her forever. My heart goes out to all of you along with many prayers. We had a walk in May 08 for CF in SC and will walk in Oct for Lymphoma in KY to benefit our girls. I could not imagine the strength it takes for Tricia go thru what she has so far, it just proves to me that God never gives you more than you can handle. I have family for NC / and friends in the Outer Banks area. I know the town has supported you and will continue to. When we have our walk we will definitely say our prayers for the 3 of you. I will pass this on so others can share in your success. Keep the faith! Enjoy your little angel!
God Bless!
I was blog surfing through other blogs and came across yours. All I can say is "WOW". You are both such an inspiration! My husband was recently diagnosed with cancer April 1st and after losing my mom 3 years ago to cancer, I have been a little...bitter. Although we are Believers, the "funk" can creep in. You have truly led me back to where I should be - at Our Lord's feet in prayer and strengthening my faith in His plan! Thank you for your gift today. and
Came across your blog while looking at the Blogger's Choice awards - you and your sweet family will be in our prayers here in Texas!
Wonderful story,
wonderful Tricia, Nathan and Gwyneth!
Thank for sharing your amazing story...
This is my first time reading your blog. I usually ignore the nominees or winners as I always fully occupied with tons of works. Weirdly, today I have clicked on it via email.
I saw you blog as the best blog and I clicked. I was so touch and speechless to read it. I respect your spirit that knows nothing about giving up. If I was in your shoes I guess I won’t be that strong but you have taught me something new in my life.
I hope everything is fine with you and your family. I have put your blog link in my blog… so it’s easy for me to track you.
What an incredible story you are sharing. God and His angels are truly with you all. I can only hope and pray that miracles find their way to you and Tricia and your beautiful baby girl. You are in my prayers.
God bless you and your family! I just read your profile and am you to my daily blogs.
I vacation in Nags Head. Isn't it great? Good luck on the house hunt! (Although with everything else you've been through, the stress of it all should seem like a cake walk)
Your blog is by far the most realistic blog I've ever encountered, it moved me to tears. what a wonderful love you and tricia have, and indeed, you have been both truly very blessed. Keep the love alive, i'm very honored to have come across your blog :)
wow. an amazing story. wish you three the best of luck and will def continue reading your blog to see how things are going with the new baby :)
Congrats on being able to bring her home.
What an amazing story. May God bless you and your family everyday. Thanks for sharing.
Wow, just this morning I was thinking of my friend Wells. He turned 7 years old TODAY, the day I found your blog. Spingles. I posted a photo on my flickr page of the 7 shirts we have worn in Great Strides walk as "Warriors For Wells".
What an inspiration to read about your amazing family.
what strength you all have! amazing family! stay strong and fight like hell!
I just found your blog and had to comment. I work for the CF Foundation in Kansas City. I wanted to let you know that your story is inspiring to you all and I wish you many happy times together!
This is my first time visiting your page. Your story is amazing!! One more ounce of proof that God reigns!! I will check back in often you have a very heartwarming story. Thanks for sharing it with us!
hey nate,
i read your blog and i am completley inspired. my name is kylie im almost twenty years old and i have cystic fibrosis....reading your blog has given me hope of my future husband giving me love and support with my disease like you have your really are a good guy in being supportive and able to share your experiences online.....your a stud! my advice to you with your wife is to continue to stay positive with her disease and the current medical problems she has right now....don't let the disease defeat her let her defeat the disease.... you have my best of wishes to you and your family...
So, you don't know me...i just came across your blog looking at a friend's blog. Anyway, I had a 24 weeker as well. He weighed 1 lb. 1 oz. He's almost 2 now and he's doing awesome! Good luck to you all! It was hard to read your blog as it is so hard to see what you and your baby have been going through but I'm sure whatever happens is what the Lord wants! Good luck.
What a beautiful family... your wife and baby girl are simply adorable... your story is amazing!
Dear Nate and Tricia,
I came over from Jill at Forever n Ever n Always. I greatly encouraged by your testimony of God's goodness and mercies to your family. I am remembering all of you in prayers. May God continue to shower His love, mercies and blessings upon you!
