This is a little late, but well worth it!You are now 27 inches long, and you weigh over 18lbs!
Your past 6 months have been so much fun! You are turning into a mobile, chatty toddler so quickly! Just in the past few weeks you've gone from rolling around on the floor to sitting up on your own, crawling on all fours, and pulling yourself up to a stand. You love to explore the house, see what's going on outside, and follow us from room to room. You've also become even more vocal, "ba-ba-ing" constantly, and you continue to love "reading" books, perfecting the skill of turning the pages.
You are eating nearly everything we give you, although you've become very independent and prefer to hold your own bottle and feed yourself with sticky fingers. You love fruit and any kind of cracker, especially. You've also started to use a sippy cup, and you love to munch food with all of your eight front teeth and a few molars. And, you are down to just one daily medicine!
You've graduated from your first swimming lessons and love to be in the water, especially the bathtub and the pool. You've learned to tolerate the sand at the beach and would crawl right into the ocean if we let you. Your hair is bleach blond from so much time in the sun, but your skin stays fair thanks to lots of sun screen.
You are learning to play and explore with your little friends, like Evaine, LK and baby Nathan, and you have been spending lots of time with your grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins. We take lots of walks together around the neighborhood with Meka and Ralphie, and spend lots of evenings at home playing together.
In the next 6 months, we are looking forward to introducing you to more new people and little friends. We are going to spend as much time out in the sun and in the water as possible until it gets too cold!
We love you!

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