Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Weight Gain (Quick Contest)

I'll only leave this one open for the next 30 minutes...

Gwyneth was weighed today...last time she was weighed, about a month ago, she was just under 13lbs.

What's your guess of her weight (in pounds and ounces) today? Price Is Right rules apply!



Jeremy Keegan said...

14.1 pounds

Katiesmommy said...

14 lbs 7 oz...She is such a cutie!!!

Anonymous said...

14 2

Christy said...

14.3 pounds

Ann said...


Kori said...


Laura H. said...


Momof2bz said...

I guess 14lbs 6 oz

Rebecca said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Sara said...

13.9 lbs

The van Brackel Family said...

14 pounds, 6 ounces

♥Lisa♥ @ FinalScore:Boys3Girls2 said...


Rebecca said...

14 pounds 9 ounces

Beth Anne said...

15 lbs...exactly.

The Oldham Family said...

15 lbs and 1 oz

Love Being A Nonny said...

14 pounds

Jara said...


The Thornton Family said...

14 pounds even, Drew!

Brent Riggs said...

Only because it's Price is Right rules: 12lbs 11 oz.

SK said...

15.2 lbs

Jen said...

14 lbs 11 oz

Bridget said...

15 pounds 2 ounces

Buttercup2489 said...

Maybe 14 lbs 8 oz??

Linda Stewart said...

15.2 lbs

mykidsmomx4 said...

13lbs 10ounces or 13.625 lbs


The Ashworth family said...

13 lb 8 oz

Roni said...

15 pounds 8.5 ounces

Renelle Davis said...

14 lbs 14 oz

Missy Myers said...

16 lbs 2 oz!

Kate said...

14 lbs 8 oz

Kate said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Maren said...

13lbs 10oz

Sarah-Lynn's mom said...

14# 6oz

Lauren said...

14 lbs 12 oz.

Kathryn said...

15 lbs 2 oz

Jill said...


MamaBear said...

13.7 pounds of solid cuteness

Jennifer said...

14 pounds 10 ounces

Unknown said...

13lb 5 oz

Tracy Reynolds said...

I say 15.5.....Its such a joy to watch her grow!

Amy said...

14 lbs, 9oz

Knick Knack Paddy Whack, Throw This Mom a Bone said...

15.6 :)

Holly said...

15 pounds 3 ounces

The Gieses said...

13 lbs. 12 oz.

Unknown said...

14lbs, 7.5oz

Emily said...


Schroyer Family said...


Shari said...

15 lbs 4 oz

Jennifer Burgett said...

$1. . . . oh wait wrong game

14lbs 10oz

Laura said...

13lb 8oz

Mellissa said...

13.10 pounds

Erin said...

13 lbs. 11 oz.

auntrene said...

I say she weighs 15lbs 4oz. I really have no idea, but she sure is a cutie. Thanks for sharing with us.

Unknown said...

15 lbs, 7 oz.

Laura said...

14lbs 5oz. :o)

Anonymous said...

13 lb, 13 oz

Missy said...

14.2. Such a little cutie!!

Lyndsay said...

13 ibs, 6 oz

ShannonNRonnie said...

15lbs 1.5ozs

meredith said...


Misty Rice said...

17 lbs a pound a week. :)

Anonymous said...

13 lbs 7 ozs

Naff News said...

I have never commented before but my daughter weighed 13 lbs, 2 oz at last check so I couldn't resist guessing---15 lbs, 3 oz?