With love in Christ and prayers,
hi, i have come across your blog while browsing the blogger's choice awards nominated blogs(i voted for your blog!), and i have to say, i admire you for the patience and love that you are giving your wife and daughter... you have a bright future ahead of you and i wish you all the best! i'll be praying for you and your family! God Bless!
After looking the birth pictures of Gwyneth, it's amazing to see how much she's grown.
Hey Nate and Tricia - praying as always for your beautiful family and the journey you've all been on. I've been a "blog lurker" for quite some time now, and finally put a link on my blog (if that's okay!)
Blessings, and praying the dr's take the best course of action!
Love and Froggy kisses to you all. We think and pray for you everyday! xoxox Elise, Scott and Addie
You are all such an inspiration, God bless, you're in my thoughts and prayers. Such a precious family!
Continuing to pray from MT. Thanks for the recap, it was beautiful. Hope Tricia is feeling better and that you are getting much needed rest so that you can take care of your precious girls.
Elaine from MT
I often wonder if you read posts when they get so high up there! Just wanted to say we R praying to the best and greatest phsyican the world has ever known. I can honstly say that Tricia's a fighter. I mean a real true blue don't want to meet her in a dark alley fighter (kidding about the dark alley- U know what I mean). If there is anyone in the world that can overcome what she is facing it is her. Tricia girl- I love you as a sister in christ and I can not wait for the day to hug you in heaven! AMAZING is what you are.
Blessings, Blessings, AND Abundant BLESSINGS!
The Dovels
Your in my thoughts and prayers.
I love reading your blog. Your family is so sweet and your love for each other eminates. I am an RN on the Heart/Lung transplant floor and see the ups and downs that patients face everyday.Your family has faced everything that God has handed you with grace and determination. We are keeping your family in our thoughts and prayers.
I was reffered to your blog and I am so glad. What a true inspiration you all are. A testimony to God's grace, living the way the Bible says to. Praise Him that your sweet wife and daughter and here and growing stronger by the day. I will check back often and keep your family in my prayers.
always love re-reading the fast tracks! a beautiful reminder of all that God has done and will continue to do. In my thoughts and prayers daily.
It is always good to remember how this love story started. How God has worked miracles all along, and I have firm belief He will continue to work in your lives. My heart aches for the latest news, but have faith that He continues to hold you all in the palm of His hand.
Thanks for sharing. My prayers continue. You are a beautiful family.
I've been with you since way back when. . .Gwyneth looks so BIG now. Hope your precious Tricia is having a peaceful day.
Love to all.
I don't even know how I ended up at your site, but it was about 8mos or so ago and I keep coming back to check in on you and your fam. We are keeping you guys in our thoughts and prayers daily.
keep fighting the good fight and keep the faith even though, just like abraham, we don't know where everything will lead (heb. 11:8-10). thanks for sharing your walk of faith on this blog; we're still following and praying for you all here in durham.
I think of you guys often but have never left a comment. Your faith and trust and God continues to inspire me. Praying for some good news soon!!!! case you didn't know your church was mentioned in this article on MSN>1=24000
Just checking in on ya'll to say prayers are continueing and blessings being sent your way. May God hear the prayers of the multitudes and work His miracle on you.
God Bless
I have been following your blog for a LONG time and pray every night for your family. You seem like a wonderful daddy and husband. I wish there were more men like you.
On another note, your church was featured on MSN City Guides for your "Trunk or Treat" party. Here is the link if you want to check it out:>1=24000
I'm new to your blog. I just wanted to say that you have a beautiful family. You are an amazing man and your wife is such a strong brave woman. I am going to continue to follow your story and pray!
After reading your story I somehow feel like saying a 'Thank you' to whoever is up there! Yeah! that's how amazing your story is. Best of luck.
I found your blog from my personal friend MckMama and just started to read your blog. Thank you for the concise recap of your journey!
I forgot to say that my father also has lymphoma and so I relate to that however his was treated with radiation as it was a very rare type and is non-curable so we just live 6 months to 6 months hoping it doesn't pop up again.
when I think I have bad days - when I have simple moments that I think aspects of my life may SUCK and it's completely unfair.
