Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Swim Lessons!

Actually, at Gwyneth's size and coordination, it's more like getting-used-to-something-other-than-bath-water lessons! But, whatever you want to call it, it started today...only lasted about 5 minutes thanks to a thunder storm (yes, they close down the indoor pool during a thunder storm), and I only managed a few semi-blurry photos (BTW, have I ever mentioned how much I HATE florescent lights?) before we were on our way out the door, but we'll try again on Thursday and for the next few weeks...



Anonymous said...

ABSOLUTELY PRECIOUS! Love it! Love the blog! Love your beautiful family!

Amanda said...

awwwhh those are adorable pics!

she did very well to not be screaming! My kids both did that the first time. I think it was the size of the pool,because they both like to splash in the bath!

Anonymous said...

How fun for you guys! Way to get her started early! I wish I had done that ;)

Jenny said...

LOVE these!!! Thanks for sharing they are PRECIOUS!

Melissa said...

those pics are adorable, as are your precious daughter and wife!

i must ask, though.....why do they close down the INDOOR pool during a thunderstorm? am i missing something?

Emily said...

So cute! Tell Tricia that I love her suit! :)
Yes, I don't remember so much about me, but my brother just screamed whenever he got close to water until he was about 5. I feel bad for the poor lifeguard teaching him swim lessons!
Love and blessings from VA Beach,
The Burgesses

Melissa said...

Trish looks super great, she's so pretty. Such beautiful girls you have. Good job on the early swim lessons :)

ShEiLa said...

How cute.

Babies and swiming lessons.
I never did it as a Mom... and so think that it is an excellent idea.
I am sure it saves many babies lives... just knowing to turn to your back and float... is major.


Anonymous said...

Too cute, and I share the sentiment of flourescent lights, although we have them at work (at a day care) and i've gotten some of the BEST pictures ever of my littles there. Go figure. I asked them if I could open a studio in one of the classrooms... they just laughed.

lee and hannah said...

how fun!! i hope ALL THREE of you enjoy it! :)

Anonymous said...

These pictures are so sweet! And tell Tricia that I LOVE her bathing suit! :)

Anonymous said...

how cute! tricia looks stunning with her like that, btw.

The Burgess Family said...

Fun times!! Glad to see Trish feeling well enough again to go on your fun outings!!

Froggymama said...

Nate, you take such great pictures.

Anonymous said...

How cute!  We did swim lessons with my oldest daughter when she was a baby, and it was so much fun.  I also have the worse time taking pictures with the flourescent lights at the kids' gymnastic classes (ugh)!  How has Gywneth's eyes been since the surgery?  Thanks for sharing the swim pics - I love seeing how well Gywneth and Tricia are doing. They are truly a blessing, and a testimony of God's love. Enjoy the swim lessons!

Mommy of 3 blessingsMaryland

Victoria said...

how sweet! by the way, tricia's swimsuit is super cute!! where did she get it? :)

Rick Lawrenson said...

Lightning. Metal roof. Steel structure. Swimming pool.

Roofs don't stop lightning. I've seen plenty of holes in them caused by a lightning bolt.

Sounds like a good call to me.

- a board member of the Y.

Rick Lawrenson said...

Q: I have run indoor and outdoor pools for a number of years. Knowing the dangers of lightning, I am trying to educate some individuals and the dangers of lightning even at an indoor pool. I would like any information that you can give me on the subject.

A: The National Lightning Safety Institute (NLSI) agrees with your feelings. While you might think you are safe from lightning when you are inside that's not necessarily the case, even in a large indoor pool building. (Related information: NLSI, Indoor pool safety)

If you go to the USATODAY.com Resources: Lightning science and safety page you'll find links to a lot more on lighting and lightning safety.

from this site: http://www.usatoday.com/weather/resources/askjack/archives-lightning-safety.htm

Staci said...

Adorable! I need to enroll my daughter. Sad that the thought of donning a swimsuit in public keeps me from it!

And I hear on those nasty lights. Do you ever shoot in RAW? You can adjust the lighting in your editing and make it appear that you shot in whatever light was best. It's my new favorite discovery, photography wise. (Though it is a bit more time consuming... but you have plenty of that to spare, right??)

Tricia looks great!

Semi-Organized Mom said...

That is just precious!! BTW- Tricia...I LOVE your suit! Too cute!

Violet said...

How much fun! I teach our "infant/toddler Mommy & Me" class at our local pool, and I LOVE LOVE LOVE it!!!!

Jordan said...

Man, I wish they closed our indoor pool when there was thunder. Do you know how many years of swim practice I've been to during storms!?

Kim M said...

What fun you have in store for you! I remember swimming lessons with our oldest, the one thing that stuck in my mind was that it was actually teaching the parents how to teach little ones to swim! You are creating very special memories and I love that you do it through pictures and words!

Amy said...

How fun! Hope the next swimming session gets to last a little longer.

MagzD said...

Yay for swimming lessons :) So much fun, thanks for sharing!

Anonymous said...

How fun! I can't wait to take Ryan in a few weeks. Tricia, I hope you keep your hair short...so chic!


Jennifer Burgett said...


And I love Tricia's bathing suit!

Anonymous said...

Smart smart parents getting started so young!! Also, I'm struck by what a miracle it is to see mommy and baby doing something so normal after all they've been through!! Praise God!!

Em said...

You girls look awesome!!!!!

Shrewsbury, MA

Mary said...

I think swim lessons at this age are a FABULOUS idea. I enrolled my daughter before her first birthday and she took 5 years of lessons all together. I have no fear of her drowning now.

CulyQFun said...

So cute. We just finished our first round of swim lessons. So much fun.

At the first lesson my 18month old walked over to the side of pool and just jumped in. Needless to say I wasn't ready to get in the pool but had to rescue her. Fun times!

Elaine at Matters of the Heart) said...

How precious is that?

Unknown said...

That stinks, why did they need to cancel if the pool was indoors?

Courtney said...

Two things:
2. It is hard to believe everything Tricia has been through when you look at her! She is gorgeous!Great figure, too! JUST beautiful!

Catherine said...

I LOVE Tricia's hair...she should keep it like that!! Very chic:) I won't even mention how cute Gywneth is:)

TheRagan3 said...

I took my son to swim "lessons" when he was just almost 2 and he loved the water but it certainly wasn't SWIMMING! It is a great way to get kids used to water in a pool. Now my son at 3 1/2 only needs arm floaties and loves to go off the diving board into our arms. He is a true water bug!

Ashley said...

super cute suit mommy!

Anonymous said...

I am a swim coach/swim instructor & I always LOVED teaching the parent/child swim classes. I haven't done it in a few years, but I have very fond memories of it, especially when my daughter was my pupil. :-)

Thanks for sharing the adorable pictures!

~Sara in MD

bridget said...

I LOVE Tricia's bathing suit. It's so retro!

Anonymous said...

Both of them look lovely! I think its essential that children today have a friendly and good swim instructor to guide them along. So that they will take to the hobby with delight, rather than find it a useless skill. But then again, most kids always love swimming afterall.