I read blogs like yours - and stories like these to remind me not to be so selfish.
It's amazing what you've been through. People like me look up to people like you and your family for your strength you have. I'm sure I'm just another face in the crowded web that has been touched by your story.
Thank you.
Hello, I am 34 and have CF, I am thinking of getting pregnant too. I have always dreamed of having a precious baby. Best luck to you all. I will send out my prayers for you tonigh
I am 34 years old and have CF, I know how your wife feels about wanting a baby, I have wanted nothing more my entire life. I am going for an evaluation this month to see if I am too high risk. I am praying for you all. Hugs!!!
Have loved reading your blog. What an amazing family you have.
What an amazing story you have! I will keep you all in my prayers. :)
Wow. God is so good. I cried when reading your story. My husband and sister-in-law both have CF. Luckily they aren't on the tranplant list yet. Please pray for us. My husband and I are going through InVetro in hopes of having biological children. Our target date is January 7th or 8th 2009.
May God bless you and your family!
truly touching
I have been reading your blog since late December/early January and it still continues to amaze me! We continue to pray for you.
It's amazing how far Gwyneth has come since those first days! Amazing for sure.
seeing the "Fast Track" reminds me of how much you've all been thru in a short amount of time.
so glad things are going well
seeing the "Fast Track" reminds me of how much you've all been thru in a short amount of time.
so glad things are going well
Happy Thanksgiving!
Wow. I came across kind of randomly, and your story is amazingly touching. You and your family will be in my thoughts.
I am a passerby. both inspired and touched by your story (^_^)
Thanks for the summary!Keep blogging!
I just found your blog from a friends blog and I am just in awe of your journey...may God continue to shine His glory through you and your family.
I will keep you in my constant prayers.
Wow. What an amazing story! God really has taken care of you thus far...and He will continue to do so. Beautiful little girl, and beautiful wife!
WOW, what an amazing journey you have been on. I too am the mother of a micro-preemie. Bambam was born weighing only 1 pound 15 ounces and 13 inches long. You can visit us at He is now 18 months old and like your little is small but a firecracker nonetheless.
Blessings to you and yours,
Your story is an amazing inspiration. I'm so happy that God has blessed you in the ways that he has. Truly, miracles do happen. Thank you for sharing your story with all of us. :-)
I found you through Kate Knowles blog.
This in an incredible story and an important one. Thanks for sharing it with us. I wish more Christians would have such a profound faith to trust God over such life and death issues with the grace and dignity you have demonstrated.
Psst! I've given you an award! Go to: and receive your award!
Absolutely wonderful! I am not sure how I came by your blog but I am going to book mark you. I will also tell people of your story..the reason is simple, it gives hope to so many others..and that faith is so strong and clear.
I am a nurse, I am on the organ donor list. We need more people on the list here in Australia aswell...and it would lessen the worry for so many families if more people placed themselves on the donor list, and discussed it around the table and got it out in the open.
Thankyou for sharing your is wonderful!
Nate, can you tell me how you "Bump" your posts? I started a prayer blog and I would like to "Bump" a request that I'm updating or adding a praise to, but not sure how to do it.
Thanks for sharing your story. I have enjoyed reading about it. Wow your family sure has come a long way.
I must say that even though Tricia is gorgeous in all of her photos... they truly don't do her justice. After meeting you guys in person and then seeing you again in October at Duke, I have to mention how STUNNING Tricia is in person, as is little Gwyneth!!! Their expressions and personalities can only be seen in person. You are so blessed Nate. :)
I always enjoy reading your fast tracks!
Thanks so much for sharing your story again. I'm just amazed at how strong God makes the people that really need to be. You guys are amazing. In the face of everything horrible in life, you press on and make lemonade out of it all. Such an inspiration to us all!
I fell away from reading your site for several months, so I appreciate that you keep updating this post so I didn't have to go back and read hundreds of posts!
Nate~ I was bored and clicking through profiles on blogspot when I ran across your blog. I was immediately intrigued by the title alone, having learned about CF when I was 13 by reading one of Lurlene McDaniel's books. I am so thankful that you posted this recap, since I would have spent the many hours necessary to get acquainted with your story. I am truly touched by your and Tricia's faith, determination and optimism! Gwyneth is beautiful; and I know how much your miracle baby means to her parents, having a miracle of my own. May God continue to bless your family every day of your lives.
This is incredible! what an amazing story..I am so glad I stumbled across your blog..can't wait to keep hearing about how God will bless you and walk with you as you deal with life!
I just came across your blog..and i must say WOW, GOD IS GOOD! Reading this post brought tears to my eyes. It makes me think of the verse in the Bible, ROMANS 8:28. God bless all of you!
Your family is a living testimony of God's love and provision. Incredible.
I found your site through Kori. Your story is amazing and beautiful, as is your family.
WOW. What an amazing story. I just found your blog and find you all very uplifting and positive!
I just found your site.
Wow. I used to work with cf patients when I worked at Arkansas Children's Hospital in Little Rock. CF is such a hard disease.
We visited the Outer Banks last April and LOVED it.
You are such a beautiful family!!
I was crying a tear here and there reading and then that last picture just seemed to poke holes in my tear ducts -- What an amazing story!
Your faith, optimism and incredible love for your wife have totally inspired me --
D and I live in Elizabeth City, NC and think it's so neat to have found you on blogger! (not sure how it took so long... almost 10,000,000 hits! WOW!) I'm a new follower and totally look forward to reading more --
Just started reading your blog.I ended up here somehow! Ive gotten through the birth of the baby so far. I had tears for most of it! Inspiring! You win the father/hubby of ALL TIME award!
What an amazing and inspiring family. Best of luck to all of you. That baby has a purpose! She will do great things!
Just wanted to let you know that you are an amazing woman and father in Christ. Thanks for a wonderful example for my 2 children with CF. I am praying for each to have a spouse full of Christ and love to surpass all they may have to endure. Thanks for giving a simple mom hope. God Bless and know you are in many prayers from our family of 5 kids, #4 Leah Grace and #5 Elijah Bennett have CF.
Shelly Holmes
Wow. Thanks for sharing your story. Your blog is truly inspiring.
All the best.
Reading this all over again, I was choking back tears. Your life story is one that would be hard to match, I tell you that. But it truly is amazing. After all the struggling, praying, hoping your life is finally starting to fall into place.
God bless!
Nate, would it be alright with you if I shared your story with my nursing class? I am a nurse; I teach at a nursing school and I am doing a lecture on CF in a few weeks...
Will Definitely pray for you guys.. Do take care of yourself also as u need to take care of the queen n the little princess too..
I've been following your blog from nearly the beginning and I'm amazed how seeing the earliest pictures of Gwenyth still brings tears to my eyes about the sheer wonder of her life. Miracles!
Thanks for continuing to share and inspire.
Kendra in Kamloops, BC Canada
I just found your site through Little Baby Bliss, and only clicked on your link in her sidebar because I follow the blog Life as a CFers Wife, so your title caught my eye. I'm so glad I visited and read this amazing, heartwarming, heartwrenching story of the miracle God has worked in your lives. I will be adding the three of you to my prayer list, and following your story. I love looking at the pictures of baby Gwyneth. The one of her standing at the rail in the Duke Gardens you posted recently is adorable - and wonderfully uplifting when compared with her tiny, tube-ridden newborn body! What a little fighter she is! Thanks for sharing her - and your life story - with us!
Wow, what an amazing story of God's love and power! Thanks so much for sharing your lives with all who come to your blogsite. It was a true inspiration. All three of you are beautiful lights in this world!
Nancy Blatnik
Bedford VA
You are an inspiration to everyone
what an amazing story, you will be in my prayers.
Wow, an amazing story. God is so good. Your family is such an inspiration!
This is an incredible love story and the BEST I have read in recent times.
Just found u on facebook. Where have I been all this period?
Nate and Tricia - happy to know of your faith in the Lord Jesus. It is well with you in Jesus name, Amen.
Beiong a new blogger and one of those new follows you spoke of I was glad you gave me a chance to catch up. Looking foward to udates for a long time to come {:)
I just stumbled across your story and read the updated 2009 recap. Truly inspiring tale. All three of you have shown remarkable courage in the face of adversity.
I certainly pray that everything continues to go well for both your wife and your daughter.
Blessings, ALAN
I've been following you story for over a year now and though I have never commented, you all stayed in my prayers constantly. I am so glad things are getting to be normal for you guys. I wish all the best to you, Tricia and Gwenoyth(sp?) I will continue to pop in an out of your blog from time to time. Best Wishes for 2009!
What a truly incredible story. Thank you so much for sharing this with all of us out here in blog world. I am so glad I stumbled upon your site. Tomorrow you are the topic of my blog. I hope many more people come to visit you and pray for all of you. Take care!
It is amazing to see how little you daughter was. Your family has come such a long way! Thanks for the recap! Blessings to all of you !
Still makes me cry every time. God is so unbelievable!
I just found this and what an amazing story.You have a beautiful family
Thanks for taking the time to make this blog available The story and photos are very inspirational.
As a post transplant patient, I'm often concerned about the impact my health problems have on my spouse and children. Reading about a situation like this from the spouse's point of view is very helpful to me.
Your blog makes me think that maybe someday I'll get the time and courage to blog about my experiences.
My prayers are with you...
Thanks for sharing your families story with the rest of us, my prayers are with you all.
Hey nate, I am also a "CF Husband." I am praying for miraculous healing for my wife. What say you join me in prayer that our living and active God will completely heal our wives. I know it sounds crazy, but He is God and can do anything, right?
Thank you for telling your inspirational story. I just read your blog for the first time. My daughter (3yrs) and son (1 yr) both have CF and I am grateful for everyday that I have with them. I will keep you, Tricia, and your beautiful baby girl in my prayers.
Hi... this is my first experience with blogging... I am a parent of a 25 year old son with CF. It has been a long haul and while I have always had fear that comes with the disease being terminal, I am encouraged by the story of your wife's successes... thank you for sharing and I will forward the link to you blog to my son.
I wish you and your wife and daughter continued health and a long long life for your wife.
I found your blog through CFF. I have CF and just celebrated my 30th birthday. It's been a long, challenging, and beautiful road. I just recieved some difficult test results. I am thinking about what will come next for me. I am also a woman in love. I found hope, beauty, and inspiration from your story and photos. Thank you for putting yourself out there for me to find on this day of Gratitude.
I found this link on a friend's blog and I haven't stopped crying since I read this post.
Your family's story is incredibly inspiring! I am amazed at the strength and faith you have.
Thank you SO MUCH for sharing your story!
Great timing to repost your story. I just gave you an award over at my blog...hope it will bring you new readers. You guys are amazing and I admire you all so very much. Jewels
It's always a joy to check back in with such a great family. I thought of you yesterday as I read an article in USA today about a marathoner who was diagnosed with CF in her mid 30's and had her lung transplant at 50!. I think I was surprised to see the diagnosis at such an advanced age because anyone I knew of knew it as a kid. The article didn't go into any of that, but was more about the vent that was used while waiting for the lungs. I wish the article had published the photos and diagrams online but here is a link to the article just in case anyone was interested. I wondered if Tricia has used a similar vent. Looking forward to a peek at what Santa has in store for you all this year. Gwyneth will really enjoy it this year as she is mobile and aware of all the festivities. I have a friend who had a baby last Christmas day many weeks early (and with a heart condition that required emergency surgery) and she is doing great and as her internet auntie, I celebrate for all the babies having a terrific day healthy and happy.
I have been a faithful reader for yrs now and I still get tears of joy everytime I read your blog. GOD IS GREAT!!! You guys ROCK.
I'm speechless. You three are amazing. The grace of Jesus is endless.
I just found your blog, and I'm completely in awe of the things you and your family have been through. I look forward to learning more about your family, as my daughter was just diagnosed with CF 9 months ago. Thank you so much for sharing your life with the world.
Looking forward to getting to know you & your family!
What an AMAZING story! I wish Tricia so much Happiness!!! I'll keep following your blogs.
God Bless
Nate. I stumbled across your blog in the list of a friend's blogs that she follows. I was drawn to your blog because we are a CF family a different way. I am the oldest of three children in my family...and the only one who was not born with CF and, Praise God, am not even a carrier. My brother, Nathan, went to live with Jesus at 6 weeks old due to CF complications. My mom never got to bring him home. And my brother, Josh, went to join my dad (who died when I was 14 and Josh was 11 of a heart attach at age 43) and brother Nathan in heaven three and a half years ago. He was in Pittsburgh waiting for a lung and liver transplant...that never came. I miss him so much and wish my little ones, Nathan and Grace, could know "Uncle Josh" sweet Nathan was 5 months old when Josh died, but looks at pictures of the two of them and tells us "That's Uncle Josh". But I know that God is Almighty and His plan is great even when we don't understand. I'm going to become a follower of your blog and will be lifting your sweet family up to our Healer and Provider!!
beautiful family. your story is so inspiring.
OMG! I haven't been by in such a long time. Months, actually. Gwyneth has gotten so big! Yeah, she may be small but she has grown a lot since the last time I have been here. I have missed your update and I see you still get a kazillion comments. Crazy. Tahe care and tell Tricia that I said Happy Mother's Day!
Karen, Isaac's Mom
Your story is so inspiring. Thanks for sharing. God bless your family as always!
I've been following your blog since a few days before Gwyneth was born and stand in awe of the Lord's gracious goodness and the blessings that He has bestowed upon your precious family. Thank you for sharing your testimony of His blessings. :)
I followed your blog from the very beginning and then my own mother developed cancer and we had so many other concerns. Many times I have thought about your family and I was honestly afraid to look up this blog again, fearing the worst. Today I took that chance and I am grinning ear to ear seeing your beautiful family all doing so well. God has blessed you all!! What a beautiful little girl and so full of life - your wife is beautiful (even at her worst she was) and your family is amazing....keep spreading the word!
Wow...what an inspirational story! I am Tricia also, and I have Cystic Fibrosis. I found this page doing some research on lung transplant centers. So glad that both Tricia and Baby are doing well and so glad to see that you are still praising God!
You have a very beatiful wife! and your daughter is precious. I needed some proof this morning that miracles do happen...
Wow..I just happened upon your blog through another friend's blog. What an amazing family you are. I have not been through what you have, but was diagnosed with Hodgkin's Disease (cancer) when I was 19 weeks pregnant. Went to MD Anderson and received radiation treatments while pregnant. She is now 21 years old but found out a little over a year ago that the radiation destroyed my aortic valve. So, last August I had open heart surgery and a mechanical heart valve placed. My lungs collapsed and fluid built up around my heart, causing severe complications. Spent 3 weeks in ICU. Nothing compared to what you have been through, but just a little to let you know I can relate to severe health issues. I look forward to keeping up with your journey. Many Blessings to each of you, Annette Brown
I just came across your blog and WOW your family is AMAZING! You are a wonderful husband and you and Tricia both are wonderful parents to a beautiful little girl. I will pray and continue to pray for your family and that more families will possess the love you all have for each other. Tricia is such a strong woman and I pray for her continued strength and love through all of her trials and tribulations living with CF. You all are AMAZING!
Hi There,
I just found your blog... stubbled across it via another blog. Thank you so much for sharing your amazing story. Your daughter is adorable!!
My daughter Katy 2.5 was just listed for a heart trasnplant on Thursday. If you woundn't mind keeping her in your thoughts and prayers.
You can read her story at
WOW! I have been reading your blog and praying for your family daily for almost three years now. It's absolutely amazing, this place that the Lord has brought you to. And ... Tricia has never looked better -- my road to motherhood was also challenging, so I understand her appreciation for it and am so pleased for her. Gwyneth is joy personified and Nate -- well, you the man! The update was awesome fun to read even for old time followers. Blessings on you all! Destiny
wonderful...i really love it
Nate, I fell along your blog. Your little girl is just so so so cute and her smile so sweet.
I will keep you, your wonderful wifer and sweet Gwyneth in my prayers.
Take care,
I would love to follow your blog, (your family story is amazing) but I don't see that you update it very often ! :P (I do however, completely understand that people have busy lives and don't always have bloggy time!) just I was kind of surprised to see the post for new members to "get to know" you, when it looked likes you are winding it down instead.. just rambling of course. :P
Is Tricia okay? Her blog is down. Thinking of all of you. Much love. xoxo
I wanted to tell you that there is a commercial on TV that could be you....sorry I do not remember which one but will remember next time I see it and write you....
Stumbled upon the following blog and couldn't help but think of the resemblances with Gwyneth. It's like they could be sisters. Crazy!
A very dear friend passed away last night from complications during her battle with CF. She was 24 years old. She will never know the joy of having a child, or a husband. Your family is such a precious gift! Thank you for sharing your story.
I have just discovered your blog. It is a very moving story and you are doing a great job of telling it and helping to raise awareness.
I wish you all well.
I am trying to raise awareness of pre-implantation genetic diagnosis (PGD) so that families with genetic illnesses can increase their chances of having healthy babies. I have Myotonic dystrophy.
A pgd blog
I wanted to know that I came across your blog and that you definitely carry an inspiring story. We have placed you on our website for other Preemie Parents to find you. Here is the url:.
Thanks again for all you do. I as a parent of a 30 weeker enjoy reading stories from other parents, it truly heals the heart.
what an inspiration- my daughter (now 19 months) was 8 weeks premature and stayed in the NICU for 5 weeks- boy! That was nothing! I am so glad that your sweet girl is doing well
God is SO good and I also know what miracles that only He can do. Our son CJ was a miracle birth, I was diagnosed with breast cancer while pregnant, went through chemo therapy, a mastectomy, and blood transfusion before giving birth to him. I also have a four year old miracle daughter Hayley who has cystic fibrosis. We are currently tying to raise awareness this year during the Rolex 24 hour at Daytona. All the information is here,
God Bless your family!
Hi! I stumbled upon your blog by accident and was so moved by the joy and love seen in your family! I write for a small newpaper/magazine of sorts and had already considered organ donation. Your blog sealed it - that's my topic this month! :) Thanks for being so inspiring and I hope you continue to be blessed!
Hello, I was browsing through people with CF's blogs and stumbled upon yours, it really thouched my heart and made me cry!!
What your poor wife had to go through and the wondful life you both brought into this world, your family really is amazing xxx
Hi !! I'm Bren ;) I am 37 with CF, I found your page at 6am while my Fiance slept, because I believe he read it. We can;t have children, and he is younger than I am, and new to all of this. He has spent nights upon nights looking online, calling doctors ALL over the US hoping to find something.. I would be unable to get lung transplants due to my piggybacking autoimmune diseases.. but he always holds onto hope.. I am SOO happy for the 2 of you!!! I know what a joy it must be to have your little girl :) God Bless the three of you (and your doggie- we have 5!! arent they the BEST??) and I will continue to see how you are doing!!!!
your story is simply amazing....touching and a miracle. stories like yours are one of the many reasons I am an organ donor and my husband, who is profoundly Deaf, is a Pediatrician. i just found your blog and I am so glad i did... I am following now and looking forward to reading more about the journey of your beautiful family.
wow. your story is amazing and I kind of plan to read most of the blog! I wish you the best.
What an amazing story! Your family is so strong. I have just followed this blog, and look forward to reading your updates! I too, am a CF patient, but I'm new to blogging. Follow my story?
I just sort of stumbled across your blog. while I have chosen to not have children in my life (I feel God makes a few of us decide that for reasons of His own), I do like children, and your little girl is beautiful. You're all lovely people, and I'm sorry you have to deal with so many trolls!
Your story gives me hope that as someone who also suffers with cf, maybe my biggest dream of having a family won't be denied to me after all. And I don't find hope easily, so thank you!
Nicola x
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